84 Educators providing Courses in London

International Scientificresearch Group

international scientificresearch group


he International Scientific Research and Researchers Association (ISRRA) work hard to promote the excellence in quality Scientific Research, Scientific Research Publication, and leadership in joint research projects in a framework through which the ISRRA association occupies its rightful place among research bodies within the competitive challenge at the international level. ISRRA plays its roles to support scientific research, increase the human knowledge, identify priorities in scientific research at international level, initiate effective collaboration between researchers, focus on the applications of advanced technology in various fields, contribute in scientific research through the adoption of seminars, research projects or joint efforts with others and between researchers at the international level. ISRRA association also host and Publish high quality refereed open access international journals to support the researchers in their journey toward publishing their research papers. ISRAA journals accept scientific papers after sending them to quality peer academic reviewers for subjecting the author’s scholarly work. Peer review is an essential component of the academic writing process thus ISRRA association strive to ensure that papers published in its scientific journals answer meaningful research questions and draw accurate conclusions based on professionally executed experimentation. As known to the researchers community; the peer review process has also been widely criticised due to the slowness of the process to publish new findings and due to perceived bias by the editors and/or reviewers. ISRRA association created unique review model based on pay per blind review regardless if the paper is accepted or reject by the reviewer; this solved two main problems: Speed and fairness. The mean average time for our ordinary review and publication process is 20 days (paper can be published online within 20 days). After peer review results; our editors will decide: • Accept the paper/papers for publication in ISRRA related Journal without any basic modifications. • Accept the paper/papers for publication in ISRRA related Journal with modifications to be applied. • Reject the research paper/ research papers. ISRRA related Journals will be available for scientific readers for free; no fees are required to download and read any published paper/papers in those international journals. ISRRA Journals cover all main branches of science (scientific disciplines)

Hello Europe

hello europe


The language we use when we talk about refugees and migration is so often tragic. Newspapers publish heartbreaking pictures, we read statistics which boggle the mind in their numbers, learn stories which appall in their tales of suffering. At the same time running through the difficult realities are threads of potential, of optimism, resilience and of capacity for hope. It is here that Ashoka strives to work. For more than thirty years, Ashoka has identified and supported the world’s best social entrepreneurs – leaders with innovative new ideas which can transform broken systems for the better, in fields from health to human rights, education to civic engagement, economic development to environment. In this time we’ve elected nearly 4000 Ashoka Fellows in 90 countries across the world. In a collaboration between Ashoka Germany and Zalando, Hello Europe was created in 2016 to identify the most powerful and proven solutions to challenges surrounding migration, integration and refugee movements with the aim of bringing them to scale in regions most in need. Over time a European, cross-border network of solutions began to emerge, and we began to identify a new paradigm around migration and integration. Now 3 years on, Hello Europe aims to provide a vision of the kind of work happening in Europe and around the globe, which is creating a better society for people on the move as well as for those who meet them. There is a lot at stake: by providing the refugees with only enforced isolation, a lost education, and half-hearted integration, nobody wins. Political will or citizen will are not enough to solve this ever-shifting, accelerating problem – we need the nimble speed of new ideas, the passion of social entrepreneurs, the weight of government and the influence of business combined to transform the landscape for refugees and migrants. “In early 2016 – a critical time in Germany – the Hello Festival in Berlin was so many things at once: a very moving experience, a vivid demonstration of the transformative power of citizen solutions for migration, and a place where unusual partnerships began: between social entrepreneurs, ministries, companies, foundation, and welfare organisations. I am excited this is now happening across Europe!” — RAINER HOELL, ASHOKA GERMANY

Education And Employers Taskforce

education and employers taskforce



Education and Employers is a UK based charity launched in 2009 which aims to“provide young people with the inspiration, motivation, knowledge, skills and opportunities they need to help them achieve their potential”. The charity believes that every young person in our country, wherever they live, whatever their parents or carers’ circumstances, should have the opportunity to meet a diverse range of volunteers and hear first-hand about jobs and the world of work. To help make this happen the charity works with state schools, employers, the national bodies that represent them and a wide range of other partners including the government and third sector organisations. Its flagship service, Inspiring the Future, uses innovative online match-making technology to connect schools and colleges across the country with tens of thousands of volunteers working in different sectors – for free. These volunteers, from a huge range of jobs – from app designers to zoologists, and at all levels – from apprentices to CEOs, have signed up to share their knowledge, experience and enthusiasm about their jobs with young people. The charity’s research has shown that meeting people from the world of work helps to broaden young people’s horizons, raise their aspirations and increase motivation to learn which leads to improvements in attainment. It also helps tackle the ingrained stereotypical views children often have about the jobs people do based on their gender, ethnicity or socio-economic background. People can volunteer from an hour a year in a local primary (Primary Futures) or secondary school to chat informally, either in person or virtually, about their job and career route, take part in career speed networking sessions, give young people careers insights, mock interviews or feedback on CVs. There is also the opportunity to link up with schools for workplace visits, job shadowing, and mentoring. Tens of thousands of volunteers have enabled over two million interactions between volunteers and young people to date. Inspiring Governance launched in 2016 and is funded by the Department for Education. The free matching service connects highly skilled volunteers who wish to become governors or trustees with state schools across England, helping to increase the diversity of governing boards and raise school standards. Education and Employers also undertakes research into the effectiveness of employer engagement in education. It aims to bring together academics, researchers, policymakers and practitioners from around the world to consider what interventions have most impact.

Forest Schooling Uk

forest schooling uk


BushKraft Forest School CIC (Community Interest Company) is a NON profit organisation working with people of all ages and abilities. We also work with and in partnership with other organisations including schools, social care and charities. A CIC is usually formed from people with a passion to want to try and alleviate problems that have identified in there local area or area of expertise. BushKraft is no different and wants to tackle the social issues, build confidence in everyone and improve peoples opportunities and situations. One of our skills is keeping families together and promoting well being, positive communication, positiveness and bonding as a unit rather than individuals. Most companies are formed to make money for the directors and share holders. A CIC is formed to help the community around its existence. When you pay a Community Interest Company you are helping others by us putting our profits back into the community. A CIC has to do this like a charity and is regulated with rules from the government and HMRC. Traditional forest school is not by far a new concept. Outdoor leaning and its benefits have been around since 19th century. One of many outdoor educators was Baden Powel who in 1907 formed the scouting organisation which has grown massively into what it is today. Traditional forest school is child led. This does not mean we just let them run wild and boss us around, but we do not set a specific curriculum. We facilitate their learning at a speed and style that suits the individual. Our high ratio's of adult to child allows children to learn and explore the woodland and nature around them. Our mission is to get children outside into nature enjoying themselves, playing with other children. Over the years technology is so advanced, (games consoles get "virtual" reality and mobile phones are really mini computers.) Children are spending less time outdoors especially in the winter months. Although we are not against technology we strongly believe in a child's right to play, explore, take risks, and be part of the natural world around them. Forest school is based more on the process of learning than it is on the content. This means instead of planning each session to the nearest minute, children can go off as things take their interest. More often than not as Forest leaders our planned sessions end up completely unplanned as the children explore nature.




Imagine you are driving into work, knowingly 5 minutes late and scheduled to meet with an important client. You feel pressed for time, but are optimistic that you can still make the appointment on time. Then you hit road works and you can see the time slipping away, now your are 12 minutes late, 15 minutes late, 18 minutes late. You start to feel hot as the second click by. Just as you get past the roadwork’s you end up stuck behind a car going 20 miles under the speed limit and it’s making you even later than you already are. You are now 25 minutes late and you can’t get past the car that’s holding you up. How do you see yourself reacting to this? Would you be angrily beeping your horn? Yelling or gesticulating? Would you be distraught, shaking the steering wheel and crying “Why me? Why now?” Would you be crying and pleading for the car in front to just get out of the way? I ask this because our day to day life will always have stressful and unpredicted issues pop up and it’s how we respond to them that reflects what kind of stagnant and trapped emotions we are storing. Was your response angry? Frustrated? Hopeless? Disgusted? Disproportionate? If so, then you may be ripe for an emotional detox. So many of us repress our emotions or get stuck in a repetitive cycle. When we are hurt by someone or something it often appears easiest to ignore it and suppress it deep within or to get angry. Anger is a strong emotion that makes us feel in control and powerful so it’s hard to move away from anger to the other more vulnerable emotions like grief. It also takes little to no work at all to draw out your anger but to forgive, to experience and release, that can often be a painful or uncomfortable experience that takes lots of work to achieve. An emotional detox allows you to rid yourself of toxic, stuck, stagnant emotional patterns, barriers and stored traumas. By removing the negative baggage based in fear, anger, sadness, disgust, envy, and indignation you create room to add more joy, love, trust, anticipation, inner calm and kindness. Releasing negative emotions allows you to experience bliss and to become a more open, free and joyful person that exudes and attracts positivity. I encourage you to let go of negativities and to stop your past defining or weighing you down through the power of emotional detox.

Declutter Dollies

declutter dollies


“Dilly has the ability to glance at any space and within seconds know the changes that need to be made. The speed in which she works, and the passion for her work is unrivalled, she doesn’t just know organisation, she knows the value of space and how to be in control of it and most importantly how to change it.” Dilly Carter is a masterclass in detoxing space. A straight-talking and practical professional organiser who believes that if we all cut the clutter, live better with less and give ourselves more headspace, we will enjoy life more. She is the founder of Declutter Dollies, an organising and home styling service that promises to turn her clients' chaos into calm and help them discover the health benefits of living in an organised home. Dilly is the author of Create Space – a room-by-room guide to organising your home with a fresh and relatable take on the link between mental wellbeing and decluttering - and provides decluttering advice on BBC One’s Sort Your Life Out. As a teenager Dilly worked folding clothes in luxury boutiques and then later as an assistant and personal shopper where she gained an understanding of how to create, organise and sustain stylish yet functional spaces. A lifelong passion for fashion and an uncanny ability to bring order to a chaotic environment has seen her cleanse and curate the wardrobes and homes of high-profile celebrities, busy professionals and stressed-out mums alike. Known as @declutterdollies to her 100k+ Instagram followers around the world, Dilly now extends her helping hand on social media and via virtual cleanses. She helps private clients and followers become more organised in their day to day lives by encouraging them to implement small ‘Dolly Dashes’ to chip away at domestic disarray. Sharing organising hacks and tips, Dilly proves that you can not only make your home beautiful, but truly make it work as a place of sanctuary. Full of practical solutions, advice and techniques, Dilly truly believes in the connection between outer order and inner calm. By clearing out your home, you can also clear your mind, improve your relationships and enhance your wellbeing. Dilly truly learned the value of decluttering when she began helping her mother, who suffers from bipolar disorder, organise her 'living chaos' at home. Her extraordinary personal story, that saw her adopted from Sri Lanka aged three and now caring for her mother who lives with Dilly and her young family, has been an inspiration to many and she has generated a loyal fleet of fans (her dollies!) Dilly doesn’t just make your space tidy. She makes it work.

Tesyouth Community Interest Company

tesyouth community interest company


The activities offered by TESYouth are designed to give young people the skills and confidence to work their way through the labour market successfully and prosperously, or to setTESYouth activities up their own businesses if they do decide to become self-employed. Our workshops and training programmes are tailored to offer only the most relevant, up-to-date and useful employment advice possible. The tips and techniques we offer to our students have been shown to make a real difference to their lives and to speed up the process of either finding a job or getting a new business off the ground. We believe in empowering young people, promoting their confidence and enabling them to make use of their skills and talents rather than letting them be wasted. We tailor workshops not only to those looking for jobs but for those wishing to enjoy the independence and freedom that can come with self-employment too. We strive to ensure our students remain focussed and dedicated and able to overcome any obstacles or challenges that are laid out in front of them. We offer a vast range of workshops and training modules to cater for an array of needs and requirements, whether you’re looking for a job or hoping to start your own business. These include… IT, Computers and internet Online Enterprise and E-commerce Sales and Marketing Business & Self employment Apprenticeship Internship Work Experience Youth Workshops Attending our workshops and training programmes leads to various benefits, such as… Discovering and developing new and existing skills Receiving expert advice on self-employment and starting your own business Learning how to maintain a business Increased confidence in interviews A better understanding of the job market and what employers are looking for The aim of our workshops and training programmes is to ensure that our learners walk away with renewed focus, self-esteem and motivation. Many students begin our training courses and workshops confused about the direction in which they wish to head and end them knowing exactly what their goals are and the steps they need to take to try and achieve them. img5We work hard to make our courses, programmes and workshops fun as well as educational, giving learners new opportunities to interact with people from various different backgrounds. We feel that the fun factor helps our students to digest new knowledge and makes learning a pleasure rather than a chore. Understandably, a great deal of our students – particularly those who have been unemployed on a long-term basis – have found themselves suffering from low self-esteem after being rejected by the job market so regularly. We endeavour to boost our students’ confidence and re-energise them, ensuring that they feel able to walk into their next interview with their heads held high. Our social development skills training programme is designed to help them solve problems and become fully integrated into their communities. It is also tailored towards enabling young people to interact with people from all backgrounds, cultures and age groups.




Nuroo was founded initially in July 2013 out of the desire to recognise the harsh challenges faced by nurses in their daily practice, but also to horn the joys of this rewarding career. It was changed from a community group to a business entity in September 2020 thanks to the hard work of some very talented individuals and the support of its members at the time. Our name comes from the compound word “Nurses’ Room” which is often used interchangeably with Nurses’ Station to describe an area of a healthcare facility where nurses and other healthcare workers perform their administrative duties when they are not in direct patient contact. We’re as unique as our name and the organisations we actively seek to support. This is because, steeped in experience gathered across the varied worlds of academia, business turnarounds, healthcare and strategy, Nuroo Leaders bring more than fifty years of combined effort, as well as social care delivery and compliance brain power to the table. We have assembled a number of clinical documentations from admission to discharge to help you prepare for and improve your CQC inspection rating. The initiative is designed to promote high-quality documentation that not only support the capture of the patient’s disease burden accurately in all healthcare settings, but also the appropriateness of nursing interventions and quality of care provided to the patient by ensuring all the information within the health record is of high quality and supports informed decision-making. We’ve also partnered with other well-recognised companies and talented care professionals that work tirelessly to give our valued clients the very best service available in the social care sector. So, whether you’re looking for staff training or/and preparing for your CQC inspection, it is important that you are able to demonstrate compliance with the regulators by making sure that you can evidence this with appropriate documentation, including clinical records and relevant up-to-date policies. The good news is that’s where Nuroo comes in! Nuroo is that little extra oomph when you need it, helping you to reset your inspection goals, put the one-speed gearbox of your documentation into drive, and gently press on the accelerator so that your inspection engine is back into motion towards the right direction of demonstrable care quality What’s more, Nuroo’s Clinical Documentation is created by nurses and for nurses, not just to prevent valuable time and effort being wasted on unnecessary paperwork, but also to ensure that interventions and actions implemented contribute to desired results. High-quality clinical documentation across the continuum of healthcare can be recognized in the analogy of a cruise. Just as patients rely on numerous providers and healthcare professionals to maintain a good state of health, passengers on a cruise ship rely on numerous crew members to ensure they have smooth sailing and stay on course. The anchor on a cruise ship can hold the ship in a certain location or be raised when the ship is sailing. Sometimes patients will be at one location for their care and the documentation is the anchor that provides the information needed for the healthcare teams to stay on course. When patients are discharged or complete a provider visit, they may see another provider in a separate location and setting. The new provider will rely on the documentation from the previous encounter to guide their medical decision-making. Each episode of care should therefore include documentation that clearly supports each new episode of care. Because like the anchor, the documentation supports a comprehensive view of the care provided for any single encounter, it may stop when the patient’s encounter or admission is over, but it is a clear record of each encounter. We are Nuroo, a membership organisation born out of the desire to recognise the harsh challenges faced by nurses in their daily practice, but also to horn the joys of this rewarding career. We represent the professional interests of our members and offer free, confidential advice and support on various matters including unpaid wages, work suspensions; NMC allegations; whistleblowing; discrimination, bullying, and harassment at work; career development; and much more. Our name comes from the compound word “Nurses’ Room” which is often used interchangeably with Nurses’ Station to refer to an area of a healthcare facility where nurses and other healthcare workers perform their administrative duties when they are not in direct contact with patients. We are as unique as our name and the people we actively seek to support. This is because nuroo refers to nurses’ ability to find balance within two opposing forces. Indeed, the daily routines of nurses are rarely the same as they are always on the front line interacting with people who are in stressful situations while having to react appropriately to emergencies and unexpected events. Not surprisingly, throughout history nurses have been a glowing light in some very dark days and despite entering the coronavirus pandemic understaffed, undervalued and underpaid, the skills, knowledge, and resilience of nurses across all disciplines and settings have been showcased beyond words as they work tirelessly in the most testing, bizarre and unusual circumstances. While it’s almost impossible to portray a typical day for a nurse, given how different healthcare workplaces can be, and how work can vary from shift to shift depending on which patient a nurse needs to see, there’s a constant expectation for nurses to step up to more – whatever this may be and regardless of their own personal challenges. The good news is that’s where Nuroo comes in! Nuroo is that little extra oomph when you need it, helping you put the one-speed gearbox into drive and pressing the accelerator so that you can set your career engine back into motion towards the right direction. It provides a safe place where nurses can step aside, offload, take a deep breath, recharge, learn from each other, advance and go beyond the call of duty. It is created by nurses and for nurses to help each other stay up to date with new research findings so that they can re-evaluate whether or not their current knowledge has relevance to their work, and avoid the risk of practicing in a way that’s either ineffective or even deleterious to patient care. Certainly, no one wants to waste valuable time and effort performing tasks that don’t contribute to desired outcomes. But to turn the tide so that we nurses can better appreciate and utilize information from research, there needs to be a completely different approach to networking – one that truly allows for both group and one-to-one input. Nuroo is determined to deliver on this agenda so that you feel impacted as a member. WHY WE ARE DIFFERENT. Our services are not for everybody! They’re for achievers: people who are resilient, bold, want to excel in their career, be of service, and make a real difference. If this sounds like you, then sit tight coz we’ve got you covered! With the assortment of care settings, it would be detrimental to the patient if a provider only considered the care that was provided in one setting to guide their medical decision-making. By using Nuroo’s Clinical Documents, you are taking a positive step towards effective record keeping which can turn the tide in CQC inspection drastically, especially in some key areas like respecting service users, seeking consent, ensuring care and welfare, safeguarding, and assessing and monitoring the quality of the service provision – all viewed by CQC inspectors as particularly important.