2042 Educators providing Courses in London

Glocal Agency

glocal agency


We provide a value added solutions with Headquarters in UK Glocal Agency is an exceptionally specialised overseas advisor for opportunities and professional growth to the healthcare, world-class education and immigration aspirants. We are highly qualified and competent management who provide a value added solutions with Headquarters in UK. We have a thorough mindfulness and acquaintance of global culture, life style, education and work experience. We are a dedicated team, observes proficient ethics and offer an accurate, reliable and precise information about abroad institutes, establishments, professional bodies and their courses, services facilities they offer. We focus on providing the best support for our clients and treat each in a very cordial yet professional manner. Our enthusiastic counsellors completely understand the individual needs, desires, dreams and requirements of the applicants and recommend the services accordingly. We fully abide strictly to the law, rules, regulations, policies, directives and other acts of each nation that which has our presence. Value Added Services Guidance and advising on immigration path. Advise or represent their Spouse / Dependant visa applications Travel Assistance Pre-departure orientation / Guidance Assist in foreign exchange/insurance/telecom services. Assist in airport pickups Assist in finding accommodation Advise on further leave to remain (extensions) Visa Assistance Admission Guidance Career counselling Values To be the global frontrunner in providing overseas opportunities for the aspirants through proper guidance and to add value for our associated partners and all other stakeholders. Vision To become a premium brand in the global consultancy market. Be the most preferred agent for top level overseas institutions. Introduce more Options of Foreign Partner Institutions We aim to expand our reach and associate with institutions around the globe to work together for common goal. Mission To become a premium brand in the global consultancy market. Get in Touch With Us! Why not speak to one of our friendly & experienced advisors and education consultants? Please chat, call, email, or make a quick enquiry using the short form.

Lexington Learning

lexington learning


About Us Lexington Learning was founded in 2018 by Maxine French, a qualified Law, Business and Politics Lecturer and experienced continuing professional development trainer and Education Technologist. Lexington Learning's aim is to enhance the teaching and learning experience by embedding EdTech, Maths, English Literacy, employability skills and social and environmental awareness. We offer a number of services including: private tutoring, CPD for schools and colleges, short courses for adult learners and specialised workshops for educational institutions that can complement and reinforce curriculum learning. At Lexington Learning, we are passionate about teaching, and as each person has a different learning style, we tailor our services to suit the needs of the client. Delivering a truly bespoke learning experience, where the needs of the client come first. Our Values We create life enhancing learning experiences that help students and teaching professionals achieve their learning goals and develop personally and professionally. Our aim is to provide a positive and inspiring experience through education, training and skills development. Our core values are at the centre of our business. They define who we are, how we work and how we collaborate with our stakeholders. INTEGRITY - We are open and honest in all the work that we do. We value our relationship with our students and stakeholders and maintain our relationships through mutual trust and respect. CREATIVITY & INNOVATION - We are continuously innovating and researching to remain at the forefront of the latest developments in education, technology and training. We are a progressive organisation and embrace change and encourage creativity in all we do. EQUALITY & DIVERSITY - Inclusion, equality and diversity are at the core of how we engage with our colleagues, students and stakeholders. We are fully committed to creating a supportive working and learning environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. SOCIALLY & ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE - Our aim is to enhance the teaching and learning experience by embedding technology, employability skills and social and environmental awareness in all that we do.




Futuretrend has been providing IT, Design, Financial and Business Skills training since December 2000. With a solid reputation for delivering high quality programmes, Futuretrend has become a successful and well established training centre. Year on year hundreds of learners come to this centre to pursue a course of study that will help them fulfill career aspirations, improve their job prospects or to simply learn more about a particular area of interest. In today's competitive business environment the importance of up-to-date skills cannot be overstated. With Futuretrend, you and/or your team will benefit immensely from our results-oriented training. Our instructors are professionals who work full-time in the industry and bring their working knowledge to the classroom to enhance your learning experience. Our courses are centred on learning by doing, ensuring that learning retention rates are high and that delegates are able to confidently apply their new found skills in the workplace or successfully in an exam situation, demonstrating an immediate return on investment. A prerequisite for any Futuretrend trainer is that they must practise the skills they teach. It is essential that they are able to draw from real world experiences to illustrate subject matter, thereby enabling delegates to envisage how best to use software and concepts effectively. This is based on the following ethos: “Tell me and I’ll forget. Teach me and I’ll remember. Involve me and I’ll learn.” We are often asked how we have made a success from a company which was seemingly produced from nothing but which has now become one of the most dynamic organisations within the industry. The answers are simple; Speed - We have built a good reputation around the fact that we do not keep our clients waiting for answers to their requirements. If we tell you we shall call back the same day then we absolutely mean it. It’s more likely that we will get back to you on the spot. Quality - One attribute is nothing without the other. All Futuretrend's staff and associated freelancers have major industry experience and are amongst the best and highest qualified in their sphere of activity in the UK; and why not? Our reputation depends on them. Personal touch - Whilst maintaining the air and professionalism of a larger company you will always know who you are dealing with when you dial through to our offices. We give our individual time to each of our clients and as such you are guaranteed a friendly and personal reception. These are only three of the numerous reasons as to why so many individuals and organisations in and around the UK are choosing to trust their training to Futuretrend. Our success depends entirely on our client's satisfaction and this is mirrored in our everyday approach to your requests. We don't expect to stay at the forefront of our competitors without maintaining sharp minds and a fresh attitude. Another typical question asked is how can we offer our courses at such low prices ? Here is why; Futuretrend has never taken out costly traditional advertising which would lead to unnecessary expenditure and thus forcing prices up. We have built our success mainly on very good "word of mouth" and relatively inexpensive online marketing. As such we are in the lucky position of being able to do away with the myth that business can only be generated through glossy brochures. Additionally, we are not passing on the premiums charged for West End and City training venues. Most of these will still not be as modern or well-equipped as our newly refurbished classrooms. Our premises are within an Elegant Victorian North London building. You could easily be paying double the amount and more attending a similar course elsewhere and probably not even half the quality. We hope our web site will give you a taste of the quality of study available at Futuretrend and make your decision to study with us a little easier. We all learn best when we are happy and valued so let us help advance your skills and enhance your potential.

St Michael's Catholic Grammar School

st michael's catholic grammar school


Thank you for visiting our website and I hope you find the information you require here, although to get a true impression of the many strengths and outstanding features of St. Michael’s Catholic Grammar School – you will have to visit us at one of our open days! St. Michael’s is a very special place, it is first and foremost a Catholic school; the ethos implanted here by the Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus who founded this school. The trustees, governors and staff remain committed to enabling our students become the person God intended them to be; supporting them to make sense of this complex world and to seek out their unique purpose in life. St Michael’s is a place of spiritual formation – we recognise that Jesus has taught us that we should “love one another as he loved us” – and this gives a focus to the pastoral support we offer our young people. St. Michael’s is also a place of intellectual exploration and achievement. This school is extraordinarily successful – this has been recognised by Ofsted on numerous occasions and every year our students achieve outstanding A Level and GCSE results. Whilst the results are impressive – the true value of these results is what our students are able to do with them. For our students, their A Level grades enable them to open doors to the most prestigious universities and courses. This school exists to enable its young people to move on to the next stage of life’s journey, equipped with the qualifications which will lead them to success, but also the skills and attitudes which will enrich their life and enable them to take up positions of influence in our society – and so change it for the better. If you visit us, the first thing you will notice is the calm atmosphere around the school site and especially in the classrooms. We have very considerate and hardworking students as well as highly capable and caring teachers. In all schools, the success of any child depends upon the partnership between parents, teachers and child – and at St. Michael’s there is not just a partnership – but an active and effective commitment to what is being achieved for our young people.




Welcome! By clicking on our domain / trademark, Europ.Education™, you have made your first step on the way of enhancing your knowledge and improving your CV. Over the course of 15 years as an education provider, we have specialized in offering, learn-by-doing workshops for learners from five continents in collaboration with leading brand companies and fast-growing start-up's. Summer and Winter Benefits Europ.Education™ teaching staff runs intensive but stimulating winter and summer school programs in some of the most vibrant and culturally-enriched cities in Europe. In embracing our academic you will gain many benefits: Enhance your CV Visit some of the world’s most recognizable brands (Ferrari, BMW, FC Barcelona etc.) Experience an enriching study travel in the heart of Barcelona, Munich, Rome, Vienna etc. Make new friends and develop your network of contacts (our students include the children of diplomats, top executives etc.) Enjoy our lively cultural programs. Whether you like the sea, the mountains, art, history – or football and shopping – our programs will offer to you a lot to learn, and not all of it in books. Gain Experience One of the recurring themes in any entry level job search is lack of experience. "Where do I get experience if no one is willing to hire me?" The answer is simple: Get an internship! An internship offers you the chance to learn by doing in a setting where you are supervised by a work-place professional and have the opportunity to achieve your own learning goals, without the responsibilities of being a permanent employee. An internship also offers you the opportunity to work with someone who can become a mentor for you - not only in the internship but throughout your career. Customizable for Your Group! Be our students from secondary schools, undergraduates, graduates or working professionals… Europ.Education™ allows them to gain knowledge directly from the companies through factory tours, site visits and seminars held by industry experts, as well as by simulation games. Our courses' emphasis on team working will allow you to meet, socialize with and learn from carefully selected bright and inspiring personalities from industries with a lot of talent to share.

Harris Westminster Sixth Form

harris westminster sixth form


Welcome to Harris Westminster Sixth Form. We are one of the highest-performing sixth forms in the UK and it is my enormous privilege to lead it as Head of School. I have worked at Harris Westminster since 2015 and this is truly a special school, with the most fantastic students and the most engaging and inspirational staff. My educational background is a little different to most of our students; I grew up in the United States while attending boarding school in Worcestershire, but I then went on to study Economics at UCL and have been based in London ever since. My own school journey is what drives my desire to work with students like ours. I teach maths and love maths- but didn't read it at university (it wasn't the cool option...!) It is our job as sixth form staff to help make sure our students make the best decisions for themselves around what they love, through sharing as much information we can and being sounding boards for their ambitions. At the heart of our school is the belief that, given the right opportunities, students from any background can succeed at the highest levels, both at university or apprenticeships and in their future careers. Our academic successes are clear, both in terms of outstanding A-Level results and post-18 destinations, and we are particularly proud of the achievement of those students from less advantaged backgrounds. While academics are important and are the key to opening doors to universities or apprenticeships, it is the enormous breadth of other opportunities available to Harris Westminster students that really set them up for success in life, and sets us apart from other sixth forms. We encourage students to explore the hinterland of their subjects by attending academic societies, reading widely, competing in essay competitions, and responding wisely. We encourage students to explore their own personal hinterland by choosing diverse cultural perspectives courses, attending one of our big-6 societies where they can discuss real-life issues and events, joining clubs just because they sound interesting, choosing unusual sport options, taking part in house events, or by taking on one of the many leadership opportunities available.

Global Centre Of Resource Development

global centre of resource development


We are passionate about supporting our candidates to fulfil their aim and develop potential and skills to achieve their career aspirations. We are a private registered UK based organisation and working in partnership with universities, colleges and education specialists in the UK, we recruit, market and deliver a range of programmes from foundation level, to undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. All designed to support our students’ future career aspirations. Philosophy Approach Working in Partnership with GCRD Corporate Social Responsibility Our Services Courses Universities Student Finance - Furthermore we are also registered as Apprenticeship Training Agency, recruiting potential apprentices to work in reputable organisation in building their career. At the heart of everything that we do, whether for our partners, candidates or internally with our organisation, the core essence and the desire is to do the right thing for our clients, our people and our community and built our reputation. This ethos is at the centre of a strong set of values. We set ourselves the highest standards, bringing rigour to everything we do. This means being thorough and clear, not taking things at face value, and distilling complexity into simple messages. Our people also take an upbeat view of the world, looking for the good in situations, and don’t give up when situations become difficult. Instead, they roll their sleeves up and get stuck in on the client’s behalf. At the same time our consultants are always looking to both themselves and their clients to achieve more, whilst remaining pragmatic and realistic in creating strategies and programmes that can be implemented and will have lasting benefit. Acting with integrity is important to us. Our consultants are encouraged to speak their minds, even if it means giving unwelcome feedback - and many clients welcome the plain speaking advice they get. We also believe that decisions should be transparent, free of personal bias or hidden agendas. We concentrate purely and absolutely on providing objective, unambiguous advice to our clients. As a completely independent consultancy, with no commercial ties or alliances, our consultants are free to focus solely on their clients’ success.

LSE Online

lse online



LSE Online makes our world-leading teaching and research accessible to a global audience. We provide a comprehensive portfolio of online programmes to equip you and your organisation with the knowledge and skills to advance in an ever-changing world. LSE Online builds on our 125 year tradition of exploring the interconnected, multidisciplinary nature of our world that shapes society and business globally. We provide you with the insights and skills to think critically and independently. To make the connections, see the greater picture. To shape the future by understanding today. By joining LSE Online, you join a global community of excellence. A borderless network, rich in shared experience, diverse culture, and knowledge. And you begin a journey. A commitment to your own learning. Whatever stage you are in your life and career. Wherever you are in the world. Since our inception in 1895, LSE has been a pioneer in providing courses for professional development. Our founding commitment is to understand the causes of things for the betterment of society. Never has this been a more important goal than in these times of unparalleled change. LSE Online is a continuum of accessible learning, career development and transformation for individuals and organisations. It shares the pursuit of intellectual excellence, spirit of enquiry and exploration of interconnectedness that make learning at LSE unique. LSE Online is insightful. Our programmes seek to unearth the causes of things; to explore problems through the lens of world-class research; to equip our learners with the analytical capacities to think critically, creatively, and independently. LSE Online is interconnected. Our programmes are enriched with the tradition of multi-disciplinary enquiry; an understanding of the interconnectedness of our world; and our capacity to help learners broaden their perspective to sharpen their focus. LSE Online is global. Our programmes are borderless learning experiences that welcome learners into a global community. A community that spans more than 150 countries, built on shared curiosity and interchange of culture and knowledge. A network of possibilities open to learners wherever they are in the world. LSE Online is for life. Our programmes intersect with every stage in learners’ lives and careers. Once you embark on your journey with us, you open to the door to lifelong opportunities to nurture your curiosity, enhance your skills and drive your career. To keep on advancing personally and professionally.

Half Backs Sport Teddington

half backs sport teddington


We aim to be the physical activity of choice for children aged two to six by providing a fun and engaging environment to encourage early years development through rugby union. Our Mission Statement To provide families with a reason to get their kids active outdoors from a young age, promoting an active lifestyle and creating positive habits that will stay with them into adulthood! Why choose Half Backs to teach your children? We offer a unique concept training both boys and girls together from as young as 24 months. We only recruit specialist experienced coaches or coaches that have potential to be excellent, who create a safe and fun environment. We care about every child we train and see everyone as individuals. We work endlessly to improve our coaching styles to provide you with the best possible standards. Half Backs is passionate about engaging parents and children to learn new skills and have fun together. We believe that being active outside helps develop healthier happier children! Develop confidence, improve physical & social skills and have fun! We believe that the best way to get children to play sport and be physically active is with a smile on their faces. We create an environment that enables both having fun and learning through a structured rugby based play program designed by qualified coaches and teachers. We respect everyone involved in our Half Backs sessions, the children, the parents and carers and the coaches. We nurture a safe and inclusive environment for all. The fundamental movements taught at Half Backs will help develop your child both physically and mentally and help them create healthy habits for life. Schools Why choose Half Backs to train your pupils? We understand the importance and responsibilities of working with children. Our coaches are all accredited by the Rugby Football Union and are also experienced players and coaches. Were looking to expand our network of schools, so before making a decision, we invite schools to take up the offer of a free taster session, delivered during curriculum time. We believe that by experiencing our innovative teaching and coaching methods, your staff and pupils will see the benefits of Half Backs and will understand why were so many parents number one. Our courses are designed to capture children’s imagination by introducing fresh ideas and games that develop their self-confidence and improve their co-ordination.