42 Educators providing Courses in Nottingham




AUDE is run by an executive committee of university directors of estates that provides strategic oversight to the organisation. They make recommendations on several of the association aspects such as subscription fees and the annual budget as well as managing the election of office holders. Members vote at the AGM to apply or amend recommendations, and elect the officers. The executive committee meets four times a year, discussing and responding to matters presented by the fellow directors (directly and through regional chairs), and by the executive director and staff team. The committee receives the executive director’s quarterly report, which contains updates from each of the topic-based working groups. The meetings are also used to discuss and act on the organisation’s financial performance throughout the year. Furthermore, the meetings provide a useful sounding board and guide to the executive director, Jane White, and the AUDE team in determining the services provided to members and projects undertaken. The team comprises of five members of staff employed on permanent contracts: Executive Director (1.0 FTE) Projects and Engagement Manager (1.0FTE) Events Manager (0.8 FTE) Communications Officer (0.5 FTE) Events and Projects Officer (0.8 FTE) AUDE is a not-for-profit organisation and receives its core funding from member institution subscriptions and training and development activities. It is sustainable, with healthy financial reserves in line with its agreed financial model.




Educasia started in 2008 as a replication of the successful program The Curriculum Project. Our Vision The Curriculum Department of Thabyay works for a future with: A society offering relevant and equal educational opportunities for all Active citizens with appropriate knowledge and skills to participate in the peaceful development of their communities and society Educasia’s Mission Educasia supports the development of post-secondary and adult education initiatives in Myanmar. Its focus is on non-formal groups working for positive social change and development. Thabyay’s Curriculum Department prepares and distributes contest-appropriate curricular materials and teacher training. It focuses on preparing adult learners from marginalized communities in Myanmar for effective participation in developing their communities, and for further education. The Curriculum Department currently operates two programs: Educasia works to support the development of non-government post-secondary and adult education initiatives in Myanmar. Educasia’s objectives include: Enabling students in post-secondary and adult education to develop the skills and knowledge required to participate effectively in the development of their communities, and pursue meaningful further education. Building the capacity of teachers in low-resource post-secondary and adult education to develop student-centered teaching skills and create active analytical learning environments. Supporting post-secondary and adult education programs, in both formal and informal settings, to develop and implement effective context-appropriate curricula and syllabi which prepare learners to participate effectively in the development of their communities, and pursue meaningful further education. The Curriculum Project’s objectives are broadly similar to Educasia, except that the program works with Myanmar populations (refugees, exiles, and migrants) based along Myanmar’s borders.

River Network

river network


One of the UK’s most loved and popular evangelists, Terry has been described as a tonic: humorous, high energy, yet still vulnerable and relational. Using the strong gift of encouragement placed in him, Terry shares the full Gospel message that has so radically changed him: a miraculous testimony of healing and total redemption from brokenness, severe drug addiction & crime. This transformation has seen him become a graduate of and speaker at two bible colleges, further rising to become a CEO within the Christian charity and media sector, influencing and helping thousands worldwide. Terry is a creative communicator with an instant appeal that transcends all cultures, people groups & denominations. His much-appreciated art of motivational faith, coupled with deep insight, helps people to discover (or rediscover) their God-given purpose and spiritual vitality! His manner is at once humorous, friendly & and deeply impacting – and opens the door to life, salvation and healing, in a demonstration of the incredible power of the Spirit. He is also an Ambassador for Compassion UK. JILL Terry’s wife and partner in life, Jill, is a source of strength and inspiration to all Terry is and has accomplished, and she often sings when accompanying Terry on speaking engagements. They come as a great team! Jill loves chocolate, music, and fashion – working as a stylist for some of the world’s leading brands, dressing the housewife to the celebrity! She is also an accomplished worship leader, singer, song-writer and author. Alongside Terry’s testimony of complete transformation, Jill has her own, different testimony. Having watched her parents’ heartache as her older brother suffered tragically under the effects of extreme bullying from a young age, and the dependency that this created in him, Jill determined early in life to be completely independent – a burden to no one and reliant on nobody. This led to unrealistic perfectionistic tendencies and incredible pressure during her twenties. It was not until Jill was in her thirties that she was able to make the paradigm shift to be free of the intensity of perfectionism, leaning into the wisdom of Psalm 138: Psalm 138:8 (AMPC) 8 The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, endure forever—forsake not the works of Your own hands. What a relief it is to realise that it is the Lord who perfects, not us!!! We can only truly please God by having faith in Him, not by how perfect we try to be. Jesus finished all, accomplished all, at the cross, so that now, as the writer of Hebrews declared, we can “fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God’s unmerited favour to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it].” (Hebrews 4:16Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)) Both Terry & Jill are ordained by RMI and hold RMI Ministerial Association. In 2018 both Terry & Jill received Honorary PhD Doctorates in Christian Ministry from Excel Christian University for over 20 years of Ministry, Leadership, Service & authoring many books & musical publications. One of the UK’s most loved and popular evangelists, Terry has been described as a tonic: humorous, high energy, yet still vulnerable and relational. Using the strong gift of encouragement placed in him, Terry shares the full Gospel message that has so radically changed him: a miraculous testimony of healing and total redemption from brokenness, severe drug addiction & crime. This transformation has seen him become a graduate of and speaker at two bible colleges, further rising to become a CEO within the Christian charity and media sector, influencing and helping thousands worldwide. Terry is a creative communicator with an instant appeal that transcends all cultures, people groups & denominations. His much-appreciated art of motivational faith, coupled with deep insight, helps people to discover (or rediscover) their God-given purpose and spiritual vitality! His manner is at once humorous, friendly & and deeply impacting – and opens the door to life, salvation and healing, in a demonstration of the incredible power of the Spirit. He is also an Ambassador for Compassion UK.

The Bestwood Partnership

the bestwood partnership


The Bestwood Partnership is a local community organisation which provides numerous services and support to local residents. With strong partnerships in place between the local authorities and additional funders we are proud to create a wide array of opportunities for so many individuals. From Employment and Training to Emotional Health and well-being support, our dedicated team offer their advice and assistance across a number of topics so if you’re unsure as to whether we can help, feel free to get in touch and we can point you in the right direction. The Partnerships activities cover the Nottingham City Council boundaries of Area One, being Bestwood, Bulwell and Bulwell Forest wards and surrounding areas. For those that are not comfortable with the terms Bulwell Forest wards this includes areas also identified as Top Valley, Rise Park and Highbury Vale areas. Our strategic approach and commitment to the wider area increases year on year as a reflection of our hard work and positive impact, These areas may change from time to time depending on contractual funding and newly identified Partnership working. The Bestwood Partnership is a charitable company that is: Community – owned Community -governed Community run For the people of Bestwood, Bulwell, Bulwell Forest and surrounding areas. With funding from Nottingham City Council area based grant (ABG) and the European Social Fund (ESF) we work in partnership with local organisations to support young people and adults. Our Current projects and Activities include: Into work support Education &Training Activities for young people Support Community Groups Community Consultation We are always seeking new volunteers, if interested please click the button below. Volunteer