9482 Educators providing Courses in London

London Technology Academy

london technology academy


Our Mission To enable a digital economy supported by a more reliable, efficient, and environmentally sustainable digital infrastructure. Our Story In 2003, as applications started increasing in complexity and size, the team initially addressed challenges in Software Architecture reliability and efficiency, setting some of the earlier groundwork around Architecture design languages and software product lines. The focus then quickly shifted to a more holistic approach from the ground up addressing the reliability, efficiency, and environmental sustainability of digital services, from data centres to IT Operations and application design. This led to the establishment of the London Technology Academy (LTA) in 2013. The team laid out some key scientific work around cost-effective deployments in the Cloud and environmental sustainability challenges in software and physical infrastructure. Today, LTA is home to some of the key international authorities in digital infrastructure. The LTA team supported the creation of some of the best practices and global standards and policies on digital infrastructure (e.g EN50600, EU Code of Conduct, EMAS, EcoDesign and EU Green Public Procurement to name a few). The team supports governments and corporates globally to transform their digital footprint to a more reliable, efficient and environmentally sustainable state. The LTA team led European initiatives like EURECA and PEDCA that saw broad transformation and consolidation of government infrastructure and the training of well over a thousand ICT professionals.

Education Base

education base


Bangladesh Advance Software and Education (BASE) Limited established in 1999 as a high-end SOFTWARE EDUCATION center providing GLOBALLY ACCREDITATED vendor certified courses tailored to individual and corporate need and by the way has evolved into a pioneer Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solution and full-service Company. BASE believes superior development outcomes can be achieved by harnessing the power of Information Technology. BASE is uniquely positioned at the intersection of technology and development to fulfill its commitment of bringing innovative and sustainable ICT and development solutions to our clients. The overarching objective of BASE is to contribute towards the Development of Digital Bangladesh. BASE started its journey with a vision of creating proper IT workforce for the IT/ITES industry in Bangladesh and abroad. BASE has successfully trained and developed thousands of skilled IT professionals currently engaged in the IT/ITES industry in the home and abroad. Training Services at BASE are designed to provide trainees with the skills they need to excel a career in IT/ITES industry. BASE applying state-of-the-art software practices has also positioned itself to provide complete IT/ITES solutions. BASE has designed and engineered high quality and cost effective applications for both private and public sector. BASE has transformed the businesses for a number of local and international clients through the art of digitization.

Children Unite

children unite


Children Unite is a registered charity that promotes participatory approaches to working with exploited children. Since 2010 we have worked in over 15 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America with children's rights agencies and donors that are supporting exploited children and young people. Through consultancy : We work with NGOs and donors that support exploited children and young people. Our advice service builds organisations' capacity to integrate children's participation into organisational policy and structure, and develop programmes that are based on needs identified by children themselves. Our technical advice and consultancy includes programme evaluation and grant assessment, qualitative research and policy reviews as well as capacity building and training staff and children. Through our projects : We facilitate children's activism and advocacy in order to influence national and international policy and practice. We design and co-ordinate participatory research and projects that empower exploited children. We have successfully supported child domestic workers to campaign nationally and internationally; influencing the International Labour Organisation's Domestic Workers Convention and introducing local by-laws to protect children from exploitation. Our Team Children Unite was founded by Jonathan Blagbrough and Helen Veitch who, between them, have over 40 years experience in the children's rights and child labour field. More... Our Board We have a Board of five trustees from a range of backgrounds who oversee the work of Children Unite. More...

Inklusive Developments

inklusive developments


The Inclusive Bangladesh Development (IBD) is the one of the intelligence supporting Build Bangladesh. It has commenced its journey by investing in human capital. IBD is based on the strong foundation of social empowerment, economic entrepreneurship and environmental sustainability works demonstrated by the Impress Group through their media stream Channel I over last 16 years. Their impact based works on agriculture, awareness of health and hygiene among young girls, campaign supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and social entrepreneurs, nurturing and rewarding creative and talented young children, men and women as gateway to the entertainment industry, supporting disadvantaged children and young people to become future leaders, basic skills development for girls from remote villages and developing educational games to promote ‘spirit of Bangladesh’. In addition, it has also been influencing government policy through its ground breaking media journalism and issues based discussion forums. IBD has a not for profit role nurturing and promoting skills development (e.g. vocational education and training), social entrepreneurship and awareness programs all over Bangladesh. It will operate countrywide and will be politically and denominationally neutral. It will create opportunities for corporate sectors, global Bangladeshis and individual investors to invest in human capital in Bangladesh through various best practice models such as Social Impact Bonds (SIB), Social Impact Investments (SII) including Corporate Social Impact Investment (CSII).

Global Admission Pathways

global admission pathways


Global Pathways Limited is an accounting and a premier overseas education facilitator, headquartered in Vancouver - British Colombia, Canada. The organization represents individual and business clients with Canada Revenue Agency. The organization was established in 28th of August 2013, and took shape from the strong conviction of its founder Mr. Karan Puri that new age leaders armed with world-class education can only transform tomorrow’s world, which motivated him to set up of a credible and supportive overseas education facilitation enterprise to offer the very best learning opportunities to smart young minds. The organization is an ICEF Trained Agency and a brand that has become synonymous for quality and reliability and a benchmark for students wishing to study abroad in the choicest of reputed overseas educational institutions, in an array of streams ranging from Engineering, Computer, Information Technology, Medicine, Transport/Aviation, Business/Management, Hospitality, Tourism, healthcare etc, paving way to international academic success and rewarding careers. It is the authorized representative of 300+ top-notch universities/ colleges from 7 countries, with branches in Abuja the capital city of Nigeria, Philippines, and India, complementing the management is a team of highly motivated professionals with years of experience and skill. Global Pathways owes its success to the unwavering dedication, ethics, professional practices, continuous investment on staff training, and above all to its ‘’client first’’ policy”. MISSION