2877 Educators providing Courses in London

Human Dynamics Group

human dynamics group


Today, we work closely with clients to embrace a transformational approach aimed at benefiting all stakeholders—empowering organizations to grow, unlock individual potential and make change happen. How We Help Clients? At most organizations, a big gap still yawns between aspiration and practice. We partner with our clients to tackle their most crucial challenges and capture their greatest opportunities in the changing world of work. Developing Key Skills for Leaders At Human Dynamic, we focus first on how to develop coaching and learning practice as an individual managerial capacity, and then on how to make it an organizational one. Human Dynamic’s professional team includes a well-rounded mix of people management consultants, HR professionals, psychologists, counselors, lawyers, accountants, work life coaches and wellness consultants. Our 13 direct offices spread over Hong Kong, Korea, China Mainland, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and India, are staffed and run by locals who are familiar with the cultural needs yet sensitive to the global work environment. Our team is further augmented by an extensive professional affiliate network in more than 30 countries in Australia, Middle East, Africa, Europe, North America, and Latin America, which works closely with us to cater to the unique local community and diverse individual needs in each location. Human Dynamic now covers at least half a million lives globally. With a team of highly-trained and experienced consultants, augmented by our network of affiliate partners around the world, we promise the highest level of service and care for our customers.

The Public Speaking Course

the public speaking course



Everyone has a right to speak and that includes you. Clear, concise communication is important and will help you to get your message across, whether that be in a work environment or in a personal capicity. Most people are not natural communicators or born public speakers. The vast majority of people are self-conscious, fearful and nervous about speaking in public. The "little voice" in their head is constantly over-thinking: "What will he/she/they think of me? What if I go blank and forget what I am saying? What will happen if I make a mistake?" Think about your own situation for a moment. How do you feel when you are asked – or told – to speak in public? Quite likely your initial physical reaction is something along the lines of a dry throat, racing heart, sweaty palms, scared, petrified, palpitations, paralysed and in extreme cases you may even feel short of breath, become dizzy or go in to a full-blown panic attack. Does any of that sound and feel familiar? Don’t panic, you are not alone. This happens a lot to people who have a built-in fear of standing up in front of other people and presenting an idea, making a pitch, delivering a speech or going for that all-important job interview. It’s a natural reaction, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Our One-Day Public Speaking Course is designed to help you deal with your fear and will teach you to stand up with confidence and speak from a position of genuine, ease and poise. Our techniques are simple, effective and extremely powerful. The course is designed to help you escape from the prison of your own mind – from your constant over-thinking and fearful disposition; for you to be able to enjoy the benefits of communicating concisely, fluently, passionately and, most importantly, to get your message across in the best-possible way. The skills you will learn go far beyond public speaking. You will be able to use the tools to help you deal with many of life’s challenges. They will give you an inner confidence that you may not have had before and allow you to be yourself – whoever that turns out to be. That free-floating fear you feel is nothing more than a bully and is, in all likelihood, holding you back from your full potential. Once confronted, it will melt away leaving you free to enjoy the life and the success you deserve. The incessant and always-present "little voice" of fear will tell you that people will laugh at you; that you're not good enough; that you're not worthy enough; that you don’t deserve to be there, that your speech will be a disaster and that you will be fully exposed for what you truly are – a fraud! It will tell you that you cannot cope; that you have not prepared enough; that you don't know what you're talking about and that nobody is interested in what you have to say anyway. Fear tells you that both you and your topic are boring and not worth listening to. As a result, fear holds you back, blocks your path to success and prevents you achieving your goals in both your career and in life generally. Fear is a bully and like most bullies when confronted, its threat disappears leaving you free to enjoy life. You just need the right strategies, techniques and encouragement to overcome it. The good news is that there is a solution. This One-Day Public Speaking Course will help you break through the fear and allow you to stand up and be heard. We have worked with people from all professions, backgrounds, walks of life and from all over the world; from graduates just starting out, to CEOs, business owners, entrepreneurs and PR consultants; from doctors, lawyers, teachers, accountants, to politicians (known and unknown), psychiatrists, psychotherapists and counsellors. So, whoever you are and whatever you do, if you have a fear of standing up and speaking in front of people, now is the time to deal with it – not tomorrow – now. By the end of the One-Day Public Speaking Course you will have both the skills and the confidence to stand up in front of any number of people and present. And that also includes being able to present on Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype and other online platforms.