205 Educators providing Courses in Sheffield

Wheely Fun Wheels

wheely fun wheels


Home About Us Our Team School training Holiday courses Family training Adult training Learn to Ride Contact 2 / 10 Wheely Fun Wheels has gathered an experienced team of locally based National Standard Cycling instructors who are keen to promote the use of bicycles as every day transport. Amongst our group of instructors we have qualified bike mechanics, ‘Breeze’ leaders, British Cycling coaches and experience of working with disabilities. Our Bikeability instructors also deliver our balance bike programme and adult cycle training. Our sister company Inclusive Pedals CIC is a social enterprise delivering many community cycling initiatives (Dr Bike, Adapted Cycling, Cycling Without Age & 'Couch to 10 Miles') with the same staff involved as well as a team of volunteers. Wheely Fun Wheels Ltd is based in Chesterfield, Derbyshire. The business is run by Alastair Meikle who was raised in Chesterfield and after leaving school spent 30 years working for the Civil Aviation Authority and National Air Traffic Services. One of a very few people who regularly cycled to work at the London Air Traffic Control Centre! Following his decision to leave air traffic control he spent a year touring Europe in a motorhome with his family and bicycles before relocating back to Chesterfield and starting Wheely Fun Wheels. Alastair was the winner of the national Modeshift award in 2017 'Individual Contribution to Sustainable Travel' and in 2019 delivered practical training workshops at the national Bikeability conference. Whilst we are often on our bikes for our daily transport needs most of us also tour on our bikes, do the occasional race and take part in sportives, one of our instructors organises long distance rides in the Peak District. Instructors are members of Chesterfield Cycle Campaign. Check out local cycling maps and route suggestions on their website. However you engage with us you will find us friendly and adaptable to your needs.

Sheffield University Management School

sheffield university management school


Sheffield University Management School is a leading business school with Triple Crown accreditation and a world-class reputation for high quality teaching, ground-breaking research and cutting-edge thinking. Management School - Students in the reception area Through the distinctiveness of our graduates, excellence of our staff, intellectually rigorous research and network of international partners, we seek to inform the practice of management and to make a difference to our community – locally and internationally. Our mission and vision are a focus for continuous improvement and development. Our mission Our mission is to have a positive impact on working lives, organisations and societies worldwide, fostering socially responsible management practices through world-class, innovative research and transformative education. Our vision Our vision as an internationally leading management school is to deliver excellence in research and education that promotes positive societal transformation for a fairer, sustainable future. Our commitment to students Our programmes provide: The theoretical and practical skills needed for challenging real-world situations The latest in business and management thinking A good understanding of the field of study, including wider social issues, corporate social responsibility and ethical decision making Academic stimulation and challenge Skills for both the workplace and further academic study A large number of our esteemed academic staff are leading international experts. They are research-active and their knowledge informs the course content to make sure students have a high quality learning experience, informed by the latest developments in the subject and drawing on the best original research from the leaders in the field. This means that our programmes are at the cutting edge of thinking and practice. We work with our students to develop your skills and learning. The learning environment will be stimulating and intellectually challenging; in return, we want our students to engage with the academic content, be conscientious and take an independent approach to study. Helping you to succeed, personal development and career development We’ll provide you with the academic framework and personal support to fulfil your potential and pursue a successful career. You’ll be assigned a personal tutor on arrival who will support you throughout your course. Their role is to give you academic advice as well as pastoral support if needed. We are committed to providing whatever support you may need – academic, pastoral or career – so that you can both enjoy and benefit from studying with us. The Futures First Employability Hub, based in the Management School, acts as a key interface between students and employers supporting access to student projects, internships, postgraduate international summer schools, professional bodies and jobs. A range of opportunities are available to help you enhance your personal and professional portfolio: You’ll benefit from access to an extensive network of organisations Enhance your employability skills by spending a period of time on an industrial placement Voluntary work. You can join our active Enactus group, and participate in entrepreneurial activities while making a contribution to the community Selected programmes enable you to study at a partner institution in Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia or China and develop your international outlook, knowledge and cultural understanding. Our BA International Business Management includes a year of study abroad. Careers Students at Sheffield University Management School benefit from our dedicated Futures First careers support and acquire a set of strong skills to help secure future employment. The research and transferable skills acquired on your course are highly valued by employers. Many graduates go on to employment in high profile organisations, such as Procter & Gamble and Unilever, in fields such as accountancy, finance, human resource management, marketing and public relations. Others have joined graduate schemes with companies such as Rolls-Royce or have moved on to further study at Masters or PhD level. BA Accounting and Financial Management graduates can receive exemptions from the foundation examinations of the leading professional accounting bodies, provided they pass the required combination of options. Our BA Business Management is a flexible programme that allows you to specialise in a particular area of business through your module choice and you will be encouraged to start thinking about employability at an early stage. At undergraduate level, you can graduate with a ‘degree with employment experience’ by taking a year in industry. The External Relations team at Sheffield University Management School will support you in securing a placement that is right for you. Our community Our multidisciplinary teaching and research environment is lively and varied – students are made to feel welcome and become part of the school’s culture. Academic staff offer a schedule of times when they are available for consultation – or you can contact them directly to arrange an appointment. Management School staff are accessible and friendly, taking pride in the quality of support they provide to facilitate student learning. Sheffield University Management School is one of the largest departments in the University of Sheffield, where you will meet students from all over the world. During induction week, you can attend a series of introductory meetings and social events. You’ll meet staff and other students, find out about university procedures and facilities and societies that you may wish to join - the Management Society (ManSoc) and Investment Society are very popular with students at the school.

St Wilfrid's Catholic Primary School

st wilfrid's catholic primary school


We process personal data to provide public services. Personal data is information about living identifiable individuals. It can be a name, address, contact details, photograph, sound recording; it can be details of someone’s behaviour, lifestyle, physical or mental health needs; it can be a unique number, such as a vehicle registration plate, National Insurance number, etc. We decide what personal data we need and how to use it, so we are a Data Controller and registered as such on the Information Commissioner’s Register of Data Controllers. When we collect personal data, we are required to make sure you are clear what data we need and why, what we intend to do with it, what your individual rights are, and who you can contact for enquiries or concerns about the use of your personal data. This is called a privacy notice and we can do this verbally or in writing. This page is our general privacy notice and we have included specific privacy notices below for the services that process large amounts of personal data, for example council tax, planning, parking, elections, licensing, housing, etc. Why we collect and use personal data We collect and use personal information to: provide, plan and manage our services carry out our regulatory, licensing and enforcement roles carry out any other tasks which we have to do by law make and take payments and grants and spot fraud listen to your ideas about our services tell you about our services evaluate and improve services We might collect your personal data directly from yourself, from someone acting on your behalf, or from another third party. We might collect this data in person, over the telephone, in writing, or captured as an image, audio or film recording. We can only use your personal data if we have a lawful basis for doing so. The lawful basis will be recorded on the Council’s Record of Processing Activity and, where appropriate, on relevant service area privacy notices. If we rely on consent to process your data, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. To withdraw consent, either contact the Service that you provided the consent to or contact the information management team. Sharing your information We share personal data internally within the council and also with external third parties so we can carry out our work. Internal sharing might include checking your eligibility for a service (eg free school meals) or keeping accurate records, whereas external sharing might be to ensure you receive the right service (eg social care support). Who we share information with depends on the service we are providing and your circumstances, but may include: healthcare, social and welfare organisations and professionals providers of goods and services financial organisations, including debt collection, tracing and credit referencing agencies elected members local and central government ombudsman and regulatory authorities professional advisors and consultants police forces, other law enforcement and prosecuting authorities voluntary and charitable organisations Disclosure and Barring Service Courts and Tribunals utilities providers When personal data is shared, only the minimum amount is shared and relevant contracts and / or agreements will be in place. Fraud prevention and detection We are required by law to protect the use of public funds and for this reason we share information with internal services and other bodies responsible for auditing or administering of public funds to detect and prevent fraud. This sharing includes, but is not exclusive to the Council’s external auditor, Department for Work and Pensions, other local authorities, HM Revenue and Customs, the Police, credit reference agencies. We also share personal data with the Cabinet Office for the National Fraud Initiative. This is a national data matching exercise, which takes electronic data from the private and public sectors to identify potential fraudulent claims and payments. The Cabinet Office stipulates the data that they need and subsequently provides us with details of the cases where the matching indicates an inconsistency or potential for fraud, so that we can investigate further. This data matching is carried out under the Local Audit and Accountability Act (part 6, Schedule 9) and does not rely on your consent. How long we keep information for This varies depending on the type of information, as well as the legal requirements and reason we are keeping the information. In some instances the law sets the length of time information has to be kept. We also have retention and disposal schedules which give details about how long we need to keep different types of information. Your data rights You have the following rights in regard to your personal information, to: access copies of any records we hold about you have any information we hold about you corrected have any information we hold about you deleted or destroyed restrict how information we hold about you can be used or shared object to information about you being held have any information we hold about you transferred to a third party challenge decisions relating to you made using automated decision making and profiling (currently we have no services that use automated decision making or profiling for decision making) Please note there may be times that we cannot fulfil these rights fully because of legal reasons, for example we cannot delete your data if we still need it. If you want to exercise any of the above rights, please make a subject access request. Make a subject access request Who to contact about the way your personal data is handled If you have any queries, concerns or complaints about the way we process your personal data, including the way we handle information requests, you can contact our Customer Services or the Data Protection Officer. If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are not processing your personal data in accordance with the law you have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Sheffield Yoga for You & Thai Yoga Massage

sheffield yoga for you & thai yoga massage


I discovered the joys of yoga during my first pregnancy in 1997. The practices have supported me through two pregnancies, birth and motherhood. I have continued to study and deepen my practice and after completing a British Wheel of Yoga foundation course in 2005, I travelled to India to experience ashram life. My love for yoga continues to grow and I feel passionately about passing on the teachings so others can enjoy its many benefits. I also practice Vipassana Meditation and have participated and helped serve on several silent meditation retreats. After qualifying as a teacher with Yoga Alliance I went on to complete a three year teacher training in Bihar School of Yoga (Satyananda Yoga), accredited by the British Wheel of Yoga, the leading governing body for yoga teaching standards. Satyananda Yoga is an authentic, holistic and systematic approach to unlocking human potential with emphasis on combining breath and movement, helping body and mind to find stillness. The training is thorough and based on practical experience, and the teachers are renowned for good quality teaching. I continue to study attending monthly Yoga days when I can and I practice daily, I am committed to making my life a living yoga practice. Since qualifying to teach I have also trained in the practice of Thai Yoga Massage., I have taken a Six month training in meditation techniques with Swami Pragyamurti. Also attended several retreats and two day workshops and more recently (2016) I untertook a six month Module in Yoga for Mental Health with Sn Amarajyoti. I occasionally run courses in Yogic Tools to Improve Mental Health - Short Courses I have seen many people, including myself, benefit from a mindful yoga practice that helps us to work with our fluctuating energies to bring about a state of steadiness and balance. In 2018 I took a training course in the 'Vashita Method of Pranayama' which is a simple and effective way to develop the breathing practices and improve our health and well being. I then continued with another course spread over 8 months " Progressive stages of pranayama" with Maarten Vermasse. I am deeply grateful for all my Yoga Teachers, who continue to inspire me, and to all the students who keep on teaching me. I have experience of teaching all ages from pre-school, teenagers, to the elderly, and from large groups to one to one sessions. I also teach a class for 10 -16 year olds with a wide range of Special Needs and a class for people with learning difficulties. Based on my experience as a carer for a wheelchair user I have devised a class for people with limited mobilities called Chair Yoga. I feel that yoga can offer many tools for supporting day to day life for people with disabilities, limited mobility and other special needs. I am passionate about what yoga has to offer and teach from my heart.

The Muddy Puddle Teacher

the muddy puddle teacher


What is different about our outdoor learning training from others is that it has been created by teachers specifically for schools and nurseries. Plus, we have developed a specific approach to help make the teaching of outdoor learning easy for the practitioner but also to help with the quality of our sessions and to ensure we are out there for a reason. The Muddy Puddle Teacher Approach is a much-loved teaching method created by teachers to better support vulnerable learners. Including those children who struggle to meet average age expectations, neurodivergent children and those with varying learner types who typically do not flourish from an indoor environment and indoor methods. The approach is worksheet-free, book free and uses active, playful methods to engage children in academic areas of learning. The resources and training provide lessons for all curriculum areas, including maths and English and support the EYFS, NC, Curriculum for Excellence and Welsch Curriculum. See Plan & Prices Ask us a Question The method involves teaching the curriculum using the outside to allow space, freedom for movement, collaboration, rich speech and language opportunities, and time for play. This is alongside only using natural materials to teach with. This creates an environment of learning that has enhanced creativity, cross-curricula links, and sensory experiences and is entirely sustainable and caring to the outside space. Children who this approach can have profound benefits from: Neurodivergent children, including autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and Aspergers. Children of varying learner types who do not stereotypically learn from an inside environment and indoor methods. Including those will slow processing speeds. Lower ability or working towards children who thrive in active, collaborative and practical teaching methods. Obese or children with poor fine and gross motor skills. Children with SEMH – the outdoors has been proven to positively impact both the child and educators’ mental and physical well-being. Children with speech and language difficulties – our approach provides an open, non-judgmental space for children to express themselves and have more peer conversations. EAL – for children with additional languages, the outdoors can provide like-for-like opportunities so children can experiment with and use their own and new languages. See Plan & Prices Ask us a Question What ages is this for? Typically from babies to age 11 years. However, we have Special needs schools up to secondary, inclusion units and secondary schools supporting those still at the primary level using our approach. Who can do the training? We have different pathways. One route for those in formal settings such as schools and nurseries such as early years educators, LSA’s and teachers. Another is for home settings such as childminders and home educators. There are different pathways for the different age ranges. If you educate all ages, then go down them all! FAQS: Are you like Forest Schools? We are NOT Forest School. We often get confused with Forest School, but we are entirely different. Many of our schools have Forest Schools and Muddy Teachers trained and use both approaches effectively. Forest School is holistic and encourages high risks to promote social and emotional well-being, such as tools and fire and typically is in a woodland area with prolonged amounts of time outside, such as a full day or entire afternoon. The Muddy Puddle Teacher is an Outdoor Learning Approach, essentially an extension of inside teaching and taking lessons outside. We typically use our school grounds and there are no set periods to stay there. It can be anything from 10 minutes to full days in the summer. What is involved in The Muddy Puddle Teacher Training? Individuals & International Schools Individuals and schools abroad typically take the online route and complete the training using an easy-to-use online format. It is very interactive with audiobooks and demonstration videos. It has four stages and each stage takes around 2 hours. There is no written work, just a questionnaire to ensure you get the most from us. You send that once complete and we send back a certificate and a unique MPT Code; a crest can also be requested. Whole Schools or Nurseries We offer 1-year mentorships to schools and nurseries. We have a 100% success rate with this method. 1 x Initial Meeting – Create a bespoke plan with us, just for you and your school. Initial talks will create aims and action plans with your allocated teacher-consultant. 1 INSET Day or 2 Twilight Training Sessions on the Muddy Puddle Teacher Approach 1 Year Subscription to all of our Resources and Additional Courses 4 x Additional Zoom Training Sessions per season to cover Q&A and offer additional support

Courses matching "work"

Show all 1710

Phlebotomy Training - Beginner to Advanced PACKAGE


By Geopace Training

THIS COURSE PACKAGE INCLUDES: 1: INTRODUCTION TO PHLEBOTOMY COURSE (GPT003) - Level 3 (Ireland Level 5) 2: ADVANCED PHLEBOTOMY COURSE (GPT005) - Level 4 (Ireland Level 6) 3: GEOPACE COMPETENCY CERTIFICATE - CPD Certified (optional with Virtual Classroom) Learn how to take blood ... train as a Phlebotomist FAST-TRACK YOUR PHLEBOTOMY TRAINING WITH OUR COMPLETE TRAINING PACKAGE 20% off - Multi-Course Discount Cover all stages from beginner through to Level 4 Available as Classroom or Virtual Classroom Complete your beginner to advanced training in 2 days Awards 2 accredited qualifications - Introduction to Phlebotomy and Advanced Phlebotomy qualifications Both courses are dually accredited (OCN & CPD) Geopace Certificate of Competency included with classroom attendance or available as an option when booking virtual classroom Covers all steps up to live blood draw Learn advanced skills and techniques Virtual Classroom options include comprehensive Practise@Home Training Kits (yours to keep) Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS

Phlebotomy Training - Beginner to Advanced PACKAGE
Delivered in Portsmouth + 13 more or OnlineSat, Sept 2108:30 + more

Advanced Phlebotomy - Skills & Techniques (GPT005)


By Geopace Training

The UK's first and only Level 4 qualification in Phlebotomy (equivalent to Ireland Level 6) FDSc (Foundation Degree Level) qualification Nationally Recognised certificate Dually accredited: Open College Network and CPD Covers both aspirated and evacuated systems Covers specialised blood collection systems & methods Classroom or Virtual Classroom learning options Comprehensive Training Kit is provided when booking our Virtual Classroom option (yours to keep) Complete your training from beginner to advanced level This course either follows on from our Introduction to Phlebotomy Course or can be combined with our introductory course as part of a course package (see below) Available to candidates who have completed (or are currently enrolled to complete) our Introduction to Phlebotomy Course or have previous phlebotomy practical experience.

Advanced Phlebotomy - Skills & Techniques (GPT005)
Delivered in Liverpool + 14 more or OnlineSat, Sept 2116:30 + more

Supervising First Aid for Mental Health


By Pochat Training

Supervising First Aid for Mental Health
Delivered in Chesterfield or OnlineMon, Sept 2308:00 + more
£195 to £210

First Aid for Mental Health


By Pochat Training

First Aid for Mental Health
Delivered in Chesterfield or OnlineMon, Sept 2308:00 + more
£140 to £150

Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health


By Pochat Training

Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health
Delivered in Chesterfield or OnlineMon, Sept 2308:00 + more
£90 to £100

Principles of Risk Assessment


By Pochat Training

QA Level 2 Award In Principles Of Risk Assessment (RQF) Face to Face: One-day course Virtual Classroom: Spread over 3 sessions of 2½ hr duration Don't run risks with the safety of your people - it will cost you a lot more when things start to go wrong... Risk Assessments are vital for Health and Safety, and vital for the whole process Course Contents: Main causes of Work-related Fatalities, Injuries and ill health Moral, Legal and Economic Reasons for Preventing Accidents and ill health at Work Key Terms associated with Risk Assessments in Health and Safety at Work:AccidentNear MissAccident TriangleHazardRiskRisk AssessmentSuitable and SufficientCompetence The Role of Risk Assessments in Accident and ill Health Prevention Legal Requirements for Risk Assessments Importance of Personal hygiene Basic Process for Undertaking a Risk Assessment The Five Steps of a Risk Assessment Benefits of this course: In 2020/21, a whopping 1.7 million people suffered from a work-related illness 441,000 of those sustained an injury 142 People, plus 60 members of the public, lost their lives... The estimated cost of injuries and ill health was £15 billion 28.2 million working days, or 108,045 working years, were lost due to work-related illnesses and injuries It is an employer's duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees and other people who might be affected by their business. This includes providing sufficient information, instruction and training of employees, so they can work in a way that does not put themselves or others at risk Our QA Level 2 Award in Principles of Risk Assessment (RQF) course is ideal for all employees, helping them to create a better understanding of health and safety issues and risk assessments Accredited, Ofqual regulated qualification: QA Level 2 Award in Principles of Risk Assessment (RQF) training course is a nationally recognised, Ofqual regulated qualification accredited by Qualsafe Awards.This means that you can be rest assured that your Principles of Risk Assessment certificate fulfils the legal requirements and is a very good way to make sure you and your employees are trained appropriately.The Ofqual Register number for this course is 603/0857/9

Principles of Risk Assessment
Delivered in Chesterfield or OnlineWed, Sept 2508:00 + more

Introduction to Phlebotomy Course (GPT003) - 2 Day Classroom


By Geopace Training

Learn how to take blood ... train as a Phlebotomist Nationally Recognised Qualification No previous experience or qualifications needed OCN Accredited - Level 3 (advanced) CPD Accredited (The CPD Certification Service) Covers all steps up to live blood draw Practise on artificial arm and fake blood! Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS

Introduction to Phlebotomy Course (GPT003) - 2 Day Classroom
Delivered In-Person in Manchester + 17 moreWed, Sept 2508:30 + more



By Safehouse Health And Safety Consultants Ltd

Delivered In-Person in BarnsleyThu, Sept 2608:00 + more

Health and Safety in the Workplace, Level 2


By Pochat Training

QA Level 2 Award In Health And Safety In The Workplace (RQF) Health and Safety Training Courses QA Level 2 Award In Health And Safety In The Workplace (RQF) Free CPD! Book an Ofqual Regulated course with us, and receive a FREE CPD accredited training course! Course Contents: Roles and responsibilities of employers and employees Health and safety laws Risk assessments and risk control hierarchy Identifying and controlling risks from common workplace hazards, including:Slips, Trips and FallsManual HandlingFireWorking from HeightElectricityHazardous SubstancesWorkplace conditionsErgonomicsEquipmentNoise and vibrationTransport and vehiclesViolenceSmoking, alcohol and drugsStress Procedures for responding to accidents and incidents Recording incidents, accidents and ill health Benefits of this course: In 2018/19, 1.4 million people suffered from a work-related illness 581,000 sustained an injury 147 People lost their lives The estimated cost of injuries and ill health last year was £15 billion 28.2 million working days, or 108,045 working years, were lost due to work-related illnesses and injuries It is an employer's duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees and other people who might be affected by their business. This includes providing sufficient information, instruction and training of employees, so they can work in a way that does not put themselves or others at risk This QA Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (RQF) course helps employees gain an understanding of health and safety issues and their own role within that Accredited, Ofqual regulated qualification: This Health and Safety Training Course is a nationally recognised, Ofqual regulated qualification accredited by Qualsafe Awards.This means that you can be rest assured that your Health and Safety Certificate fulfils the legal requirements and is an excellent way to make sure you and your employees are trained in Health and Safety.The Ofqual Register number for this course is 603/2687/6

Health and Safety in the Workplace, Level 2
Delivered in Chesterfield or OnlineFri, Sept 2708:00 + more



By Safehouse Health And Safety Consultants Ltd

Delivered In-Person in BarnsleyMon, Sept 3008:00 + more