508 Educators providing Courses in London




C2E Mission Statement Our vision is for all organisations in the UK, regardless of size, sector or profile to fully embrace good working equality practices and profit from the manifold benefits to be had from employing fairly for their organisation, their employees and the community. C2E Delivery Charter Committed2Equality is a National Equality Standard, designed for organisations to enable them to reach their equality potential and demonstrate their equality and diversity working practices. The Committed2Equality Standard validates actions and engages with organisations helping to build knowledge and a greater understanding of equality and diversity issues in the workplace and in community. In attaining the Committed2Equality Standard, achieving equality at work and improving competitive advantage, organisations are supported by C2E's Delivery Network providing the value added proposition, knowledge and expertise. C2E further assists organisations to meet their inclusion goals through partnerships and by engagement with other equality bodies. C2E and its Delivery Network provides accurate and current equality and diversity guidance C2E informs organisations of their legal duties and helps them understand their equality and diversity obligations C2E will make organisations aware that they have choices of the methods with which to provide acceptable evidence of their equality and diversity practices C2E will support organisations to meet the contractual requirements of Public Bodies, Local Authorities and Central Government and will verify compliance with their equality and diversity duties as suppliers C2E will support organisations in building the skills necessary to manage their equality and diversity practices in a responsible manner The C2E Standard and Accreditation demonstrates and evidences organisation's equality and diversity practices C2E is a Founder Member of The Association of Equality Scheme Providers (AESP) and subscribes to the AESP Code of Conduct

High Fly Trapeze

high fly trapeze


High Fly's teaching ethos centres around the phrase "progress, not perfection." As a student you will face different challenges in your trapeze journey, some will be physical and some mental. At High Fly Trapeze we will encourage and enable you to overcome both, helping you achieve things you never imagined were possible. What we do Unsurprisingly at High Fly Trapeze we are here to help you progress within flying trapeze. The real question is how do we do that? Between us, our team have been coaching students for over 20 years. There is no substitute for that. We have worked with the broadest spectrum of people you can imagine and we have been able to help them all progress. Who we teach A wide variety of people from all walks of life and different backgrounds! We have catered for families, kids parties, birthdays, stag and hen parties, social groups, rehab groups, private individuals and celebrities. Anyone is welcome at High Fly Trapeze. What can we do for you We can challenge you Has lockdown made you realise you need to mix things up and given you the incentive to get out there and pursue something you always wanted to do? If you’re looking for a new activity to challenge yourself, to try something fun with friends or tick off an item from your wish list/ dream list/ life goals list? Well that’s great, come do a class! You will definitely be pushing the boundaries and doing something unique! We can help your improve your fitness If you want to improve your strength and are looking for new inspiration beyond the gym, we can help you with that too. Trapeze and aerial arts are great ways to get fitter and you will never get bored!

The Wow Healing

the wow healing


Perfect TOOLKIT for creating the reality you desire Through the features we are providing, you can break old unhealthy habits, let go of the limiting beliefs and implement new healthy ones, for a meaningful life. Our daily routines are well thought to rewire your brain, to regain your self esteem, to boost your self confidence, to bring you unlimited abundance, to remember you, self love, in other words to reconnect to your WOW Self and UNLOCK YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL. service 2 1 Exclusive reminders for living a Bliss-filled life We do believe that a life worth living is more than a peaceful one, is a blissful one. And yes, you can be more than Calm, you can be amazing, living blissfully in a WOW state. The difference in between these 2 states is who you let telling you the stories. You give this privilege to others, or you write and say your own story? Do you wish to rewrite the story of your life as a Conscious Creator? We are here for you to remind your ESSENCE and reconnect you to the power within. service 3 2 Transformational goal planner Embark in a WOW Self discovery journey subscribing to our ALL ACCESS MEMBERSHIP to unlock ultimate features, outstanding meditations and best tools to support you in achieving your goals and fulfill your dreams. Explore our collection of exclusive meditations, enjoy the music playlist, create your vision boards, record the affirmations that you wish to receive in the afternoon routine and embrace transformation. Check and remind of your mission statement. Enjoy the breathing exercises, get inspired by our motivational articles, check your daily mood and improve it along the way.

Human Story

human story


HUMAN is a storytelling and strategy agency that creates media for social impact. We work with an array of public and private-sector companies, nonprofit and intergovernmental organizations to design objective-driven stories that come to life through branding, video, and digital media. Whether we are helping brands redefine their corporate social responsibility platform or creating original documentary content for a nonprofit, HUMAN helps an array of organizations strengthen their commitment to elevating humanity. We are Emmy nominated experts in how to use media to achieve objectives beyond awareness. Our researchers and strategists think across sectors to harness potential and direct that energy to create specific change and then layer story on top of the data. HUMAN carefully balances advocacy goals, scientific innovation, the best of media and storytelling combined with an authentic artistic voice to make nonpareil media for impact. What We Believe Δ is core to being human. The Greek letter Delta (δέλτα) is a symbol used to denote change. As humans, we are constantly evolving. When we change, we change the world around us. The opportunity to improve the human condition through storytelling inspires us to create and innovate. Change is our ethos. Human emotions are created by our experiences. These emotions are the primary influence of the choices we make. Collectively, these choices determine how humans behave which then affects the experience of other human beings. Stories allow other’s to step into the world of another. Storytelling has the power to inspire us to be our best and disrupt cycles of violence by challenging the narratives of fear. Stories allow us to feel the emotion of our own experience and the experience of others which develops deeper empathy and understanding.

Miss Soul Gym

miss soul gym


Darius has an energy that cannot be described and his passion for wanting to fulfil the potential in others that cannot be described. As the Founder of SOUL he is committed in the belief that physical activity can make a positive difference in physical and mental wellbeing. A valuable signing with his knowledge and experience, priceless to the team and is a real Leader for SOUL. Why I Love SOUL Creating SOUL has been one of my biggest achievements in my personal life and professional career. To help and support others in achieving goals and making a positive change in their lives is such a joy and pleasure. To share the knowledge and experiences that I have gained from working with great organisations, being inspired by many amazing people and travelling the world is a privilege to behold. Instagram Twitter Linkedin Daniel Annon DAN THE MAN About Daniel Believing that physical activity has a positive impact on the mind body and soul, I always like to spread this message by having fun and always demonstrating a positive energy.Through fun games and activities I believe people from all walks of life can learn from one anothers experiences and their own. An unbelievable signing with a unique ability to helping those to unlock their potential physically or mentally. Why I Love SOUL Working with SOUL has no boundaries as physical activity knows none. Whether its helping someone fulfil their potential, boosting confidence or simply injecting fun and positivity into a person’s life. You are sure to have many fun, challenging yet rewarding experiences that makes no day the same. But what remains the same throughout, is being the heart and SOUL of Physical activity!

Iqrah Education & Cultural Centre

iqrah education & cultural centre


اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ “The purpose of Islamic education is not to cram the pupil’s head with facts but to prepare them for a life of purity and sincerity. This total commitment to character-building based on the ideals of Islamic ethics is the highest goal of Islamic education.” (Al-Attas, 1979, p. 104) ILC has served the local and wider community since February 2012, Masha’Allah. The School is a non-profit making organisation with over 100 pupils and employs over 20 members of staff. The management team includes talented individuals from the community who sacrifice their time for the betterment of our future generations, community and purely for the sake of Allaah (awj). We teach three core subjects; Qur’an, Islamic Studies and Qur’anic Arabic for 6 to 16+ year olds. We also have an Arabic wing dedicated to Arabic speaking children. We strive to attain the highest possible standards within the school. Staff work together with the pupils to ensure we achieve and maintain our goals. Our main purpose is to please Allaah ﷻ and provide a high standard of Islamic educational to our students. ILC aims to offer a happy and vibrant Islamic environment for learning and helping to ignite the light of knowledge in the hearts of all students. This is achieved through dedication and teamwork. It is built on a foundation to please Allaah (awj) following His beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) . We expect all teachers to interact and teach our students by following the way that our Prophet did and to adhere to our key values. Our beloved Prophet taught, dealt and interacted with children in such a way that many of them grew up to be outstanding companions and model Muslims. He taught us that in order to nurture Imaan in our children; we must first build the foundation blocks.

Success Realisation

success realisation


Do you suffer from memory loss, brain fatigue and general forgetfulness, are desperate to try something new but don’t have the confidence to take the step due to you these limitations. Some of these statements may relate to you? ♦ Do you misplace things all the time? Your keys, your phone, do you forget people’s names…..maybe those senior moments feel like they are coming early? ♦ You have got your hard-earned degree/qualification but you are still doing the same job that you are over qualified for? ♦ Do you have that wonderful business idea but need to learn much more about it to be able to start? ♦ Is your confidence and self-esteem low due to a toxic workplace making you feel emotionally or physically drained? ♦ You know what is stopping you from going after that promotion. You know you should enhance your skillset, but feel too overwhelmed to embark on anything else at the moment. ♦ You have gained a great deal of experience and knowledge in your current position, but the lack of a professional qualification prevents you from leaving to seek promotion and a higher salary. ♦ See better opportunities ahead but too comfortable where you are to entertain thoughts of making changes. ♦ What about the frustration of seeing someone higher up the ladder than you, who is earning more than you, but actually know less about the job than you? Rachel will reveal how can unlock your brain’s super power with new brain training techniques that will help you realise that there’s no limit to what you can learn and remember. You will be able to let go of anything that is holding you back from achieving your goals and dreams.

Linda Muyobo

linda muyobo


Linda is a dynamic passionate speaker whose main purpose in life is to see people’s lives transformed regardless of past hurts. Linda is a speaker who uses herself as an example that if you are focused, surround yourself with like-minded individuals, open to learning, remain accountable and take 100% responsibility for your life, then you are on the way to live the life that you so desire. Achieve those goals and ultimately see your dreams come to fruition. I am married to a wonderful and God-fearing man, a mother of two God-fearing, caring teenage boys. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but I knew deep down that I had greatness in me and did not want to live a mediocre life. I have faced some challenges, came face to face with death on two separate occasions. Following these two near death I experienced, the Lord reminded me about forgiveness. You know what, I was holding too much negativity and it was blocking my vision, clouding my judgement and basically living a fruitless life. That was the time I decided to start the journey of forgiveness and i totally refused to let those circumstances hold me back from achieving my dreams. Beloved, I assure you that through forgiveness or letting go of the past as some people may put it, you will find a sense of worth and purpose, a urge to refocus, clarity to achieve your dreams and be of service to whoever crosses your path. As much as the past enables us to shape our future, we should not let our past experiences keep dragging us back. I had to walk the path of forgiveness in order to find clarity and sense of purpose for my life. If this is something you are struggling, why not enroll for my transformation course. Read more on the transformational page.

Lexington Learning

lexington learning


About Us Lexington Learning was founded in 2018 by Maxine French, a qualified Law, Business and Politics Lecturer and experienced continuing professional development trainer and Education Technologist. Lexington Learning's aim is to enhance the teaching and learning experience by embedding EdTech, Maths, English Literacy, employability skills and social and environmental awareness. We offer a number of services including: private tutoring, CPD for schools and colleges, short courses for adult learners and specialised workshops for educational institutions that can complement and reinforce curriculum learning. At Lexington Learning, we are passionate about teaching, and as each person has a different learning style, we tailor our services to suit the needs of the client. Delivering a truly bespoke learning experience, where the needs of the client come first. Our Values We create life enhancing learning experiences that help students and teaching professionals achieve their learning goals and develop personally and professionally. Our aim is to provide a positive and inspiring experience through education, training and skills development. Our core values are at the centre of our business. They define who we are, how we work and how we collaborate with our stakeholders. INTEGRITY - We are open and honest in all the work that we do. We value our relationship with our students and stakeholders and maintain our relationships through mutual trust and respect. CREATIVITY & INNOVATION - We are continuously innovating and researching to remain at the forefront of the latest developments in education, technology and training. We are a progressive organisation and embrace change and encourage creativity in all we do. EQUALITY & DIVERSITY - Inclusion, equality and diversity are at the core of how we engage with our colleagues, students and stakeholders. We are fully committed to creating a supportive working and learning environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. SOCIALLY & ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE - Our aim is to enhance the teaching and learning experience by embedding technology, employability skills and social and environmental awareness in all that we do.