508 Educators providing Courses in London

London Love School

london love school


Now in my early forties, I have dedicated the past two decades of my life to helping people create rewarding, fulfilling and loving relationships which will enable them to fully reach their potential. I genuinely believe that we are all trying to create the best possible lives for ourselves — but often we face emotional blocks, arising from difficult past experiences, which prevent us from moving forward. Self-doubt, fear and judgment play their parts, and we feel forever condemned to repeating the same mistakes. By working through challenging issues, and uncovering our true selves, we are able to begin again, and take strides forward in our lives. The Tree of Life, 1905 Gustav Klimt Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna Our emotional responses, our thoughts and behaviours, are all self-taught, and can certainly be unlearned, or adjusted and improved. Everyone possesses the ability to replace old habits and create new ones. No matter who you are and whatever your experience, good or bad, there is always the potential for personal development, and to grow into a happier new you. As a mentor I will guide on a journey of your own making, to a place of authentic, soulful growth and personal development. Approach I try to ensure that my time with those seeking my help is a fun, enjoyable experience which brings out the best in those to whom I gladly offer my assistance. I find an interactive and participatory style helps those in my charge to embed their new knowledge more quickly and efficiently. I use techniques from Solution-Focused and Cognitive Behavioural Therapies, as well as elements of Life Coaching, to create engaging and practical instruction. We set and review goals on a weekly basis, and with every session we develop new skills that can be immediately implemented into daily life. Having worked with many people over the years, I am very well aware of the need for immediate change and development. The techniques I use create a series of small changes which build confidence in the process and so enable participants to consider the possibility of more challenging development — changes that before, felt impossible, now feel within reach. Motivation I am grateful I have been given the opportunity and skills to turn my passion into my profession and help people grow. and I am committed to developing human potential wherever I am able. Helping people work through issues in their lives and seeing how this change manifests itself, brings meaning to my life and work. As a mentor, I work with clients on every step of their journey and appreciate the privileged position this allows me.

London Centre For Addictions

london centre for addictions


An exclusive and independent rehab centre for the treatment of addictions and associated mental health issues The Haynes Clinic is a private rehabilitation centre for the treatment of alcohol, gambling and drug addiction. Drug addiction encompasses all so-called ‘recreational’ drugs (cocaine, ketamin, GBL, GHB, heroin and cannabis, for example). It also includes prescription medication for those with concerns about their use of drugs such as codeine, diazepam and other benzodiazepines, pregabalin, gabapentin and sleeping tablets. The centre provides detox and counselling with a view to you becoming entirely abstinent from alcohol and drugs. The counselling will also cover how to deal with stress, anxiety and depression – feelings that are often associated with addiction and other compulsive behaviours. Most of the rehab treatment is focused around group therapy as this has been proven to be most effective in helping addicts and alcoholics into recovery. There will also be some one to one counselling to cover individual goals and anything of particular sensitivity. All clients at The Haynes Clinic will have a consultation with our consultant psychiatrist on admission. She will prescribe any detox medication required and oversee your medical needs during your stay. Your stay here can be entirely private without it being revealed to your own GP and being on your medical notes – or we can liaise with your GP if you prefer. If we need to be in touch with your GP – or any other professional outside the confines of the treatment centre – this will always be with your consent. We also involve your family and those closest to you in your treatment. We ask the people who care about you to tell us about your behaviour and how it has affected them. We also offer them family counselling if they need support as a result of your addiction. The treatment centre is located in a tranquil, rural setting in Bedfordshire. We aim to make your stay as comfortable as possible while getting you well. All clients at the centre have their own bedrooms in a home comfort setting. Some have en suite facilities. All are good sized well appointed rooms with a double bed. We take account of your choices when ordering in the food for your stay though once you are feeling physically better, your rehab experience will include taking on responsibilities such as helping to prepare meals and keeping your environment clean and tidy. Some people need to relearn these skills; others can share their experience, helping their peers to learn – which itself boosts self-esteem.

My Community Coach

my community coach


CoCo has a team of staff and volunteers dedicated to building confidence, self-esteem and support positive lifestyle changes in young people via the conduits of education, sport and culture. Our staff have a background in mentoring and life coaching, project management, social inclusion, vocational training, and sports coaching. Our community based values are manifested in our training activities in the classroom, and our team activities which take place in positive open spaces and parks around Brighton and Hove. CoCo works with a variety of local organisations and stakeholders to achieve its goals and deliver its activities. For example, we work directly with youth clubs, Job Centre Plus, and youth/employment networks (Brighton’s Women’s Centre, the Chamber of Commerce, Brighton and Hove Youth Collective, and The Platform) to engage directly with young people that are interested in career planning, job search, our vocational courses, or sport team building activities. We also have close ties with sports clubs such as Hassocks Tennis Club, Preston Park Tennis Club, Pavilion and Avenue Tennis Club, Preston Panthers FC, Withdean FC and Patcham FC. With these clubs we organise team building events, joint sports days and in house training to develop soft and employability skills via sport. Our team has worked with hundreds of young people across Sussex to provide vocational training, mentoring and employability training. Our reach is growing and in 2017 hope to reach even more young people. Specifically, our qualified staff provide VET courses such as City and Guilds Level 1 Principles of Coaching Sport, Level 1-2 Employability Skills and Level 2 Travel and Tourism Destinations. We also provide Coaching and Mentoring Sessions with a qualified life coach, cultural activities and overseas team sports tours in Europe. Our aim is to support young people not in employment, education or training, aged 18-24, early school leavers now long term unemployed, general unemployed young people, and we place special emphasis on the participation of young women and the more socially excluded members of society. We use our links with local colleges, the local authority, community groups and youth networks to support young people into vocational training, improve their confidence and support them into further vocational training, work experience or employment. Activities locally in the UK Vocational Training Centre Registered with City and Guilds Employment, advice and careers service: Information advice and guidance for young people looking for work; Mentoring and coaching; connections with youth organisations, community groups, employment networks Confidence Building, Team working and development of soft and employability skills: Sports coaching; Cultural and rural/active tourism around Sussex and going on hikes in the countryside, team games, confidence building exercises in parks around Sussex Culture, sports and language trips abroad: working with local sports/youth/college groups to travel abroad and compete in tournaments. Receiving organisation in the Erasmus programme

Tesyouth Community Interest Company

tesyouth community interest company


The activities offered by TESYouth are designed to give young people the skills and confidence to work their way through the labour market successfully and prosperously, or to setTESYouth activities up their own businesses if they do decide to become self-employed. Our workshops and training programmes are tailored to offer only the most relevant, up-to-date and useful employment advice possible. The tips and techniques we offer to our students have been shown to make a real difference to their lives and to speed up the process of either finding a job or getting a new business off the ground. We believe in empowering young people, promoting their confidence and enabling them to make use of their skills and talents rather than letting them be wasted. We tailor workshops not only to those looking for jobs but for those wishing to enjoy the independence and freedom that can come with self-employment too. We strive to ensure our students remain focussed and dedicated and able to overcome any obstacles or challenges that are laid out in front of them. We offer a vast range of workshops and training modules to cater for an array of needs and requirements, whether you’re looking for a job or hoping to start your own business. These include… IT, Computers and internet Online Enterprise and E-commerce Sales and Marketing Business & Self employment Apprenticeship Internship Work Experience Youth Workshops Attending our workshops and training programmes leads to various benefits, such as… Discovering and developing new and existing skills Receiving expert advice on self-employment and starting your own business Learning how to maintain a business Increased confidence in interviews A better understanding of the job market and what employers are looking for The aim of our workshops and training programmes is to ensure that our learners walk away with renewed focus, self-esteem and motivation. Many students begin our training courses and workshops confused about the direction in which they wish to head and end them knowing exactly what their goals are and the steps they need to take to try and achieve them. img5We work hard to make our courses, programmes and workshops fun as well as educational, giving learners new opportunities to interact with people from various different backgrounds. We feel that the fun factor helps our students to digest new knowledge and makes learning a pleasure rather than a chore. Understandably, a great deal of our students – particularly those who have been unemployed on a long-term basis – have found themselves suffering from low self-esteem after being rejected by the job market so regularly. We endeavour to boost our students’ confidence and re-energise them, ensuring that they feel able to walk into their next interview with their heads held high. Our social development skills training programme is designed to help them solve problems and become fully integrated into their communities. It is also tailored towards enabling young people to interact with people from all backgrounds, cultures and age groups.




WQHair extends the deep passion of Waqqas, who stepped into the industry at the young age of 20. Starting his career in 2002 as a hairdresser, he knew this would only be the beginning of a unique career path in the hairdressing industry. What started as a part-time job as a hairstylist in a local salon grew into a lifelong dream to bring a higher level of service to clients. As his skills grew, so did his passion to enhance his training and education in across many areas of the hairdressing industry. That’s where Waqqas was introduced to the Flagship Toni and Guy Academy, where he completed a six-week advanced cutting course. The in-depth training, and his apparently innate talent, lead to the next step in his career path as he took a job with the Academy. Through his work for the Toni and Guy Academy, Waqqas continued to build his skill set, working in the Midlands and London. As he continued to advance his career, his next undertaking would lead him to become an Art Director who offered exclusive services to clients. That’s where he stepped into a new level of success- adding celebrities to his expanding list of clientele. Screenshot 2021-10-11 at 16.10.47 ezgif.com-gif-maker (20) Working on clients opened the door for his entrance into the fashion industry. It was here that Waqqas began his working relationship with L’Oreal Professional. He collaborated with the company to offer hairdressing services for photoshoots and fashion shows. This lead to one of the most memorable moments in his career thus far- working at the London Fashion Week for several years. In 2007, Waqqas returned to the Midlands where he would even further his training and education. As he put his skills to work in a salon setting, he began to teach and manage a range of courses required for hairdressers working in the UK and Denmark. In 2013, his training and education would lead him to his current position in the industry. Waqqas trained as a wig maker. This expansion of his expertise would lead him closer to his career goals-bringing a higher level of service to the clients he was so passionate to serve. With a personal experience in the journey of hair loss, Waqqas wanted to help bring his clients a regained confidence through his new skill set. Through his advanced training in Hair Specialties and Make-up, Waqqas also works with professionals in the TV, Film, and Theatre industries who require wigs. Additionally, he currently lectures at the Higher Education level for topics including fashion work, wig styling, and wig making. The business is built from a passion and combined with the years of hands-on training, experience, and education in the industry WQHair can offer services from wig-making to education




OUR VISION is to build a global, diverse and inclusive community of trade members, partners and destinations, who share, and are driven by, a collective passion for sustainable, positive impact tourism, that enrich the lives of both visitors and the host communities Inspire Global is a community and marketplace to promote positive impact tourism around the world An African proverb says ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ in recognition of the community required to build each other up. I believe as a travel community we can come together to grow tourism sustainably, whilst consciously safeguarding the natural world and our inspirational communities for future generations. Join Inspire Global today to grow your business and reputation for positive impact tourism #PositiveImpactTourism #InspireChange #InspiringCommunity #SustainabilityChallenge Byron Shirto Who we are Inspire Global is a privately held, for-profit industry organisation whose purpose is to provide a community and marketplace for the promotion of sustainable, positive impact tourism. We believe travel, when done responsibly, safely and respectfully, can be a catalyst for positive change for communities, the environment, wildlife, and culture. Members benefit from an innovative marketplace to do business and an inspiring and inclusive community to share ideas, resources and knowledge. Established in 2020, during the height of the Covid pandemic, Inspire Global currently serves a growing membership of suppliers, destinations, outbound Tour Operators, Agents, media and industry partners, with a vested interest in positive impact tourism. We uphold community guiding principles, but do not certify or regulate our members. All members sign our Guiding Principles. Our goals To promote the wider understanding of tourism as a vital contributor in creating socio-cultural, environmental and economic benefits for destinations and its people around the globe To help businesses grow and nurture a global travel community of positive impact travel thinkers and champions To drive positive awareness and sustainable growth for emerging and established destinations To provide our members with year-round business support, educational resource, promotional solutions, and media opportunities To encourage an understanding of advocacy for diversity, equity and inclusion in the travel industry To collaborate by sharing best practice To promote gender equality, supporting and empowering women and non-binary individuals in the travel industry To encourage, educate, equip and provide mentorship opportunities within and for the community To promote economic prosperity for all nations, so all peoples and communities of the world, thrive and flourish! Why join as a member? Grow your business through networking, partnerships, and resources Gain valuable industry knowledge through online courses, webinars, in person training, and events Access research reports about positive impact tourism Your investment in Inspire Global helps us to pursue initiatives to drive industry-wide growth in sustainable, positive impact tourism practices What we believe We believe positive impact tourism is to enrich the lives of both visitors and the host communities, enabling the positive regeneration and symbiosis between all peoples and the natural world

Tel Tutors

tel tutors


Welcome to FAHAD Tutors Academy! Here we provide qualified home tutors and online tutors specializing in various subjects inside and outside Pakistan. We cater to the unique needs of students and prepare them for important entry-level exams for their bright futures. Highly Qualified and Verified Teachers We make no compromises when choosing the best teachers for our academy. On the contrary, we carefully do an educational background check on every teacher that applies and only select those who are academically flourishing as individuals and capable of making others so. You can rest assured that every tutor in FAHAD Academy is 100% verified as well as appropriately certified. Every tutor holds the power and capability to provide you with the highest quality of education. Teachers From a Range of Experience and Subjects We have a diverse group of teachers available here at FAHAD Academy. Through them, we offer a wide range of home and online tutoring services within and outside Pakistan. All our teachers have varying levels of experience, so we can find you a tutor that matches your level. Moreover, no matter what subject you want to get tutored in, we will have a teacher for you here. Are you afraid of math? You only need to count on our online maths tuition. We are confident in the skills and experience of our teachers, and you will know why when you take their class! ● Maths: Maths is a subject many students fear and also despise. With our online maths tuition, you will hopefully get rid of that fear. Just hire an online math tutor from FAHAD Academy, and you'll see: that there's nothing to fear because math is fun and easy! ● English: Do you want to develop your English? Hire an English tutor online from Farhad Academy and see how far your grammar and vocabulary go. Online English teaching is not easy, but our teachers can apply their skills to make it possible. ● Science: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Statistics: You name it, and we will provide you with the tutor you need. You no longer have to find physics frustrating because your online physics tutor will make you realize how interesting it is. Chemistry also doesn't have to be a headache because your online chemistry tutor will show you the easiest way to understand and memorize everything. ● Languages: We already provide the best online tuition for English. But we also have tutors for various languages, like Arabic, German, Spanish, Korean, and others. These languages are considered necessary internationally, so learning them will help you go a long way. Not only can we teach you spoken languages, but we can also teach you different computer programming languages like Python, C++, and Java. We Will Match You With the Tutor That Is Best for You Hence, every student has unique and specific needs; hence, the same education method will not benefit every student equally. We also know that some students are better at spotting a problematic topic, while some find it harder to do. Considering all your specific needs and preferred methods, we will gladly match you with the tutor who can help you most. All you need to do is let us know your various requirements. For example, whether you will be more comfortable with a male or female teacher, what level and pace you want the teacher to teach you, and what schedule works best for you. We will try our best to ensure every one of your preferences is met so that you can study comfortably. Therefore, you will have a wide range of options with FAHAD Academy. And if we match you with a tutor but you don't click with them, we will immediately match you with another one. Complete Preparation for Important Exams Our tutors will, of course, help you out with short-term goals like the quarterly exams at your institution. But more importantly, our primary purpose is to simultaneously prepare you for the long-term and more important goals. And by that, we mean various entry tests according to your future career plans. This includes exams starting from NED, IBA, SSUET, CBM, Szabist, LUMS, NUST, and FAST to GRE, NTS, GAT, GMAT, SAT I, II, BCAT, ECAT, and MCAT. Whichever test you are aiming for, our tutors will align the teaching method accordingly. It's also okay if you haven't decided which exam you want to prepare for yet. In that case, the approach will be more general until you finally choose. No Geographical Boundary Our tutoring services aren't limited to Pakistan. Instead, you can study online from any part of the world! Aside from Pakistan, our tutors already have students from various countries, including Dubai, the U.S., UK, Canada, and Australia—to name a few. And no matter where they are in the world, everyone gets equal treatment. Even if you are in Pakistan, you can still study online if that's what suits you better. Home Tutoring for Face-to-Face Classes Online tutoring isn't suited for a lot of students since many lose their focus when they have a device in hand. Moreover, it is difficult for teachers to fully understand their students through a virtual space. That's why private tutoring can be very beneficial for students who need some extra care. FAHAD Academy also provides home tutors with the same kind of range and qualifications as online tutors. Our home tutoring services stretch to the whole of Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, and all over Pakistan. We plan to extend it further and hopefully reach even more students in the future! Valuable Assistance With Homework FAHAD Academy tutors are also willing to provide homework help to all students. Many kids are worried about homework, and you might be one of them, especially for subjects like math, which can be exhausting to solve. But with some online math help, it is not difficult anymore. Our tutors make sure to motivate you to complete all your homework on time and develop a plan for it. Of course, we are not doing your homework for you. Rather, we give you just the guidance you need to do it yourself after finding the drive to get up and finish it. This is also something our teachers are properly trained in. Contact Fahad Tutors Academy Today for Home Tuition and Online Tuition Call us at +92300-2391994, and let's discuss what you are looking for, what you need, and what we can provide. Visit our online tuition website to learn more. We also offer demo trial classes on Zoom and Skype for those who want to take online courses but are still unsure. Whether you require a home tutor or an online tutor, you will have one within only 24 hours!

Haringey Sixth Form Centre

haringey sixth form centre


Haringey Sixth Form College is committed to helping you achieve your goals, whether you want to go on to study at a university or get your first job. All of our students’ achievements matter! Congratulations to all of our students on yet another set of outstanding results and achievements! Haringey Sixth Form College celebrated outstanding successes, marking another year of excellent academic and personal achievements for students at the college. Lisa Westray, Principal, said, "We are thrilled with the outstanding success of our students. We are delighted to see so many of our students achieving their expected places at a wide range of Universities. These achievements demonstrate that this College is continuously providing high quality education to students in the Haringey and North London area. Our students feel challenged and supported to achieve their very best.” Lisa continued “Students and staff have worked incredibly hard over the past year and we are really proud. Our students now leave us for the next exciting chapter in their lives as they take up their places at university or employment, or begin their gap year. Our first year students have laid excellent foundations for the coming year and I know they will continue to push themselves. New students can be confident that, with hard work and dedication, they too will be successful at Haringey Sixth Form College. Some of our students were able to overcome really challenging circumstances to achieve excellent results. This was partly due to the support and guidance given to them by the college and due to their hard work. Partnership working is all part of #TeamHaringey6. I would like to once again thank all #TeamHaringey6 staff for going the extra mile with our students, and to parents and carers for their continued support”. There are many examples of outstanding student achievement at the college. Sherfina Odumanye is one of these. Sherfina worked incredibly hard in her second year, pushing herself constantly to improve. Her growth and development as a student were wonderful to witness. One of the traits that Sherfina has as a student, which will continue to serve her well in her future academic and professional careers, is her willingness to take on feedback and apply it to her ever-developing voice as a writer and critical thinker. We are also impressed by her ambition and drive to produce exemplary work. Sherfina achieved three As and we couldn’t be prouder of her. Sherfina is going on to study Law at University of Exeter. She commented, “Effort and hard work really pays off! If you don’t work hard, you don’t get the grades. I got an A in English Language and Literature, Law and Sociology. Teachers really care about your future, they ensure you achieve high grades, but they care about you here as an individual. My Law teacher inspired me to consider Law at university.” Salim Farah is another student who arrived at Haringey Sixth Form College, having not quite achieved the GCSE’s results he had hoped for. Over the two years, we worked to improve his academic ability and self-confidence and have witnessed Salim blossom into an outstanding student, achieving two As and a B in his A-levels. Salim is planning to study Law at SOAS. Despite the national variability due to the impact COVID had nationally, we are delighted with our excellent results this year.

Smartthink Training Ltd

smartthink training ltd


Smartthink Training Ltd is a leader in Information Technology and solutions. We concentrate in the support and outsourcing, IT communications and business stability. We provide IT training in London and other fields of Information Technology. We make sure, that with a large effort, you would have the proper and excellent IT knowledge and skills you should have. IT Technology does not end in the finish line. We believe that it is only the beginning. With the development of IT technology, you have a sure way to become better in your individual and business goals and we do the best we can in order for you to reach success. We make it happen. Our training and expertise in the IT technology is unmatched and we want to share the idea with you. We continue to evolve in the growing market industry and make sure you have a wide connection with the outside world through the power of IT. We serve with full willingness and effort and make sure you would have the excellence you deserve. We are certified training providers in London and with the emergence of globalization; we give you the opportunity to excel according to your own terms. We have highly qualified consultant and trainers who have a PhD degree and would assure you have the excellent training you could get. We do the best that we can in giving you the right information and IT skills you need. Smartthink Training Ltd. is built with operational interaction we greatly provide for most of our clients. We give high standard training courses in London. We assure you have the best training and service you could get. Our staff makes sure you are not only provided with the right training but also the assurance of guarantee and satisfaction all the time. We believe that with IT technology, you could do the impossible. We are a bunch of Certified IT Professionals who believe that the present IT education and training should be about modern IT. We are in the Google epoch, an epoch that redefines the constitution of unbeaten business, innovative development and practical learning. We believe and discern from what has been, but we look forward to what will come. We believe that awareness does not stop when you reach the end of an episode, but, its pursuit has just begun. We believe IT is about dreams, impossibilities and defiance. We convey through our commercial industry experience, and we continually work in this evolving market, initializing new elucidation and helping organisations scratch their IT itch. We assist businesses to realize their true potential through Information Technology. It is all the above that we hope to pass on to you, these beliefs, these understandings, and these ways of things. We believe in globalization. For that reason, we are expanding our services globally and currently branch offices in Ghana. We have many years experience in scheming, executing and sustaining Information Technology and business solutions. Our support contribution is on a firm establishment of client service distinction and highly qualified and motivated employees. It’s our vision to distribute solutions that will achieve most business objectives. Smartthink Ltd is built upon the operational interactions that we have with our customers. We provide a range of services that makes our clientele see us as a fundamental extension to their establishments.