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Oasis Academy Enfield

oasis academy enfield


Everything within Oasis Community Learning is framed by our ethos. Our ethos is rooted in what we believe and who we are. Grounded in our story, it is an expression of our character; a set of values that inform and provide the lens on everything we do. A passion to include A desire to treat people equally respecting differences A commitment to healthy, open relationships A deep sense of hope that things can change and be transformed A sense of perseverance to keep going for the long haul It is these ethos values that we want to be known for and to live by. We are committed to a model of inclusion, equality, healthy relationships, hope, and perseverance throughout all the aspects of the life and culture of every Oasis Hub and academy community. We encourage every member of our family, be that staff or student, to align themselves to these ethos values. The values themselves are inspired by the life, message and example of Jesus but we make it clear that we will not impose on anyone, the beliefs that underpin our ethos values. We recognise and celebrate the richness that spiritual and cultural diversity brings to our community, respecting the beliefs and practices of other faiths in the hope that we will provide a welcoming environment for all. The Oasis 9 Habits The Oasis Ethos is aspirational, inspirational and something that we have to constantly work at. It is important to remember that every organisation is made up of its people, and people don’t always get things right. This means that there can sometimes be a dissonance between what we say we are, as stated in our ethos values, and what we actually do and experience. Recognising this is helpful because it reminds us that we each have things to work on; we have space to grow, develop and change to become the best version of ourselves. To help us in this process of personal growth and development we have the Oasis 9 Habits. It is our bespoke and unique approach to character development. We know that by living the way of the Habits, the Oasis Ethos will become second nature to us. We also believe that this process of continually developing our character and being transformed to become the best version of ourselves is really important for every student and staff member alike. Therefore, we actively promote and practice the Oasis 9 Habits which are an invitation to a way of life characterised by being compassionate, patient, humble, joyful, honest, hopeful, considerate, forgiving and self-controlled. We believe that by becoming people who live this way, by becoming the best version of ourselves, whether we are a staff member or students, we are transformed, and we are also able to play our part in bringing transformation locally, nationally and globally.

Migration Museum

migration museum


About the Migration Museum The Migration Museum explores how the movement of people to and from Britain across the ages has shaped who we are – as individuals, as communities, and as a nation. Migration is a pressing contemporary issue and is at the centre of polarised political and online debate. But there’s an underlying story of comings and goings stretching back many centuries. And this story goes to the heart of who we are today. Britain has thousands of museums, but none comprehensively focused on this important theme that connects us all. The time is right for a highly relevant, accessible visitor attraction that shines a light on who we are, where we come from and where we are going. From our current home in the heart of Lewisham Shopping Centre, we stage engaging exhibitions and dynamic events, alongside a far-reaching education programme for primary, secondary, university and adult learners. We have a growing digital presence and convene a knowledge-sharing Migration Network of museums and galleries across the UK. The story so far The Migration Museum was founded by Barbara Roche, who first made the case for a migration museum for Britain almost 20 years ago, stemming from her time as Britain’s immigration minister, and from visiting similar museums in other parts of the world – notably Ellis Island in New York. Barbara assembled a founding team of people from different professional backgrounds who shared her passionate belief that Britain’s migration history should be placed at the heart of our national story. Together, they began to scope what a national migration museum might look like. Sophie Henderson, a former immigration judge and barrister, came on board as Director in 2013. Between 2013 and 2017, the Migration Museum staged pop-up exhibitions and events and ran education workshops at a wide range of venues across the UK, including the Southbank Centre, the National Maritime Museum and City Hall in London, the Museum of Oxford, Leicester railway station, and the National Records of Scotland in Edinburgh. From 2017 to 2019, the Migration Museum was ba

ICRS Central London Hub

icrs central london hub


We are the UK’s professional body for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CRS). Our mission is to help individuals and organisations be brilliant at CRS. Who we are As the UK's professional body for CRS practitioners, our membership reflects the breadth of practitioners, from students and academics to consultants and in-house practitioners from large and small organisations. The Institute is led by a Board of volunteer Directors. Comprised of senior CRS professionals, they give their time, energy, and expertise to guide the Institute's strategic direction. We also involve technical specialists where required. The Institute is supported by a Secretariat provided by Carnstone Partners Ltd, a specialist management consultancy in the CRS field. The Secretariat manage the day-to-day activity and act as the central point of contact for our members and Fellows. The ICRS Board Chair Jennie Galbraith, ESG Director, Inflexion Vice-Chair Victoria Taylor, Managing Director, Flag Vice-Chair Robbie Epsom, EMEA Head of ESG, CBRE Investment Management Director Dr Sam Healy, Group Director ESG, QinetiQ Director Dr Dorothy Maxwell, Senior Director Sustainability, Davy Horizons Director Karin Mueller, Managing Director, Liebfrog Director Jatin Patel, Head of Diversity and Inclusion, England Rugby Director Andrew Wilson, Director and Head of Responsible Business, Lexington Director Nadia Al Yafai, Head of Mutuality and Social Impact (Purpose Lead), Royal London Jennie Galbraith "I am delighted and honoured to be appointed Chair of the ICRS at this critical time for our profession. As sustainability issues have risen up the global political and corporate agendas, our roles as practitioners have only grown, both in scope and importance. This is a really exciting time to be involved in sustainability and I look forward to working with the Board to ensure that we continue to drive our profession forward and support our members to be brilliant at what they do." Victoria Taylor "This is such a fast-moving and critical time for sustainability within business and society. I am super excited to become Vice Chair of the ICRS – an organisation leading the way for CRS practitioners and the continued establishment of our profession. CRS needs more talented individuals and ambitious companies to be focused on progressing sustainability, and I am thrilled to be a part of what the ICRS has already achieved and can and will achieve" Robbie Epsom "After two years of serving as a Board Director at ICRS, I’m excited to be allowed to continue my support as co-Vice Chair of the Board. As sustainability continues to rise up the agenda, CRS professionals are increasingly taking up senior and influential roles within organisations. I’m delighted to be part of a leading professional body helping individuals and organisations to excel at CRS; their leadership will be crucial in the transition to a sustainable economy.” Dr Sam Healy "There has been a seismic shift in the importance of responsible and sustainable business practice. Climate change, human rights, and diversity and inclusion are becoming critical business enablers. And so now, more than ever, it’s vital that practitioners feel supported - through the development of their skills and knowledge and the forging of their network. I’m proud to serve on the Board and excited to be part of shaping our profession for the challenges and opportunities ahead." Karin Mueller "My passion is developing great leaders. Leaders that can effectively challenge the status quo, inspire others, and make a real difference within organisations in an increasingly fast changing, complex and volatile world. I am delighted to contribute to the success of the Institute as we help our members excel at doing just that, by providing access to the latest thinking, training, debates, mentoring, a resourceful network, and much more." Jatin Patel "The ICRS is operating in an environment filled with opportunities and challenges. Being a Director, and more importantly, being at the forefront of facilitating discussions which address the climate crisis, the importance of corporate responsibility and building inclusivity into the approaches which tackle these issues is a great honour and one I do not take lightly. And only through collaboration can we make collective gains. Collaboration and sharing of best practice is what we’re all about!" Andrew Wilson "I am delighted to be a Board Director of ICRS. It is the preeminent organisation representing the interests of professionals working in this area. What impresses me most is the power and influence of the ICRS which comes directly from the knowledge and wisdom of all our members – both individuals and organisations. I really appreciate the opportunity to contribute to this collective effort we are all undertaking to enhance the positive role of business in society." Nadia Al Yafai “I’m excited to be an ICRS Director at a time when our profession is not just ‘at the table’ but moving swiftly to ‘owning the table’. From community to sustainability to diversity, our agenda is recognised as central to driving change. The move to purpose-driven business is a key shift in the CR&S professional’s portfolio and one I want to drive alongside embedding a just transition/social impact focus, uniting the social and environment. I’m honoured to support the profession to thrive!”