595 Educators providing Courses in London

Own Your Success

own your success



ABOUT OWN YOUR SUCCESS It's as simple as that. We want professionals to OWN THEIR SUCCESS!  Progressive professionals who want to be at the forefront of their organisation and sector, encouraging best practice implementation and personal and staff growth, need to ensure they are continuing to invest in themselves.  Whether you are a current or future leader, owning your career, learning from peers and understanding modern tools and techniques is the only way to truly establish yourself as a front-runner in your space. OYS offers proven programs that are designed to provide you with key insights and outcomes that will allow you to elevate yourself as a leader and encourage the elevation of the team around you. As an attendee at one of our programs, you will create and start implementing your OWN roadmap, which will enhance YOUR capability and create a clear pathway for future SUCCESS. Visit our events page to view up-and-coming programs best suited to you and your business. MISSION STATEMENT Own Your Success is dedicated to delivering the highest quality training events and unique and memorable delegate experience - delivered with enthusiasm, liveliness and excitement for professionals advancing their careers. OUR VALUES Transparency As an organisation, we need to demonstrate honesty, openness, accountability, and a straightforward attitude towards all business interactions – our clients, facilitators and internal team.   Collaboration We are a learning organisation and we need to listen to our clients, facilitators and team to make sure we work together to be successful in our mission to deliver the highest-quality learning experience. We need to work together to learn and make the right decisions for everyone involved with our organisation.  Fun We have all heard the quote; "If you love what you do - you'll never work a day in your life," but this is what we stand by. We love helping and developing people to be the best version of themselves. If you’re having fun then that means our clients are going to get the best experience possible. We are serious about developing people, but who says you can’t have a chuckle whilst doing it.   Communication  We need to effectively communicate to make sure our clients have the best learning journey possible. If we can't, then how can you trust us to develop you? Communication is a major part of a professional’s journey and so it’s a major part of ours too. Therefore our focus is strong communication with our clients, facilitators and team to make sure we deliver on what we set out to achieve - the best quality training programs for professionals advancing their careers.


crr uk

Organisation and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC™) is an innovative and powerful coaching model based on Relationship Systems Intelligence (RSI™). A ‘relationship system’ is any interdependent group of people, sharing a common identity or function. We are all part of many different systems. In our organisations, our teams, our families, our intimate relationships and the wider society. Everything is interconnected. If something changes in one area of a system, it will have effects in places that often we won’t expect. ORSC is a methodology that combines ‘systems thinking’ with coaching. By becoming an ORSC practitioner, you will become aware of your own impact on the bigger picture and be able to consciously design your relationships. You will learn an invaluable set of tools to coach others to do the same. The Five Modules of ORSC All ORSC journeys begin with either the Fundamentals or ORS@Work module. Both introductory courses are based on the same set of skills and principles. Fundamentals is geared more toward personal coaching, therapy, or social work applications. ORS@Work is designed specifically with HR, OD, LD, business coaching or consulting in mind. Fundamentals or ORS@Work— teaches five key ORSC tools, including how to coach the Third Entity. Intelligence— provides a robust toolkit for increasing emotional resilience in the face of change. Geography — explores how to recognise and nurture the structures of relationships. Path — explores how to create a shared vision and a strategic plan for achieving it. Systems Integration— brings all the pieces together and provides a learning space to hone skills to work towards mastery. The subsequent four courses in the series must be studied in sequential order, as content layers and builds with each module. On completion of the five modules, students may choose to pursue ORSC certification. Whatever work we do, we are always in relationship. Through ORSC training we learn the concepts, skills and tools to be more effective with others. A ‘relationship system’ is any interdependent group of people, sharing a common identity or function. Psychologists might refer to a ‘collective consciousness’. Business consultants might talk about a ‘corporate culture’. Therapists would likely address ‘family dynamics’. All are ways of referring to what we call the Third Entity.

Safe For All

safe for all


Safe for All was formed by Anita August who has worked with disadvantaged groups in East London, both as a trainer and manager of a community project for over 13 years. Anita became aware of the significant impact that accredited training in First Aid and Health and Safety had on the employability and life skills of disadvantaged groups. Over the past four years (2006-2010) our senior trainers have been working in partnership with the College of North East London to deliver Health and Safety training to Haringey employees at all levels who are involved in delivering and managing front line services in Adult Social Care, including managers and employees of residential projects for adults with dementia, severe learning difficulties and mental health problems. The training has been extended to also deliver to services delivering childcare facilities including, nurseries, schools and childminders. Safe for All also specialises in delivering training to the Hospitality and Leisure Industries, Schools and Nurseries, Voluntary and Community Organisations, Social Enterprises and is expanding in to the Construction industry and Corporate Sector. Safe for All only uses qualified instructors who have a wealth of experience and knowledge gained from working in an operational Health and Safety and First Aid background, for example, Nurses, Lifeguards, Environmental Health Officers, Health & Safety Representatives and the Emergency Services. All associates have to demonstrate their competence through rigorous assessment of their training. All training associates are CRB checked. Safe for All’s Directors are professionals with extensive experience of managing private, public and third sector organisations and empowering disadvantaged people and communities in London. The Directors and training associates are committed to creating a more inclusive society and enabling everyone to access First Aid and Health and Safety training regardless of circumstance. Anita also identified a lack of affordable training provision and training resources for people with disabilities. Community groups she worked with encouraged her to make her services as widely available as possible. Hence Safe for All was born. Safe for All was formed with a vision to increase the availability of such training and is 50 per cent governed by people with disabilities.