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34 Educators providing Courses in London

Abundance Centres (Uk) Development Trust (Ulearn Naturally Learners' Co-operative)

abundance centres (uk) development trust (ulearn naturally learners' co-operative)


We are a pioneering community-led learners' co-operative focused on improving the educational, physical and social well-being of children and families contextualised within family and community empowerment. We are commonly known as uLearn Naturally Learners' Co-operative. We are an umbrella organisation serving collectives with assistance in forming Abundance Centres Member Trusts. We also work to build various kinds of educational infrastructure to support our Member Trusts and the general public. These infrastructure works are mainly related to our Home-School-Knowledge Exchange project and our emerging uLearn Naturally Media Services. In general the objectives of the Trust are to carry out activities which benefit the communities of UK and members of the Trust in regard to community engagement, family directed learning and personal development in the realms of education, well-being and social networking. In particular, our mission is to establish and maintain centres of service with the principles and general intention of bringing about better community engagement, creativity, cross-curricular learning and/or unified ways of coming to know that which specifically enables and enriches the learning of the sciences and maths through the arts, intelligent play and the dissemination of wholistic (nature-centric) pedagogical (learning) practices. Do you need help establishing something like this? Our co-operative model has allowed us to bring together and work with many leading organisations (similar to the mode of a consortium), thereby bringing the benefits of a broad range of expertise and experience. It is our mission to continue advancing our governance structure to achieve our cooperative aims perfectly, offering a broad range of support options to our Member Trusts and the public in general. Currently there is much evidence to point to the need for more creative approaches to education to best honour real-time learning potentials, the need to make intelligent play and early life learning relevant to our rapidly changing society yet still honouring the valuable inner cultures of the past is of utmost importance today. Where cultural heritage is valued in learning processes is the exact place where we find the seeds of our most natural abundance centre power. Contact us today to find our how we can help you and you can empower communities.

Social Life

social life


What makes a boundary? How we circumnavigate London is often imagined through its hard materiality of bricks and roads, staggered by open, green spaces and meandering waterways. Yet the sensory experience of moving through the city plays a significant role in how we percieve place, define neighbourhoods, and establish routes and routines. In mid June, Social Life hosted a workshop as part of the London Festival of Architecture, which aimed to explore how sight, smell and sound impact our perceptions of boundaries. Our approach drew closely from a toolkit developed by Saffron Woodcraft and Connie Smith at UCL's Insitute for Global Prosperity - the 'Sensory Notation Toolkit' - which was created with the intention for 'researchers to become alert to their different sense and how these are stimulated by particular environments.' Workshop participants walked with us on a short route around Elephand & Castle. At each stop we asked participants to record their sensory stimulation on a scale of 1-5 for each of the six sense: visual, aural, kinetic, thermal and chemical. We used a visual sensory chart to capture the data to understand what the concurrent themes were for each space and overall which space had the highest and lowest level of sensory stimulation. Building on Social Life's earlier work on sensory stimulation and psychgeography in our local area, our 2017 'Feeling of the Place' project, the workshop aimed to look more closely at the relationship between our sense and how this guides our perception of boundaries. The sensory walk was an exercise on connecting sights, smells and sounds as elements of boundary making and unmaking. Two boundaries were chosen for the exercise, Strata Tower by Elephant and Castle roundabout and a pedestrial barrier in the Newington Estate close to Peacock Yard where Social Life is based. Participants were asked to stop on either side of the 'boundary' and record their sensory stimulation. The stops differed dramatically. Whilst one was located in the middle of a blooming community garden others were located right at the foot of Strata Tower, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of urban life. They were however only a short walk apart. The responses were fairly predictable. Participants noted feeling unwelcome and feelings of unpleasantness in areas that were less human scale and contained less greenery. Aural stimualtion - negative or positive - scored highly for many participants with many connecting unpleasant feelings with wind, loud noises and also temperature.

Films Without Borders

films without borders


Films Without Borders (FWB) is a non-political UK registered charity that provides hands-on educational filmmaking workshops for youth between the ages of 15 – 19, living in challenging countries around the globe. FWB’s intention is to break down barriers, build bridges, and create a dialogue whilst simultaneously teaching youth the first stages of film production.. Since our launch in 2010 we have run more than 20 successful workshops in countries which include Israel, Rwanda, South Africa, Palestine, and most recently in aboriginal communities in Australia, enabling us to access over 300 young people living at risk. Our FWB participants subsequently made a series of high quality short films, which have been screened at prestigious international film festivals, including the Cannes International Film Festival. We are delighted that our films were screened during royal visits in Australia and South Africa, where they were shown in the presence of President Zuma and the Earl and Countess of Wessex. The films have also been shown on various networks around the world. In 2013 FWB won the Brit Week Innovation in Philanthropy Award in Los Angeles. In 2014 FWB arranged paid work experience at the Jerusalem Cinemathèque/Film Festival for a Palestinian FWB participant. She continues to work for the organization on a paid freelance basis. In 2015 we are delighted to announce that Lionsgate UK has supported three internships, one with a casting director and two on a major feature film. The interns are from Israel, Rwanda and a South African township. This has resulted in the Israeli intern working on a paid freelance basis for the casting director. The South African intern has been moved out of the township and placed into a job created by S-ABC in South Africa. This has all been initiated and financially supported by FWB. We are currently looking at supporting a Masters in film for the Rwandan participant. We share an independent partnership with the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, whereby we incorporate award participants into FWB’s global workshops. Our other major partners include Swarovski, Lionsgate UK, Swiss International Airlines, Twickenham Studios, Deluxe Post Production/Encore, The Editpool. FWB enjoys the invaluable hand on support of George Lucas, Whoopi Goldberg, Mike Newell and Sam Mendes, to name but a few. We are very proud to have Nadja Swarovski as our Patron. Please click here to find out more about our work.

New School Of The Anthropocene

new school of the anthropocene


The New School of the Anthropocene is a radical and affordable experiment in interdisciplinary higher education for the digital era in collaborative association with October Gallery in London. We are an ensemble of experienced academics from the higher educational world who, in the company of diverse artists and practitioners, wish to restore the values of intellectual adventure, free exchange and creative risk that formerly characterised an arts education in the UK and beyond.    The New School is registered with Companies House as a Community Interest Company and is run cooperatively. We think of ourselves as a purpose or condition, rather than an institution, open to collaboration and gathering. Our curriculum is dedicated to addressing ecological recovery and social renewal through the arts. Learning styles flex to accommodate the domestic and employment responsibilities of our students. The age-range within this heterogenous community extends from 18 to 75 and qualification-levels range from GCSE to PhD. We regard our participants as researchers from the start and they co-design their work with an emphasis on critical intervention fused with creative process. The collaborative work of the body – learning, for example, about food resilience at Calthorpe Community Garden and rainforest restoration in Puerto Rico - is assigned equal prominence to more conventional university-level activities such as textual analysis, philosophical discussion and filmmaking.    We opened our doors to a first yearly cohort of 26 students in September 2022. They have joined us for 28 weekly Anthropocene Seminars led by the likes of Marina Warner, Robert Macfarlane, Gargi Bhattacharyya, Adam Broomberg, Ann Pettifor, Assemble Studio, Michael Mansfield, Robin Kirkpatrick, Esther Teichmann, Anthony Sattin, Chris Petit and Mark Nelson (Biosphere 2), whose work covers the entire range of subjects falling within the framework of the Environmental Humanities. These vigorously participatory sessions are prefaced by a movement class and are run in-person and streamed on-line to enable our planetarians to join us from Tajikistan, Egypt, US, Niger, Ireland, Scotland and France. Our teachers are gathered within an ever-extending Ensemble, not an exclusive faculty, and are paid at UCU-recommended rates for their contributions.  All NSotA students also work on a research project that is individually supervised and benefits from five meetings a year with at least two Ensemble members. This contributes towards a Diploma in Environmental Humanities, rather than a degree: a means of countering an anxious culture of accreditation, which we differentiate from the principle of recognition. Our students instead carry forward a supervised portfolio of their critical and creative work accomplished over the year as testament to their development.  While seeking to maintain a genuinely inter-generational student body, our recruitment continues to prioritise applicants from those with no prior experience of university. Our pay-what-you-can-afford scheme means that our students typically pay between 0.5% and 5% of the average cost of a UK postgraduate degree and enjoy double the number of contact teaching hours. This means that no one with the aptitude and desire to participate need be excluded. We have also set aside free places for forced migrants fleeing conflict across the world, which are awarded in association with Revoke and Birkbeck College’s Compass Project.   The New School is to be simultaneously regarded as an applied research project that explores how an agile, self-organising model for higher education might be effectively constituted. Its processes have been fully archived with the intention of creating an open-source toolkit for educators who might seek to emulate this prototype and co-establish a sisterhood of corresponding initiatives. We are a contributing partner of the Academia Biospherica Alliance, which from 2024 will offer on-site educational programmes under the auspices of October Gallery’s parent organisation, the Institute of Ecotechnics, across the five main earth biomes of mountains, oceans, forests, desert grasslands and cities in locations such as Puerto Rico, Brazil, Argentina, Iraq, Italy, Catalonia and Egypt.    This reflects our expressly collaborative ethos, as manifested further in our participation within the Ecoversities Alliance and Faculty for a Future, alongside established associations with Embassy Cultural House (London, Ontario), the London Review of Books and Birkbeck College Library, where our students enjoy borrowing rights, and prospective academic partnerships with the Central European University and Global Centre for Advanced Studies. We are also in the process of gaining recognition as a UNESCO Futures Literacy Laboratory. Our public launch in November 2021 was marked by a symposium on the future of the university in relation to biopolitical emergency, timed to coincide with COP26. It features recorded dialogues with leading thinkers available to view on our website: www.nsota.org [http://www.nsota.org].    In February 2023 the New School hosted a seminar jointly with Birkbeck’s Institute for Social Research to announce the relaunch of the Stories in Transit project founded by Marina Warner with the intention of initiating a collective research project for NSotA students. This will form a central component of a continuing second year active engagement with the present cohort following the end of the academic year in June, which is currently under collective discussion.    From September 2023 our first-year cohort size will be increased to 40 students drawn from the UK and around the world. The programme will be augmented by small-group creativity classes as a means of building a collaborative environment and preparing scholars for the intensity of their project work. NSotA's debut cohort established an additional self-organised reading group, meeting on-line on Sunday afternoons with the purpose of extending discussions broached in previous Anthropocene Seminars. For the next academic year this will be formally incorporated into the curriculum. Long-term plans include the founding of a research agency with D-Fuse intending to explore innovative multi-modal representations of biocidal emergency in civic spaces.   We are keenly aware that today’s university system is outmoded, sclerotic and wasteful; yoked to punishing systems of debt finance and managerial bureaucracy; and falling short in its responsibility to nurture future generations as confident participants within the complex universe in which we are all embedded. In proposing an affordable interdisciplinary education, the New School of the Anthropocene seeks to rejuvenate the core values of an adventurous education that are under sustained threat across the world. In so doing, it represents a genuine alternative for those who consider experimentation across the critical-creative seam to be the prerequisite to personal resilience and cultural renewal.

Courses matching "intention"

Show all 39

Microdose & Breathwork Session


By Numinity

Join us for a transformational Microdose & Breathwork Session -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We invite you to join us for this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and inner transformation. This session has been designed to help you tap into your inner wisdom, discover your infinite potential, and improve your wellbeing. We will start the session with an opening ritual where you will receive a microdose of mushrooms to guide you on your journey. Hannah will then guide you through a Conscious Connected Breathwork session. Conscious Connected Breathwork is a specific breathing exercises focused on deep breathing, whereby an expanded, transcendental state of consciousness can be achieved. In this state, blockages that disturb one's own (energy) flow, such as repressed experiences, feelings and emotions, can be brought to the surface and recognised and dissolved. A feeling of liberation can be experienced in real terms and perceived as a deep connection with the universal whole. In and after light breathing, feelings of relief, freedom, bliss, connectedness and oneness can arise. After the Breathwork session, you’ll continue to lie on your mat, while Melissa lulls you into a state of deep integrative relaxation with a rejuvenating soundscape. The session will last approximately 2 hours. Preparation Guidelines: 1. Hydration: Begin hydrating your body well in advance of the event. Proper hydration supports the Breathwork process and enhances the effects of the Cacao. 2. Light Nourishment: Eat a light and easily digestible meal no later than 4pm. This will provide you with energy without causing discomfort during the session. 3. Avoid Stimulants: Refrain from consuming caffeine or stimulants at least 4-6 hours before the event. This helps to promote a calm and centered state for the breathwork and sound journey. 4. Clothing: Wear comfortable clothing that allows for unrestricted breathing and movement. Layers are recommended, as body temperature may fluctuate during the session. 5. Open Mindset: Approach the journey with an open mind and heart. Set an intention for the experience, whether it's personal growth, stress relief, or spiritual connection. 6. What to bring. Bring some water and a journal. Everything else will be provided. Price: Price is on a sliding scale. Please pay what you can afford. @numinity.collective Join our Whatsapp Group for new event updates. CONTRAINDICATIONS If you have any of the following conditions YOU CAN STILL COME, we will just be recommending a slightly different nose breath. * Epilepsy or seizures * Heart conditions or arrhythmia * High blood pressure, or low blood pressure with fainting history * Delicate pregnancy * Bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia or psychosis * Untreated/severe PTSD * Pre-existing lung disease * Recent major surgery * Glaucoma/detached retina * Severe osteoparosis This practice is not a substitute for medical advice, and if you experience any of the following, you should consult your GP or primary healthcare provider first. Please don't be put off by the necessary health information, Breathwork is mostly a hugely enjoyable and transformative practice and we encourage you to come and try it out.

Microdose & Breathwork Session
Delivered In-Person in London2 hours, Jul 12th, 18:00
£50 to £70

Summer Fast Track 2024 - Organisation & Relationship Systems Coaching Training


CRRUK equips professionals with the concepts, skills and tools to build conscious, intentional relationships, and to coach relationship systems of any size.

Summer Fast Track 2024 - Organisation & Relationship Systems Coaching Training
Delivered In-Person in London3 days, Jul 14th, 08:30 + 1 more

Unlock Your Intuition


By Numinity

A powerful combo of breathwork, meditation, creative writing & drawing techniques to help you quieten the noise and tap into your intuition -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modern life is filled with noise and distractions. We’re under constant pressure to pander to pings, multitask and respond to the needs of others, all of which impact the mind’s ability to think creatively, as interruptions kill creative thinking and the ability to listen to our intuition. This session combines breathwork, meditation, creative writing, and drawing techniques to help you quiet the noise and tap into your inner ideas and inspiration. Designed to enhance intention setting and spiritual integration, these practices also benefit creative processes by sharpening intuition and problem-solving skills. This two hour session will be screen-free, with materials provided. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a pen, journal and refillable bottle for this unique introspective experience. Your Facilitator: Hosted by Creative Thinking Coach Ketan Lad. His journey with unlocking creativity began over 12 years ago when chosen to learn the art and science of facilitation and ideas generation in a commercial creativity context. Since then Ketan has worked with numerous big brands, small business and individuals to unlock creative thinking, through hosting workshops and training. Ketan has been an active member of the Numinity community for over a year, assisting with ceremonies, furthering his spiritual practice and developing creative thinking techniques to help people with intention setting and integration, and has spent the last two years attending retreats in The UK, Spain and Morocco to create a unique creativity coaching techniques that draw inspiration from both modern psychology and ancient spiritual practices. Agenda 7:00-7:15 pm - Introduction and welcome 7:15 - 7:30 pm - Meditation and breathwork 7:30 - 8:50 pm - Guided techniques for unlocking intuition 8:50pm - 9:00 pm - Closing Circle

Unlock Your Intuition
Delivered In-Person in London2 hours, Jul 18th, 18:00
£25 to £35

Microdose, Breathwork & LIVE Sound Journey


By Numinity

Join us for a transformational Microdose, Breathwork & Sound Journey. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We invite you to join us for this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and inner transformation. This session has been designed to help you tap into your inner wisdom, discover your infinite potential, and improve your wellbeing. We will start the session with an opening ritual where you will receive a microdose of mushrooms to guide you on your journey. Melissa will then guide you through a Breathwork session set to an original soundscape composed by Holly. Conscious Connected Breathwork is a specific breathing exercises focused on deep breathing, whereby an expanded, transcendental state of consciousness can be achieved. In this state, blockages that disturb one's own (energy) flow, such as repressed experiences, feelings and emotions, can be brought to the surface and recognised and dissolved. A feeling of liberation can be experienced in real terms and perceived as a deep connection with the universal whole. In and after light breathing, feelings of relief, freedom, bliss, connectedness and oneness can arise. After the Breathwork session, you’ll continue to lie on your mat, while Holly & Melissa lull you into a state of deep integrative relaxation with a rejuvenating soundscape. The session will last approximately 2 hours. Preparation Guidelines: 1. Hydration: Begin hydrating your body well in advance of the event. Proper hydration supports the Breathwork process and enhances the effects of the Cacao. 2. Light Nourishment: Eat a light and easily digestible meal no later than 4pm. This will provide you with energy without causing discomfort during the session. 3. Avoid Stimulants: Refrain from consuming caffeine or stimulants at least 4-6 hours before the event. This helps to promote a calm and centered state for the breathwork and sound journey. 4. Clothing: Wear comfortable clothing that allows for unrestricted breathing and movement. Layers are recommended, as body temperature may fluctuate during the session. 5. Open Mindset: Approach the journey with an open mind and heart. Set an intention for the experience, whether it's personal growth, stress relief, or spiritual connection. 6. What to bring. Bring some water and a journal. Everything else will be provided. Price: Price is on a sliding scale. Please pay what you can afford. @numinity.collective [https://www.instagram.com/numinity.collective/] Join our Whatsapp Group [https://chat.whatsapp.com/FcJsl64MnXoK4ZIcauFyMR] for new event updates. CONTRAINDICATIONS If you have any of the following conditions YOU CAN STILL COME, we will just be recommending a slightly different nose breath. * Epilepsy or seizures * Heart conditions or arrhythmia * High blood pressure, or low blood pressure with fainting history * Delicate pregnancy * Bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia or psychosis * Untreated/severe PTSD * Pre-existing lung disease * Recent major surgery * Glaucoma/detached retina * Severe osteoparosis This practice is not a substitute for medical advice, and if you experience any of the following, you should consult your GP or primary healthcare provider first. Please don't be put off by the necessary health information, Breathwork is mostly a hugely enjoyable and transformative practice and we encourage you to come and try it out.

Microdose, Breathwork & LIVE Sound Journey
Delivered In-Person in London2 hours, Jul 21st, 10:00 + 1 more
£50 to £70

Push Hands & 2-person Exercises

By Taiji & Qigong (London & Kent)

Usually once a month, the 2024 dates are:- 2024 Saturday Classes: * May 11th * June 8th * July 6th & 27th * Sept. 7th * Oct. 12th * Nov. 9th * Dec. 7th * Notes on 2-Person Classes Both the Tuesday 8.05pm class in Euston, and the Saturday courses in Westminster will focus on:  Learning how to relax  The use of the movements in Tai Chi Form (applications)  Applying the movements so that you maintain your own integrity (centre of balance)  Finding & working from the centre/core/Dantian  Developing the sense of ‘feel’ when working with someone else  Connecting your centre to your hands  Turning a partner’s energy around so as to unbalance him/her  We will also work on a 2-Person Tai Chi Form in order to understand applications of moves Posture, Balance, and Intention. By far the most important part of these classes is developing the ability to sense and be aware not only of one's own posture, balance, and intention, but also that of another person. Relaxation. Many of the exercises are ultimately about the ability to act from a very relaxed body and mind, so that (for example) if someone pushes towards you, you don't 'lock up' (the instinctive reaction), but instead you sense the push, and divert it. Initially it is this 'locking up' (which in effect makes you unable to move), that we are working on undoing. This is about getting more control of your sympathetic nervous system (fight & flight), the 'stress' system, so that in difficult situations, you 'roll with the punches' better.

Push Hands & 2-person Exercises
Delivered In-Person in London3 hours, Jul 27th, 09:00 + 4 more

ISO 30401 Knowledge Management Lead Auditor Course

By Cognicert Limited

ISO 30401 sets requirements and provides guidelines for establishing, implementing, maintaining, reviewing and improving an effective management system for knowledge management in organizations. All the requirements of this standard are applicable to any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides. Knowledge management is the intentional process of defining, structuring, retaining, and sharing an organization’s employees’ knowledge and experience.

ISO 30401 Knowledge Management Lead Auditor Course
Delivered Online & In-Person in London5 days, Jul 22nd, 08:00 + 1 more

Shamanic Rapé, Sananga & Cacao Ceremony


By Numinity

An evening of Shamanic healing, plant medicine and live music to heal and grow. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We invite you to attend an evening of shamanic healing, plant medicine and live music to heal and grow. We are excited to share three powerful medicines from the Amazon with you - Rapé, Sananga and Cacao. There will be adequate time for you to sit with the effects of each medicine while we sing and play to guide you on your journey. You are welcome to simply listen and enjoy the ceremony or if you would like to join in and sing, play or dance, you are welcome to! The Plant Medicines * Cacao is known as the "food of the gods.” It has been used for centuries in ceremonial settings to open the heart, connect with our inner essence, and clear stagnant emotional energy from the body. Sip on a warm cup of ceremonial Cacao, prepared with intention and love, as it takes you on a journey and guides you back to your heart. * Rapé is a powerful shamanic medicine renowned for its purifying and grounding properties. It is snuff made from tobacco and other medicinal or sacred trees which is applied by being blown into each nostril. Our team will offer individual servings of high-quality Rapé, made by indigenous tribes. You will have the opportunity to choose the strength of your dose, allowing you to navigate this sacred medicine at your own pace. The application of Rapé immediately focuses the mind, stops its chattering, and creates space. It helps release emotional, physical, and spiritual illness and eases negativity and confusion, facilitating clarity, alignment, and a profound connection with yourself. * Sananga is a traditional Brazilian medicine used for both spiritual and physical healing. Sananga possesses the ability to clear blocked energies, offering emotional, spiritual, and physical release. The plant-based eye drops are said to enhance eyesight and have long been used by indigenous tribes to prevent and treat ocular diseases like glaucoma, cataracts, near-sightedness, and blindness. Sananga is also commonly used to treat skin diseases, infections, arthritis, cancer, and to clear a person of what is called panema - anxiety, depression, bad luck, negative energies and laziness. This powerful plant guides us towards the roots of our challenges and provides guidance on our healing journey. Preparation You are advised to fast (just water) for at least one hour before the ceremony and avoid any heavily processed or fried foods during the day. Please wear comfortable clothing. If you would like to bring a guitar, drum, shaker or other instrument to play, please do. Price The ticket price for this event is on a sliding scale. Please pay what you can afford. Your Facilitator: Melissa is a renowned Sound Healer, Life Coach, Tantric Practitioner, and Psychedelic Retreat Facilitator. With a passion for empowering individuals, Melissa offers transformative one-on-one coaching sessions and leads workshops and retreats in the areas of Self Healing, Sexual Mastery, and Psychedelics. Melissa's background as a Lawyer brings a unique perspective to her approach. She is grounded and non-dogmatic and empowers her clients to balance their beliefs with a healthy amount of critical thinking and discernment. In her work as a retreat leader, Melissa creates safe and supportive environments for individuals to explore the transformational power of Ayahuasca. With her deep love and respect for shamanic traditions, Melissa guides participants through profound inner experiences, facilitating healing, self-discovery, and personal growth. Her commitment to personal and collective transformation have earned her recognition as a leading figure in her respective fields. Her comprehensive approach, combining ancient wisdom with modern techniques, empowers individuals to transcend their limitations, unlock their potential, and live lives of purpose and fulfilment. Find us on social media: @numinity.collective [https://www.instagram.com/numinity.collective/] Join our Whatsapp Group [https://chat.whatsapp.com/FcJsl64MnXoK4ZIcauFyMR] for new event updates.

Shamanic Rapé, Sananga & Cacao Ceremony
Delivered In-Person in London2 hours, Jul 25th, 18:00 + 2 more
£27.5 to £44

Awaken Your Inner Healer - Usui Reiki Level 1


By Stephanie Edwards

Spiritual Awakening Level 1 allow your TRUE soul essence to light the way. Become aligned with Reiki Source Energy, vitality, and a happier and harmonic way of being.

Awaken Your Inner Healer -  Usui Reiki Level 1
Delivered In-Person in LondonFull day, Aug 24th, 08:30 + 7 more

Push Hands/Applications/2-Person - London

By Taiji & Qigong (London & Kent)

This is a 13-week term. * Notes on 2-Person Classes Both the Tuesday 8.05pm class in Euston, and the Saturday courses in Westminster will focus on:  Learning how to relax  The use of the movements in Tai Chi Form (applications)  Applying the movements so that you maintain your own integrity (centre of balance)  Finding & working from the centre/core/Dantian  Developing the sense of ‘feel’ when working with someone else  Connecting your centre to your hands  Turning a partner’s energy around so as to unbalance him/her  We will also work on a 2-Person Tai Chi Form in order to understand applications of moves Posture, Balance, and Intention. By far the most important part of these classes is developing the ability to sense and be aware not only of one's own posture, balance, and intention, but also that of another person. Relaxation. Many of the exercises are ultimately about the ability to act from a very relaxed body and mind, so that (for example) if someone pushes towards you, you don't 'lock up' (the instinctive reaction), but instead you sense the push, and divert it. Initially it is this 'locking up' (which in effect makes you unable to move), that we are working on undoing. This is about getting more control of your sympathetic nervous system (fight & flight), the 'stress' system, so that in difficult situations, you 'roll with the punches' better.

Push Hands/Applications/2-Person - London
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request


By Anna Kosa

BYO materials, canvas, drinks from home and join us for a fun evening painting together and chatting with local artists and art enthusiasts. All is welcome w...

Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request