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'Responsibility and sustainability' are taken very seriously by us. Our aim is to further increase long-term competitiveness with minimal impact on society and environment while generating maximum value for our local and global stakeholders. We do our best to meet our social and professional standards. Commitment to the quality assurance and compliance We are committed to provide quality in time. We believe that all systems should meet the compliance requirements of the industry sector for which the system is developed. Our products go through rigorous testing before delivery and we do solve issues if any swiftly. Technical expertise and fanatic support Our team of developers is always encouraged to keep themselves informed of the changes in technology. We encourage adoption of new technology. The team has experience of building enterprise level software and is constantly looking at innovative ways of development. We consider it our prime duty to support our clients and service to client comes before anything else. Think big, work together, go far We think big and work towards our dream with passion and creativity. We work together with our stakeholders in pursuing new opportunities to forge new paths, taking smart risks. We are open to new ideas and have accomplished an amazing amount of important work. Be responsible, take ownership We strive to do our best but we always are ready to accept our mistakes and rectify them. We take responsibility for the work we do and are proud to own it. We are open to suggestions, criticism and of course the applauds.

Contender Charlie

contender charlie


A school system which is the most inspirational and supportive environment possible for the physical, emotional, psychological and intellectual development of young people. OUR MISSION To support young people in the exploration of their emotional development and creative potential. To support those who mentor, teach or lead students in the promotion of inspiring, effective and ethical practice. WHAT IS MYTHODRAMA? The purpose of playing is to hold the mirror up to nature. William Shakespeare – Hamlet Mythodrama is a unique form of experiential learning that allows participants to “act in” desired behaviours and attributes. We employ a powerful combination of theatre practice, psychology, mythology and organisational development. It provides inspiration and learning for lasting change. So much is at stake and so much depends on the psychological constitution of modern man. Does the individual know that s/he is the make weight that tips the scales? Carl Jung The psychological aspect broadens perspective and unleashes new possibilities in individuals and organisations. It creates a context to find greater meaning in our work. The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins Remorse from power William Shakespeare – Julius Caesar Shakespeare’s genius provides timeless insights into the human nature of leadership, at all levels. Each of his plays contains a great mythology on the human condition. We can project our own issues on to these mythologies, to gain deeper insight into the nature of the challenges we face in our own lives and work. All this is done in a practical, relevant and down-to-earth manner and is designed to engage even those who would normally feel out of their comfort zone with a theatrical metaphor. Mythological symbols touch and exhilarate centres of life beyond the reach of vocabularies of reason and coercion Joseph Campbell Mythodrama extends the range of participants’ thinking, behaviour and action.

The Market Research Society (MRS)

the market research society (mrs)


Research, insight and analytics stand at the heart of all well-informed commercial, social and political decisions. Insight into what makes a product, business initiative or government policy work is often the hidden – yet defining – factor between success and failure. It is our sector that provides the deeper intelligence needed for our world today. Here is a definition of market and social research from the MRS Code of Conduct. "Research is the collection, use, or analysis of information about individuals or organisations intended to establish facts, acquire knowledge or reach conclusions. It uses techniques of the applied social, behavioural and data sciences, statistical principles and theory, to generate insights and support decision-making by providers of goods and services, governments, non-profit organisations and the general public." The Market Research Society (MRS) is the UK professional body for research, insight and analytics. We recognise 5,000 individual members and over 500 accredited Company Partners in over 50 countries who are committed to delivering outstanding insight. As the regulator, we promote the highest professional standards throughout the sector via the MRS Code of Conduct. MRS supports the sector with specialist training and qualifications, professional membership, company accreditation, cutting-edge conferences, glittering awards and advice on best practice. Professional development – Through qualifications, CPD, mentoring, skills mapping and specialist training, we upskill individuals and organisations within the sector. Thought leadership – We publish the award-winning Impact magazine, provide 40 e-books and free webinars, as well as the scholarly International Journal of Market Research (IJMR). We also run the research sector's own think tank MRS Delphi Group which publishes white papers on burning issues such as privacy, data integration and prediction. Awards – MRS hosts the sector’s key awards including the Excellence Awards, the Operations Awards and MRS Awards for outstanding individuals and organisations. Events – Our comprehensive events programme including specialist conferences, the Annual Conference, Speaker Evenings, regional and specialist events plus a Roadshow. The changing sector Our sector is growing and changing. 73,000 professionals now work in research and insight with the UK sector worth £4.8 billion, an increase of £2 billion since 2012. Analytics alone has grown 350% in four years. A new set of skills are increasing required to work within insight including storytelling, commercial acumen and agile thinking. These were the findings of a joint MRS/PwC report 'The Business of Evidence 2016'. What MRS does for the sector MRS consults with business and government leaders to ensure that research stays at the forefront of commercial and political agendas. We work on your behalf to ensure the sector stays relevant and recognised. The MRS Code of Conduct– Adherences to the MRS Code, as a regulator practitioner or supplier, is a pre-requisite for many key commercial tenders and government rosters. Procurement best practice – We consult with business and government on best practice procurement for research. Regulatory exemptions – We liaise with telephone regulators and suppliers to ensure that Company Partners are clearly differentiated from other telephone activities, such as direct marketing, and exempt from regulatory requirements. Market insight – We provide the MRS League Tables, MRS Annual Survey and the MRS Quarterly Trends Analysis to reveal the key market and industry trends. Freephone verification service – We provide a Freephone service where everyone can check the validity of research suppliers through our online register or via 0800 9759596. What else we provide MRS also provides a host of support services and initiatives to ensure professionals and organisations stay connected, relevant and able to generate business. Research Jobfinder– the specialist jobs board for the insight sector, Research Jobfinder features over 700 positions. Research Live– the definitive daily news site for the sector also featuring in-depth articles from Impact magazine. Research Buyers Guide (RBG) – Used by client researchers and procurement professionals, RBG is the only source of accredited research suppliers in the UK and Ireland. Fair Data– Fair Data is a recognised data compliance mark that enables consumers to make educated choices about their personal data. Research for Small Businesses– Tips and case studies for how SMEs can use research to grow their business.