2042 Educators providing Courses in London

Independent Thinkers Courses

independent thinkers courses


Independent Thinkers Education provides outstanding private tuition at all levels, from pre-test and 11+ tutoring through to postgraduate application support. Through our partner organisation, Independent Thinkers Courses, we deliver inspiring and academically rigorous university preparation and academic enrichment webinars. We specialise in advice and support on applications to the most academically selective UK universities and schools. We have outstanding teams of tutors who prepare young people for university admissions assessments and interviews, especially for Oxbridge and medical schools, and who prepare children for 11+, 13+ and 16+ entrance and scholarship exams, and school admissions interviews. Since 2015, we have helped over 200 students gain Oxbridge offers. We also have a 100% success rate for applications to Imperial, LSE and UCL. All the children whom we have supported with their applications to UK independent schools have received offers from one of their top choice schools. The vast majority of our senior school students attend one of the following schools: Eton, Winchester, Wycombe Abbey, Westminster, Cheltenham Ladies’ College, Harrow, Charterhouse, Tonbridge, St Paul’s (Girls’ and Boys’), City of London (Girls’ and Boys’), Habs (Girls’ and Boys’), Latymer Upper, Godolphin and Latymer or Highgate. However, as our name suggests, we are not just about results. Our focus is on helping children and young people develop intellectual curiosity, a love of learning and intellectual independence. We believe that these qualities of mind and ways of being last a lifetime, enriching the lives of our students and those with whom they study, work and play.

The Ultrasound Site - Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Courses

the ultrasound site - musculoskeletal ultrasound courses



All course delegates who attend our musculoskeletal ultrasound training courses will get unlimited access to diagnostic ultrasound or ultrasound guided injection related online lectures by our course tutors. These provide a more in-depth appreciation of the topics and are an excellent source of learning before and after our courses. We are constantly adding to this selection, so keep your eyes peeled! ULTRASOUND GUIDED COURSES – Needle visualisation, Aseptic technique, Informed consent, Ultrasound guided injections and the evidence base, Why we use cadaveric specimens for our guided injection training. MSK ULTRASOUND COURSES – An introduction to the Physics of MSK ultrasound, An introduction to probe skills and orientation to the image, Ultrasound system settings and knobology, An introduction to recognising pathology on musculoskeletal ultrasound, An introduction to quality assurance and professional issues of MSK ultrasound.  Gain access to our private MSK ultrasound Facebook community By attending our musculoskeletal ultrasound training courses you will gain access to your tutors in our private, Facebook community of MSK Ultrasound practice with specific groups for upper and lower limb MSK Ultrasound pathology, discussing anonymised cases and articles of interest. We also have groups for upper and lower limb guided injection techniques, discuss your techniques – what went well, what could be improved and what the evidence is. Lastly, but importantly we have established groups on training and governance.
