858 Educators providing Courses in London

Cleverclogs Tutoring

cleverclogs tutoring


Regular Classes Progress is not tracked. No mentoring or motivation. Once the lesson finishes, the learning is over. Quality is not always guaranteed, because it depends on which tutors live in your area. Time and energy wasted travelling to and from classes. Teacher usually talks through the lesson and the students predominately listen. Lesson resources are not shared. Assessments are not regular. Not always one-to-one or small group classes. CleverClogs, the online tutoring company Parents and students have instant 24/7 access to the CC Progress Space. Tutors record observations after every lesson. Free monthly mentoring for each student, to ensure that pupils are motivated and enthused about their learning journey. Lessons are recorded and are accessible 24/7, for revision. Where you live does not affect your access to the best possible tutors. CleverClogs guarantees that each tutor is a subject expert. You can access the world’s best tutors from the comfort of your home. Interactive and enjoyable lessons, focused on school curriculums, with progress at the forefront of each activity. All resources and assessment transcripts are saved in each student’s private CC Progress Space. Monthly assessments are completed to ensure that students understand all topics covered and show clear improvements. One-to-one and small group classes encourage students to ask lots of questions and for confusions to be addressed immediately, hence no pupil is left behind.

Unal Education Translation

unal education translation


Contribute to national unity, as a center of intellectual and cultural life open to all currents of thought and to all social, ethnic, regional and local sectors. Study and enrich the cultural, natural and environmental heritage of the nation, and contribute to its conservation. Critically assimilate and create knowledge in the advanced fields of science, technique, technology, art and philosophy. Train professionals and researchers on a scientific, ethical and humanistic basis, providing them with a critical conscience, in a way that allows them to act responsibly in the face of the requirements and trends of the contemporary world, and creatively lead processes of change. Train free citizens and promote democratic values, tolerance and commitment to civil duties and human rights. Promote the development of the national academic community and foster its international articulation. Study and analyze national problems and propose, independently, pertinent formulations and solutions. Provide support and advice to the State in the scientific and technological, cultural and artistic orders, with academic and investigative autonomy. Involve the social sectors that make up the Colombian nation in the benefits of their academic and research activity. Contribute, through cooperation with other universities and State institutions, to the promotion and encouragement of access to quality higher education Stimulate the integration and participation of students, for the achievement of the purposes of higher education.

LSI Language Studies International

lsi language studies international



LSI has an extensive network of schools located around the world . You can learn English in one of our schools in England, Canada, the USA, New Zealand or Australia. We also have language centres in France and Switzerland. LSI also works with partner language schools in Spain, Italy, Mexico, Panama and Costa Rica. All our schools are modern and equipped with the latest technology. They are in the centre of attractive city destinations. LSI teachers possess solid teaching skills and all staff have been carefully selected to ensure a friendly and helpful service can be extended to all LSI students. They are on hand to guide you through your studies. Whatever your present level in the language you wish to learn, whatever your needs, this website will take you to the right language course for you. LSI has one aim and purpose: to ensure that you get the best possible language learning experience. Our website will tell you most things you need to know about Language Studies International (LSI). If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Our experience guarantees your success. Since 1965 we have successfully taught thousands of students from all parts of the world. Below are some of the reasons why... International atmosphere You will meet students from all over the world and share the experience of learning a foreign language. Central locations With centrally located schools in some of the most desirable cities in the world, LSI students have access to a wide variety of social and cultural activities. We will find the right level for you On your first day, we will establish your level and needs with a written test and an interview, and place you in the best class for your level. Interactive classrooms At LSI, languages are taught in a dynamic and energetic way. We believe active communication in the classroom is the most effective way of learning – by speaking you will achieve fluency. Language competence certificate You receive a certificate on your last day, stating the course attended and the level attained, as proof of your language competence. A report is available if required. Quality inspected homestays Contact with other students and local people makes sure you practise these skills outside the classroom. Multicentre courses Multicentre Courses allow you to learn and live the language in more than one LSI location. Small classes, excellent teachers Regular individual counselling and effective course design ensure that you make rapid progress in key communication skills. Our teachers are carefully selected, friendly, helpful, and ready to listen. Fully equipped language centres LSI Language Centres are fully equipped with up-to-date materials and resources in comfortable surroundings. Computer rooms are readily available for use during lessons or for self-study. Programmes range from intonation practice to grammar and vocabulary development. Free WiFi LSI students receive FREE WiFi internet access in school.

Human Givens College

human givens college

Human Givens College* has been providing training in the best ways to treat mental health and behavioural problems for over twenty years. Our tutors are experts in their field, and provide practical, evidence-based training in clear, jargon-free language. > Excellent, practical and empowering – HG is a genuine breath of fresh air in > the world of psychology and therapy > > SENIOR MENTAL HEALTH PRACTITIONER As well as giving you essential psychological knowledge and proven practical skills, our down-to-earth, accredited training [https://www.humangivens.com/college/about-the-college/#accredited] has introduced new research and insights into the causes and drivers of common conditions such as depression [https://www.humangivens.com/college/break-the-cycle-of-depression/], addiction [https://www.humangivens.com/college/tackling-addiction/], anxiety disorders [https://www.humangivens.com/college/understanding-anxiety/], trauma [https://www.humangivens.com/college/rewind-technique-training/] and psychosis [https://www.humangivens.com/college/from-stress-to-psychosis/] which, when combined with the human givens framework for mental health and wellbeing, are revolutionising effective treatment. We care passionately about improving mental health [https://www.humangivens.com/college/about-the-college/improving-mental-health/] and reducing suffering – our aim is to support improvements in mental and physical healthcare, education and social services, by giving you the psychological knowledge and proven therapeutic skills that make it easier for you to reduce the considerable emotional distress and behavioural problems that increasing numbers of adults and children are experiencing. Our approach is holistic [https://www.humangivens.com/human-givens/about/], and enables you to tailor therapeutic interventions to each individual. As well as our attended workshops [https://www.humangivens.com/college/all-courses/?category=attended-courses], online training [https://www.humangivens.com/college/all-courses/online-courses/] and Diploma course [https://www.humangivens.com/college/diploma/], we are happy to tailor our training to suit your needs with inhouse training [https://www.humangivens.com/college/in-house-training/].

The Public Speaking Course

the public speaking course



Everyone has a right to speak and that includes you. Clear, concise communication is important and will help you to get your message across, whether that be in a work environment or in a personal capicity. Most people are not natural communicators or born public speakers. The vast majority of people are self-conscious, fearful and nervous about speaking in public. The "little voice" in their head is constantly over-thinking: "What will he/she/they think of me? What if I go blank and forget what I am saying? What will happen if I make a mistake?" Think about your own situation for a moment. How do you feel when you are asked – or told – to speak in public? Quite likely your initial physical reaction is something along the lines of a dry throat, racing heart, sweaty palms, scared, petrified, palpitations, paralysed and in extreme cases you may even feel short of breath, become dizzy or go in to a full-blown panic attack. Does any of that sound and feel familiar? Don’t panic, you are not alone. This happens a lot to people who have a built-in fear of standing up in front of other people and presenting an idea, making a pitch, delivering a speech or going for that all-important job interview. It’s a natural reaction, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Our One-Day Public Speaking Course is designed to help you deal with your fear and will teach you to stand up with confidence and speak from a position of genuine, ease and poise. Our techniques are simple, effective and extremely powerful. The course is designed to help you escape from the prison of your own mind – from your constant over-thinking and fearful disposition; for you to be able to enjoy the benefits of communicating concisely, fluently, passionately and, most importantly, to get your message across in the best-possible way. The skills you will learn go far beyond public speaking. You will be able to use the tools to help you deal with many of life’s challenges. They will give you an inner confidence that you may not have had before and allow you to be yourself – whoever that turns out to be. That free-floating fear you feel is nothing more than a bully and is, in all likelihood, holding you back from your full potential. Once confronted, it will melt away leaving you free to enjoy the life and the success you deserve. The incessant and always-present "little voice" of fear will tell you that people will laugh at you; that you're not good enough; that you're not worthy enough; that you don’t deserve to be there, that your speech will be a disaster and that you will be fully exposed for what you truly are – a fraud! It will tell you that you cannot cope; that you have not prepared enough; that you don't know what you're talking about and that nobody is interested in what you have to say anyway. Fear tells you that both you and your topic are boring and not worth listening to. As a result, fear holds you back, blocks your path to success and prevents you achieving your goals in both your career and in life generally. Fear is a bully and like most bullies when confronted, its threat disappears leaving you free to enjoy life. You just need the right strategies, techniques and encouragement to overcome it. The good news is that there is a solution. This One-Day Public Speaking Course will help you break through the fear and allow you to stand up and be heard. We have worked with people from all professions, backgrounds, walks of life and from all over the world; from graduates just starting out, to CEOs, business owners, entrepreneurs and PR consultants; from doctors, lawyers, teachers, accountants, to politicians (known and unknown), psychiatrists, psychotherapists and counsellors. So, whoever you are and whatever you do, if you have a fear of standing up and speaking in front of people, now is the time to deal with it – not tomorrow – now. By the end of the One-Day Public Speaking Course you will have both the skills and the confidence to stand up in front of any number of people and present. And that also includes being able to present on Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype and other online platforms.




Online learning course is a very good way to learn, although many learners do not complete their studies due to lack of discipline. We are here to guide and support you through your journey and ensure you will get structured learning content so you do not feel overwhelmed. We have a wide variety of courses written by our industry experts, all assisted with our online support to cater to your learning needs. When you study with Global Educ8tions you can also benefit from our interest-free affordable payment options as well be able to access modern online learning platforms that underpin your learning. Global Educ8tions Online Learning college is committed to involving learners in our strategic decision-making and quality management system and process. As a learning organisation, we firmly believe that embracing learner's views and opinions by offering an opportunity for learners to have direct involvement in assessing and shaping their own learning experience. Our approach has a significant and effective impact on developing Global Educ8tions Online Learning College quality improvement and increasing learners' success. Global Educ8tions Online Learning College also believes that learners have key roles to play in self-evaluation, self-improvement and policy-making procedures. Our Mission and Values were facilitated by learners' input not only as a client of Global Educ8tions but by ensuring students act as co-producers of their educational experiences and outcomes, both individually and collectively, via the decision making processes of Global Educ8tions.

Cyber Security Training Courses

cyber security training courses


The Cyber Security training market is saturated with different providers all offering similar training courses. With so many to choose from navigating the different providers is a long process. Cyber Security Training Courses simplifies this by pulling in the training courses from all the providers to one site and one easy search The site was launched to enhance the service that we provide via CyberSecurityJobsite.com, the specialist site for the cyber security market. We offer an information portal that can assist candidates to find the best courses to progress their career within the IT security industry. We host 100s of training courses, undergraduate and post graduate university courses and apprenticeships from training providers, leading universities and colleges and industry leading employers. Whether you are looking for a course to progress your own career or looking for a training provider to enhance your employee’s skills, the site can assist you. Register with us to apply for courses, receive industry news or receive email alerts if a course is added to the site that matches your criteria. CyberSecurityJobsite now also runs the Cyber Security EXPO which is the only dedicated recruitment event designed for Clients and Candidates within the Cyber Security / InfoSec marketplace. The EXPO's are Free to attend for all registered candidates and provides an opportunity to meet with direct employers and recruitment agencies that are recruiting in this space. If you have any question on how we operate, please contact one of the team.