107 Educators providing Courses in Nottingham

By Our Hands We Make Our Way

by our hands we make our way


Freckingham Street

Making anything right now is a radical act in defiance of fear: making something however simple seeming – baking bread, making the bed; making art or a garden; a stiff drink or your mind up. It’s time to get creative and figure out how to keep our fingers busy, hearts full and souls satisfied. Time to roll sleeves up and get those hands dirty (as long as you wash ’em before and afterwards!) Finding ways to continue connections and sustain friendship feels so important, we’re glad that you’re a part of our community. Whatever comes next we have to make it together. Even if we can’t be with you here there are things that we’d like to share. There are tools at the workshop waiting for hands to use them. We’ll be glad to see shavehorses, benchhooks, chopping blocks, mallets and whittling tools loaned out to good homes, keeping folk crafting. We were so lucky to recieve a lot of wood before the doors closed, we’d love to see it go out to people who can use it. Let us know if you’d like a delivery of fresh green cherry, birch, whitebeam or oak. There are books in the library that could keep you busy learning something new over the next weeks and months. We’re working online too, hosting a shared space to chip away at whatever you feel like. Making a place to talk, weep, dance, laugh while we carve something beautiful together. Fridays are a good time to try, if someone is in the studio then you are virtually welcome to sit and have a cuppa, what’s on your mind?

Inner Pedagogy/East Midlands Psychedelic Society

inner pedagogy/east midlands psychedelic society


Edward is committed to supporting people move towards wholeness and the role education can play in this process. Edward researches mindfulness, integral and transpersonal psychology and well-being as both a member and convenor of postgraduate research at the Centre for Research in Human Flourishing (University of Nottingham). An avid reader, he is particularly inspired by the writings of Adyashanti, Stanislav Grof, Bernardo Kastrup, Gabor Maté, Rupert Spira, Alan Watts and Ken Wilber. Edward has written numerous articles, book chapters and books on these topics himself. Edward has been rigorously trained, he received a First Class (Hons) Degree in Education and Art from the University of Exeter in 1998 and a PhD in Peace Education and Sociocultural Theory from the University of Birmingham in 2003. Edward is a qualified mindfulness teacher, trained by Patrizia Collard/Enter Mindfulness, a Life Coach and a SoulCollage® Facilitator. He has taken the core modules of the Grof Transpersonal Trainer (GTT) Programme, covering the paradigm of Holotropic Breathwork, The Power Within (Bodywork), Music & Transcendence and Spiritual Emergency. He has also taken elective modules in Jung, Alchemy & The Transformation of Consciousness, and Inner Ethics/Soul Collage. This training has been supplemented by further training from the TRE (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) College and the College of Sound Healing . As part of ongoing quality assurance, Edward receives regular supervision in mindfulness, TRE® and Holotropic Breathwork®, actively researching all of these fields, attending regular conferences, courses and retreats to ensure his work and guidance is informed by deep inner experience and the latest research and good practice. Edward is also a member of the Association for Spiritual Integrity and follows their honour code of ethics and good practice for individuals. Edward has attended a Quaker meeting all of his adult life, adopting a contemplative and universal approach to spirituality. He has served as both a Clerk and Elder to his local. 'Clerkship' involves engaging contemplative approaches and discernment to make spiritually-informed group decisions. Edward continues to practise art, focusing on contemporary altars, shrines and portraiture drawing upon studies at the University of Exeter and the Slade School of Art, London. His work has been shown in numerous exhibitions, winning the prestigious Attenborough Prize in 2011. Edward accepts commissions and much of his work is available for sale. Artwork can be an excellent tool for integration and creativity is employed to help with this process in many of Edward’s courses and workshops.

Trent Valley Woodturners

trent valley woodturners


Trent Valley Woodturners are a club of 60+ members who meet on a regular basis to discuss and practice the art of wood turning. The club is based in Kegworth, Leicestershire and is situated next to the Village Hall. The workshop is situated in a brand new purpose built facility which was opened in early May 2015. On the second Wednesday of every month the members are entertained with a demonstration from either a professional wood turner or a club member. Demonstrations take place during the evening between 6.30 to 9 pm and are free for all members to attend. Non members are charged £5 for admission. Spaces are limited so be sure to contact the Secretary before arriving. Club activities include a hands on experience several times each month, where members have access to a variety of lathes and workshop equipment. At these meeting the members have the opportunity to use the club facilities or to just discuss ideas or problems with other people. On the third Wednesday of each month, members have the opportunity to socialise, watch DVD’s and discuss problems over tea and coffee. This is a ‘no turning session between 1.30 – 4.30pm. During the Autumn and Winter months, on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, training is given to students new to woodturning. The cost for each 8 week session, 2 hours per night is £64. Due to popular demand training has now been extended to include Friday Mornings, a 8 week course, 3 hours per session costs £96. Anyone interested in joining any of our training classes should contact the Secretary as soon as possible as places are limited. Activities are arranged throughout the year and include all day presentations by professional Woodturners and visits to local wood fairs. At these fairs the members demonstrate their woodturning skills and exhibit some of the items that have been made in the club. Some of these items are sold to the general public and some of the proceeds donated to charity. The club facilities include a variety of lathes and workshop equipment, a library of books/DVDs and a stock of woodturning accessories which include glues, polishes and miscellaneous items. The club has state of the art audio and visual equipment which is used during demonstrations.

Academy Of Beauty Training

academy of beauty training

Sutton in Ashfield

Start your Beauty, Laser or Aesthetic career OR add NEW treatments to your existing business with Academy of Beauty Training, a trusted name for 15 years. Choose from beginners to advanced courses, and systems, using the latest technology, giving your clients/patients the best results possible, Includes your First Years FREE INSURANCE on all our courses. We also offer FREE 5* accommodation located within the same grounds as the academy.  Academy of Beauty Training is a leading beauty and aesthetics training provider, specialising in cutting edge training programmes and systems, offering accredited courses together with your First years Free Insurance for you to work legally on paying clients/patients. For all your Express Education. We offer Beauty Therapy Specialist (Level 2 & 3) Courses together with a full range of advanced treatment courses such as (Level 4) Painless 3-Wave Diode Laser SHR Fast Hair Removal, IPL (Intense pulsed light) Photo-Rejuvenation and Super-Fast Hair Removal, Combined Diode Laser & Photo-Rejuvenation, Radio Frequency Microneedle & Fractional treatment courses. Ultrasound Lipo-Cavitation, Slimming, Cellulite, Reduction and Radio Frequency Skin Lifting & Tightening to Fibroblast and Ultrasound Diamond Dermabrasion Courses.  We use the latest advancements for all new treatments and procedures including non-invasive Anti-ageing face & body courses.  We also supply the latest State-of-the-art Systems at huge discount prices for all our learners.