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Education Poland

education poland


It is always good to understand certain aspects of country’s culture and customs before going there. You will avoid being surprized or embarassed in that way. Here are the most interesting Polish customs which is good to be familiar with: Curious people Polish people are very curious towards international visitors. They are very much interested in different cultures, however if you only look back – nothing has happened 😉 Shaking hands It is very Polish to shake hands when you introduce yourself. YOu do it always with your right, bare hand. It is considered impolite if you do it in a glove. Keeping an eye contact When speaking to someone, keep an eye contact for most of the time. It is not necessary to keep it all the time. If you do not, you might not get what you want. Personal questions It is quite common in Poland to be asked questions which are often considered as private. As Poles are curious people, they like to get into little details, so do not forget to be assertive. Meal schedule Food in Poland is often fat and served with meat. Soups are very popular and offer a great variety of types & tastes. Typically in Poland people eat 3 times a day. Bruderszaft It is a fraternal toast, after which Polish people start to address each other with first names, and declining it can be seen as an insult. Relationships become more cordial after this little ceremony. Bruderszaft is two people raising toasts simultaneously with arms interlocked and drinking. The last part is an exchange of kisses and a handshake.

Achieving For Children Community Interest Company

achieving for children community interest company


Achieving for Children is a community interest company (a not-for-profit social enterprise) created in 2014 by the Royal Borough of Kingston and the London Borough of Richmond to provide their children’s services. In August 2017, the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead became a co-owner of AfC, and we now deliver children’s services across all three boroughs. Our services in Kingston are judged ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted, following their inspection in October 2019. Our services in Windsor and Maidenhead are rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted following an inspection in January 2020. If you are a parent, carer or young person and you are looking for information on services provided for you, you will find it on one of these websites: AfCinfo – our website listing our services for children and families Kingston Council website Richmond Council website Windsor and Maidenhead Council website As a social enterprise we are able to provide bespoke children’s social care and education support services to other local authorities, schools and partners in the education, health, social care and criminal justice sectors. We strive to achieve excellence in everything we do by putting children and young people first in the design, delivery and evaluation of every service we provide, to ensure that they are supported to live safe, happy, healthy and successful lives. Our broad service offer is informed by leading practice and a strong evidence-base of what works best. It is guided by our daily work with children and young people and the organisations that work with us to help and support them. Our focus is always on maximising the use of resources by creating economies of scale and reducing management and overhead costs, so that we can ensure high quality frontline services that really deliver results.