590 Educators providing Courses in London

StretchLAB UK

stretchlab uk



StretchLAB has been created to deliver relief and recovery to exercise junkies, office workers and everyone in between. Our mission is to bring 1 on 1 assisted stretching to the mainstream through a collection of neighbourhood wellness studios across the UK where our trained Stretchologists work with clients towards flexibility and mobility goals. StretchLAB aims to make stretching a regular part of self-care routines in the UK through an accessible price point, convenient locations and unrivalled client experience. WHY STRETCH YOURSELF WHEN WE CAN DO IT FOR YOU? Stretching for 50 minutes is a big ask for anyone. Visiting StretchLAB makes the process enjoyable, but more importantly safe and effective. Our expert Stretchologists will take you through various stretches while doing all the hard work for you – building your flexibilty and range of motion leaving you loose and relaxed. WHO SHOULD GET STRETCHED? Assisted Stretching is for every age group, every lifestyle and every body. Whether you’re a gym junkie, desk based office worker, or even a couch potato, everyone can benefit from stretching, and stretching correctly. WHO WILL BE STRETCHING ME? All of our Stretchologists have bodywork experience and are certified in our proprietary stretch method. They come from a variety of backgrounds, including personal training, massage therapy, yoga instruction and professional dance. They are then complete our in house- training with our Director of Education and Head Stretchologist before under going many hands-on practice hours. WHEN SHOULD I GET STRETCHED? Any time is a good time to get stretched! Whether pre- or post- workout, or whether you just need some time to focus on yourself and recover. If you are feeling stiff it’s a great way to get yourself moving again. A pre-workout stretch warms up your muscles, can reduce risk of injury and boost your performance. A post-workout stretch speeds recovery by flushing out metabolic waste, increasing blood flow and lengthening muscles that have just been contracted. On top of it all it’s super relaxing. WHAT TO GET STRETCHED We can take you through a series of stretches that focus on the entirety of the body. This is a great way of getting started. As you work with your Stretchologist together you will be able to identify areas that need extra attention and show them the love the deserve. Alternatively if there is something you already know needs some attention just let us know! WHAT SHOULD I WEAR? Anything you are comfortable in, and isn’t too restrictive. What you would wear to work out in is a simple answer. Your Stretchologist will move you into some open positions so please ensure you are concealed. You won’t get sweaty or need to shower. We do ask that our clients wear a fresh pair of socks, which we also have available for purchase in the studio.

Levitate Meditation & Wellbeing Studio

levitate meditation & wellbeing studio



1 in 6 of us is experiencing a mental health challenge right now. We think humanity can do better. Modern life can at times leave every one of us stretched very thin or near breaking point. If you are anxious, depressed or stressed, we are here to help you change that. No one should have to do it alone — we know firsthand how very hard it is to help yourself. But if you’ve tried all the obvious things (like healthy diet, good sleep hygiene, journalling, therapy and exercise), real change might involve trying something you haven’t tried before. If the thought of that is exhausting, our founder Ryan’s story might just inspire you to start: Ryan Nell on stage at Wilderness Festival leading a mass meditation Ryan Nell Founder of Levitate. I spent the first half of my life trying to hide my anxiety from everyone. Although I was outwardly successful, with lots going for me, I was really unhappy and didn’t know why. I didn’t want my friends, family or colleagues to worry, but hiding it took huge energy. Inwardly, I was constantly exhausted because my mind would never stop running. Unsurprisingly, my twenties and thirties were beset by frequent crises, bad dreams and doomed relationships. Not talking to anyone about it, left me feeling really lonely and isolated. I was yearning to feel whole again. I tried many an escape — travelling, quitting jobs, changing partners, and probably drinking too much — but I learnt the hard way that running away only led to more anxiety, worry and struggle. Then, almost by chance, I found meditation. A friend told me about a retreat, and, though I was skeptical, I must have also been rather desperate, because I signed up and went. And over the course of one weekend, I fell in love with the practice. Back in London, and back at work, I found that the meditation apps were great but I couldn’t stick to them and I didn’t want to be on my phone. There always seemed to be something more important to do. But I found that practising in a room with a brilliant teacher and fellow students brought mindfulness to life. It’s not an exaggeration to say that meditating in a group transformed me. I wanted it to be easier for other folk to benefit without so much agonising soul searching along the way. And without the dogma or religious trappings that had been so off-putting to my younger cynical self at the start. I couldn’t find a place like that, so I felt compelled to build it myself, to start Levitate and share the joy with people just like you.

Feed Eat Speak

feed eat speak


I am Stacey Zimmels and I'm the owner of Feed Eat Speak. I set it up this company so that I could help families and children to get the help they need when they need it most. I now work independently after almost 20 years in NHS positions. I currently hold an honorary contract the NHS Royal Brompton Hospital in London, having lead their Paediatric Speech Therapy service for the last 8 years. I continue to do some Locum clinical work there as well as clinical research. I'm one of those really lucky people who get out bed each day and goes to work because I love what I do. Helping you and your little ones is a real pleasure and passion for me (that's honestly true). I understand just how stressful and awful it is to have a child who can't or won't eat. It can often feel like no one is listening and that there is no one out there who can help. It can be very worrying to have a child who is different to their peers and to feel desperately hopeful that they will just 'catch up' but deep down you’re concerned that may not be the case. It's hard to find someone you can trust. If this sounds familiar then contact me. I offer a no obligation, free 15 minute phone consultation where you can discuss any concerns you have and see if your child would benefit from speech therapy or a feeding consultation. I provide and deliver the feeding and swallowing and breastfeeding support services and I have a small team of highly experienced speech therapists who can support all areas of speech, language and communication development.

Happy Chatters Speech & Language

happy chatters speech & language


My journey into the world of speech and language therapy came at a time when I needed help in developing my daughter’s speech & language skills. Whilst we worked with the NHS, who did the best they could with the resources available, it became apparent that she would need more for her to progress. I felt it was up to me to open up her world further to encourage and develop her comprehension and expressive language. As a parent when your child is non – traditionally speaking it is difficult to understand how to help them and this can be extremely frustrating. Working with my daughter has inspired me to help other parents and children in similar circumstances. Using my skills as a professional and a mother I am able to empower parents/caregivers on the best way they can help their children. Being a proud mum to my autistic daughter has taught me so much but mostly understanding that as parents it is our responsibility to ensure that our children develop the necessary life skills to become young confident people and in doing so a big part of this is being able to recognise when ‘you’ as a parent need help to ensure all their needs are fully met. As a Speech & Language Associate Practitioner I currently run a Speech and Language clinic (Happy Chatters Speech & Language) in Northwest London. I work with children within the early years settings and specialise in working with children on the Autism Spectrum. I am fortunate to work alongside highly professional Speech & Language therapists to ensure a holistic approach in delivering personalised models.