43 Educators providing Courses in Nottingham

Cenex (Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon & Fuel Cell Technologies)

cenex (centre of excellence for low carbon & fuel cell technologies)


Cenex was established as the UK’s first Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon and Fuel Cell technologies in 2005. Today, Cenex focuses on low emission transport & associated energy infrastructure and operates as an independent, not-for-profit research technology organisation (RTO) and consultancy, specialising in project delivery, innovation support and market development. We also organise Cenex-EXPO, the UK’s premier low carbon vehicle event, to showcase the latest technology and innovation in the industry. Our independence ensures impartial, trustworthy advice, and, as a not-for-profit, we are driven by the outcomes that are right for you, your industry and your environment, not by the work which pays the most or favours one technology. Finally, as trusted advisors with expert knowledge, we are the go-to source of guidance and support for public and private sector organisations along their transition to a zero-carbon future and will always provide you with the insights and solutions that reduce pollution, increase efficiency and lower costs. Together, we can lower your emissions through innovation in transport and energy infrastructure. View our projects and case studies [https://www.cenex.co.uk/projects-case-studies/] to see more of the work we do. INDEPENDENT: Truly impartial advice you can trust, based on in-house findings rather than manufacturer calculations. NOT-FOR-PROFIT: Driven to reduce the environmental impact of transport, energy and infrastructure, not by profits or returns-on-investment. EXPERTS: Access the best possible low emission solutions supported by evidence-based research, consultancy and models.




Educasia started in 2008 as a replication of the successful program The Curriculum Project. Our Vision The Curriculum Department of Thabyay works for a future with: A society offering relevant and equal educational opportunities for all Active citizens with appropriate knowledge and skills to participate in the peaceful development of their communities and society Educasia’s Mission Educasia supports the development of post-secondary and adult education initiatives in Myanmar. Its focus is on non-formal groups working for positive social change and development. Thabyay’s Curriculum Department prepares and distributes contest-appropriate curricular materials and teacher training. It focuses on preparing adult learners from marginalized communities in Myanmar for effective participation in developing their communities, and for further education. The Curriculum Department currently operates two programs: Educasia works to support the development of non-government post-secondary and adult education initiatives in Myanmar. Educasia’s objectives include: Enabling students in post-secondary and adult education to develop the skills and knowledge required to participate effectively in the development of their communities, and pursue meaningful further education. Building the capacity of teachers in low-resource post-secondary and adult education to develop student-centered teaching skills and create active analytical learning environments. Supporting post-secondary and adult education programs, in both formal and informal settings, to develop and implement effective context-appropriate curricula and syllabi which prepare learners to participate effectively in the development of their communities, and pursue meaningful further education. The Curriculum Project’s objectives are broadly similar to Educasia, except that the program works with Myanmar populations (refugees, exiles, and migrants) based along Myanmar’s borders.