226 Educators providing Courses in Manchester

Ashdown Education

ashdown education


On behalf of the Ashdown Elementary School (AES) staff, I am happy to welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year. AES is a kindergarten through fifth-grade campus. With this change, there will be a lot of familiar faces, as well as some new ones. One thing that did not change is the hard work that our staff will put in to provide our students with a safe learning environment where our students will be successful! One of the greatest resources at AES is the parents/guardians of our students. Communication is the key factor in building the bond between the school and parents/guardians. To keep informed you can follow us on our Facebook page (AES Facebook), District Facebook page (Ashdown Facebook), and the AES page on the district website (AES Website). Most importantly, register to receive messages through Remind from your child’s teacher. At AES, the staff works diligently to see all students succeed. Each day, students will be given opportunities to demonstrate their strengths through activities that are both engaging and challenging. Teachers will give guided instruction as students complete these activities to ensure their success. I know that with the many changes and adjustments we had to do during the last school year, there will still be adjustments to our schedules and activities this year. We plan to make every effort to keep our parents notified as changes are made. My focus is on your child’s safety as we move forward while following district, state, and federal guidelines.

Novelty Training

novelty training


Articles, research and tools for the L&D professional. Insights for managing the business of learning.Talent development — especially in these stressful and emotional times — needs to adapt to meet the humanness of leadership. The decades-old go-to of routine, process and familiarity lacks one of the most compelling and relatable aspects of the human experience: weirdness. The reason our talent development industry tries to keep training as non-weird as possible is because strangeness can initially feel uncomfortable, disorganized and just plain awkward. We often see thrusting participants into their discomfort zone too quickly as risky. In psychological and neuroscience research, weirdness is also referred to as “novelty,” or something new and different. Interestingly, the current understanding of memory is that when we experience something novel in a familiar context, we can more easily store that event in our memory. A novel stimulus activates our memory center (the hippocampus) more than a familiar stimulus does. Even better, the emotional processing in our amygdala also impacts this memory formation, particularly if there is a strong emotion about that novelty. In fact, our brains process a lot of sensory information every day. The hippocampus compares incoming sensory information with stored knowledge. If the two differ, it sends a pulse of dopamine to the substantia nigra (SN) and ventral tegmental area (VTA) in the midbrain. From there, nerve fibers extend back to the hippocampus and trigger the release of more dopamine. This process is called the hippocampal-SN/VTA loop. The dopamine release in a “weird” experience also makes us more motivated to discover, process and store these sensory impressions for a longer period of time.

Applying For Uni

applying for uni


You must enter all your qualifications from secondary education onwards – whether you have the result (even any that were ungraded) or you’re still awaiting exams and results. This helps unis and colleges to understand if you meet their entry requirements. However, sometimes a uni or college will make you an offer even if you don't meet the exact grades they're asking for. If you have any questions about entry requirements, speak to the uni/college before you apply. If you're waiting for results, these are the exam results we're able to process and forward on to unis and colleges. If any of your pending qualifications aren't on this list, you still need to add them to your application, but also remember you’ll need to send the results on to your chosen universities and colleges when you get them. If you studied at a uni or college but didn't finish the course, you still need to enter these details. Include the start and finish date, and state that you didn't receive any qualifications there. If you are currently studying for a qualification or awaiting results, it is important you make sure your referee adds your predicted grades to your application – some universities and colleges will not consider your application without them. It's really important you enter the right qualifications on your application – especially if you're taking a vocational qualification, such as a BTEC – as there are a number of different options to choose from in the application, depending on the size and type of qualification you're taking. If you're not sure which version of a qualification you're taking, talk to your school or college, or contact us for advice.