595 Educators providing Courses in London

My Community Coach

my community coach


CoCo has a team of staff and volunteers dedicated to building confidence, self-esteem and support positive lifestyle changes in young people via the conduits of education, sport and culture. Our staff have a background in mentoring and life coaching, project management, social inclusion, vocational training, and sports coaching. Our community based values are manifested in our training activities in the classroom, and our team activities which take place in positive open spaces and parks around Brighton and Hove. CoCo works with a variety of local organisations and stakeholders to achieve its goals and deliver its activities. For example, we work directly with youth clubs, Job Centre Plus, and youth/employment networks (Brighton’s Women’s Centre, the Chamber of Commerce, Brighton and Hove Youth Collective, and The Platform) to engage directly with young people that are interested in career planning, job search, our vocational courses, or sport team building activities. We also have close ties with sports clubs such as Hassocks Tennis Club, Preston Park Tennis Club, Pavilion and Avenue Tennis Club, Preston Panthers FC, Withdean FC and Patcham FC. With these clubs we organise team building events, joint sports days and in house training to develop soft and employability skills via sport. Our team has worked with hundreds of young people across Sussex to provide vocational training, mentoring and employability training. Our reach is growing and in 2017 hope to reach even more young people. Specifically, our qualified staff provide VET courses such as City and Guilds Level 1 Principles of Coaching Sport, Level 1-2 Employability Skills and Level 2 Travel and Tourism Destinations. We also provide Coaching and Mentoring Sessions with a qualified life coach, cultural activities and overseas team sports tours in Europe. Our aim is to support young people not in employment, education or training, aged 18-24, early school leavers now long term unemployed, general unemployed young people, and we place special emphasis on the participation of young women and the more socially excluded members of society. We use our links with local colleges, the local authority, community groups and youth networks to support young people into vocational training, improve their confidence and support them into further vocational training, work experience or employment. Activities locally in the UK Vocational Training Centre Registered with City and Guilds Employment, advice and careers service: Information advice and guidance for young people looking for work; Mentoring and coaching; connections with youth organisations, community groups, employment networks Confidence Building, Team working and development of soft and employability skills: Sports coaching; Cultural and rural/active tourism around Sussex and going on hikes in the countryside, team games, confidence building exercises in parks around Sussex Culture, sports and language trips abroad: working with local sports/youth/college groups to travel abroad and compete in tournaments. Receiving organisation in the Erasmus programme

Women on Boards UK

women on boards uk


We are a network of 30,000 women, and some men, who are starting and shaping their board careers. The network includes those with all levels of board experience, across all sectors and professional disciplines. Our Ambassadors, most of whom are highly experienced NEDs, offer particular insight and connections to support our work. We are there to support you, to encourage you, to offer you honest and helpful advice. Our support is practical, delivered with a genuine personal touch. What we do works - on average eight members secure a new board role each week Women on Boards offers efficient services to connect recruiting boards and headhunters with high-calibre individuals who will enhance the diversity of thought in the boardroom. As absolute believers that men and women share equal reserves of talent and ambition, we are dedicated to helping organisations in all sectors to work towards gender balance at board and leadership level. Diversity leads to more innovation, better quality of decision-making and correlates with improved business performance. Our ‘Voice for Inclusion’ page collates key studies. Our ability to reach potential candidates from outside established networks is highly desirable for any board wishing to ensure they enjoy the proven benefits of diversity of thought. Our pool of high-calibre individuals spans those with significant NED experience including at listed firms, those with some prior board roles and others ready to bring their expertise to their first non-executive position.