298 Educators providing Courses in London




Whether you are from the public or private sector, from a charity, a museum, art gallery or heritage organisation we can offer you training, facilitation and coaching so you can… Storytelling is all about communication. It’s inbuilt, so why not learn to use it to your advantage to turn ideas into actions and outcomes? We met at university at the tail end of the last millennium, on a theatre studies BA. Josh then worked with vulnerable adults for a housing association, whilst developing his skills as a storytelling performer in museums, festivals and schools. Lily continued post graduate studies at Central School of Speech and Drama and gained an MA at Goldsmiths, while devising theatre productions as a director. Our paths crossed again on a project with young actors in Mumbai where we discovered we enjoyed working together. On our return we started to deliver open storytelling workshops as a means to develop our product and explore its uses and applications. Initially, we thought storytelling was perfect for presentation skills and museum tours. Now we also use it to investigate and build understanding with individuals and in collaborative groups as well as to grow connections, values and relationships. Ben Joiner became one of the core team in 2014. We were drawn to his in-depth knowledge and expertise in voice and body-language and his gift to comfortably take people outside their comfort zone. Over the past couple of decades, we have honed our skills and our love of training and coaching. We have stayed curious, and use that curiosity to help us adapt and evolve how we use storytelling to the benefit of contemporary working life.

Libra Education

libra education


Libra Education was founded in 2017 in response to a broken industry model where education companies overpromised and underdelivered, whilst many tutors were not trained to work with international clients. Providing a better and more accountable service to both the students and tutors they work with is key to Libra’s success. We recruited a bi-lingual team of Education Consultants to track students’ progress accurately against our cohort and make targeted interventions where required. Libra Education continues to add value throughout the customer journey through highly personal interactions, providing high-level support to unlock students’ potential in a highly competitive British education sector. To date, Libra Education has sought to live up to the education values that its founders witnessed in their own education. Graduating from Eton College, Cambridge and Oxford, Libra CEO Oscar Hardy ensures that every lesson taught at Libra echoes the gilded experience that top British institutions offer. Since 2017, the services covered by Libra Education have gradually expanded. Geographically, Libra has 4 offices across three different counties and works with students from over 20 countries around the world. Initial services included residential camps, tuition and consultancy for school or university applications. In time, we launched our Corporate Language Services alongside our fully accredited Libra Online School to offer students the best education whenever and wherever they want.

Iqrah Education & Cultural Centre

iqrah education & cultural centre


اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ “The purpose of Islamic education is not to cram the pupil’s head with facts but to prepare them for a life of purity and sincerity. This total commitment to character-building based on the ideals of Islamic ethics is the highest goal of Islamic education.” (Al-Attas, 1979, p. 104) ILC has served the local and wider community since February 2012, Masha’Allah. The School is a non-profit making organisation with over 100 pupils and employs over 20 members of staff. The management team includes talented individuals from the community who sacrifice their time for the betterment of our future generations, community and purely for the sake of Allaah (awj). We teach three core subjects; Qur’an, Islamic Studies and Qur’anic Arabic for 6 to 16+ year olds. We also have an Arabic wing dedicated to Arabic speaking children. We strive to attain the highest possible standards within the school. Staff work together with the pupils to ensure we achieve and maintain our goals. Our main purpose is to please Allaah ﷻ and provide a high standard of Islamic educational to our students. ILC aims to offer a happy and vibrant Islamic environment for learning and helping to ignite the light of knowledge in the hearts of all students. This is achieved through dedication and teamwork. It is built on a foundation to please Allaah (awj) following His beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) . We expect all teachers to interact and teach our students by following the way that our Prophet did and to adhere to our key values. Our beloved Prophet taught, dealt and interacted with children in such a way that many of them grew up to be outstanding companions and model Muslims. He taught us that in order to nurture Imaan in our children; we must first build the foundation blocks.



Bromley Kent

My story. Hmm. Writing my story caused a great deal for me and this was the last section I completed on the website. Why? There are 2 reasons: I am reluctant to talk about myself. I am an introvert and observing others while I complete my internal thinking processes is the way I operate. I value honesty but I am also very private. I generally want to support others and being vulnerable about my own struggles is difficult for me as I don’t want to be a burden for others. Or if I achieve great results, I also tend to stay modest as I don’t want to “show off”. This behaviour is something I had to work on during my adult years, however I still carry traits. I also do not like to talk a lot. I always just say as much as necessary to give the information needed. I am very curious and insightful, I typically strive to move past appearances and get to the heart of things. I am reserved and quiet. But not shy. When I communicate, I do that with warmth and sensitivity. Other times, I speak with passion and conviction. My personality is reflected greatly during my coaching sessions as I possess exceptional listening skills, I understand peoples’ true motivations, feelings, and needs. I pick up key words and I observe my clients through all my senses. I listened to many great speakers, coaches, mentors, leaders, writers sharing their stories where they related to their audience and connected their purpose to their own lives. I admired them and I understood that sharing my own story can make a huge impact on how I express myself and how I introduce myself to my audience. I really wanted to select a story that truly aligned with my values rather than one that offered me status or material gain.

Shabbat Walk

shabbat walk


Shabbat walk was founded by Eliezer Gilbert in November 2015. Eliezer had been visiting the Royal Free on a weekly basis. The idea emerged when a group of volunteers wanted to also visit the Royal Free hospital on a Shabbos afternoon. The search was on to find volunteering opportunities for young volunteers. This quickly expanded to include care homes and visiting many other hospitals across London. From this idea a concept was born – Using a time that teenagers are free to have them actively engaging in acts of Chessed whilst simultaneously helping those who are in need of visiting. Avi Dubiner a volunteer for the Shabbat Walk (who was just 15 at the time) was instrumental in its growth. He encouraged over 200 young volunteers from his school and the community to get involved by volunteering regularly. This enabled the Shabbat Walk to expand its services into helping families on Shabbos afternoons and weekdays. Michal Morgenstern took charge of the girls side of the Shabbat Walk and coordinated over 200 female volunteers. The Shabbat Walk then recruited more coordinators to match the increase in the number of volunteers and volunteering activity. There are now 17 teenage volunteer coordinators who have specific duties and responsibilities and without them none of the volunteering activity would be possible. In April 2018 Chaya Hoff, a regular volunteer for the Shabbat Walk officially begun the Hospital project facilitating 100’s of volunteers 18+ to offer some respite and visiting of those in hospital. In September 2018 Avi Dubiner launched Shabbat Walk Israel. Over 50 volunteers from yeshivas and seminaries volunteer their time at local families. The Shabbat Walk also introduced regular Chaburah’s for the regular volunteers to learn about the torah values and concepts surrounding the topic of ‘giving’. This added the dimension of thought and intention behind the actions of volunteering.




Headteacher’s welcome JCoSS is dedicated to the pursuit of academic excellence, and to the full richness of Jewish learning. We provide a high-achieving, aspirational environment: our high quality teaching staff deploy the best in educational practice to ensure our students reach the highest levels of academic attainment. We are relentlessly ambitious for their success, tirelessly seeking to inspire them to outstanding results. At JCoSS we are committed to the success of each child in all that they do. We attach a high value to academic attainment, and we recognise and celebrate personal achievement across every field of endeavour. The JCoSS environment enriches our students with a wealth of opportunities both in and out of the classroom, so that they are well grounded and well rounded, able to achieve their potential in every way. JCoSS represents something unique in Jewish and British education. As a pluralist Jewish school we promote understanding and enquiry, we open minds and we strengthen dialogue. We embrace the entire Jewish community regardless of affiliation or observance, teaching the full range of Jewish beliefs, practices and values. Your child will learn in a way that affirms and enhances his or her faith, background and tradition. We encourage curious minds to ‘think otherwise’. We seek to spark brilliance in all our students and inspire them to become articulate, informed, confident and motivated young people, qualified and equipped for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. I feel very privileged to lead this wonderful school. My career has been spent in schools renowned for academic achievement, and I bring experience of overseeing hundreds of successful applications to Oxbridge and other competitive institutions. I am determined that JCoSS students should have every opportunity to achieve the highest standards in all that they do.

Esag Events Uk

esag events uk


The European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology | ESAG is a premier professional organization of cosmetic gynecologists located in Europe as well as worldwide, who specialize in aesthetic (cosmetic) surgical gynecology. ESAG aims to decisively contribute towards the promotion of innovation in aesthetic surgical gynecology in Europe and beyond. The mission of the European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology | ESAG focuses on the provision of medical and public education in the field of aesthetic gynecology, as well as the contribution, in a charitable way, to challenged patient groups who may benefit from the organization’s expertise. ESAG is a registered non-profit organization and operates under the statutes governing such organizations' activities in the European Union law. The key values of ESAG include: Structured Knowledge Distribution ESAG aims to promote, expand and improve at a Europe-wide and worldwide level education related to, and exercising of, aesthetic gynecology, especially female cosmetic surgery. Targeted Medical Innovation ESAG intends to facilitate and enable its members to implement cutting-edge aesthetic gynecology techniques, improving and replacing traditional scientific techniques where there is merit in doing so, with a focus on reconstructive and aesthetic surgery of the labia and outer female genitals. Medical Education ESAG intends to provide and promote modern techniques related to the field of aesthetic gynecology in educational sessions or courses or similar events aimed at medical practitioners in Europe and beyond, who wish to expand their scientific knowledge of given subjects. Charitable Action ESAG intends to provide relief, via consultation meetings, pro bono advice sessions, and pro bono reconstructive surgery treatments, to challenged patient groups who may benefit from the organization’s expertise – These may include sexual assault victims, patients subjected to operations by force, et al.




My WordPress BlogWhat is Sustainable Performance? Sustainable performance is about building up your energy, and your resources, over time, instead of burning out, missing family time, or feeling misaligned with your values, or anything that matters to you. It’s about making small steps but regular progress towards your goals to attain a stronger sense of achievement & contentment overall. Sustainable Performance is about knowing yourself and letting your biology and uniqueness work for you rather than against you. SIGNUP FOR NEWS Emotional Safety in Business Unhappy employees lead to unserviced customers and unrewarded investors. Gallup – one of the biggest management consulting companies – identified in their study in over 142 countries this dreadful correlation between 👉performance, engagement & well-being👈 87% of workers report low engagement, low well-being & low performance. This translates into 1.2 billion disengaged workers around the globe. This has had a direct impact on employees’ ability to adapt to a fast-changing work environment, on their capacity to find creative solutions and anticipate forthcoming events. Lack of engagement impacts the overall team dynamics, productivity and capacity to care for each other. It also potentially increases misunderstandings, frustrations and conflicts. The live Q&A sessions Each week we cover one of the key elements of Sustainable Performance, with the purpose to reverse the vicious circle of low engagement, low well-being & low performance, into a virtuous uplifting one. The calls are limited in number so everyone has a chance to talk & make progress towards their goals (aka get more things done) whether it’s unlocking their performance at work, saving time for family, or anything else that matters to you really. It’s also an opportunity to help other participants or get inspired by them 😉 Weekly live calls currently take place on Mondays.

Swiss Cottage School - Development & Research Centre

swiss cottage school - development & research centre


It is a pleasure to welcome you to Swiss Cottage School, Development and Research Centre, a community-maintained special needs school in the London Borough of Camden. We are committed to providing the best education. Our school community is passionate and create innovative learning opportunities to promote holistic development. We are in a specialist school building designed by experts and architects through the Department for Education's 'Building Schools for the Future' initiative. Our teams have worked hard to design and embed our research-informed curriculum which emphasises ‘Deep Learning’ by responding to each student’s point of learning. There is a range of expertise throughout this school, from our highly skilled teachers and teaching assistants to a range of teams and leaders. Together, we ensure every child’s needs are met. Our teachers lead their class team through shared goals which are informed by parents, families, NHS Therapists, CAMHS professionals, and the Multi-agency Support Team. We place this vision at the heart of an integrated provision that values the power of partnerships and collaboration. Our mission across the 2022-2023 academic year is an authentic focus on reducing the impacts of the pandemic on our vulnerable community. We have formal partnerships for this academic year to enhance the role of our pupils within the local community, and to equally bring the world into the classroom through a whole school immersive technology. We are also working with key organisations through our Centre of Excellence to develop inclusion in mainstream schools, train future teachers, support the professional development of educators, and collaborate on research initiatives. We share a range of information about our school through this accessible website. Contact us if you are interested in learning more about the school provision, connecting with our community, or working together. Together we can shape the inclusive society we all seek.