329 Educators providing Courses in Nottingham




I am often asked what my style of yoga is. I find this really difficult to answer. I trained with the British Wheel of Yoga (BWY), but I attend a lot of yoga days and weekends with various teachers, many from the Satyananda tradition. In May 2014 I started the Satyananda Integration Teachers Course. Satyananda yoga is traditional yoga, looking after the whole person; giving us tools to help with the busy lives we all lead. It includes all the asanas, the breath work, meditation, mantra and chanting, and it is where the practice of Yoga Nidra originated. Yoga Nidra is a deep relaxation – and we all need a bit of that! I love being out in the garden or walking. Being in touch with all of my sense. I have a deep love of nature and often weave that into some lesson plans! The scope of yoga is vast and I rule nothing out – but I only share what I have tried and think others will find beneficial or interesting. My suggestion is to come along for a couple of sessions, and if you like my way of teaching fantastic. If not I can try and help you find someone more suitbale for you. We all have different needs at different times. I have been teaching weekly classes since April 2010; weekend retreats since December 2012; and in 2014 I started running regular monthly workshops – allowing a little extra time to focus on different elements of yoga. When you practise yoga you are working with the mind, the body and the breath. In Hatha Yoga (‘Ha’ means sun and ‘tha’ means moon), we are working to balance the solar and lunar – the yin and yang – energies in the body, mind and spirit. It really does not matter what other name you give your practice, as long as you are practicing with awareness, being here and now – and really importantly, accepting and appreciating what you have now. I am often told that ‘I cannot do yoga as I am so inflexible’. My response is always ‘if you are breathing you can do yoga – in fact you already are doing yoga’! By practising the asanas (postures) you become more flexible, but yoga is so much more than just the asanas, it helps you breathe properly, it helps you relax, we learn to meditate to help find that peace within…I could make a huge list! Please give yoga a try. It really can make a difference to how you feel and how you cope with the stresses and strains of our Western society.





I qualified as an infant massage teacher in 2016 and extended my qualifications to deliver yoga, sign and messy craft sessions. I juggle this with being a mother to my daughter. Before taking time off to have my daughter, I worked as a teacher and Head of Department in a Secondary school for almost 9 years within; Health and Social Care and Nutrition, at GCSE and A Level. During the first year of motherhood I was diagnosed with postnatal depression, which was a little bit of a shock. I had no idea about it, had never heard of it, didn't know how I would be treated and helped along and I had hundreds of questions. Eventually once I was able to find the correct support for me, things improved and I felt safe. My whole experience as a first time mum suffering postnatal depression led me down this path. I was keen to help and support other parents and carers, creating fun sessions for all who attend, to support all individually who attend, in all aspects of health. Making individuals feel safe, supported and cared for whilst enjoying fun and engaging sessions. The thing I love about baby massage and yoga, is the way it can help new parents build or enhance that bond with their new born and it is very instant - I can literally see it happen before my eyes, and this is a very special time. I love the way all of our sessions helps both parent or carer and the child. It is so wonderful to see all who attend go one a journey. Giving individuals the skills, the confidence and self-esteem to re-create sessions at home. I hold the Touch Learn International Qualification in Infant Massage, Baby Yoga and Baby Signing and a full and valid first aid certificate as well as a yearly updated DBS

CHaRM Management Specialists

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CHaRM specialises in all things HR and Organisational Development related and we are here to help forward thinking business get the best from their people. Find out more about us by clicking on the pages below or browse our website to see the type of support we offer.CHaRM Management Specialists provides you with dedicated human resource management and organisational development support to drive the performance of your business through your people. CHaRM began life in April 1996 to provide HR support to small and medium sized businesses that did not have the benefit of receiving professional HR advice and support in the same way as large organisations did. At that time there was no-one else providing this type of support, so to be an external provider of HR support as if we were an internal part of the organisation was quite unique. We took the best HR practices from the bluechip organisations in which we had previously worked and converted them to make them useful for smaller organisations. We were very pleased to celebrate our 21st birthday in 2017, with our philosophy of building great relationships with our clients still very much at the heart of how we operate. For us, our clients always come first. On 1 April 2021 we celebrated 25 years of working in partnership with our clients, and during that time our support has grown and evolved to encompass a wide range of Human Resource and Organisational Development activities, along with delivering training programmes, but the core element of how we operate has not changed. We build long term relationships with our clients, providing HR and OD support at all levels within their businesses, and our range of training solutions has helped many managers progress through their organisations, both for their personal benefit and that of their oganisations, who have retained them. More information about what we do can be found across the pages of our website. Please browse around for more information and if you can't find what you are looking for give us a call on 0115 984 3119. Our friendly team of HR professionals is always on hand to help. All of the testimonials and feedback on this website are genuine and have been freely given. We cannot attribute the testimonials we receive unfortunately due to the nature of the work that we undertake. Our clients want confidentiality and appreciate the fact that their people operations are kept private. "I want to thank you so much for all your support during my time as Administration Manager. You have been a pleasure to work with and helped me no end!" "The team are a delight to work with and have offered valuable support and guidance through many different, and sometimes challenging, situations. The experience has been completely positive and I would highly recommend CHaRM for all HR and business management requirements." "As a small organisation that doesn't have an HR department, we have found CHaRM to be an invaluable asset to our business. Working in partnership with the high calibre individuals who make up the CHaRM team, we have been able to manage some potentially difficult employment situations with confidence and efficiency."