598 Educators providing Courses in London

Ezy Edtech

ezy edtech


0 Comments I founded The Local Teachers Ltd in 2015, with the vision to make education more accessible and convenient locally. At the Local Teachers, we helped over 25,000 students in the last 8 years to boost their grades and help them go to their desired universities, we have fostered partnerships with 13 schools in London and 3 councils to help them support pupils with our intervention tuition programs in sciences, Mathematics and English. With that same vision and passion, I have founded Ezy Edtech Ltd to purchase assets as part of the liquidation of EzyEducation Ltd via a CVL to make quality education more accessible in different ways. That purchase transfers the rights of the EzyEducation website, courses, and high-quality book stocks of 10,000 with a commercial value of £5-10 per book to Ezy Edtech Ltd. The goodwill and support of ex EzyEducation employees has also been secured. Moreover, we have renewed all suppliers’ contracts such as the Zapper app, which makes more accessible our revision pocket booklets by pulling the interactive videos lessons, and quizzes from our platform to iOS and Android devices which increasingly more and more students are relying on for their revision routines. The EzyEducation platform and customer relationships benefited from £2.5m of investment and reinvested earnings. This means that Ezy Edtech bypasses the development costs usually associated with start-ups. The platform is currently used by over 150 school users (subscriptions of £200,000 in 2019 and £130,000 during 2021 (revenue decreased due to COVID19 exam cancellations). Although EzyEducation Ltd ceased trading on 14/12/2021 the platform has remained in use through this period with zero disruption for customers. Over this period, we had 188,543 sessions, 90,103 users, and 3.25 million hits. This continuation of user engagement is a clear indication of the success we can build on moving forward. With that strong foundation for success, here are our short-term objectives. At the present our most important objective is to secure renewals for the schools Minimise the service disruptions - renew contracts for all our suppliers and staff where possible. Improve our resources wherever necessary - such as creating more resources to make teachers’ life easier - in doing so, we will be complementing with PowerPoints lectures with the video lessons on the platform – so that teachers do not spend so much time and resources in creating lesson plans but rather focus on delivering and




I’m Monique Shaw, a career coach, writer, podcaster and brand expert who helps people to rewrite their old stories to create careers, businesses and lives that work. Our stories shape our lives - but we can rewrite them. I’ve rewritten my own story many times to create a life that fits with the way I want to work and live - I founded Re/Write to help you do the same! I started my career in the arts and public sector before pivoting into the corporate world where I spent over a decade shaping marketing, brand, sales and communication strategies. I spent 8 of those years with a Big 4 firm working on rebrand projects, running global campaigns, coaching pitch teams and leading a global sector brand & marketing team. After becoming a parent, I craved a deeper sense of purpose in my work and a different lifestyle. When I turned 40, I took the plunge and rewrote my career story, launching Re/Write and bringing together my love of people, words and self-development with the rigour of my global corporate experience and training. My approach to career change is to work from the inside-out. I don’t focus on job titles, industries or company names, instead I help people to connect with who they are, what they need and how they want to live. We build out from that foundation, right through to creating new habits and shaping the story they tell the world. I’m a qualified Transformational Coach with an accreditation in Group Coaching & Facilitation. I’m a lifelong learner with a Fine Arts undergrad degree, a post-grad in Creative Writing and professional Chartered Institute of Marketing qualifications in Marketing and Digital Marketing. All of these qualifications - along with my professional and personal experience - informs the work I do helping my clients to rewrite their stories. I also work with a not-for-profit organisation, icanyoucantoo running presentation skills and personal brand workshops for smart and ambitious kids form disadvantaged backgrounds because they - like all of us - deserve to write their own stories too. Originally from Australia, I live in London with my husband, young son and 2 rescue pooches. I work with people from all over the world and would love to help you rewrite your story, whatever it is and whatever you want it to be. Curious? Let’s have a chat and explore what you need and how I can help. Monique xx

Catherine McCrum

catherine mccrum


I work with a wide variety of individual students ranging from professional athletes, musicians and actors to people with chronic pain issues, injuries or those simply wanting to become more in tune with how they move in daily life. I teach regular workshops for the general public and also to Pilates and fitness teachers, physiotherapists, runners, tennis and golf coaches and ski instructors. I’m the creator of the FeldenFit 30 day Programme to refine your ability for powerful, effective and balanced movement which is hosted by Ritter Dressage. I co teach an online course for riders called The Aware Rider with Dr Thomas Ritter and Shana Ritter. I add rider content on the Ritter’s online courses which focus on the biomechanics of dressage. I am also a Gestalt psychotherapist with a particular interest in working with developing awareness of how my clients embody their emotional and psychological patterns. Biography I’m an accredited Feldenkrais practitioner and have been teaching sport, fitness and movement since 1986. I also have an Msc in Clinical Gestalt Psychotherapy. As an internationally qualified ski instructor and ski instructor coach, I taught in Europe, New Zealand and USA. Returning to London I worked as a personal trainer and was one of the first to incorporate Pilates into my training methods. Many of my clients were very fit but I was always looking for something that would take them further. Despite daily strengthening and stretching regimes and regular osteopathic and physiotherapy treatments I found that their progress was often hampered by niggling injuries and chronic stiffness. Only when I came across the Feldenkrais Method did I make the connection that stretching, strengthening or manipulation were not the key. As I incorporated the Feldenkrais Method into my training my clients started to recognise for themselves how the way they moved could cause injury and interfere with their ability to reach their goals. Through the lessons they learned how much excess effort they put into everything they did, not only in sport but also daily activities. They started to notice surprising and unexpected improvements in their coordination. Many reported an increased sense of physical comfort and ease. I decided to embark on the 4 year Feldenkrais Training which I completed in 2002. I completed my Masters in Clinical Gestalt Psychotherapy in 2016.

The London Education & Art Foundation

the london education & art foundation


Total 30 years of experience in management, of which half of this overlaps in the world of academia. He is experienced in managing multicultural teams and has delivered some high-level consultancy projects in the UK and overseas for the commercial and public sectors. Paul is on the Advisory Board of UK universities, UK social enterprises and charitable organisations. His interests are in the areas of Arts, he is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) and has held numerous art exhibitions in London. Role: Chairman of Trustees, Head of Partnerships and Memberships. Mr Andrew Trustee FAIA, FCIPD, FRSA - Expert International Accountant and Legal Advisor Total 45 years in UK and International public practice as an accountant and legal services provider serving in the charitable, public and art sectors as a trustee, chairman, director and treasurer. A Liveryman of the City of London and past President of the Association of International Accountants (UK) and the Association de Brecourt (Belgium). A member of the International Bar Association and International Fiscal Association. Role: Trustee, Governance, Compliance and Financial Management. Degard RCA, FRSA Trustee International Artist, MA (Edin), Phd Research Fine Art Degard is a pioneering British 'Painter of Auras', writer, researcher, curator and founder of the genre Contemporary Visionary art. Degard has exhibited extensively in the UK and internationally: The Royal College of Art, Museum Alzubair, Oman, in New York, London and at Saatchi Art. Degard has written four books, is a committee member of The Colour Group, a property developer and a Fellow of The Galileo Commission for the Scientific and Medical Network. She has a Masters in Politics from Edinburgh University and is completing her doctorate in Fine Art in London. Role: Trustee, Head of Media and Events. Ambassadors of LEAF Miss Sophie Ambassador - Arts, Culture, Events. United Kingdom Oxford Graduate in Classics Sophie is a recent Oxford graduate of Classics. Having studied at Oxford for four years, she specialised in Greek and Roman art and archaeology, and has attended seminars, workshops, and focus groups on artwork from antiquity at the Ashmolean Museum, the British Museum and the British Academy. Sophie also has experience working in marketing and advertising and has worked as a gallery invigilator at galleries around London. Mr Ahmed Ambassador - Arts, Culture, Events. Middle East/North Africa (MENA) With more than 10 years of experience in the field of management and business, Ahmed has contributed in building professional teams, and developing strategies in one of the largest companies the Middle East. His interests relate to international and Islamic culture and the arts, and is looking forward to working with professional partners between overseas organisations and the LEAF Foundation. He is also a member of several institutions including: The Royal united services institute (RUSI) The Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) The British academy of management The Institute of Directors (IoD) The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Miss Emilia Ambassador - Culture, Education, Events. London & Eastern Europe With over 13 years of experience in sales, business and NLP, Emilia has provided high-level strategies for team building and management, excellent customer service and sales enhancement for UK enterprises and international multi-level marketing organisations. She is proficient in NLP and working with multicultural communities and has held self-development and mentoring workshops in various parts of London. Emilia is on the Governing and Advisory Board of London secondary schools to encourage and ensure children's learning and development. Her interests are in the areas of Arts and self-development with the aim to support individuals and sole entrepreneurs into their personal and business development journey. Miss Summer Ambassador - Arts, Fashion, Events. Shanghai & China Summer has an MBA in global Luxury management and graduated from Paris. She is in charge of the fashion department of Paris International Young Artists Association, and the key account manager of Chanel. During her stay in the UK, Summer won a number of national design competitions. As a winner of Chatsworth House design competition, she was chosen by the Douches of Devonshire. She has professional bespoke and fashion design background and luxury management experience. Mr Satoshi Ambassador - Arts, Culture, Events. L.A. USA Satoshi is the CEO of Life is Tech! USA. It is a Los Angeles-based EdTech startup best known as the creators of the acclaimed coding education program, Disney Codeillusion. With over 17 years of experience in international business, with a focus on the U.S., UK and Japan, delivering life-changing opportunities to as many people as possible, is what Satoshi lives for. He holds an MBA from Stanford University. He is a Mentor for BLAST School, an incubation program that supports high school students with ideas for solving social issues. Satoshi is also a Chartered Member of the Securities Analysts Association of Japan Miss Mika Ambassador - Education, Culture, Events. Osaka Japan Mika is a Business and

Ayming UK

ayming uk


We are business performance experts who combine highly specialised knowledge – across a range of fields – with hands-on collaboration, to enable our clients and their people to go further. We are a global team of 1,300 colleagues working across 15 countries in Europe, North America and Asia, and have a 30-year track record of providing leadership and sharing insight. By focusing on innovation, finance, operations and people we are proven to deliver a return on investment: R&D and Innovation New thinking, research and development is fundamental to staying competitive and keeping control of your business environment, but funding and tax in this field is complex and often under-exploited, as is the importance of company-wide engagement. We support some 15,000 R&D and innovation projects worldwide each year, generating €1bn in funding for our clients. Tax and Finance Controlling your growth costs is essential to develop your company over the long term and ensure its sustainability. You must guarantee the profitability of your investments, focus on growth-generating projects and allow them to be financed by equity or external financing. One lever to ensure recurring results is to identify and evaluate tax reductions by applying the current applicable law. We’re proud to have a 95% client retention rate. People By finding new ways to engage and motivate employees, we help companies reach their potential. Effort, risk, knowledge, morale, decision-making: every individual is a world of possibility. We’ve trained over 50,000 people, and we provide around €300m in HR savings annually for our clients. We base our work on a deep understanding of need and context: every business is unique, each situation is different, “off-the-shelf” is rarely sustainable. We deliver real results by executing and implementing projects alongside our clients, on the ground, and seeing them through until they make a genuine impact. Our work is carried out based on sharing highly specialised knowledge: we employ leaders in the fields of engineering, data science, tax, physics, chemistry, medicine and more – people who are able to talk to your experts on a peer-to-peer basis. Overall, we bring new energy to our clients by helping improve decision-making at all levels, increasing funding and decreasing costs, while building trust and a supportive environment of continual improvement. Ours is a collaborative, human approach mixed with digital efficiency. Through extraordinary relationships we have achieved extraordinary results, and our confidence in our work means we frequently offer to share risk and reward with our clients. Our relationships are built to last; many stretch back well over a decade.

Syeda Zainab Trust

syeda zainab trust


We ,Syeda Zainab Trust community organisation that has been at the forefront of the economic development, training and career advancement of people from local communities with particular focus on employment support for the marginalised communities. Aim to benefit adults and children and their families every year, through live welfare projects on education, healthcare, livelihood and women empowerment, aim to driven in over many remote villages and slums across the world. Education is both the means as well as the end to a better life: the means because it empowers an individual to earn his/her livelihood and the end because it increases one's awareness on a range of issues – from healthcare to appropriate social behaviour to understanding one's rights – and in the process help him/her evolve as a better citizen. Syeda Zainab Trust ,a registered charity company (Charity no.1185836) in the United Kingdom,provides education and training to children and adults , Our projects presently help and support in India to Zainab Educational and Welfare Society (ZEWS) in Kurnool district,Andhra ,India providing free education to poor children. We are now aiming to expand our support to most deserving people around the world. Aim to benefit adults and children and their families every year, through live welfare projects on education, healthcare, livelihood and women empowerment, aim to driven in over many remote villages and slums across India. Education is both the means as well as the end to a better life: the means because it empowers an individual to earn his/her livelihood and the end because it increases one's awareness on a range of issues – from healthcare to appropriate social behaviour to understanding one's rights – and in the process help him/her evolve as a better citizen. Doubtless, education is the most powerful catalyst for social transformation. But child education cannot be done in isolation. A child will go to school only if the family, particularly the mother, is assured of healthcare and empowered. Moreover, when an elder sibling is relevantly skilled to be employable and begins earning, the journey of empowerment continues beyond the present generation. Realizing this, Syeda Zainab Trust, beginning in the corridors of education, adopted a lifecycle approach of development, focusing its interventions on children, their families and the larger community. Syeda Zainab Trust believes that unless members of the civil society are involved proactively in the process of development, sustainable change will not happen. Following this model of Civic Driven Change, Syeda Zainab Trust sensitizes and engages the civil society, making it an active partner in all its welfare initiatives.

Now Yoga with Sinem

now yoga with sinem


My name is Sinem Er. I am practicing yoga since 2005 and sharing my passion since 2010. I teach Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, with a focus on Vinyasa Flow, Hatha and Restorative yoga. I am the founder of Now Yoga Limited UK and I was featured in Linda Sparrowe’s book ‘Yoga At Home – Inspiration for creating your own home practice’ published by Universe Press and Yoga Journal among many other world-renowned yoga teachers. I received my first teacher training certificate from beloved Zeynep Aksoy in 2009, and then in 2010 I met my root teacher Cyndi Lee, the first western female yoga teacher to integrate yoga and Buddhism, the founder of the legendary OM Yoga School and I am her student ever since. In 2018, I had the honor of translating her book ‘Yoga Body, Buddha Mind’into Turkish. What I learned from her radically changed my perspective and my relationship with myself, the world, and the teachings of yoga. As I began to observe myself in the light of Buddhist teachings, my practice has actually become a reminder that everything is interconnected, that everything that happens, everything we do, every word we say is planting a seed and vinyasa is a physical expression of the fact that nothing and no one can exist separately, but that everything is interconnected and interdependent. As an experienced and committed yoga teacher, I am able to assist and inspire others on their yoga journey. My style emphasizes alignment, flow, movement/breath integration and Buddhist meditation principles. My classes are dynamic and contemplative. I believe in the importance of safe and logical sequencing. I have the ability to distill complex postures and teach them as accessible building blocks for yogis of all backgrounds. In 2014, I started to lead Yoga Alliance USA Approved 200-hour Teacher Training Programs and Continuing Education Programs on yoga and meditation. For many years, I taught group classes at best yoga schools of Turkey, such as Cihangir Yoga and Nefess Yoga. Since 2014, I am teaching Yoga Alliance approved 200-hour Foundational Teacher Trainings, as well as taking part in the teaching faculty of 300-hour programs of Nefess Yoga, İzmir Yoga and Githa Satya Yoga. I am recording online classes and training programs for YogaUni since 2018. I organize yoga retreats at magical locations in Turkey. With the pandemic, I also started to offer my trainings and classes ONLINE. Sharing the teachings of yoga with you is a continuous learning and discovery process for me. I am looking forward to practice together.

Millie Whizz

millie whizz


Is it merely to pass exams so we can get to the top schools and universities? Is it to enable us to further our careers? Or is it to help us become well-rounded, independent thinking, confident individuals who are then able to take a full part in society? “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” (Nelson Mandela) I don’t claim to have all the answers, but after more than twenty-one years as a teacher, in both, the maintained and the independent sector, (and eight years in the advertising and publishing industry prior to that), one thing is clear: We get one chance and one chance only at education, and teachers get one chance with us. I set up Millie-Whizz to provide an individual, holistic approach to teaching, to complement the excellent work teachers do in schools because sometimes this is not enough. It’s a numbers’ game, after all. The idea was not to provide tutorials which simply focus on doing paper after paper, question after question, in the hope that something would sink in. Millie Whizz is a tutoring service that explains the whys and hows so that pupils not only learn what method they should use to solve a particular problem, but they actually understand the reasoning and are therefore empowered to apply that knowledge. The ethos of Millie Whizz is based upon helping children and young adults to overcome difficulties in their learning so that achieve great results in their school work, their exams and in life. Sometimes it is their fear of learning; sometimes it is their lack of motivation; sometimes it is boredom and lack of inspiration. So it follows then that a person who is happy in their learning will want to learn more. This leads to success in all areas, not just in their education. Feeling successful gives us an enormous boost, which leads to increased happiness and ultimately, to freedom. So how can we apply this freedom to education? The knowledge and understanding pupils gain, empowers them to experiment with formulae and arguments so that they begin to question the “What if…?” Tutoring is not just for those who struggle, but it works equally well for those who need to be stretched in their thinking so that they reach their full potential. If you do what you’ve always done and in doing so, achieve the same level of success each time, wouldn’t you want someone to show you a more effective way of maximizing your results? With global economies opening up and highly qualified people from all over the world wanting a piece of the action, there will, undoubtedly, be more competition than ever in the jobs market in years to come.

Instantech Web Solutions

instantech web solutions


Website Development Being the best web design and development company our aim is to provide top web development services. Get the most affordable price for your package Website Development We provide website design services that will your businesses transform the core process into superior quality with the most excellent productivity, consistency, and flexibility. Get Started ERPNext Implementation ERPNext has been rated amongst top-performing software based on verified buyer reviews. Over 5,000 companies have moved to the next generation of enterprise with ERPNext. ERPNext Implementation ERPNext is a great project that competes with the major ERP systems worldwide. The UI and UX are one of the most fluid and highly useable interfaces Get Started Social Media Integration Social media integration gives your audience more ways to engage and interact with your brand. Get the tips and tools to do it right. Don't miss out on opportunities from the top platforms. Social Media Integration We can blend your website and social media accounts to unify your brand online. Giving you a seamlessly connected digital presence on social media and your website to increase traffic and sales. Get Started Lead Generation Funnels Generating leads is one of the most critical steps in sales and marketing for this is where businesses get their precious pool of prospects that can eventually become paying customers. Lead Generation Funnels Lead generation however involves a careful process that if done right can deliver a huge ROI at the fastest possible time. You are ready to tap into the potential that the internet offers and get more leads and sales for your business. Am I right? Start Now Custom Web & App Development We specialize in building custom-made, well-designed web applications, backed up by tech tools that are proven in action. Our development is simple and efficient. Custom Web & App Development We understand that every business is different, and therefore requires an appropriate approach that is made-to-measure. Get Started Application Support and Maintenance Our aim is to ensure that applications are highly available, reliable, and stay relevant to current business needs. Application Support and Maintenance Our focus is on the stabilization of your applications, optimization of provided services, and application improvement through request resolution and problem detection. Get Started Web and Cloud Hosting Deployment Through our hosting partners, we provide state-of-the-art hosting services ranging from shared, dedicated, managed, colocation, and cloud hosting. Web and Cloud Hosting Deployment We are also very proud of our ability to manage cross-platform applications. We manage, migrate and upgrade applications hosted on AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Digital Ocean, VPSs among others Get Started IT Consultancy At InstantTech we provide ICT Consulting services that help organizations to put ICT assets at the service of their business needs and strategic vision.

Every Day A Mindful Day

every day a mindful day


Well-being in schools and colleges Would you like to bring mindfulness (and yoga) to your students? Whether they are experiencing exam stress, difficulty in settling in or need to improve their attention and focus, we have a programme to offer you. Perhaps you might want to consider mindfulness as an alternative to detention, offer it as a lunchtime or afterschool club or as part of your PE or PSD provision? Maybe your school’s/college’s teaching and support staff could benefit from relaxation practices and learning how to find more space in their days? Or you could be a group of parents who are home schooling and would like access to mindfulness to help build resilience and confidence. Lydia has 16 years’ experience of teaching in state schools in the Buckinghamshire area and understands the issues facing students, teachers and parents. She can offer a range of programmes for all Key Stages, INSET training or taster sessions, online or in-person. Well-being for people with limited mobility Do you know an individual or a group who could benefit from yoga or meditation? Lydia has recently qualified as a Lakshmi Voelker Chair Yoga teacher and can design and deliver classes for seniors, people in wheelchairs, people with dementia and anyone who finds it difficult to do yoga on a mat. All the benefits of yoga can be made accessible to anyone, this includes: range of physical movement; cognitive ability; bone density; muscle strength; managing stress and anxiety; better sleep and improved confidence and self-esteem. We are happy to travel to care homes, communities or rehabilitation facilitates etc. Or we can offer on-line sessions. Well-being in corporate settings Research by the HSE suggests that stress, depression and anxiety generate around 17.9 million sick days in the UK each year. Eighty-three percent of businesses report people turning up to work who are not well enough to be productive and this costs the UK businesses about £15.1 billion each year (Mind, 2011). Almost half of the UK’s workers report that they have considered leaving a job because of the stress levels with 60% saying they would be more motivated if employers took action to support their mental health and well-being (Mind, 2013 & 2020). Lydia and Doug both teach chair yoga, a form of yoga that can be done at a desk and is specifically designed to target the physical stresses of sitting all day. We are also both trained in teaching a range of mindfulness practices to adults and younger people. We would be happy to discuss a programme to suit your company’s needs that could be delivered in-person or online. Contact us today and begin a discussion that could change lives.