429 Educators providing Courses in Manchester

Oxbridge Tutorial

oxbridge tutorial


Our services are customised and tailored to your individual needs. If you are doing Under-graduation, Master Degree, Diploma, Professional Degree or PhD, then we are here to help you. Our main services are as below. Essay & Assignment Writing Service UK Writing concise, coherent, well balanced and critical essays or assignments is the most important aspect of any academic course in the UK in almost all subject areas. This is also the preferred mode of assessment by the universities. Most students however need to develop skills and acquire knowledge required for writing essays and achieve better grades. Without these skills, many students end up being surprised and disappointed by their grades. There is however good news, our experts are here to help! With advanced degree in their fields including PhDs and many years’ experience of mentoring students, our experts are well placed to advise you on how to get your essay done and much more. Please call us to discuss your exact requirements and to know how our experts can help! Our focus is towards offering writing essay service with satisfaction guaranteed. Dissertation Writing Service Dissertation is the single most important piece of work in your academic career that does not only determine the final grade that you achieve in your degree but also plays a key role in defining your future career direction. Many graduates find themselves being questioned about their dissertation or the final year project during job interviews. It is therefore critical for every student to write an impressive dissertation. This is however easier said than done. Most universities have very high expectations but offer only limited tutorial support. Writing dissertation is a serious piece of research that requires conformity to strict criteria such as the rigour, validity, generalisability and the contribution to the body of knowledge. There are also strict norms in terms of data gathering, analysis and presentation as well as that for structuring the dissertation. Again, this is where our experts can help and guide you through this process. We provide individual attention and work with your exact requirements to chart out a strategy to continuously assist you in dissertation writing service. Please call us to discuss your requirements with one of our trained student councillors.

Altrincham College

altrincham college


As Headteacher of Altrincham College I count myself very fortunate to be leading a happy school where all members of our community are valued for the contributions they make, enabling them to flourish in complex and demanding times. Together we provide an environment where learning is actively sought and highly prized by students and staff, energising them to improve further and releasing the positive energy that naturally exists within all people. I believe that outstanding teaching leads to outstanding learning which has a direct impact on behaviour, attendance and staff and student well-being. As we move forward, we will maintain a sharp focus on the quality of teaching in the classroom, in assemblies and in extra-curricular activities in order to ensure all-round rapid academic progress for years to come through creativity and innovation. We know that when children and young people feel safe, cared for and have a positive outlook on life, they are able to learn. Not only do they learn but they learn well and work diligently. I believe this environment has been established at our school however we cannot rest on our laurels; the best must be maintained and the rest built upon further as students’ differing needs must be catered for to the best of our ability. As Headteacher I will work hard to ensure that Altrincham College provides and accesses as much support as possible for our students and their families so that we continue to remove barriers to learning. Students who attend our school are immersed in an exciting, well-rounded education; they are able to access a curriculum where they have fun and which sets them up for achieving excellent outcomes for themselves, establishing them as lifelong learners and future leaders in whatever field they choose to go into; they are free to question, nurturing their curious minds and they take educational risks in order to make sense of the world. Altrincham College provides children and young people with a disciplined, supportive environment within which they can be themselves and achieve anything they put their minds to.