101 Educators providing Courses in London

Ayming UK

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We are business performance experts who combine highly specialised knowledge – across a range of fields – with hands-on collaboration, to enable our clients and their people to go further. We are a global team of 1,300 colleagues working across 15 countries in Europe, North America and Asia, and have a 30-year track record of providing leadership and sharing insight. By focusing on innovation, finance, operations and people we are proven to deliver a return on investment: R&D and Innovation New thinking, research and development is fundamental to staying competitive and keeping control of your business environment, but funding and tax in this field is complex and often under-exploited, as is the importance of company-wide engagement. We support some 15,000 R&D and innovation projects worldwide each year, generating €1bn in funding for our clients. Tax and Finance Controlling your growth costs is essential to develop your company over the long term and ensure its sustainability. You must guarantee the profitability of your investments, focus on growth-generating projects and allow them to be financed by equity or external financing. One lever to ensure recurring results is to identify and evaluate tax reductions by applying the current applicable law. We’re proud to have a 95% client retention rate. People By finding new ways to engage and motivate employees, we help companies reach their potential. Effort, risk, knowledge, morale, decision-making: every individual is a world of possibility. We’ve trained over 50,000 people, and we provide around €300m in HR savings annually for our clients. We base our work on a deep understanding of need and context: every business is unique, each situation is different, “off-the-shelf” is rarely sustainable. We deliver real results by executing and implementing projects alongside our clients, on the ground, and seeing them through until they make a genuine impact. Our work is carried out based on sharing highly specialised knowledge: we employ leaders in the fields of engineering, data science, tax, physics, chemistry, medicine and more – people who are able to talk to your experts on a peer-to-peer basis. Overall, we bring new energy to our clients by helping improve decision-making at all levels, increasing funding and decreasing costs, while building trust and a supportive environment of continual improvement. Ours is a collaborative, human approach mixed with digital efficiency. Through extraordinary relationships we have achieved extraordinary results, and our confidence in our work means we frequently offer to share risk and reward with our clients. Our relationships are built to last; many stretch back well over a decade.

Hammersmith Academy

hammersmith academy



Since we opened in 2011 Hammersmith Academy has been striving to do something different. I founded HA because I wanted to create an inspiring school in the local community that had a clear vision, fostered self-confidence in its students and provided a Private School level of education for all. At HA we have adopted the Growth Mindset: excellence isn’t given at birth, but earned through hard work and determination. We focus on pushing our students to attain the highest qualifications they can, but they will only do that if they also develop a strong character. Qualifications open the door, but character gets you through it. Our longer lessons, peer to peer leadership, and mandatory ‘Session 3’ extra-curricular programme, ensure a richer, more in-depth delivery of the national curriculum, in which students take responsibility for each other and have ample opportunity to embrace subjects and skills they feel passionately about. We set high expectations and challenge our students to aspire to be outstanding in all areas of school life. From their uniform, to their attitude to learning, to their conduct in and outside of the classroom, we expect an exemplary approach at all times. Students and staff adopt a professionalism that would be standard in any job, to fully prepare our young people for the world of work. Our students and our staff work exceptionally hard, and you can see that in the sheer amount of quality work and experience that is achieved on a day to day basis. You can see evidence of this in any of our termly newsletters, or on our social media. In my experience of working in inner-city education, and my own time at school, I sometimes saw an attitude that assumed some people ‘can’t do’, and I knew this was wrong. I see that people, of any age, will respond to clear boundaries and clear vision. If you show your students you have belief in them and encourage them to have belief in themselves, their confidence grows and they surprise themselves with what they can achieve. Our students will leave school not only academically qualified, but confident, mature and ready to prove themselves.
