525 Educators providing Courses in Manchester

Oxbridge Tutorial

oxbridge tutorial


Our services are customised and tailored to your individual needs. If you are doing Under-graduation, Master Degree, Diploma, Professional Degree or PhD, then we are here to help you. Our main services are as below. Essay & Assignment Writing Service UK Writing concise, coherent, well balanced and critical essays or assignments is the most important aspect of any academic course in the UK in almost all subject areas. This is also the preferred mode of assessment by the universities. Most students however need to develop skills and acquire knowledge required for writing essays and achieve better grades. Without these skills, many students end up being surprised and disappointed by their grades. There is however good news, our experts are here to help! With advanced degree in their fields including PhDs and many years’ experience of mentoring students, our experts are well placed to advise you on how to get your essay done and much more. Please call us to discuss your exact requirements and to know how our experts can help! Our focus is towards offering writing essay service with satisfaction guaranteed. Dissertation Writing Service Dissertation is the single most important piece of work in your academic career that does not only determine the final grade that you achieve in your degree but also plays a key role in defining your future career direction. Many graduates find themselves being questioned about their dissertation or the final year project during job interviews. It is therefore critical for every student to write an impressive dissertation. This is however easier said than done. Most universities have very high expectations but offer only limited tutorial support. Writing dissertation is a serious piece of research that requires conformity to strict criteria such as the rigour, validity, generalisability and the contribution to the body of knowledge. There are also strict norms in terms of data gathering, analysis and presentation as well as that for structuring the dissertation. Again, this is where our experts can help and guide you through this process. We provide individual attention and work with your exact requirements to chart out a strategy to continuously assist you in dissertation writing service. Please call us to discuss your requirements with one of our trained student councillors.

Skillsafe First Aid Training And Consultancy

skillsafe first aid training and consultancy


We are an independent company covering the areas of Greater Manchester, Lancashire/Fylde Coast, Kirklees and Huddersfield. Our aim is to provide quality training in Emergency Life Support and Key First Aid Skills which is easily accessible for everyone. With this in mind, we have devised a range of First Aid courses which are budget-friendly and tailored to specific groups. We are passionate about the importance of learning First Aid and the impact this can have on saving lives. The SkillSafe approach is that you are never too young to start learning these vital skills. Did you know? – Every year there are around 30,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests across the UK but sadly, less than 1 in 10 survive. In countries where CPR is already taught in schools, cardiac arrest survival rates are more than double those of the UK. We specialise in the delivery of training to schools and colleges, as such we are delighted that CPR and Emergency First Aid is to be introduced onto the curriculum in 2020. This presents a fantastic opportunity for young people to develop valuable life skills which will enable them to help others when the need arises while staying safe. We offer key stage appropriate courses for primary, secondary schools and academies. In addition, we provide vocational First Aid courses and curriculum enrichment training for colleges. If you are a club or organisation for young people we will work in partnership with you to deliver themed training or Summer School activities. Becoming a new parent or grandparent is an exciting and happy event, it can also bring natural apprehension – What happens if something goes wrong? Keeping fingers crossed can’t help in an emergency but equipping yourself with First Aid knowledge and skills certainly can. SkillSafe offer a practical, hands on course – First Aid for Babies and Children – as part of our Community Programme. Are you a carer for a partner, family member or friend? You may be a volunteer working with a local community group. SkillSafe offer an Essential Steps in First Aid course which covers First Aid for adults including those who may be vulnerable. If you are caring for someone elderly, then our First Aid for Older Ages course may be the one for you. This focuses on first aid treatment for accidents and common conditions which can affect older people. For a full overview of these and more please see our Courses Page and enquire today to find your training solution with SkillSafe.

Feelgood Theatre Productions

feelgood theatre productions


Founded by Artistic Director Caroline Clegg Feelgood have been creating award winning theatre since 1994 fusing the unusual with the imaginative - classical texts and ground breaking new commissions at traditional and site specific venue. A cappella singing and drumming, Shakespeare and African dance, abseiling, pyrotechnics and fire sculpting with music and drama - in parks, cliff tops, garden centres, African townships, museums and traditional theatres, national tours and West End transfers. We have distinguished ourselves with an array of acclaimed shows following our spectacular launch with the musical Our Girls in 1994, where the audience lined the runway at Barton Aerodrome and looked on in awe as a World War II bomber landed to disembark the cast. We have followed that with 24 years of incredible productions: Blue Remembered Hills, Pictures at An Exhibition, (Mussorgsky), La Boheme (Puccini), Wind in the Willows, Robin Hood, The Wizard of Oz, Rosa, The Three Musketeers, Dracula - The Blood Count, Arthur - King of the Britons, Macbeth and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, national tours and West End transfers of Not About Heroes, and we were honoured to be presented to HM The Queen and HRH Duke of Edinburgh at the opening of The Lowry theatre where we opened our production of Crystal Clear followed by The Wizard Of Oz, which sold out for their first Christmas show. Integral to each production is our commitment to making innovative education and community programmes. In 2007, Artistic Director Caroline Clegg and the company were awarded the prestigious Horniman Award at the Manchester Evening News Awards for their outstanding contribution to live theatre. They also hold the Angel Award for Artistic Excellence and Caroline was awarded the John Thaw Fellowship at the University of Manchester in honour of her companies work. In 2002 we developed Romeo & Juliet - Thando & Ruvhengo a riveting multi-cultural production made in Bulawayo Zimbabwe and performed in Bulawayo, Harare and Manchester as part of the Culture Shock Commonwealth Games programme. The journey was made into an award-winning documentary. In 2009 we collaborated in Manchester with the thrilling company exiled from Zimbabwe Theatre Under Fire to create our incredibly moving Macbeth in Heaton Park. In 2010 the world premiere of Slave - A Question of Freedom (the story of Mende Nazer) followed a trajectory of thrilling work from Africa that aims to celebrate the joy of diversity and raise awareness of modern slavery. It won the Pete Postlethwaite Best New Play Award and the Inaugural Human Trafficking Foundation Media Award which was presented at No 10 Downing Street. It was also performed in the House of Lords to aid the Nuba Mountains Solidarity campaign to highlight not only slavery in Sudan but the continued persecution of the Nuba people. In 2014 on the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the Frist World War we followed in the footsteps of Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon went on an 18 venue national and European tour of Not About Heroes. We began at Craiglockhart War Hospital and toured across the UK to places pertinent to them both including La Maison Forestiers – (the Foresters House) in Ors France where Wilfred Owen spent his last few days before a 5 week residency beginning on the 11th of November at the Trafalgar Studios in the West End. The same year Feelgood were honoured with a second Lord Mayor's Civic Reception for our dedication to the arts. Alongside this tour we also created an international poetry competition to raise awareness of PTSD. Workshops took place at Catterick Garrison and in schools and community venues at our 18 venues culminating in a special winners award ceremony in 2015. Heaton Park is a special place for Feelgood. We used to tour our summer open-air shows across the country and went to Heaton in 1998 where we performed for 11 yrs. After a gap of 9 years we returned in May 2016 with Whispers of Heaton. We presented two new immersive site-specific commission plays, The Bugler and The Fight to commemorate the Battle of the Somme and the Manchester Pals regiments in Heaton Hall and Park. This announced our return to Heaton, the place we love to call our spiritual home and where we are now the Official Theatre Partner with Manchester City Council. In the summer of 2017 we brought back our open-air promenade productions with A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The park is a unique place with hundreds of stories to tell and we aim to reveal them as we re-ignite a passion for culture in the park. Our long term vision which we announced at a special dinner hosted by our sponsor PZ Cussons on November 14th 2017 is to build a theatre in the park. We are in year two of our vision development which is called ‘Field of Dreams’. We are undertaking a feasibility study in consultation with Manchester City Council in line with their new Manchester Park Strategy. We hope a Feelgood Theatre in the Park will be a cultural space for world class theatre, music, dance and open air activities. Heaton Park is cherished by so many and our aim is that we build a lasting legacy to ensure that theatre can be accessed by everyone.

Xaverian College

xaverian college


Jesus Christ taught that God is at the centre of our lives and that the love of truth and concern for the needs of others must be fundamental to our way of living. Inspired by Jesus Christ and by the missionary zeal of their founder, Theodore James Ryken, the Xaverian Brothers are dedicated to the creation of schools and colleges as communities in which these truths are the guiding principles and in which the spiritual, moral and intellectual talents of their students are nurtured. A Xaverian college must provide opportunities for growth in the knowledge and practice of the Roman Catholic religion through prayer, worship, study and service to others in and beyond the college community. The obligation to help students to develop all their talents calls for a commitment on our part to good teaching, dedicated pastoral care and a readiness to relate to students both inside and outside the classroom. Through this commitment, the students will experience and respond to the good will and concern of their teachers. The cause of justice is an essential theme in the message of Christianity. In a Xaverian college, staff and students will be conscious of the demands of social justice in local, national and international issues and will seek to discover ways in which they can most appropriately respond as individuals and as a community. Our students are living in a secular society where persuasive forces influence them away from a spiritual view of life. In the same spirit of faith and hope which inspired our founder, we wish to commend to our students a way of life which is rooted in the love of God and our neighbour.

Community Prospects

community prospects


We are taking measures to ensure that the wellbeing of all employees, students and suppliers is paramount during this global pandemic. Official guidance from WHO and PHE is being monitored to ensure compliance and appropriate responses. All staff have been fully briefed with regard to appropriate practices to ensure the spread of the virus is minimised. By maintaining rigorous cleanliness and hygiene standards across all of our sites we aim to minimise the spread of the virus. Full Risk Assessments have been adopted and we are working with customers, families, carers and other third parties to ensure appropriate management of our practices and procedures. Flexible, engaging and fully supported vocational day provision for young adults 16-24 and adults 25+ with mild to moderate learning difficulties/disabilities, brain injuries, autism and/or mental health located in Great Barr and Tamworth. Since 1996 we have recognised that adults who learn differently can enjoy increased independence, improved wellbeing and greater life choices through our vocational learning provision. The cut-backs in free education courses through colleges has necessitated an alternative approach which led to the establishment of Community Prospects. We felt that it was crucial that the continued funding changes should not take away the significant progress that we had seen in 100’s of students since 1996. Creating Bird Boxes For The Wildlife Trust "Creating bird boxes for The Wildlife Trust" Enjoy practical learning without deadlines or difficult workbooks "Designed, built and painted a large jenga puzzle for a special school" Positive outcomes: We focus on encouraging learners to be more independent by: Increasing confidence through success Turning a ‘can’t do’ attitude into ‘a can do’ belief Empowerment to make greater life choices Fostering improved health and wellbeing Greater awareness of health and safety Personal and social development Team building Interaction with the community Learning through our Social Enterprises Help and Guidance in the Woodcraft Workshop "Support and guidance in the Woodcraft Workshop" Projects available include: Woodcraft Design and building bird boxes, bird tables, insect hotels, and hedgehog houses Working with The Wildlife Trust to install bird boxes in key breeding areas Craft and design Furniture restoration Car valeting Hospitality and catering Horticulture These projects will be available through various workshops depending on the location. Our promise: All learners will be supported by our trained, caring and experienced staff who will ensure safe and interactive environments. All staff are fully DBS checked and we operate clear safeguarding and risk assessment policies and procedures. Delivered through: Flexible vocational learning focussed on increasing employability, life and social skills, as well as improving health and wellbeing Opportunities for problem solving and decision making Available from 2 to 5 days per week Practical, hands-on learning that is not academically demanding Learning in bite-sized chunks within the workshops Practical learning with some work focused activities and community interaction Person Centred learning focussed on the learner’s needs, capabilities and aspirations No pressure, no deadlines, no difficult workbooks

Integrative Therapies Training Unit

integrative therapies training unit


Welcome to The Christie School of Oncology’s Integrative Therapies Training Unit (ITTU). As a world renowned ITTU, we are delighted to offer a range of educational events including standalone workshops, diplomas and conferences for integrative therapists, complementary therapists, Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) and researchers. The content of some of our events are also suited to nurses and medical staff. At the ITTU, we have been proudly supporting all our students for more than 20 years, providing them with training that is well researched, informative and evidence-based and reflective of up-to-date clinical practice. All our educational events are designed to provide students with continuing professional development (CPD) certifications and to equip them with practical knowledge and skills that they can integrate into the healthcare they provide to their own patients, as well as carers. Our team of both internal and external fully-qualified facilitators are all passionate about producing and delivering an extensive programme of events, which we are sure you will find informative and inspiring. You can view our current range of educational events, including courses, diplomas and conferences on our current courses page or by downloading our our Integrative Therapies Training Unit brochure. If you would like to receive the latest updates about our study days, diplomas and conferences direct to your inbox, please sign up to our School of Oncology mailing list and specify ‘integrative therapies’ as your area of interest. For more information, please contact the Integrative Therapies Training Unit at the-christie.ittu@nhs.net