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472 Courses in Nottingham

Charity Sales Training


By Hoolock Consulting

a one day workshop designed to teach charity fundraisers the skills required to approach businesses to gain their support

Charity Sales Training
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Dorking
Price on Enquiry

Selling with NLP (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Take your sales people from average to high performance. Motivate and develop experienced sales professionals with some new insights and learning. Applying NLP principles, techniques and models, this workshop will introduce the core attitudes and behaviours that differentiate the excellent sales person from the average one. The programme will help participants: * Understand and adopt the mindset and beliefs needed for sales excellence * Build rapport and connect with buyers at a deeper and more personal level * Recognise some of the thinking and language patterns that make each individual unique * Ask powerful questions to further understand the unique world of the individual and how they make decisions * Apply tools and techniques to empathise with clients - seeing things from their perspectives * Tailor their sales approach to the individual buyer's style, and talk in their language * Influence with integrity and sell to organisations and individuals successfully 1 INTRODUCTION * Aims and objectives of the programme * Personal introductions and objectives * Workshop overview 2 AN INTRODUCTION TO NLP AND SALES EXCELLENCE WITH NLP * An overview of NLP and applying it to selling * The pillars of NLP * The NLP model of communication * The difference that makes the difference 3 BUILDING ENHANCED RAPPORT * Defining rapport and why it is important when selling * Going beyond the initial small talk * Building relationships with individual decision-makers * Matching and mirroring * Levels of rapport 4 UNDERSTANDING THE BUYER'S PERSONAL BUYING MAP * How we take in, filter and process information * How we judge others based on our own experiences of the world * The different ways in which we communicate when selling * Recognising and understanding the language and thinking patterns of others * Adapting your sales communication style to different buyers 5 MAKING SENSE OF THE BUYING PROCESS * How we filter information through our senses * Understanding how we see, hear and experience the world * Visual, auditory and kinaesthetic buyers * Listening for key insights * What different buyers want from you to help them to buy * Applying sensory awareness to the sales process 6 SUCCESSFUL SALES MINDSET * The connection between thoughts and actions * The sales beliefs of excellence * Identifying negative thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back * How to change your mindset * Adopting the sales beliefs of excellence 7 POWERFUL QUESTIONS * Reviewing and honing your questioning skills * Understanding the questions that great sales people ask * Avoiding assumptions * Clean language questions * Getting to the bottom of it - precision questions * Turbo-charging how you qualify 8 INFLUENCING WITH INTEGRITY * Understanding empathy * Stepping into the buyer's shoes * Speaking the buyer's language * Tailoring your sales approach to the individual * Match, pace, lead - how to take your buyer with you 9 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER * Personal learning summary and action plans

Selling with NLP (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Software management - the business perspective (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Software comes in a variety of guises - application software, firmware, middleware, system software. Increasingly, however, it doesn't necessarily present that way, especially as the boundaries between software, data and source code are becoming more and more blurred. And as software becomes more complex and more difficult to disentangle, so it becomes harder to manage and to value. But as it becomes more integral to every aspect of a business, so it is ever more important to keep on top of the technical, legal and commercial issues that arise, issues such as: To address these issues, organisations need a process for evaluating their current situation from all perspectives and for identifying the key actions they need to take to ensure holistic management of their software. This very practical programme will help set your organisation on the right path. Note: this is an indicative agenda, to be used as a starting point for a conversation between client and consultant, depending on the organisation's specific situation and requirements. This programme is designed to give you a deeper understanding of: * The technical, legal and commercial risks associated with software development, procurement, use and commercial exploitation * The most appropriate processes and responsibilities for managing those risks Note: this is an indicative agenda, to be used as a starting point for a conversation between client and consultant, depending on the organisation's specific situation and requirements. 1 SOFTWARE BUSINESS MODEL * What is the software business model? * What options exist? * Has the software business model been thoroughly reviewed to ensure its viability? This means fully understanding the market opportunity, the business environment and customer and end-user expectations. 2 TECHNOLOGY * What are the technologies? * How has the technology selection been validated considering the competitiveness, structure, and potential for future innovation? 3 UI AND UX * What is the UI and UX? How to best articulate this? * Has the user interface and user experience been studied from both a subjective and objective view to give insight into customer behaviour? 4 LEGAL FRAMEWORK / COMMERCIAL ASPECTS * Has the necessary legal framework or commercial aspects that may impact upon use or operation of the software been understood and risks identified and mitigated? 5 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT * What is the software development process? * Are both the business management and development team's processes resilient in order to improve the company's capability and the maturity of the software? 6 SOFTWARE QUALITY * What is quality? * What are the metrics around software quality? What is the maturity level, based around a qualitative and quantitative assessment? 7 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ASSOCIATED * What IP should be considered when it comes to software? * Does the company understand both the intellectual property risks and potential opportunities associated with this software? 8 SECURITY * What does software security mean in this context? * How is it being addressed? 9 AN HOLISTIC APPROACH * Review of roles and responsibilities to ensure appropriate management and protection

Software management - the business perspective (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Specification writing (introduction) (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This intensive one-day training programme has been developed to help those involved in producing specifications create high quality documents in an organised and effective way. The programme explains the primary purpose of specifications and the importance of understanding the context in which they are used. It focuses particularly on how to develop and structure content and write requirements that are clear and concise. The methods and techniques presented will provide a practical foundation course for those new to the topic whilst offering new insights to those with more experience. The objectives of the workshop are to: * Review and discuss the role and purpose of specifications * Present a structured approach for organising and producing specifications * Explain each of the key steps involved in creating effective specifications * Review some methods for assisting in defining requirements * Explain how to define the scope and develop the structure for a specification * Present methods to assist the writing and editing of specifications * Review how specifications should be issued and controlled 1 INTRODUCTION * Course objectives * Review of participants' needs and objectives 2 SPECIFICATIONS IN PERSPECTIVE * The role and purpose of specifications * The impact of specifications on commercial performance * The qualities of an effective specification * The five key steps of 'POWER' writing: prepare-organise-write-edit-release 3 STEP 1: PREPARING TO WRITE * Defining the purpose the specification; integrating the specification and contract * Deciding how to specify: when to specify in functional and technical terms * Getting the right people involved at the right time; engaging stakeholders * Applying procedures for writing, issuing and controlling specifications 4 STEP 2: ORGANISING THE SPECIFICATION CONTENT * Scoping the document: scope maps, check lists, structured brainstorming * Clarifying requirements; separating needs and desires * Dealing with requirements that are difficult to quantify * Useful techniques: cost benefit analysis, Pareto analysis * Deciding what goes where; typical contents and layout for a specification * Creating and using model forms: typical sections and sub sections 5 STEP 3: WRITING THE SPECIFICATION * Identifying and understanding the readers needs * Choosing and using the right words; dealing with jargon * Important words; will, shall, must; building a glossary * Using sentence structure and punctuation to best effect * Understanding the impact of style, format and appearance * Avoiding common causes of ambiguity; being concise and ensuring clarity 6 STEP 4: EDITING THE SPECIFICATION * Why editing is difficult; how to develop a personal editing strategy * Key areas to review: structure, content, accuracy, clarity, style and grammar * Editing tools and techniques 7 STEP 5: RELEASING AND CONTROLLING THE SPECIFICATION * Key requirements for document issue and control * Final formatting and publication issues; document approval * Requirements management: managing revisions and changes 8 COURSE REVIEW AND ACTION PLANNING * What actions should be implemented to improve specifications? * Conclusion

Specification writing (introduction) (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Communicate with Confidence


By Cocomms - Coherent Communications

Effective communication in the workplace is part and parcel of our daily lives, but not everyone is a natural.  Do you find it tough standing up in front of people? Does the thought of engaging with audiences in any setting fill you with anxiety? Is doing a remote video message to colleagues on Zoom or Teams a tough call? Do you do it regularly but need some professional guidance on whether it’s working? At CoComms we can improve every aspect of your performance and offer a range of tips and techniques to help manage these environments and keep your audience engaged and interested. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC SPEAKING AND PRESENTATION TRAINING In a professional setting it’s vital to come across as dynamic, trustworthy, credible and real. You want people to trust you and in turn get behind your vision or plan or proposal. If you can achieve this you can improve your confidence, your engagement and your prospects. Our training is designed to hone your presentation skills so whether you are pitching for work, taking colleagues through change or speaking to a new audience, you can do it with a clarity and confidence that makes your messages clear and insightful. The training includes: * Perfecting your slides Working to produce a clean, easy to navigate slide deck that give logic and flow to your presentation. * Developing your storytelling We use our journalistic techniques to show you how to build a story to keep your audience engaged with a well-structured and entertaining presentation. * Calls to Action Make sure it is clear what you want to achieve and what you want from your audience. * Rehearse and Review We film and then playback a range of practical presentation exercises so we can review your performance and work to make any improvements. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFERENCE AND PANEL TRAINING The audience at a conference may be a captive one, but that doesn’t mean they are always listening and engaging with what you have to say. We can make sure your keynote speech or panel contribution is memorable, appreciated by your audience and beneficial to your business. Our training looks at preparing for and delivering a speech from start to finish and includes: * Defining your big ideas What is it you want to say and what do you want your audience to remember? * Develop your narrative and script How can you get across your message using storytelling. * Choosing the right language How vibrant and energised language can make the difference in your speech. * The tips and tricks to make sure your speech is memorable How vocabulary and delivery techniques ensure your words are heard. * Controlling the message How to deal with unhelpful questions and return to the main aspects of your story. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAKEHOLDER COMMUNICATION TRAINING Engaging effectively with stakeholders with clarity and confidence can make all the difference to your relationships. A successful “town hall” meeting can win over your sceptics, convince those who are unsure and build a common goal between your business and stakeholders. Our stakeholder communication training prepares you for these vital meetings and includes: * Focusing the meeting We look at how to control the meeting so the important business is covered and how to prepare for any questions or comments you may receive. * Keep control of the conversation We teach you conversational techniques to focus on the main points without being too assertive or dismissive. * Rehearse and Review We use video and practical role-play exercises to assess your performance and look for ways to improve. * Breaking down the information We look at how to present facts and figures without overwhelming (or boring!) your audience. Our techniques will help you narrate the message in a clear and comprehensive way. * Making an impact Using our journalistic experience we will work with you to develop your presentation skills to make the biggest impact and demonstrate credibility and authority. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIDEO CALLS FOR BUSINESS The world has changed. Now is the time to ensure your business is changing too. Many in-person meetings, conferences, networking events and clients hosting are, for now, a thing of the past. These face-to-face interactions have been replaced by video calls, webinars and online events. So, how do you develop contacts, maintain relationships and manage your team in this new virtual world? How do you look and sound confident, be heard, and build trust  and credibility through a computer screen? At CoComms, we are online communications experts and our years of experience in broadcasting mean we understand how to engage a virtual audience. * Interactive and practical training We work with you through a variety of scenarios to analyse your performance on video calls. * Feedback on your performance We offer supportive, positive feedback and share our tried and tested techniques so you can improve. * Make Video Calls work for you Through our training you will become more confident, more productive and more dynamic on video calls. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT US If you have a query regarding any of our services or would like to book a consultation for free initial advice and guidance please get in touch

Communicate with Confidence
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
Price on Enquiry

Autism Awareness

By Prima Cura Training

This course explores Autism and the current body of thinking and knowledge around Autistic Spectrum Disorders. This enables learners to consider how to adapt their practice with useful strategies to better support an individual with autism.

Autism Awareness
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

The professional project manager (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

The aim of this programme is to provide current / prospective senior project managers with an in-depth review of the role and importance of project management in the organisation. It focuses on the strategic role of the project manager and aims to draw out the full scope of the role and how it impacts on project performance. The five key objectives of this programme are to enable the participants to: * Identify the characteristics and attributes needed by project managers in ensuring the organisation is recognised as an industry leader in delivering successful projects * Understand the full scope and impact of the project manager / leader's role in managing projects or programmes to maximise benefit to the business * Define the hallmarks and skills required to manage significant business projects or project portfolios * Develop an understanding of the skills required and their impact on the project through case study work and syndicate exercises * Benefit from an effective forum for exchanging experience and fostering a sense of team spirit and mutual support between senior project managers DAY ONE 1 INTRODUCTION (COURSE SPONSOR) * A vision of future opportunities and challenges * The impact of project managers / leaders on future success 2 THE DETERMINANTS OF SUCCESS * The contractor's perspective * The client's perspective * Success and failure: factors that determine the project outcome * The impact of the project manager 3 CASE STUDY: PROJECT GIOTTO * How successful was this project? * What were the primary factors that influenced the outcome? * How relevant are these factors to current projects? * Feedback and review 4 PROJECT TEAM EXERCISE * A practical exercise demonstrating the role of the project manager in managing the interfaces between the client, the project team and suppliers * Review - what skills are required to be a 'world class' project manager? 5 THE ROLE OF THE PROJECT MANAGER * The role and skills of the 'world class' project manager * The three key dimensions of effective project leadership * Managing influential stakeholders * Managing project performance * Managing the project team * Project leadership skills appraisal (individual review) DAY TWO 6 MANAGING INFLUENTIAL STAKEHOLDERS * Project management and the art of leadership * Who are the influential stakeholders and how do they affect the project? * What we need to do / not do, to build successful working relationships 7 CASE STUDY: UNDERSTANDING THE CUSTOMER * What are the likely problems the project manager will encounter? * What should the project manager do to ensure an effective partnership? 8 MANAGING PROJECT PERFORMANCE * Issues affecting commercial performance * Joining up the project life-cycle: getting performance from inception to closure * The roles of project manager, line manager and project sponsor 9 PROJECT TEAM EXERCISE: MAKING THE PROMISE / DELIVERING THE PROMISE * An exercise demonstrating the commercial and team leadership skills needed by the project manager * Review - what must the project manager do to optimise project performance? 10 MANAGING MULTI-FUNCTIONAL PROJECT TEAMS * The challenges of building effective, multi-functional project teams * Co-ordinating work across functional and organisational boundaries * Maintaining strategic focus and balancing priorities 11 MAKING IT HAPPEN * Individual action planning * Syndicate discussion 12 COURSE REVIEW AND TRANSFER PLANNING (COURSE SPONSOR PRESENT) * What will we do differently? * How will we make it happen? * Conclusion

The professional project manager (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Professional administrator (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Today's administrative professional needs flexibility and a broad portfolio of skills including self-motivation, assertiveness, and the ability to deal with difficult people. You will benefit from this course if you are an administrator, medical/legal secretary or PA, who wants to enhance your administrative support skills, as well as evaluating your existing techniques. This course will help you identify: * your areas of strength and your areas for improvement in the work environment * ways to accept new challenges and responsibilities with confidence * what motivates you at work * techniques to improve your planning and time management * ways of improving your influencing and assertiveness skills * your preferred working style (and relate it to your interaction with others) * ways of using your initiative * how to deal with challenging people, using recognised communication methods The course will help you develop a flexible set of skills that will allow you to succeed at work, no matter what the day throws at you. It will help you communicate effectively with a diverse range of colleagues and others with tact and diplomacy. And, finally, it will help you provide the administrative support that is essential for the smooth running of your area and of the organisation as a whole. 1 INTRODUCTION * Overview * Introductions * Individual objectives 2 WHAT EXACTLY IS YOUR ROLE? * Before looking at new skills and techniques, where are you now? Do you have the skills, knowledge and attitude required to be an exceptional administrator? * Understand your job criteria * Identifying your strengths and areas for development * Activity - skills analysis * Activity - action plan 3 BUILDING TRUST * How can you build trust? * Understanding the links between reliability, consistency and trust * What is required to deliver efficient service? * Activity: efficient service requirements of the professional administrator 4 WORKING STYLES * Identifying your working style preference * Understanding the importance of a flexible approach * Identifying areas of improvement to become a more effective team member * Activity: Questionnaire (completing, scoring and charting) * Activity: drawbacks of my style * Developing your working style 5 ASSERTIVENESS * Understand the differences between behaviours * Activity: Definition and characteristics of assertive / aggressive / passive behaviour * Activity: Identifying different behaviours * Understanding how to be more assertive * How to use assertiveness techniques * How to ask for feedback * Activity: Making requests assertively * Activity: Refusing requests assertively 6 TIME MANAGEMENT * The importance of planning for success * The importance of managing interruptions * The importance of having clear purpose * Time management best practices * Activity: How do you plan your time? What prevents you improving your time management? How will you recognise success? 7 PRIORITISATION * How to prioritise work to meet deadlines * The prioritisation matrix * Activity: Post it! 8 DEALING WITH INTERRUPTIONS * The impact interruptions have on productivity * How to manage interruptions * Activity: What interruptions do you experience? * What tactics can be employed to reduce these interruptions? 9 CLOSE * Open forum * Summary * Action planning

Professional administrator (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Business development for professional services (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

The market for professional services is becoming increasingly competitive, with some firms and individuals becoming very effective at winning new work, leaving others lagging way behind. Given the choice between spending time on client work and business development work, we all tend to choose that which we feel to be easier, more attractive and more aligned with our image of ourselves. We stay within our comfort zones, we focus on client work, and we only resort to business development work when we have to, which can also lead to 'feast or famine' syndrome. The programme will help participants: * Understand the professional business development approach and the style that is appropriate for their business and their clients * Follow a process to guide their conversations and business development meetings * Prepare thoroughly for a business development meeting/contact with a client to ensure they use their time efficiently and maximise results * Create a great first impression and professional opening to a conversation * Ask open questions and listen effectively in order to spot opportunities, understand needs and progress the opportunity * Identify and understand buying and decision-making processes and criteria * Skilfully and confidently handle questions and objections * Sell the benefits of their services and approach over those of their competitors * Progress the sale by agreeing next steps and gaining commitment appropriately 1 INTRODUCTION * Aims and objectives of the programme * Personal introductions and objectives * Workshop overview 2 AN INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AND SELLING FOR PROFESSIONALS * What is selling? * Who are you selling to? * The buying experience * What clients want * The four-step business development process * The business development cycle and pipeline management * Upselling and cross-selling as well as winning new clients 3 NETWORKING AND GENERATING LEADS * What is networking? * Networking objectives * It's not what you know but who you know * Asking for referrals and introductions * Making appointments from networking activity 4 OPENING THE SALES RELATIONSHIP/SALES MEETING * What potential customers are thinking * Judging first impressions * Creating positive first impressions * Building rapport and creating interest and impact * Earning the right 5 CORE COMMUNICATION SKILLS FOR PROFESSIONAL SELLING * Overcoming barriers to listening * The art of listening * Questioning refresher * Types of questions * Questioning funnel 6 UNDERSTANDING AND IDENTIFYING NEEDS AND OPPORTUNITIES * Identifying the questions to ask to identify needs and opportunities * Questions to move us through the buying and selling process * Understanding their buying processes * Asking questions that position you as a 'trusted adviser' * The questions that give you a competitive advantage * Knowing when you have asked enough questions 7 INTRODUCING SOLUTIONS * Tailoring your 'pitch' to the client * Speaking the client's language * Using features and benefits * Applying the benefit cycle 8 HANDLING OBJECTIONS AND CONCERNS * Identifying the typical objections and concerns * Understanding why clients raise objections and concerns * Following a structure for handling objections * Handling the price objection 9 GAINING COMMITMENT * Knowing when to close * The art of checking * Recognising buying signals * Small c and big C 10 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER * Personal learning summary and action plans

Business development for professional services (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Bespoke Management Training

By Dickson Training Ltd

One of our greatest strengths is our ability to tailor any of our open management courses to the needs and requirements of different businesses in different industries. We understand that whilst our open management training courses provide a wealth of knowledge in their particular area of focus, not all of it may be relevant for your business and the particular industry you operate in.Rather than making delegates sit through management training that is irrelevant to their job role, we offer bespoke management training where we tailor the course to cover the specific needs of your organisation, ultimately relieving the inevitable boredom and "switching off" that would come with having to sit through training that a person knew they would not need. WHY CHOOSE US FOR YOUR BESPOKE MANAGEMENT TRAINING NEEDS? We have provided tailored, bespoke management training courses to some of the largest organisations in the UK. Using our acquired experience and knowledge of running these courses, we will be able to work with you to create a bepoke management training programme that delivers a significant return on investment, both in terms of tangible and intangible results. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILM ACCREDITED MANAGEMENT TRAINING COURSES Because we charge a daily training rate rather than a per delegate fee, if you have a number of delegates requiring management training, a bespoke management training course can often be less expensive than putting them all on an open course. A number of courses have been accredited by the ILM, which means you can be assured as to the standard of the course content and delivery. For more information on these, please see our page on ILM Management Training [https://www.dicksontraining.com/management-training/ilm-management-and-leadership-qualifications.php]. All of our ILM Programmes are provided in partnership with BCF Group Limited [https://www.thebcfgroup.co.uk/management-training/bespoke-management-training.php], which is the ILM Approved Centre we deliver under. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERESTED IN FINDING OUT MORE ABOUT BESPOKE MANAGEMENT TRAINING? Between us, we can come up with a training plan which will provide relevant, bespoke management training for your delegates which will maximise the return on both your time and cost. We are happy to come to your premises or arrange training facilities nearer to your location if this would be more convenient. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEEDBACK Below is a small selection of past feedback for our management training and development courses and programmes: > "EXCELLENT INSTRUCTOR. I LOOKED FORWARD TO OUR MONTHLY LECTURES KNOWING THAT I > WOULD HAVE A GOOD LAUGH BUT ALSO THAT I WOULD LEARN MORE ABOUT THE SUBJECT AND > MYSELF. HE HAS BEEN VERY HELPFUL TO ME AND THE REST OF THE STUDENTS, NOT JUST > DURING THE LECTURES BUT OFTEN IN HIS OWN TIME. HIS ENTHUSIASM FOR ALL OF THE > SUBJECTS COVERED DURING THE COURSE WAS EVIDENT THROUGHOUT, WHICH AGAIN HELPED > ME TO ENJOY AND UNDERSTAND THE SUBJECTS AND LECTURES.  > > IF I GET THE CHANCE IN FUTURE TO ATTEND A FURTHER COURSE WITH YOU, I WOULD > JUMP AT THE CHANCE." > > SENIOR ACQUISITIONS SURVEYOR > > Galliford Try -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "A VERY ACCOMPLISHED TRAINER AND SOMEONE WHO I WOULD VERY MUCH LIKE TO BE > INVOLVED IN OUR BUSINESS TRAINING GOING FORWARD. THE FEEDBACK I HAVE HAD FROM > ALL LEVELS OF OUR TEAM STRUCTURE IS EXCELLENT." > > GROUP HR OPERATIONS > > EADS Personnel Services UK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "PHIL HAS A LOT OF ENERGY WHICH HE THROWS INTO THE COURSE. THIS VISABLY BROKE > DOWN RESISTANCE AND ATTENDEES ENTERED INTO THE EXERCISES WHOLEHEARTEDLY." > > SENIOR QS > > Bullock Construction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULED COURSES Unfortunately this course is not one that is currently scheduled as an open course, and is only available on an in-house basis. Please contact us for more information.

Bespoke Management Training
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Bardsey & 4 more
Price on Enquiry