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Equip International

equip international



Equip International exists to Equip God's people in holistic ministry to disciple the nations. By showing how God is reconciling all things to Himself (both physical and spiritual), we have an open door to share the good news of Jesus and show what difference it makes to follow Him. We do this by: Partnering We believe ministry is done best when we all work together. That’s why we partner with other missions agencies, churches, and missionaries to help them better serve those in their ministry contexts. Learn more about who we partner with here. Training At Equip, we believe faith and work go hand-in-hand. Training missionaries in agriculture, appropriate technology, medical procedures, and community health evangelism opens the door for community transformation through Christ. We help missionaries live out their faith in Christ in tangible, relevant ways by serving their communities. Find out more about our training opportunities here. Sending Equip sends adventurous individuals living out their unique call to share the Good News of Jesus Christ around the globe. We seek out and send missionaries ready to make an impact for God's Kingdom in practical, life changing ways. Explore the varied work of our missionaries all over the world, as well as learn how you can become an Equip missionary, We believe in advancing the Kingdom of God through collaboration with other mission agencies, churches, and missionaries to better serve communities in need, ultimately equipping God’s people to fulfill the Great Commission. Mission Organizations As we partner with other Christ-centered missions agencies, we seek to understand their training needs so we can equip them with relevant courses that further the work in their particular contexts. Our specialized, hands-on training goes beyond typical missionary orientation and can enhance the professional development provided by our agency partners. Churches We come alongside churches in their short-term missions ministry, providing customized training to church members in preparation for their upcoming trips. Also, if a church is sending a missionary, we provide a host of courses that can prepare individuals and couples for long-term missions service. Missionaries Missionaries come to us with an entrepreneurial vision for serving others, and we help them refine that calling and formulate a plan on how to get where they want to go. Our help to them may be as simple as providing a course to help them gain a necessary skill or as long-term as becoming their sending agency.

Taiji & Qigong (London & Kent)

taiji & qigong (london & kent)

Tai Chi is both an exercise for improving and maintaining good health, as well as a martial art designed for self-defence. It is also often spoken about as a form of ‘meditation in motion’ or ‘meditation in movement’ as it promotes a sense of inner peace and tranquillity.  Whether you refer to it as ‘T’ai Chi’ (the Wade Giles method of Romanising words), or ‘Taiji’ (the Pinyin or modern way), it is short for ‘T’ai Chi Ch’uan’ or Taijiquan, which both can be translated as ‘Supreme Ultimate Fist’.  Tai Chi is a popular form of exercise for people of all ages and abilities, offering a wide range of physical, mental and emotional benefits to those who practice it. There is a range of Tai Chi benefits to enjoy, whatever your age.      Depending to a certain extent on the type of Tai Chi being practiced, it is considered very safe for people of all ages, as it exercises joints and muscles without placing too much stress on them.   Therefore, this also makes Tai Chi an ideal form of exercise for people with either rheumatoid or osteoarthritis, as well as offering a wide range of other benefits: Relief of stress, anxiety, tension and depression, increased levels of relaxation, calmness and confidence, gently improved muscle tone, co-ordination, balance and good posture.   Research also suggests Tai Chi reduces falls in the elderly Tai Chi is effectively having your own personal gym without needing any equipment (unless you’re learning movements with weapons), and you can practice it either in groups or on your own.  There is a range of Tai Chi styles to suit your needs.  Whilst Tai Chi is often talked about as being an ancient martial art, it first appeared in records from the 1700s onwards.  Whilst there are many different family styles, there are five major styles practiced throughout China and the West: Chen style, Yang style, Wu-Hao style, Wu style, Sun style to name but a few.  At Taiji and Qigong, we teach a wide variety of Tai Chi forms, as well as Pushing Hands, Da Lu, Applications of the Forms, and Fa-Jing techniques.   If you’re interested in taking Tai Chi classes in London or Kent, take a look at our Classes & Prices to find what you’re looking for.