590 Educators providing Courses in London

Mind Like Water Wellbeing

mind like water wellbeing



Michelle Cade (Mind Like Water) is a sound therapist, Ayurvedic massage therapist and music producer who specialises in nourishing and relaxing experiences. She uses a blend of techniques embracing sound, scent, lighting and natural beauty as part of her holistic approach. Fascinated by the connection between sound, movement and nature, Michelle explores how music has played a vital part in rituals, raising consciousness and inducing altered states of reality for thousands of years. Both Sound and Massage therapies have been found to restore harmony and balance to the body’s biological rhythms and processes, releasing powerful hormones and natural chemicals which are vital for the body’s health and vitality. Treatments can help to detoxify and revitalise the entire body, and to induce deep relaxation. The signature Mind Like Water treatment is Ayurvedic Massage combined with Sound Therapy. She offers massage and sound treatments from her studio in Seven Sisters and at The Refinery, recently featured as one of Condé Nast’s Best Yoga Studios in East London. She also offers Sound Journeys at The Refinery every Saturday which are relaxing and powerful experiences of sound healing, breath and voice work. Michelle uses a variety of instruments including Tibetan singing bowls, rain sticks, an ocean drum, buffalo drum, steel tongue drum, tuning forks & more. Soothing therapeutic-grade essential oils are used to awaken the senses and promote an overall sense of balance and restoration.




ZunTold is an independent publishing company, based in Manchester, focusing on publishing good fiction to support mental health and wellbeing. We publish Middle Grade and YA fiction and love working with established voices as well as debut authors. Our authors have been nominated for literary prizes, including the Carnegie Medal, and won prestigious awards too, like the Lancashire Book of the Year Award, chosen solely by young people aged 13-14 years of age. We work with agented authors but twice a year, (in June for YA and in December for Middle Grade) we open our doors to authors who do not have an agent. We do not publish picture books as we don’t have the expertise to do so. We publish in print, e-book and interactive books. We run a programme we call Fiction as Therapy. Our staff are publishing professionals, writers, editors, counsellors and psychotherapists who have also trained in Therapeutic Writing. Books are 'healers for the soul' and creative writing brings many health benefits. Our Fiction as Therapy service offers a therapeutic programme of bibliotherapy across different age audiences and creative writing for therapeutic purposes, for young people and adults looking to support their mental and physical health and wellbeing. There is a growing evidence base that therapeutic writing and bibliotherapy can support people with long term physical health conditions as well as improving mental health. We are building links with NHS Trusts and Social Care providing an online library and blended services of tailored support to individuals and communities.

Clinical Education

clinical education



UK’s leading providers of post graduate nutritional therapy educationWe established ourselves as a non-profit organisation in 2012, with the aim of changing the world through education. Fast forward to now, we offer a range of education experiences for our members – all underpinned by Lifestyle and Functional Medicine principles – via our blogs, course partnerships, education partnerships and archived resources. Clinical Education is also proud to be an Education Partner of The Institute for Functional Medicine, by assisting with the organisation and regional expertise of IFM educational events streamed or in-person in the UK. After 30 years of association and involvement with the Functional Medicine Movement, Clinical Education is a regional hub for those that are looking to train in and apply Functional Medicine into their practice. Part of our work is engaging with Primary Healthcare Professionals working within the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. We understand, that for many overworked, stressed GPs, the thought of making lifestyle medicine recommendations within a standard appointment time can feel daunting, Collaborating with co-creators Dr Panja and Dr Rangan Chatterjee, we created a unique learning opportunity in ‘Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine (PLM). PLM is a self-paced, interactive learning platform that allows Primary Care professionals to learn about how to implement Lifestyle Medicine into their consultations. We partnered with Social Enterprise company Practice Unbound to deliver this training, a partnership we continue to be proud of. Learn more..