882 Educators providing Courses in Sheffield

Heeley City Farm

heeley city farm



Heeley Residents Association wanted to see the land used to make Heeley a better place to live. During 1980 the Association developed the idea of a city farm, and gradually won support for it. Work began on site in July 1981 and the Farm was founded. Over the following years Heeley City Farm had to fight one major battle after another for money and security but the enthusiasm of workers and residents won through. The Farm grew organically over the years from it’s early days with a shed and £25 in the bank, and soon became a well-loved part of the Heeley landscape providing beautiful green spaces and education, employment, and training opportunities. Heeley City Farm is now a well established community, not for profit charity and visitor attraction based on a working farm a mile from Sheffield City centre. Staff and volunteers from Heeley City Farm work with young people, adults with learning disabilities and with local communities across Sheffield to promote regeneration, environmental education, energy efficiency and health and well-being. Horticulture trainees, staff and volunteers also manage organic vegetable gardens at Meersbrook Park, Wortley Walled Gardens and Firth Park allotments. The last remaining terraced house on the Farm site on Alexandra Road has been eco –refurbished and now houses Heeley Energy House, formerly South Yorkshire Energy Centre, an interactive visitor and advice centre open to the public on Wednesday - Sunday, 11am - 3pm. Heeley City Farm is open every day of the year except Christmas Day 9am till 5pm

Association Of Education Business Professionals

association of education business professionals


Shouting about the collective impact of employers’ engagement through EBP brokerage for improvement of future prospects for all young people in the UK Sharing the vision and thought leadership of the network of EBPs nationally Impressing the value and intelligence of brokerage between employers and education sector by EBPs nationally Building on the lasting networks and share ‘practice excellence’ for the greater benefit of young people, brokers and employers nationally The AEBP is a network of experienced brokerage organisations nationwide; Education Business Partnership organisations who are specialist brokers building sustainable links with employers. Shaping and delivering practical and insightful engagements with business professionals; professionally managed encounters to impress the current and future realities of industry in young people. Collectively working to shape the next generation for employment. Picture5 The collective impact of independent, EBP brokerage, prior to the governments sweeping educational cuts, in just one academic year amounted to over; Over 127,000 work experience placements researched and secured Over 161,000 secondary school and college students participating in work related learning activities and enterprise skills development Over 55,500 primary pupils working with employers to develop work related skills Over 74,000 young people attending careers events, CV preparation and interview skills events brokered by EBPs Over 35,300 business professionals engaging with young people to share insight into the workplace, practices and skills development Over 191,000 employers actively engaging with EBPs across the UK Over £1.2m invested by employers directly for EBPs to broker work related learning activities to improve young peoples’ preparation for employment