30 Educators providing Courses in London

Hypnotherapy Training International

hypnotherapy training international



Dr John Butler is a highly regarded hypnotherapist with over 40 years of proven experience as a successful clinical practitioner. He has been a therapist to many high-level performers in performing arts, the media and business. He has been a highly regarded teacher of clinical hypnotherapy for over 30 years gaining many awards for his teaching and a vast number of testimonials. He has been a hypnotherapy educator to a wide variety of health professionals including writing and tutoring the first official training in hypnotherapy in the NHS in 1992, teaching at the Royal College of Nursing in London. Dr. Butler trained in experimental neuroanatomy, neurosurgery and neuroscience methodologies and carried out research in medical science specialising in the field of neuroendocrinology, in which he holds a doctoral degree from the University of London. He has lectured in higher education for over 30 years and has taught medical psychology, neuroanatomy and medical neuroscience in medical education. He has taught psychological therapies specialising in clinical hypnosis for over 30 years, teaching in the UK and other countries. This included writing and tutoring the first official training in clinical hypnotherapy in the NHS in 1992, at the Royal College of Nursing in London. He is an instructor in surgical applications of hypnosis and has taught clinical hypnosis applications to surgeons and anaesthetists in a course accredited by the Royal College of Anaesthetists.

Primary Care And Community Neurology Society

primary care and community neurology society


The Primary Care and Community Neurology Society which is also the Person-Centred Neurosciences Society is a growing organisation of likeminded healthcare professionals, and partnering organisations including companies and charities who all share a desire to drive up the standard of services to improve neurology care across primary care and the wider neurology community P-CNS has become the leading voice to support the connecting up of neurology care between Primary Care and the wider neurology community, which includes both heath professionals and non health professionals living with neurological conditions. Our Vision The P-CNS’s vision, which acknowledges the significance of learning through lived experiences, is to provide sustainable, consistent, and high-quality care and education services that consider and support the individual needs of the person so they can live well in the community with suspected or confirmed neurological conditions. Our Mission The P-CNS’s mission is to: To support our vision we believe our mission is to encourage and: Empower patients, practitioners, and industry partners by promoting engagement in an active community where all voices matter. Support the co-creation, provision, and signposting of high-quality education and information services to enhance the delivery of care to people with neurological conditions. Stimulate and develop inclusive and meaningful communication amongst all members of the neurology community. Value the personal narratives of all people – both patients and practitioners – who live with suspected or confirmed neurological / psychiatric / neurodevelopmental conditions. Support improved access to more community- and online-based neurology services. Educate health professionals on the importance of their language during patient interactions, to enable patients to make fully informed decisions about their neurological treatment. Promote a patient-practitioner partnership that enhances trust and allows patients to express their needs and expectations. Give patients within the neurology community the ability to express themselves by sharing their experiences with society members.