858 Educators providing Courses in London

Digilog UK

digilog uk


At Digilog, we design and deliver our pioneering solutions to meet the differing and unique risk exposures of individual businesses and their varied processes, with our training approach designed to be integrated into your business objectives. Our Solution is designed to handle calls efficiently and effectively, whatever the volume, whilst delivering the highest levels of customer service. It enables the fast and accurate validation of genuine claims / applications / transactions and highly focused identification of key integrity risk issues. Digilog’s innovative solution is also geared to provide a fast, effective and efficient process for validating integrity within conversations using our specialist software. Our Technology brings together the very best of Cognitive Interviewing, Behavioural Analysis, Digital intelligence Voice Analysis (optional), Intelligent Questioning, Applied Psychology and Conversation Management Techniques into one ergonomic interface designed for efficient and user-friendly processing. Our Management Team has years of professional experience in the areas of Claims and Fraud Risk Management, Fraud Investigation, Business Process Enhancement, Training and Customer Service. Client feedback and results show that the Digilog approach is incredibly accurate at identifying genuine customers, leaving them free to concentrate valuable resources on validating information that indicates risk. This has significantly increased the power of our clients to identify and defeat fraudulent activity whilst enhancing their genuine consumer’s experience through fast, fair, accurate and cost-effective validation. We currently count Covea, esure, Only Young Drivers, Direct Group, Chaucer, Brownsword Group, Right Choice Insurance, and numerous Public Sector (Local Authorities) organisations, both in the UK and abroad, among our growing portfolio of clients.

New School Of The Anthropocene

new school of the anthropocene


The New School of the Anthropocene is a radical and affordable experiment in interdisciplinary higher education for the digital era in collaborative association with October Gallery in London. We are an ensemble of experienced academics from the higher educational world who, in the company of diverse artists and practitioners, wish to restore the values of intellectual adventure, free exchange and creative risk that formerly characterised an arts education in the UK and beyond.    The New School is registered with Companies House as a Community Interest Company and is run cooperatively. We think of ourselves as a purpose or condition, rather than an institution, open to collaboration and gathering. Our curriculum is dedicated to addressing ecological recovery and social renewal through the arts. Learning styles flex to accommodate the domestic and employment responsibilities of our students. The age-range within this heterogenous community extends from 18 to 75 and qualification-levels range from GCSE to PhD. We regard our participants as researchers from the start and they co-design their work with an emphasis on critical intervention fused with creative process. The collaborative work of the body – learning, for example, about food resilience at Calthorpe Community Garden and rainforest restoration in Puerto Rico - is assigned equal prominence to more conventional university-level activities such as textual analysis, philosophical discussion and filmmaking.    We opened our doors to a first yearly cohort of 26 students in September 2022. They have joined us for 28 weekly Anthropocene Seminars led by the likes of Marina Warner, Robert Macfarlane, Gargi Bhattacharyya, Adam Broomberg, Ann Pettifor, Assemble Studio, Michael Mansfield, Robin Kirkpatrick, Esther Teichmann, Anthony Sattin, Chris Petit and Mark Nelson (Biosphere 2), whose work covers the entire range of subjects falling within the framework of the Environmental Humanities. These vigorously participatory sessions are prefaced by a movement class and are run in-person and streamed on-line to enable our planetarians to join us from Tajikistan, Egypt, US, Niger, Ireland, Scotland and France. Our teachers are gathered within an ever-extending Ensemble, not an exclusive faculty, and are paid at UCU-recommended rates for their contributions.  All NSotA students also work on a research project that is individually supervised and benefits from five meetings a year with at least two Ensemble members. This contributes towards a Diploma in Environmental Humanities, rather than a degree: a means of countering an anxious culture of accreditation, which we differentiate from the principle of recognition. Our students instead carry forward a supervised portfolio of their critical and creative work accomplished over the year as testament to their development.  While seeking to maintain a genuinely inter-generational student body, our recruitment continues to prioritise applicants from those with no prior experience of university. Our pay-what-you-can-afford scheme means that our students typically pay between 0.5% and 5% of the average cost of a UK postgraduate degree and enjoy double the number of contact teaching hours. This means that no one with the aptitude and desire to participate need be excluded. We have also set aside free places for forced migrants fleeing conflict across the world, which are awarded in association with Revoke and Birkbeck College’s Compass Project.   The New School is to be simultaneously regarded as an applied research project that explores how an agile, self-organising model for higher education might be effectively constituted. Its processes have been fully archived with the intention of creating an open-source toolkit for educators who might seek to emulate this prototype and co-establish a sisterhood of corresponding initiatives. We are a contributing partner of the Academia Biospherica Alliance, which from 2024 will offer on-site educational programmes under the auspices of October Gallery’s parent organisation, the Institute of Ecotechnics, across the five main earth biomes of mountains, oceans, forests, desert grasslands and cities in locations such as Puerto Rico, Brazil, Argentina, Iraq, Italy, Catalonia and Egypt.    This reflects our expressly collaborative ethos, as manifested further in our participation within the Ecoversities Alliance and Faculty for a Future, alongside established associations with Embassy Cultural House (London, Ontario), the London Review of Books and Birkbeck College Library, where our students enjoy borrowing rights, and prospective academic partnerships with the Central European University and Global Centre for Advanced Studies. We are also in the process of gaining recognition as a UNESCO Futures Literacy Laboratory. Our public launch in November 2021 was marked by a symposium on the future of the university in relation to biopolitical emergency, timed to coincide with COP26. It features recorded dialogues with leading thinkers available to view on our website: www.nsota.org [http://www.nsota.org].    In February 2023 the New School hosted a seminar jointly with Birkbeck’s Institute for Social Research to announce the relaunch of the Stories in Transit project founded by Marina Warner with the intention of initiating a collective research project for NSotA students. This will form a central component of a continuing second year active engagement with the present cohort following the end of the academic year in June, which is currently under collective discussion.    From September 2023 our first-year cohort size will be increased to 40 students drawn from the UK and around the world. The programme will be augmented by small-group creativity classes as a means of building a collaborative environment and preparing scholars for the intensity of their project work. NSotA's debut cohort established an additional self-organised reading group, meeting on-line on Sunday afternoons with the purpose of extending discussions broached in previous Anthropocene Seminars. For the next academic year this will be formally incorporated into the curriculum. Long-term plans include the founding of a research agency with D-Fuse intending to explore innovative multi-modal representations of biocidal emergency in civic spaces.   We are keenly aware that today’s university system is outmoded, sclerotic and wasteful; yoked to punishing systems of debt finance and managerial bureaucracy; and falling short in its responsibility to nurture future generations as confident participants within the complex universe in which we are all embedded. In proposing an affordable interdisciplinary education, the New School of the Anthropocene seeks to rejuvenate the core values of an adventurous education that are under sustained threat across the world. In so doing, it represents a genuine alternative for those who consider experimentation across the critical-creative seam to be the prerequisite to personal resilience and cultural renewal.

Momentum Transport Consultancy

momentum transport consultancy


The way the world moves… Our aim is that communities benefit from our strategies and the recommendations we make. We work closely with clients and industry partners – from architects, planners and property associations to developers and local authorities – to create forward-looking solutions that address the needs of the future city. People are always at the centre of our work. By design. Everything we do is carefully and diligently designed by our team of engineers, designers and analysts to create transport solutions that inform and integrate with every aspect of the built environment today and for the future. We consider the way the world moves – on foot, bus, train, car or plane – to deliver a compelling future for our clients. Our beliefs. Sustainability The transport sector is the biggest contributor of carbon emissions in the United Kingdom, we recognise that the traditional “business as usual” approach to transport planning is inadequate in the context of the climate change emergency facing the modern world. We are passionate about sustainability and the creation of healthier places for communities. We are experts in helping our clients to deliver more environmentally responsible outcomes for their projects while enhancing connectivity. • Camden Climate Change Alliance Momentum is a signatory to the Camden Climate Change Alliance, a not-for-profit membership network founded by the LB Camden to drive change on sustainability. • ISO 14001:2015 We are proud to hold ISO 14001:2015 certification for our Environmental Management System. • World Car Free Day Summit Momentum actively advocates for change in urban planning and the transport industry. We have sponsored the World Car Free Day London Summit since it was founded in 2019. • BREEAM Momentum has experience in developing transport strategies and solutions for the built environment with consideration for the sustainability assessment method BREEAM. Diversity in our team We are responsible for designing and building cities and towns for people – regardless of their age, physical ability or disability, gender or sexual orientation. We believe we can only do this successfully if our team is made up of people from diverse backgrounds. We work hard to improve career opportunities for under-represented groups. Women make up nearly 50% of our team and we employ people from a wide range of ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. • We’re signatories of the CIHT diversity and inclusion charter. • We have been recognized by industry communities Women in Transport and everywoman for our active commitment to advancing the progress of women working in transport and logistics. • We are a Disability Confident Committed Employer and an accredited Mindful Employer. • We are the proud holders of the CIHT ‘team of the year’ award (2021). Our communities We make an ongoing commitment to support local initiatives through our CSR programmes. We want to give back to the local communities and organisations that we work in and alongside. • Camden foodbank: We’re proud supporters of the Camden Foodbank. • Camden STEAM: We’re signatories of the Camden STEAM Pledge , which provides inclusive support to local young people with career-related advice and opportunities. • CORAM and Cycle to MIPIM: Momentum is part of the Club Peloton community, raising money for Coram through participation in the annual Cycle to MIPIM event. • Environmental work: We hold an annual company social event dedicated to sustainability. Since 2018 we have taken part in coppicing activities in green areas of London to support charities and stimulate tree and shrub growth. • Bridge the Gap: In April 2022 we started to send our decommissioned laptops to ‘Bridge the Gap’ – a Hackney-based charity which aims to combat digital and educational inequality in the borough.




Aerolatino Fitness - Aerolatino Instructor Level 2  Aerolatino® was created by Jeff Davila, a Colombian-born fitness instructor and dance teacher ; is an exciting international dance fitness workout with Latin American rhythms and dance styles like the Salsa, Merengue, Bachatango, Cha-cha-cha, Reggaeton and more. It’s a low impact workout, easy to follow, energetic and fun! The Learners will receive 6 hours of training with Aerolatino® founder Jeff Davila enabling them to: Understand the vision, values and principles of Aerolatino Recognise and understand the different rhythms and dance steps of Latin American Music Combine different Latin styles and rhythms in blocks of 32 counts to form a continuous Aerolatino® dance routine Use asymmetric movements to change direction in diagonal, forwards, back and sideward lines across the room Categorise Aerolatino® movements with hints and tips to help customers remember and identify move sequences Receive verbal feedback on their skills and knowledge in relation to the training programme, and assessment criteria Have opportunities to ensure that the training programme is tailored to their individual learning and physical needs Have opportunities to provide feedback in respect of the training programme completed Receive detailed and timely information in relation to the aims, outcomes, content, assessment, resources and timetable of the training Receive a Learner’s Resource Pack to augment the training event and contribute to the knowledge and skills of the learner Take part in CIMSPA endorsed CPD training that is designed to contribute to their professional development Obtain a certificate of completion (6 CPD Points ) CIMSPA, and a free Aerolatino® license for one year Mp3 Aerolatino Music delivery via email PREREQUISITE QUALIFICATIONS Professional Dancers, Zumba Teachers, Personal Trainers or other recognised fitness qualifications or; Currently holding ETM (Exercise To Music Level 2) REPs (CIMSPA) members must hold a L2 ETM Qualification ASSESSMENT  YES – at the end of the workshop you’ll be asked to give a short demonstration of the day’s teaching and your understanding of delivering the Aerolatino® programme. Before buying this course, please ensure you have read and understood the cancellation and refund policies of this Training Provider detailed below. Training Provider: Aerolatino Fitness UK Learning Time: 6 hours Cost: £150 SALE £75 LOCATION Online E-Learning -Face to Face  We enrol learners across the UK and Worldwide using an online / blended learning method making use of e-learning platform ,webinars and physical locations for one to one tutorials and group practical workshops. Aerolatino is a Training Provider endorsed by CIMSPA and SECTOR FITNESS EUROPE , Iidca LATAM ,OIFP Mexico ,CityFitness Col

Exam Prepper

exam prepper


HomeAbout What happens when you pit a lifelong procrastinator against the biggest test of his life? Trouble. I’m Miles, a recent graduate from the MOT program at the University of Utah. Being a podcast junkie myself, when I was studying for the NBCOT exam I wished there had been a podcast to help me make some progress when I was driving, at the gym, or just not feeling like banging my head against a computer screen. My goal with the podcast is to make the journey I had to take a little easier for other aspiring occupational therapists. Person I’m a huge nerd with a passion for basketball, sushi and OT. I’m always on the hunt for a good Netflix recommendations. My path to OT was a little strange. I worked in tech support during my undergrad and graduated in advertising, but not before taking the pre-reqs for OT school. I love the combination of creativity and purpose in our profession and consider myself lucky to have stumbled across it before I joined the ranks of [insert PT joke here]. Environment I was born and raised in Minnesota, lived in Japan for two years and am currently looking forward to having an actual income for Utah’s next ski season. Occupation I’m currently working at an inpatient acute rehab hospital and loving it. __________________ . __________________ That’s the gist of it. Have a listen to some of the episodes that sound helpful and remember to subscribe to check out the study guides. If you get bored of studying, feel free to check out my other OT related side project,

Study Globally

study globally


Study Globally provide free independent advice and guidance to international students who are applying to study in the UK.Our international education consultants are here to assist and guide you through each step of the application process to any UK university, language school or college. All consultants have been trained by trusted university partners and the British Council.Study Globally is a dedicated Overseas Educational Consultancy providing a one stop solution to all your international educational needs. We are a leading consultancy acknowledged for providing best guidance and counselling to the students who pursue education in international educational institutions. Supporting them to achieve their full potential.Study Globally is a pioneer in educating students internationally. It has brought the concept of overseas education to the doorstep of every student. Our excellent network work with leading worldwide institutions so that you can study abroad in reputed universities. This impeccable reputation helps us to deliver the best quality education services for you.Education is a catalyst in the career of a student. So, our passionate and expert team of mentors helps you to make the right decision in resolving all student and parents' concerns and choices.Study Globally offers professional person-centred support with comprehensive, ethical and quality education services. We are devoted to improving the lives of students while preparing them to be globally successful citizens.Study Globally provides complete assistance in Course Counselling, University Selection, Scholarships, Education Loans, Pre-departure Briefing and Post Arrival Assistance. We can help students in their every step from form filling to fee submission. From the first thought of studying abroad to your departure, we are there with you.

My Tutor Club

my tutor club


We have unparalleled knowledge, expertise and experience in all aspects of British education whether it be applying to schools and universities, preparing for exams or deciding on the right school for your child; we have it covered. Focused on you We are completely impartial and independent. We work entirely in your interests. This means providing you with bespoke advice on private tuition programmes and selecting schools and universities that are right for you. Our expert advice is free of any conflicts of interest and tailored to your specific requirements. Educators We believe that happy and confident learners are eager learners. Our central ethos is that learning should be relevant, engaging, challenging and fun. Our goal is always to try and make students want to learn more for themselves. Instillers We believe private tutoring is more than just preparing students for exams; we believe private tuition is also about instilling in students core life skills that are applicable to all aspects of life; whether it be communication skills, organisational skills, evaluating arguments, analytical thinking, creativity, structuring and forming arguments and asking questions. Proven in our methods My Tutor Club’s latest survey showed that in 2018, 93% of 11+ students won admission into either their first or second choice of school. In 2017, 92% of GCSE or A-level students either met or exceeded their grade expectations and 85% of university students secured offers from either their first or second choice of university. International We work with students and families from 30+ countries globally. Our online learning platform enables us to provide the same personalised and bespoke educational support and guidance wherever you are in the world.