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322 Educators providing Courses in Manchester

International Brass Band Summer School

international brass band summer school


The IBBSS looks forward to giving our guests a warm welcome. The quality of the faculty virtually ensures a high-octane adventure for everyone involved. Located at University of Wales, Swansea, which overlooks the majestic panorama of Swansea Bay, all participants will be spoilt for choice both in the realm of music and holidaying options on offer. As in any learning situation, the bottom line rests with the quality of the faculty, and in this case, it is as good as it gets anywhere in the world. Each member of the faculty is internationally renowned, not only for their musical and performance expertise but also their social skills, a consequence of a regular diet of globe-trotting, performing and conducting master-classes to people of all ages and abilities. It was famously said of the Artistic Director, Dr. Nicholas Childs, that if he had played the cello rather than the euphonium, his name would have been Rostropovich. He is now perhaps more widely known as Artistic Director of the world-famous Black Dyke Band. Meanwhile, the instrumental tutors represent the cream of Britain’s incredibly talented core of brilliant instrumentalists: the incredible Tom Hutchinson from The Cory Band, Daniel Thomas, Richard Marshall and Brett Baker from Black Dyke, Freelance soloist Owen Farr and Gary Curtin from the Fodens Band. Under their expert tutelage you will be given the opportunity to explore new repertoire, meet new friends and generally have a fantastic time. For those applicants who possess an overwhelming desire to seriously improve their all-round playing skills and musical understanding, then, without doubt, they have chosen wisely, for the fixed intention is to provide them with a learning experience of a lifetime, whilst still allowing time and space for holiday fun. If the aim is to balance a general improvement in overall playing standards with making new like-minded friends, whilst enjoying a little more time in the sun amidst great surroundings, then look no further. In short, everyone enrolled in the summer course will be able to design a great banding holiday with precisely as much music making as is desired. The International Brass Band Summer School also caters for non-participating and non-residential visitors. For those who want to brush up on their brass band skills whilst their partners soak up the sun in a sublime environment, rest assured, this will resemble Christmas in the summer.

Lenticular Futures

lenticular futures


We're transforming psychotherapy and counselling in three ways: We are re-thinking all therapeutic theory to situate the individual in wider contexts and systems. We ask how everything is connected, by whom and with what consequences! Join us in decolonising, depathologising and ecologising practice, theory and research We can help therapists and training institutes develop future oriented technological competence for more accessible practice. Why is that important? There is a need to decolonise and depathologise the theory and practice of psychotherapy and counselling. We need to understand the problems of the individual as situated in a world which is socially, culturally and economically unbalanced. And we need to have ways of recognising and working with people's complex intersectional community memberships, experiences and talents in therapy. Why now? We are living in a panmorphic crisis (Simon 2021). It's a good time to read the writing on the wall and take action. We can do this by making decolonising and depathologising theory and practice, by responding with EcoSystemic ways of working, by critically engaging with accessible and future oriented technological possibilities. What work do we do? The key areas of our work are Training - Research - Consultancy. We run workshops and seminars to create and support decolonised, depathologised and ecosystemic ways of working. We host conferences on social issues affecting psychotherapy and counselling practice and training. We introduce psychotherapists and their training organisations to new technologies and intramediality to help make learning and assessment more accessible and culturally relevant. We produce research reports on future technology for therapy; neurodiverse therapy; therapeutic space; ecosystemic therapy; indigenous knowing and practice in therapy; new ways of training and assessing counselling and psychotherapy trainees; more... We consult to training organisations and professional membership bodies to help them improve the experience and success of trainees from diverse communities We run leadership and organisational development groups for leaders and managers who are developing inclusive therapeutic services What kind of organisation is Lenticular Futures? We are becoming a Community Interest Company. That means we are a Not For Profit and all proceeds from work support free or low cost projects and research within the organisation. How do we fund this work? We charge for workshops, conferences and seminars we host. We apply for funding. We welcome donations for specific projects or in general What does Lenticular mean? Lenticular Futures is a term borrowed from a paper by Professor Wanda Pillow (link). It's a prompt to hold in mind past, present and future when you meet people or see something. It's an invitation to notice the neurotypical, heteronormative, eurocentric lenses we have been taught to look through and check who-what we are including and who-what we are excluding. It comes from noticing what Wanda calls a "whiteout" in academic and professional literature of Global Majority contributors. This is an era for new curricula and making new theory and practice. Our professions can easily lead changes in the balance of power and develop more user friendly ways of working. What are our philosophical objectives? To theorise and interrogate fundamental taken for granteds in the cultural bias of theory and practice. To develop a lenticular ideology of psychotherapy and counselling which integrates and is led by decolonising, depathologising, ecosystemic, contextual influences of planet and co-inhabitants. To redress the exclusion of knowledge from oppressed population groups. To support therapeutic practices which are generated from within communities. To understand and address systemic influences of capitalism on wellbeing. To critically work with the socio-techno world in which we live. To get that systemic understanding of the world is an overarching metatheory for all our modalities. To decolonise means not having a disordered attachment to theories of disorder. Who are we? The co-founders are experienced psychotherapists and organisational consultants. We bring a vast amount of experience in systemic thinking about organisations, culture, therapy and counselling training, research and management. We also know how to create initiatives from within the margins. The co-founders are Dr Julia Jude, Dr Gail Simon, Rukiya Jemmott, Dr Leah Salter, Kiri Summers, Dr Liz Day, Dr Birgitte Pedersen, Anne Bennett, Naz Nizami, Dr Francisco Urbistondo Cano and Amanda Middleton. Forthcoming events Lenticular Futures: Crafting Practices beyond this Unravelled World FLIP@Brathay 2nd & 3rd May 2022 https://lf2022.eventbrite.co.uk Indigenous and Decolonising Knowledge and Practice Decolonising Therapeutic Practice read-watch-listen-make groups Future Tech to improve experiences for people doing therapy and in therapy training EcoSystemic Return Reading Seminars Professional Wellbeing events Walking and Outdoors Therapy Creating Decolonised Participatory Groups Systemic Practice and Autism Conference Writing Performance as Research Film, podcast, documentary making with people doing training and therapy Watch this page and our Eventbrite page - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - Therapy in a Panmorphic World This era of panmorphic crisis requires urgent, creative, ethics-led responses. Most of the professional theories we live by came into being without their ideological foundations being questioned. We cannot take a step further in this world without a commitment to developing awareness of parallel, criss-crossing, multidimensional, transtemporal, transcultural, transmaterial elements of living – and how they interact. No Meaning Without Context The key systemic value of understanding context is paramount to inquiry, to understanding what is happening and how to move as a relational, situated participant-player. But the contexts in play are often hidden, erased, elusive or remote, and it can be plain hard to see-feel-understand the knowledges and experiences specific to other places, people or disciplines. The Individual Is Not The Problem The psych professions confuse this further through the decontextualising practices of individualising and pathologising explanation of why some people see some things one way and not another. Furthermore, the social construction of truth is a debate that transcends academia and has been put to work by political agendas to foster an era of mistrust of truth. People are now aware that “truth” can be put to work for objectives other than the common good. This undermines social justice issues and what counts as information. Voices from within a community, from within lived experience are undermined by voices from without of those contexts often without a critique of power relations. A Fresh Look at Training Counsellors and "Psycho"therapists We cannot train relational practitioners in aboutness-withoutness ways of thinking. It separates people from place and history, and it creates colonisers and pathologisers whose practices become policy and influence the majority’s “common sense”. Opportunities for other kinds of learning are lost. The first language of the psycho professions of “talking therapy”, whatever its modality, is excluding of other ways of moving on safely and creatively together. The psychotherapies are playing catch-up in how people use technology to communicate in their everyday lives. A Paradigm Shift for Therapy and Counselling The Black Lives Matter movement offers a choice. It can be treated as a passing protest or a cultural shift. This organisation chooses to take the position that no-one should choose to be unchanged by Black Lives Matter. The question is how to be changed in ways that will contribute to a better world? This is more than a matter of equal rights. It is about safety now, it is about heritage, rich, stolen, re-interpreted, it is about past, present and future being held in mind, all the time. Professional practice needs to scrutinise its theoretical heritage with its hidden ideological assumptions to study and guide our ways forward into a new era, to meet change with culturally appropriate language, local knowledges, and ways of being and imagining.

Medicine Answered

medicine answered


Mission Statement Medicine Answered was founded by doctors and communications experts with the primary of aim of providing a comprehensive knowledge platform for aspiring doctors. As well as delivering specialist medical school interview courses, medical interview coaching and applications review services, all of which are carried out by qualified doctors. At Medicine Answered we provide free one stop guides covering all aspects of the medical school application process and beyond. From deciding whether medicine is the right career for you; to picking medical schools in the UK and abroad; the secrets to securing relevant medical work experience and writing medical school personal statements; all the way to what it is like to be a fully qualified doctor and working in the NHS. All of these aspects are also covered thoroughly in our medical school courses. Our Values With competition for medical school places becoming more and more intense each year, we believe that preparation is the key to succeeding in your medical school application. For this reason all of our courses are delivered by qualified doctors, who themselves received all four offers when applying to medical school. We do not cut corners or over fill sessions, we believe in providing the best possible, bespoke service to ensure that every student who attends our courses or uses our services comes away feeling confident and ready to excel in their interview. Our Guarantee At Medicine Answered we believe in our medical school courses and all of the services that we offer, we believe that they offer exceptional value and are highly effective. We are so confident in our services that we offer a number of guarantees. We guarantee that all of our courses are created and delivered by a doctor. We guarantee that all group sessions are kept to a maximum of 12. We guarantee the highest standards, service quality & satisfaction. We guarantee a full refund should you not be fully satisfied with our services. Our Company With many companies now offering medical school courses we felt that it was essential to provide a reliable, reputable service delivered exclusively by doctors. This is also why we provide a wealth of FREE guides and articles on our website which are all carefully and accurately written by doctors to assist everyone whether you can attend one of our courses or not. We believe that medical school education should not be about your background but based on merit, hard work and ability. So whether you choose to attend one of our courses or not, you will no doubt still benefit from our comprehensive, reliable medical school application guides.




Our approach to all we do is governed by our commitment to make a positive difference to children. We are a specialist primary-focused organisation as we want to make sure that each school we work with is distinctive as a unique primary school. Each school is an integral part of the Trust. This means that they are involved in decision making for the Trust as a whole. When schools have joined Focus-Trust we aim to: identify their needs and make sure these are addressed; know how much impact their work is having on children’s academic progress and well-being; be a self-sustaining, autonomous organisation; take decisions about their preferred future; and work with the Focus-Trust team to ensure highly effective governance. There is an expectation that successful schools will work with others and share best practice. It is the responsibility of every school to make a positive difference to others. This work will help to build the capacity of the Focus-Trust and provide both CPD and career opportunities for all staff. What makes the Focus-Trust distinctive? A 30 year track record of our sponsor Focus Education supporting schools to be the best they can be. A wealth of experience and practical resources matched to the needs of the primary phase. A team of excellent people who work with schools across England. A commitment to excellent primary practice. Effective systems and procedures to ensure that the conversion to academy status is as smooth and hassle-free as possible. A network of schools across England that work with Focus Education, so can pull on a wealth of best primary practice. What are the benefits of being part of the Focus-Trust? Supported through the conversion process. Access to package of Focus Education consultancy support tailored to your needs. You are the Trust! In other words, you take a role in the decision making and steering the future direction of the Focus-Trust. Network and share with other schools wider than your immediate locality. Access to reduced cost CPD. Financial savings through economies of scale. On-going challenge and support to ensure that leadership (including governance) enables the academy to be the best it can be. Longer term career development opportunities for team members. Gain academy freedoms and autonomy whilst being part of a wider family offering security and collaboration. School-to-school support and CPD. Comprehensive Responsive Professional Learning Programme We wanted to be an academy but knew we didn’t want to go-it-alone. We chose to be part of the Focus-Trust because we trust their school improvement expertise and have valued their partnership approach.(Primary Headteacher) Every conversation is professional development, we are improving every day. (Primary Headteacher)

Raise Up Business Club (Silke Thistlewood)

raise up business club (silke thistlewood)


I (Silke Thistlewood, that’s me on the left with my 2 girls) set up a local networking group for mums in early 2017 after returning from (self employed) maternity leave and feeling decidedly isolated. I had lost my business mojo, felt pretty lonely, and couldn’t make any of the existing networking meetings (no babies allowed, too early, too late etc) so I decided to start my own. I called it Tonbridge Mums in Business and its facebook group grew to 500 members within just a few weeks (it surpassed 1,000 quite some time ago now). We’ve been having regular meetings ever since and the facebook community has grown from strength to strength, with the Thursday promotional thread having become a thing of legend. You have to see it to believe the amount of local talent! And now RuBC_LogoFinal_White_Rose.png In early 2019 I felt is was time to raise the bar and level up - in my own businesses and for the group. I had for some time been wanting to add more value for members - more structure, support and resources (mailing lists for meeting reminders, access to talks members can’t attend, accountability, goal setting etc). With 2 other businesses to run and young kids to look after this was logistically and financially not possible on a voluntary basis (paying for the yearly website subscription alone made my eyes water…..) so I made the decision to introduce a membership structure and a charge for the meetings. I very much hope that the pricing structure I have decided on reflects the value current members have gained from the group and the meetings, and the fact that most of us are working with small margins and reduced working hours crammed around child care and other responsibilities. To set the group apart from other networking meetings in the area, which are confusingly similar in name, the group has been re-branded and has a new name that I feel embodies what the group and community are - supportive, encouraging, non judgemental, inclusive, friendly and quite frankly, magical. I am blown away at each and every meeting by the friendships and kindness that members show each other. What you can expect Community, support, encouragement, friendship, collaborations, inspiration, education - online and in real life across both communities. Weekly check-ins, accountability prompts in the membership community to keep you on track, inspired and safe in the knowledge that this group of women will always have your back. We also co-work in real life and on zoom, go on walks together, discuss books and have coaching sessions with the one and only Action Woman. A wider community of businesses in the free facebook group with the chance to promote your business each Thursday, as well as getting to know others and forming friendships and a basis for collaborations. Someone will always have an answer to any questions you might have - business or otherwise. Regular networking meetings with expert speakers, mingling and cake and/or wine - and not an elevator pitch in sight (so no need to feel nervous). Easy going networking, without the need to “work the room” or hand out business cards at super sonic speed. Our meetings are informal but effective. Low key but inspirational, educational and supportive. Some kind words from business women in the community “There is always a warm excited, inclusive buzz within the group, with many friendships that have been formed over time and I know that some of us have started either using each other’s products or services – or formed collaborations with each other. It’s like a girls night out every month in Tonbridge! SAM HOGWOOD, ESCAPE FROM THE CITY This group has been very welcoming from my first step into my first meeting. I have found everyone in the group to be friendly and supportive of each other and encouraging of the development of one another's businesses. The facebook group and meetings have allowed for shared knowledge and experience in developing each others businesses. I have made great business links and come into work through the group, both paid and through joint collaborations. I have also made some lovely friends through the group which has been a really lovely added bonus CLAIRE READER, CAPTURE ME HAPPY PHOTOGRAPHY I started my Virtual Assistant business in the middle of last year and I am a regular on the weekly Thursday updates. These updates are great as not only do people learn how your business is growing but you can support and find out about other local businesses on your doorstep. I have not made it to one of the networking events that Silke kindly arranges yet, but I will, and when I do, I am sure it will be even more beneficial to my start up business than the group has been so far. EMMA HAGGART, KENT VIRTUAL ASSISTANT Since setting up my hypnotherapy business in 2018, I've found the support of this talented and diverse group to be wonderful. It's great knowing I am not alone in being new to setting up a business, and coming up against many of the same issues as others in the group. This is so reassuring, and I have really benefited from the shared knowledge, passion and experience of everyone in the group. Meet ups are friendly and dynamic, and the topics very fitting. I've made some good contacts and will always recommend fellow business owners where I can. Thanks to Silke this group has really grown and developed and I look forward to further collaboration this year.

The Flowhesion Foundation Research Centre for BAMER Research

the flowhesion foundation research centre for bamer research


Imam Abdul Hafeez Siddique is the Founder and CEO of The Flowhesion Foundation. He is an experienced, qualified Muslim Chaplain who studied at a traditional Islamic seminary in Bolton. Abdul graduated from the seminary at the age of 17 making him, at the point of qualification, one of the youngest Imam’s in Britain. Post qualification, he serves as a Muslim Chaplain at HMP Wymott where he works as part of a multi-disciplinary, multi-faith team. Abdul has a strong academic background in community cohesion and social capital research. After completing his undergraduate degree in this field, he was awarded a postgraduate scholarship by the Mariott Trust. Subsequently this led him to become the first person in the Northwest to look in to how members of the South-Asian Muslim community in Bolton interpreted the terminology and lexicology surrounding community cohesion. He asked these difficult questions to marginalised members of the bamer community. The research allowed Abdul to undertake an in-depth theoretical study of the evolution of the concept: community cohesion and his in-depth qualitative interviews formed the basis of his study that was supervised by Professor Carole Truman and Dr Margaret Boneham at the University of Bolton. This seminal study came to fruition in the form of a thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) titled ‘A critical analysis of Cantle’s (2001) community cohesion model and its applicability to marginalised elements of Bolton’s south-asian Muslim Community’ that was awarded to him in 2011. In addition, Abdul has over 10 years experience working with socially excluded immigrant BAME communities and their representatives in Bolton to promote community cohesion and build social capital.

Clair Anderson

clair anderson


Hi 😊😊 I’m Clair. Founder of be your own kind of beautiful - community local well-being hub fb page of inspiration reiki training academy Also.. A human being - or rather a spiritual Being having a human experience 😊 A mum - of 3 beautiful ones A nannie- of 2 gorgeous little ones A wife of the less conventional kind… we don’t live together but we do life together as a team❤️ ( Dave lives above be your own kind of beautiful😊) A cat owner that is in fact totally owned by her cat🤪🤪 A daughter who’s parents have supported me so much through the years I am totally Blessed 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 A woman, with a mission to be my own kind of beautiful regardless of what society says I ‘should be’ Or should do. On a mission to inspire you to be your own kind of beautiful too. I’m Obsessed with self help self development self healing and reiki 😊🙏🏻 I have been an avid implementer of ‘do what you can with where you are at and with what you got’ I have many chronic physical health Conditions that slow me Down, but never hold Me Back. I’ve endured & overcome- Crippling anxiety & depression, PTSD x4!!! Agoraphobia A Mega negative mindset!! An emotionally abusive soul destroying marriage Thyroid cancer Chronic illness A decade of undiagnosed illness The Food banks & Pinch loo roll kinda poverty I could be an agony aunt lol !! I’m not. I’m a Reiki & Meditation Teacher. NLP Life Coach and my full time job is Uber ing my kids about 🤪 But all of this is what drives me to help others take their power back and help themselves to help themselves. Reiki allows me to live well despite my health issues. Infact being on a constant self healing and rising back mission - my health issues are the driving force behind everything I do! I am dedicated to my Path, I’m here to serve, so much so I actually Married the universe at crosby beach a couple Of years ago 😊🙏🏻 with my little people and a statue As my witnesses 😊😊 Be your own kind of beautiful, was a dream I had of ‘passionate about your well-being’ teachers and therapists all available In one place so that you can explore and experiment and find the well-being magic that works for you. Right on your doorstep. But also as a platform for new passionate teachers and therapists to find their feet. And get their magic out to the world. Supporting with a space to work from. advertising, marketing, and any advice I can help with in getting started in business. I teach Reiki in the studio- group classes and one2one training. This year imy first ever online Reiki Training adventure 😍 I’m in the therapy room Tuesdays for Reiki & Relaxation sessions and one2one training. You can join me for all things Reiki in my free fb group 👇👇👇 Be Reiki

Prima Ultima

prima ultima


Prima Ultima is the official UK distributor for the dermal filler brand Zhoabex which is a product of the Swiss company Rose Pharma that prides itself in developing safe treatments for the professional aesthetic market. Prima Ultima was founded by Lana Quigley a former Lawyer with 20 years of experience in the legal system who saw a gap in the market that required patient safety. ‘I was struck by how many unscrupulous and unlicensed manufacturers and practitioners there are in the industry, selling cheap and unregulated fillers, often without a genuine license. I do not feel that anyone should have to pay too high of a price, both financially and health-wise for simply wanting to look their best. From this, Prima Ultima was created. It is certainly an exciting time to be a part of such an exponentially growing and dynamic industry, and it is my goal that Prima Ultima and the products we bring to market, will become synonymous with quality and innovation, combined with ultimate professionalism and next-to-none customer care’ As a company, Prima Ultima has genuinely invested in supplying high-quality, safe, and fully regulated dermal fillers and aesthetic devices- sourced only from reliable, reputable, and cutting-edge manufacturers. Our mission is to provide a layered approach to facial rejuvenation led by experienced medical trainers with the mission to educate, enable, and empower our medical aesthetic practitioners to positively impact the patient thereby allowing them to feel the best that they can possibly feel. Our products and training are diverse to suit every individual need ensuring full support throughout their journey. We are proud to introduce Zhoabex ultra-pure hyaluronic acid dermal filler that combines three molecular weight formulas and addresses all levels of skin goals. Our hero brand is the Zhoabex Soft Touch, renowned for its 4-point biorevaltisaing , bio-stimulating, and bio-regenerating effects as well as restoring volume. We are excited to have you on board.

Warrington Russian Language School Solnyshko

warrington russian language school solnyshko


It all began in June 2012, when a team of parents-enthusiasts set up a Russian speaking parent and toddler group, called “Solnyshko" (loosely translated as “Sunshine”). The aim of this group was to create a Russian speaking environment for their young children and help them in learning the Russian language. The parent and toddler group is aimed at children from 1 to 3 years and operates all year around, excluding school holidays. The sessions include the staples of singing, dancing, nursery rhymes, puppet shows, crafts and sensory activities for the younger ones, as well as themed sessions aimed at expanding vocabulary of a particular topic of the week, basic numeracy and knowledge of the alphabet. Following growing demand and in response to a number of requests, the Committee decided to open a Saturday school for teaching Russian language to older children in more depth. Thus, in September 2013 Warrington Russian Language School “Solnyshko” opened its doors to older children. The opening ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Warrington and accompanying dignitaries. "Solnyshko" has been expanding ever since and currently offers classes to children aged from 3 and 16 years. Classes are organised according to age and knowledge of the Russian language. The curriculum includes lessons of Russian language and literature, expanding vocabulary and music, preparing for Russian language GCSE exam. Our goal - creation of friendly Russian-speaking environment for children, helping them to learn the language, make friends and have fun. We are truly an international school, we unite people from different backgrounds and ethnic groups. The school holds regular “open lessons” and special children performances involving the school’s pupils, where parents have the opportunity to observe the development and success of their children. The Committee and school staff are tirelessly working on creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere in the school, which is important not only for children, but also helps adults to develop and maintain social ties and support each other. The school has a system of seeking parents feedback - in addition to regular parent surveys through written questionnaires, parents are invited to write their comments and suggestions and drop them in the “suggestion box”, located next to the entrance. They are also encouraged to ask questions or make suggestions at any time. The Committee is always glad to welcome new volunteers, who wish to join the management of the school. All school staff are DBS is checked. School teachers have appropriate pedagogical education and experience of working with children. Classes are held each Saturday from 9.30 to 11:50. From 12:00 a selection of clubs start. "Solnyshko" is a not-for-profit organisation, registered with Warrington Borough Council. Families, who have two or more children attending "Solnyshko" are eligible to discounts. Anyone, who is struggling to pay school fees, is encouraged to talk to the school’s Committee, where arrangements could be considered. *** Given the momentum and public support Warrington Russian Language School has received during its temporary closure on 12th of March 2022, we work closely with Warrington Borough Council on two matters: 1. On preventing bullying of kids with links to Russia or Russian language at this difficult time. 2. Working together helping Ukrainian refugees to quickly and successfully integrate into the community by providing translation/interpreting, advice and free lessons in our language school (English, Russian and Ukrainian), as well as access to art/painting, craft, music band, football and other activities in Russian language (as you know, most people in Ukraine can speak Russian language). We have a small database of local people (as well as our own teachers) willing to give their free time to teach various subjects and translate as necessary for the Ukrainian refugees. We also work closely with the community and can propose and host "tea and advice" meet up events in various locations. The temporary closure of our classes on 12th of March was very tough for everyone at Russian Language School "Solnyshko" (parents, pupils, teachers). We were so glad, however, to receive such overwhelming support from local community and happy it's behind us now. We look forward to even closer links to the wider community, St Wilfrids Primary School and Warrington Borough Council.

Clinical Masters

clinical masters


Online Master's degrees in Clinical Psychology 149 Masters Psychology Check match 6,950 EUR / year 2½ years Gain a comprehensive knowledge of the core areas in psychology, as well as the practical skills associated to them with this fully online and part-time Psychology MSc from the University of Liverpool. M.Sc. / Part-time / Online University of Liverpool Online Programmes University of Liverpool Online Programmes Online Featured Health Psychology Check match Tuition unknown 2 years Health Psychology from Ulster University provides stage one of the professional training in Health Psychology. M.Sc. / Part-time, Full-time / Online Ulster University Ulster University Online Featured Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health Online Check match 1,789 EUR / module 2 years This innovative online Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health programme from King's College London provides a comprehensive and integrated exploration of the current understanding of the psychological and neuroscientific basis of mental health. M.Sc. / Part-time / Online King's College London King's College London Online Featured Global Mental Health and Wellbeing Check match 4,480 EUR / full 8 months Curious about the mental health policies adopted by various countries? Then consider the 100% online Postgraduate Certificate in Global Mental Health and Wellbeing from University of Essex Online. Postgraduate Certificate / Part-time / Online University of Essex Online University of Essex Online Online Featured Psychology Check match 24,036 EUR / year 2 years The Graduate Diploma of Psychology at Swinburne Online will teach you to analyse behaviour, disorders and cognitive processes to deepen your understanding of human nature. Postgraduate Diploma / Part-time / Online Swinburne Online Swinburne Online Online Featured Mental Health Psychology Check match 6,950 EUR / year 2½ years Develop your skills within psychology with our 100% online part-time Mental Health Psychology MSc at University of Liverpool Online Programmes. Throughout your studies, you will explore the fundamentals of general psychology and key areas of mental health. M.Sc. / Part-time / Online University of Liverpool Online Programmes University of Liverpool Online Programmes Online Featured Global Mental Health and Wellbeing Check match 6,721 EUR / year 1 year, 4 months Mental health and wellbeing is on everyone’s radar, not just locally but across the world. The pandemic has made us all more aware of how important it is to prioritise our mental health so if you want to explore this further, consider the 100% online Postgraduate Diploma in Global Mental Health and Wellbeing from University of Essex Online. Postgraduate Diploma / Part-time / Online University of Essex Online University of Essex Online Online Featured Global Mental Health and Wellbeing Check match 6,721 EUR / year 2 years The conversation around mental health and wellbeing is becoming increasingly important across the globe, particularly in the aftermath of the Covid pandemic. If you want to be part of a growing industry, consider the 100% online MSc Global Mental Health and Wellbeing from University of Essex Online. M.Sc. / Part-time / Online University of Essex Online University of Essex Online Online Featured Perinatal Mental Health Check match 3,751 EUR / year 3 years On this Perinatal Mental Health course at Sheffield Hallam University, you’ll develop as a healthcare professional specialising in perinatal mental health. M.Sc. / Part-time / Online Sheffield Hallam University Sheffield Hallam University Online Featured Evaluating Psychology - Research and Practice Check match 7,275 EUR / year 1 year, 1 months This Evaluating Psychology - Research and Practice module from The Open University UK examines how cognitive, social, counselling and forensic psychology research fosters understanding and helps to solve real-world problems in three domains - the home, workplace and society. Master / Part-time / Online The Open University UK The Open University UK Online Featured Applied Psychology (Online) Check match 13,869 EUR / year 1½ years Are you fascinated by how the human brain works and passionate about applying these insights to improve the lives of others? If so, Liberty University’s master’s in Applied Psychology (Online) is the program for you! M.A. / Part-time / Online Liberty University Online Liberty University Online Online Featured Psychology (Online) Check match 5,751 EUR / year 1 year, 3 months Accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS), the online Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology (Online) course at University of Derby is ideally suited to anyone who is looking pursue a career in psychology, bringing you one step closer to becoming a Chartered Psychologist. Postgraduate Diploma / Part-time / Online University of Derby Online Learning (UDOL) University of Derby Online Learning (UDOL) Online Featured Psychology Check match 23,199 EUR / year 1 year If you are a psychology graduate, undertake an additional year of study to get registered as a provisional psychologist with the Graduate Diploma of Psychology from Deakin University. Postgraduate Diploma / Part-time, Full-time / On Campus, Online Deakin University Deakin University Multiple locations Featured Clinical Mental Health Counseling Check match 30,953 EUR / year 2 years Our practice-based Clinical Mental Health Counseling program at Auburn University prepares counselors to work in inpatient, outpatient, non-profit, private practice, community agency, governmental, and educational settings. Master / Part-time, Full-time / On Campus, Online Auburn University Auburn University Auburn, Alabama, United States Featured Health Psychology Check match 5,391 EUR / year 2 years This Health Psychology Masters degree at University of Derby is an extremely popular, accredited online Masters. It’s stage one of the professional training in health psychology and is therefore an essential step towards becoming a Chartered Psychologist and a Registered Health Psychologist.. M.Sc. / Part-time / Online University of Derby Online Learning (UDOL) University of Derby Online Learning (UDOL) Online Featured Psychology Check match 11,299 EUR / year 2 years Broaden your mind and kickstart your career in psychology with a BPS accredited Masters from Northumbria University. 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