495 Educators providing Courses in London

Breech Birth Network

breech birth network

Kingston upon Thames

Hello!! My name is Muge and I am the founder of My Breathing Path! I was born in Istanbul, Turkey and I lived there until 2018. I was working in the Turkish finance industry for more than 10 years and during that time I was suffering from an advanced hernia in my neck. Working in a high stress environment and dealing with lots of problems at the same time, made me a super-achiever. I first came across breathwork in a workshop in 2010. It was extremely powerful but also it was completely different to the other techniques that I had tried before. As I continued to go to the sessions, it helped me to understand my behaviour as a perfectionist and its subsequent consequences for my life, the hernia and my unbalanced relationship with my family, friends and colleagues. After experiencing healing and transformation myself, I decided to become a facilitator. Since 2014, I have been working in the field of Transformational Breath as a Certified Transformational Breath Facilitator in private sessions, workshops and seminars while I continued to work in my finance career. I have experience in working with a wide variety of people – each possessing their own set of needs and goals. My further qualifications, Basic DNA Theta Healing Practitioner and Reiki II Certification are used in conjunction with Transformational Breath sessions to help people reach their potential and achieve their goals. Life is a combination of different journeys and within my new journey in the UK, I look forward to sharing my experiences through transformational breathing sessions with others, who want to discover more about themselves with transformation in their life, increase their self-awareness and live a healthier lifestyle.

Learning Improvement Service

learning improvement service

Bromley Common

Who and what is the Learning Improvement Service? The Learning Improvement Service was set up by Phil Hatton (read about Phil here), an ex-Ofsted HMI and National Adviser. Through his extensive experience in leading inspections, surveys, good practice, advisory work and improvement consultancy, Phil has a unique and wide understanding of best practice in the Further Education sector, particularly in colleges and in work-based learning. He is utilising his knowledge to help colleges and other providers of training improve the learning experience they give to their learners. The LIS only wants to work with those who have a real will to improve their provision, by establishing where you are now and where you would like to be in the future. We do not intend to just help to ‘patch you up’ to get you through an inspection, but to help you make sustainable improvements. We use only the best people, who know what they are doing, because they have done it themselves. Below is a brief summary of the main ways that we can support you (however, please contact us if you require something else not listed below): Consultancy support to improve key aspects of your provision - consultancy support to cover key aspects of quality improvement systems such as self-assessment reporting, position statements, improvement planning, observation of teaching, learning and assessment, sharing of good practice, course reviews and evaluation, the user voice and being prepared for short or full Ofsted Inspections. Phil can also help you to improve English and maths and ensure that your safeguarding is exemplary. Providing a ‘critical friend’ service to check and validate self-assessment, observations of teaching and other key quality processes such as course reviews – confirmation that you are moving in the right direction – we’ll work with you to confirm you are doing the right things in the right way, responding specifically to your needs, keeping you on target to improve your provision. This is one of the key areas of our work particularly from September through to February. Phil will also provide you with support by email or phone if needed prior to and during inspections. Safeguarding, Prevent and British Values Reviews – Phil has developed real expertise in what the best practice of the sector is and can work with you over two days to check out every aspect and leave you with a position statement of where you are and what you can do to be outstanding. Phil can also provide bespoke training and materials to raise awareness of staff, governors and learners Apprenticeships and subcontracting – Phil knows all there is to know about these two areas and has helped transform some of the biggest college and worst performing providers in terms of their success rates. The ideal scenario is a five day visit to check and sample how you do things, suggest improvements and provide you with the resources needed, finishing with a half-day staff development that is bespoke to your improvement needs. Please contact Phil as long in advance as possible to get time allocated for this Internal inspection or review of areas requiring improvement - a tried and tested way to improve an area is to first gain an informed view of exactly where that area is in terms of strengths and weaknesses, using an expert with extensive inspection experience. Unlike an Ofsted inspection, all feedback to staff and managers observed in an area is given constructively to help improve practice for the benefit of learners (while also giving you robust evidence for your OTLA system, SAR and QIP). An internal review could be for an area of learning or for a cross-college aspect such as safeguarding, equality and diversity, or course reviews. All consultants undertaking this work are personally known to Phil Hatton as to their ability to do so. The LIS will only conduct such work when they have the right person to do it (often Phil himself). You will receive a report that focusses on ways of improving the area reviewed, based on the best practice of the sector that is proven to work (not just telling you what has been seen, which is the usual practice of most consultancy companies). Helping individual institutions in the sector achieve good or outstanding teaching, learning and assessment through establishing robust observation of teaching, learning and assessment (OTLA) systems – depending on where your system is we can its validate current robustness by conducting observations (joint ones are best value as they train your staff) and scrutinising the gradings and paperwork historically awarded. If more work is required, we’ll equip you with the tools (training, paperwork and systems) to establish an OTLA system that delivers accurate and well recorded findings by your observers. Your observation system will help keep a focus on promoting improvement, identifying and promoting the sharing and adaptation of good practice by teachers (a reoccurring weakness in Ofsted inspections in the past year). We will provide you with the training, paperwork and systems to move your staff forward, encouraging their collaboration in the development and sharing of resources, so your staff will deliver learning in true teams. We will support you with either graded or ungraded systems. An approach of conducting joint ‘learning walkthroughs’ of 20 to 25 minutes duration is providing many institutions with an overview of their provision and enables the judgements of college observers to be tested out for their accuracy and breadth. Sharing exemplary practice and systems in self-assessment with you, leading to quality improvement planning that moves you forward – we’ll support you in developing your capacity to self-assess all of your work honestly and robustly so that your staff ‘own’ the resultant self-assessment reports and improvement plans, understanding their part in moving you forward. Few are really good at self-assessment, we can make sure that you are and that self-assessment moves you forward. Several colleges and providers have received very positive feedback about their SARs in 2016 following support and the use of LIS templates, particularly the use of a two page Executive Summary SAR that helps focus improvement actions. If you have a 50 page SAR it will not be an effective improvement tool. Helping you to produce position statements – if you think you are likely to be inspected it is important to be able to say where you are ‘now’ as self-assessment looks back on the past year - we’ll support you in writing effective position statements for key areas that tell you and others exactly where you are for that area. They are a great way to demonstrate to inspectors that you know your provision and have helped a number of LIS clients move from a grade 4 inadequate to a grade 2 good. Phil has also helped a number of colleges achieve grade 1s for their leadership and management. An exemplar position statement can be seen here but is not as good as what you will finish up with (samples can be shared)!! Conducting a confidential ‘health check’ of your organisation by one or more of the top and most experienced recent HMIs (and previously lead inspectors with the FEFC, TSC and ALI) – if it is sometime since your last inspection or there have been significant changes in management or what you offer, a ‘health check’ could be invaluable. We’ll examine your leadership, management, performance and quality improvement against and beyond the requirements of the September 2015 Common Inspection Framework in a way that can only be achieved by being carried out by the right people. Depending on institutional size and complexity, this totally confidential and focused ‘health check’ will ensure you know your provision inside out and have no surprises should you be inspected. It will help you to decide and prioritise how to move your provision on.

Springboard4education (Uk)

springboard4education (uk)


Last but not least, attending a UK university means you’ll be able to make connections and develop a high-quality network that can prove very useful when the time comes to look for a job. Besides, the UK is a multicultural society, and as such, you’ll easily be able to meet friends for life. Education Systems in the UK The UK education system can be divided into four distinct levels, and the national curriculum is organised into ‘’key stages’’: Primary education: Students will attend between ages five and age 11 and undertake key stage 1 and 2 with compulsory subjects and tests to assess their English and Maths skills Secondary education: Students will typically be between 11 and 16 years of age, undertake key stages 3 and 4 and work towards taking their GCSE’s. Further education: Students who have completed their secondary education and wish to gain access to university or college must complete further education. They’ll have to obtain qualifications such as A-Levels, BTEC's, or other qualifications based on the type of curriculum they wish to pursue. Higher education: With over 33% of British people entering the higher education level every year, the competition is fierce. A-Levels are the main criteria to get into university. However, there are some entry pathways, such as enrolling for an Access to Higher Education (Access to HE) course. If you’re an international student, you‘ll need to complete the equivalent to the UK’s further education. Note that all four regions of the UK, including Northern Ireland, England, Wales, and Scotland, have their own forms of education systems. The main difference pertains to primary and secondary education, where each region has its own qualifications. Higher Education Higher education in the UK offers students multiple options ranging from bachelors and masters to doctoral degrees. As an international student, you can apply for pathway programme in order to improve your English skills while accessing foundation courses to consolidate your basic knowledge in some specific areas before enrolling for university. This will ensure you acquire both the English and academic qualifications you need to get access to better universities. Note that both universities and private institutions offer pathway programs. Undergraduate courses Undergraduate courses are a great way for students to transition to the university level after high-school. Indeed, undertaking an undergraduate course in the UK will provide you with a first-degree level (Bachelor) while allowing you to explore different subjects and better define your preferences. To help you understand the different types of programs you can choose from, we’ve added a table below. Postgraduate studies Postgraduate courses allow students to obtain a postgraduate diploma, a professional degree, a master’s degree, or a doctorate and usually require having a first degree to enter (Bachelor). More specifically, there are four main types of postgraduate degrees: Taught courses: Master’s degrees or postgraduate diplomas Research degrees: PhDs, DPhils, integrated PhDs, and professional doctorates Conversion courses: Certificates and diplomas based on crash courses designed to get you up to speed on a subject you haven’t studied before Professional qualifications: Practical training to enter a specific profession To help you understand the different types of programs you can choose from, we’ve added a table below. Tuition Fees Tuition fees will greatly vary depending on your location, the institution you’re studying at, the study level, the program, and the duration of the program. Normally, the tuition fees range from 10,000GBP to 20000GBP+ per year, depend on the university or college you are going to attend. Students life in the UK The UK includes four different countries, including England, Scotland, North Ireland, and Wales, and is home to 66.65 million inhabitants. A few general facts you should be familiar with when enrolling for a British university: British people like law and order Respect and politeness are expected Punctuality is important Universities and college campuses are non-smoking zones Although the UK is usually safe, travel in a group at night, lock your doors, and avoid leaving your valuables in plain sight Accommodation There are a few different types of accommodation options available when it comes to accommodation for international students depending on your location, your budget, and whether or not your university features halls of residence: Halls of residence Finding accommodation will most likely be one of the first obstacles to tackle as an international student. One of the most popular options for a foreign student who starts the first year of study in the UK is to stay in a hall of residence. Halls of residence are buildings offering small single or shared flats usually provided by universities or colleges to accommodate students. Living in a hall of residence is an excellent way to meet other students as they feature common facilities and communal areas such as canteens, pool tables, or bars. This option is usually cheaper than renting a flat or a house. Private Flats or Houses While choosing to live in a flat or a house is more costly than staying in a hall of residence, this option allows for flexibility as you’ll be able to choose the location you live in. However, choosing to live by yourself might make meeting new people more challenging. According to a study led by the World University Ranking in 2020, the average student rent is £126 per week on average, and the average annual rent cost is £4,914. Note that around 70% of rents include bills. Shared flats Some websites, such as studentspareroom.co.uk or room.go.uk , allow students to research shared houses and shared flat options. Less expensive than renting a private flat, this option will also allow you to meet other people (may they be students or not). It also means you won’t have to consistently stay on the college or university premises. Public Transport The UK is well connected through different types of transport: Trains: Most cities and towns in the UK have a train station. You can plan your journey and book your tickets on thetrainline.com . As a full-time international student under the age of 25, you are eligible for a 30% discounted pass . Coaches: Coaches are a great option if you’re planning to explore the UK as these large buses are designed for long journeys. Buses: Buses are the cheapest way to travel around and are very popular among students. You can use the app city mapper to plan your journey. You can find tickets based on your destination here . Underground: Whether you’re studying in London or just exploring for a couple of days, you’ll most likely use ‘’the tube’’ to travel around. As an international student under the age of 25, you can apply for the 18+ student Oyster card , which will give you access to a 30% discount on fares. Social Life Two great ways to immerse yourself into the UK culture and embrace the local way of life is to learn English and join student clubs or societies. Some campuses, including Loughborough University, Lancaster, or Liverpool Hope, offer great facilities such as spas, gyms, shops, bars, and clubs, which can help you meet other students. The towns and campuses brim with bars, restaurants, and clubs welcoming countless students every night. Going out on the weekends is an integral part of the UK way of life and is a widespread activity among students. Note that, if you’re invited to a house party or for dinner, you’ll be expected to bring something along (dessert if it’s a dinner, for instance, or a drink if it’s a party). Note that the pub culture is embedded in the UK way of life as it’s a way for people to relax and socialise. Although the country is multicultural and international cuisines are an integral part of the UK food scene, Britons have a few specialties you might want to try on a day out with friends. Fish & Chips, Bangers & Mash, Shepherd’s pie or steak & kidney pudding are some of the British favourites to try. Last but not least, the local sense of humour might surprise you. Indeed, Brits use sarcasm and irony a lot (famous British sense of humour) so make sure you don’t take things to the first degree as they’ll often be teasing you. You can deleted it The UK student visa Cost of Visa The fee for the Tier 4 General Visa is £348. In addition to the general visa fee, you’ll have to pay for the healthcare surcharge up to £470 a year, depending on your location, home country, and the type, of course, you choose to enroll in. The fees for the Short-term Student Visa range currently between £97 for visas up to 6 months and £186 for visas up to 11 months. Healthcare As a Tier 4 student visa holder who is studying in the UK for six months or longer, you will have access to the NHS (the British Healthcare System). If you’re not eligible via your visa, you will need to look into private insurance. Note: For students who apply with SpringBoard4Education in any countries, we help you prepare the necessary documents for your student visa application, as well as other steps in the process, completely free of charge. Work opportunities International students who hold a Tier 4 student visa are allowed to work part-time while studying in the UK. Let’s take a look at the working rights before diving into working options. Working rights If you hold a Tier 4 visa issued for full-time degree-level studies, you’ll be allowed to work for up to 20 hours a week and full-time during vacations or summer holidays. Your institutions must be listed on the official UKVI Sponsor list and the list of “recognised bodies .” Note that you’re not allowed to work, may it be work placement or work experience, on a Short-term Student Visa. Reinstatement of the two-year post-study work visa In 2019, the UK government announced the reinstatement of the two-year post-study work visa ( Graduate Route ) for international students studying in the UK, starting from September 2020. This will allow international students enrolled in a bachelor's or master's degree to be able to work in the UK for up to two years after completing their master’s degree and up to three years after completing their Ph.D. There will be no restrictions regarding the type of work that can be performed by former international students. Sponsorship For international students who wish to find long term work in the UK (up to 5 years), the Tier 2 Visa is the best option. To be eligible for this visa, the first step will be to find an employer who is a licensed sponsor and is willing to hire you. They must also demonstrate that they’ve advertised the role but couldn’t fill it. You’ll find more information on this visa here . Opportunities Working part-time while studying can be a great way to help fund the cost related to your study. It can also be an excellent way for students to develop their work experience and critical employability skills and ultimately increase your chances of being offered a job at the end of your studies. Popular part-time jobs for international students include: Server Bartender Student Ambassador Admin jobs Animal Caretaker Childminder Tutor Retail assistant Customer Service

Courses matching "Maths "

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Python Coding Boot Camp, 12-week part time, London or Online

By Pcw Courses Ltd

Python Coding Boot Camp, 12-week part time, London or Online
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18th edition course Dover

By MJ Electrical Training

City & Guilds 18th edition course with 2382-22 final exam only £234.00. Exams available every week across the UK, same day results, quick certificate, best prices..

18th edition course Dover
Delivered Online & In-Person in BromleyTue, Sept 2409:00 + more

18th edition course Bromley

By MJ Electrical Training

City & Guilds 18th edition course with 2382-22 final exam only £234.00. Exams available every week across the UK, same day results, quick certificate, best prices..

18th edition course Bromley
Delivered Online & In-Person in BromleyTue, Sept 2409:00 + more

18th edition course Kent

By MJ Electrical Training

City & Guilds 18th edition course with 2382-22 final exam only £234.00. Exams available every week across the UK, same day results, quick certificate, best prices..

18th edition course Kent
Delivered Online & In-Person in BromleyTue, Sept 2409:30 + more

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By Time Master Skill Development Center

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Functional Skills in Maths, level 2


By Pochat Training

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Price on Enquiry

Functional Skills in Maths, Level 1


By Pochat Training

Functional Skills in Maths, Level 1
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Price on Enquiry

AAT Level 3 Certificate in Bookkeeping

By London School of Science and Technology

AAT Level 3 Certificate in Bookkeeping
Delivered In-PersonFlexible Dates

AAT Level 2 Certificate in Bookkeeping


By Learning Pro

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AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting

By London School of Science and Technology

AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting
Delivered In-PersonFlexible Dates