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Creative Arts Mentoring

creative arts mentoring


Artist Mentor enables contemporary artists and creative professionals to make significant changes in their work and lives. We have mentored and coached hundreds of creative clients from across the globe to improve their work, lives, businesses, and their careers. We love helping creative people be more successful. Take your moonshot! Ceri hand talks about the services that Artist Mentor provides, and how, with the right kind of tailored coaching, you can achieve creative, professional and personal goals that may have previously eluded you. [The video will open in a pop-up window] Whether you want to make better work, attract more studio visits, exhibitions, build your network, create a more compelling website, make more income, or get that new job, we can help you shine. Together we take stock of your work and creative journey to date, clarify your strengths, purpose, and opportunities, and define the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. We work with individuals over an agreed period, as a challenging, critical friend, providing accountability to ensure lasting transformation. We plan with you how to integrate what you’ve learned within your everyday life and schedule, ensuring you continue to thrive. We provide one-to-one and group sessions, providing learning and skill sharing opportunities through expert led classes, resources and free community events and resources. We also have a network of Associate Mentors we provide regular work to - a diverse mix of experienced artists, curators, educators and gallerists, enabling us to respond to increased demand and support a growing range of client and sector needs. All sessions are confidential and your Artist Mentor mentor or coach will be a committed, trusted critical friend. Why get a Mentor or Coach? If you’re a creative, chances are you’re an introvert, deep thinker and highly sensitive - great qualities for realising innovative work! Unfortunately, we know that a high percentage of creative people can often feel isolated, rejected, and suffer from self-doubt, negative self-talk, or imposter syndrome. Old stories may weigh heavily and inhibit your growth, or you get stuck in a fear of failure loop or suffer from self-destructive habits. It might be that you simply can’t see the wood from the trees and have lost sight of your priorities or strengths. Having a trusted champion, committed to helping you flourish, helps you identify and make the changes necessary to reach your goals. A mentor or coach believes in you, recognises your special sauce, identifies opportunities, new tools, and growth potential with you, setting you challenges or targets to help you take the appropriate steps. What's the difference between Mentoring and Coaching? Mentoring A Mentor can serve as a critical sounding board at critical points throughout your creative career, providing an insider's perspective and guidance you may not be able to get from other sources. The role of a mentor is to listen, learn, and advise and is usually a longer-term relationship. A mentor can help you excel in your practice and career, and become the best version of yourself, helping you achieve your goals, introducing you to new ways of thinking, challenging your limiting assumptions, signposting, and offering critical feedback. A mentor will often draw on their personal experiences and expertise to help advise and encourage dialogue with their mentee. This could be in the form of sharing a story, tools, resources, or lessons learned from a challenge they overcame in their career. This kind of personal dialogue is encouraged in a mentoring relationship. Coaching A Coach encourages self-discovery and growth to secure lasting change. Together we assess your current situation and challenges, identify limiting beliefs, interrogate, and address perceived obstacles. We create a safe thinking environment, ask incisive questions and devise a custom plan of action designed to help you achieve specific outcomes. We nurture creative strategies based on what fits best with your goals, personality and vision and foster accountability to increase productivity. Coaching partnerships are usually more short term than mentoring relationships, as they are usually objective driven and more structured. Someone may seek out a coach to help them develop a specific skill or work through a particular limiting belief. The coaching could well end once that skill or objective had been acquired. A coach can help increase your self-awareness: identifying areas for improvement, and challenging assumptions that may be preventing you achieve your goals. Coaching is often used for the development of leadership skills, where they may train you in the art of questioning to equip you to manage others better or identifying limiting beliefs in yourself. The relationship between a client and their coach is a collaborative creative partnership.




Sands exists to reduce the number of babies dying and to support anyone affected by the death of a baby, before, during or shortly after birth, whenever this happened and for as long as they need support. Babies are dying every day. Currently in the UK, 13 families a day suffer the heartbreak of losing their baby before, during or shortly after birth. That’s around 4,500 babies a year. And an estimated 1 in 4 pregnancies ends in miscarriage. These numbers are shocking and show the scale of the problem. Currently, far too many babies die without scientists, doctors, midwives, or their own parents understanding why. That’s why we believe research is vital in improving our understanding of how to save babies’ lives and using that evidence to drive changes in maternity policy and practice. For more than 40 years, Sands has been here for anyone affected by pregnancy and baby loss to offer understanding and comfort through its Freephone helpline, mobile app, online community and resources, and locally through a UK-wide network of around 100 regional support groups. Sands works in partnership with health care professionals, trusts and health boards and offers a range of training programmes and bereavement care resources to ensure that every bereaved parent and family receives the best possible care wherever they are in the UK. Sands supports and promotes research to better understand the causes of baby deaths, improve maternity safety and save babies’ lives. The charity also raises awareness of baby loss and works with governments, key influencers and other stakeholders to make reducing the number of babies dying a priority nationally and locally.

Inklusive Developments

inklusive developments


The Inclusive Bangladesh Development (IBD) is the one of the intelligence supporting Build Bangladesh. It has commenced its journey by investing in human capital. IBD is based on the strong foundation of social empowerment, economic entrepreneurship and environmental sustainability works demonstrated by the Impress Group through their media stream Channel I over last 16 years. Their impact based works on agriculture, awareness of health and hygiene among young girls, campaign supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and social entrepreneurs, nurturing and rewarding creative and talented young children, men and women as gateway to the entertainment industry, supporting disadvantaged children and young people to become future leaders, basic skills development for girls from remote villages and developing educational games to promote ‘spirit of Bangladesh’. In addition, it has also been influencing government policy through its ground breaking media journalism and issues based discussion forums. IBD has a not for profit role nurturing and promoting skills development (e.g. vocational education and training), social entrepreneurship and awareness programs all over Bangladesh. It will operate countrywide and will be politically and denominationally neutral. It will create opportunities for corporate sectors, global Bangladeshis and individual investors to invest in human capital in Bangladesh through various best practice models such as Social Impact Bonds (SIB), Social Impact Investments (SII) including Corporate Social Impact Investment (CSII).

London Arts and Health

london arts and health


We are London Arts and Health! We support artists, creative practitioners and health professionals across the whole of London and beyond. Promoting excellence and engagement in the field of arts and wellbeing, and extending the reach of the arts to communities and individuals who would otherwise be excluded. Through our activities, we work to promote, develop and support the understanding of what the arts can do to contribute to a healthy society, in London and nationally, and by so doing to encourage the use of the arts in settings beyond the mainstream. We are the leading support sector organisation, advocate and expert for arts and health in London. Our vision is that the power of arts and culture transforms and enriches Londoners’ lives and health. WHAT WE DO We hold industry events, share information and opportunities through our newsletter to 5.5k subscribers, and publicise arts and health activity by sharing on our social media channels that reach around 20k users. We deliver arts and health training and creative wellbeing sessions to health care staff to bridge between the arts and the health sector. We are a member led organisation and have spent a lot of the past year talking and listening to our members. We have focused on digital solutions during the lockdown and explored ways of supporting a sector in crisis. We undertook in-depth research of our beneficiaries and developed a tool for practitioners, the Digital Sandpit. We created and launched a new digital tool, pARTner up to support the Thriving Communities Funding bid, which encourages cross-sector partnerships and supports cultural organisations of any size to be on an equal footing. We have recently released a new website commissioned by the GLA, containing the Arts and Culture Social Prescribing Mythbuster Guide. The resources include information, resources, case studies, podcasts and an animation for anyone interested in cultural social prescribing in London. We deliver a yearly Creativity and Wellbeing Festival that went from a small London festival to national in 2019 and saw over 50,000 attendees taking part in around 600 events. The week is held in partnership with the Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance. For ten years much of our work has been supported by Arts Council England and we are proud to hold the status of National Portfolio Organisation. London Arts and Health is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. It is governed by a Board of Trustees and is run by a small staff team as well as a number of fantastic volunteers