9482 Educators providing Courses in London

Inspire Ata

inspire ata


We specialise in creating apprenticeship opportunities for young people entering the workforce for the first time. We recruit and employ each and every apprentice on behalf of the “host” client, enabling us to offer additional support and a better experience for both apprentice and client. We arrange the most suitable and appropriate apprenticeship training from one of our partner training providers. Currently ranked 1st in the "Rate My Apprenticeship" Central & Greater London Employers Award 2021-22 and 19th in the list of Top 100 Employers 2021-22. We are a government-approved Flexi-Job Apprenticeship Agency which means we have licence to employ apprentices on behalf of our clients. This model is highly effective and has many benefits for the host organisation, such as reduced employment liability, access to many high-quality training providers and additional support throughout the relationship. Our mission statement is to inspire ambition. Our purpose is to create and nurture apprenticeship opportunities that might not otherwise exist for young people . Inspire ATA Ltd. is a company limited by guarantee and is set up as a social enterprise. Inspire ATA Ltd. is registered in UK, company number 6278125 and has operated since 2007 (formerly called Sporting Education Ltd.). We are based in Hammersmith & Fulham and have twice been runner up in their annual business awards for Best Social Enterprise or Charity (2016 and 2017). We are a sister company to LMP Education who are listed on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers as Let Me Play Ltd. (UKPRN 10040664), company number 5536416 and rated "GOOD" by Ofsted in March 2020. Inspire ATA is part of the LMP Group. Each company within the group has the collective mission to inspire ambition. The intent of each company is to provide opportunities and support social change across the UK. The focus is on education and social impact: working together to bring about positive and sustainable development.

Inner Circle Learning

inner circle learning


Inner Circle Training offers professional advanced riding instruction to help riders of all abilities get more enjoyment from their riding. Our courses are designed to take you from just having passed your test to riding at the highest standard possible – RoSPA Gold or IAM Masters. The start-point for your journey to getting the most from your riding is to take the DVSA Enhanced Rider Scheme (ERS) Assessment – this will establish the current level of your riding against the DVSA ERS standard and identify any areas for further improvement. If your riding is already at the ERS standard we will issue you with an official DVSA Certificate of ERS Completion which could qualify you for an insurance discount. If your riding is not yet up to the ERS standard, or you wish to continue to develop your skills, the next step is to take our Advanced Riding Foundation course. This is a combination of Advanced Riding Theory which is delivered through our Online Motorcycle Roadcraft course and practical on-road instruction that brings this theory to life. This course is guaranteed to take your riding to the DVSA Enhanced Rider Scheme standard, and so concludes with the issue of an official DVSA Certificate of ERS Completion. To take your riding up another level, we offer our Advanced Riding Masterclass, which is 2.5 full days of riding and will give you all the skills and knowledge to take your riding to RoSPA Gold or IAM Masters standard. We can even help you organise your RoSPA Advanced Riding Test – as the IAM Masters test is only available to riders who have already passed the IAM Roadsmart Advanced Riding Test. We also offer courses aimed at riders returning to Biking (Back2Biking), riders looking to undertake a motorcycle tour with or without a pillion (Motorcycle Touring Masterclass). As well as our training courses, we also offer our exclusive Advanced Riding Training Tours. These are available to riders of all abilities, but we do ask that you are riding regularly as there is a lot of riding involved! These tours combine riding on some great roads, through spectacular scenery, with high quality individual professional advanced riding instruction. Our Chief Instructor leads all these tours, and as well as being a highly qualified advanced riding instructor, he’s also a professional tour leader for Globebusters, the world’s best adventure riding tour company!

Bounce Back Foundation

bounce back foundation


Where we started Need often finds a way to drive an idea, sometimes further than we all expect, and Bounce Back was just such an idea. In 2011 we started a small painting and decorating social enterprise, with the sole purpose of employing people who were coming out of prison. Recruitment was done through interviews in the prison and the first team of 5 people were commissioned to start off by re-building and decorating our offices. They did a very creative job despite the rather erratic grouting and a few hitches with the quality of electrical fitting and we were all delighted. When other people asked if they could use the decorators we would point out that the team had just left prison and clients would say ‘if its ok with you its ok with us’ and that was when we realised we could change perception by endorsing people, giving people trust and putting our belief in them. As the work grew, clients wanted decorating but also wanted to make a difference and we quickly realised that there was an opportunity to do more including training people to be ready for work. Anyone who starts a charity tends to believe in serendipity and the passion for what we choose to do enables us to circumnavigate barriers and overlook obstacles. ‘Outcomes’ were not something we’d ever heard of and simply delivering success for the guys leaving prison was all we wanted to achieve. Fate and amazing people along the way stepped in. HMP Wandsworth supported our recruitment, The London Probation Trust helped us, we were given guidance to set up training and then we were lucky enough to be given a building for a year in which to flourish. Finally, through the support of our decorating clients we were working all the time and thanks to some amazing organisations, the first of which was Axis, we started to grow. We always knew that through the power of skills training and a job, we could make a difference and see change in our participants. However, we also realised early on that change could only come with support for the individuals, which led to our case management team working with individuals for as long as they need it when they leave prison and are go into work.

Catherine McCrum

catherine mccrum


I work with a wide variety of individual students ranging from professional athletes, musicians and actors to people with chronic pain issues, injuries or those simply wanting to become more in tune with how they move in daily life. I teach regular workshops for the general public and also to Pilates and fitness teachers, physiotherapists, runners, tennis and golf coaches and ski instructors. I’m the creator of the FeldenFit 30 day Programme to refine your ability for powerful, effective and balanced movement which is hosted by Ritter Dressage. I co teach an online course for riders called The Aware Rider with Dr Thomas Ritter and Shana Ritter. I add rider content on the Ritter’s online courses which focus on the biomechanics of dressage. I am also a Gestalt psychotherapist with a particular interest in working with developing awareness of how my clients embody their emotional and psychological patterns. Biography I’m an accredited Feldenkrais practitioner and have been teaching sport, fitness and movement since 1986. I also have an Msc in Clinical Gestalt Psychotherapy. As an internationally qualified ski instructor and ski instructor coach, I taught in Europe, New Zealand and USA. Returning to London I worked as a personal trainer and was one of the first to incorporate Pilates into my training methods. Many of my clients were very fit but I was always looking for something that would take them further. Despite daily strengthening and stretching regimes and regular osteopathic and physiotherapy treatments I found that their progress was often hampered by niggling injuries and chronic stiffness. Only when I came across the Feldenkrais Method did I make the connection that stretching, strengthening or manipulation were not the key. As I incorporated the Feldenkrais Method into my training my clients started to recognise for themselves how the way they moved could cause injury and interfere with their ability to reach their goals. Through the lessons they learned how much excess effort they put into everything they did, not only in sport but also daily activities. They started to notice surprising and unexpected improvements in their coordination. Many reported an increased sense of physical comfort and ease. I decided to embark on the 4 year Feldenkrais Training which I completed in 2002. I completed my Masters in Clinical Gestalt Psychotherapy in 2016.