2384 Educators providing Courses in London

London Love School

london love school


Now in my early forties, I have dedicated the past two decades of my life to helping people create rewarding, fulfilling and loving relationships which will enable them to fully reach their potential. I genuinely believe that we are all trying to create the best possible lives for ourselves — but often we face emotional blocks, arising from difficult past experiences, which prevent us from moving forward. Self-doubt, fear and judgment play their parts, and we feel forever condemned to repeating the same mistakes. By working through challenging issues, and uncovering our true selves, we are able to begin again, and take strides forward in our lives. The Tree of Life, 1905 Gustav Klimt Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna Our emotional responses, our thoughts and behaviours, are all self-taught, and can certainly be unlearned, or adjusted and improved. Everyone possesses the ability to replace old habits and create new ones. No matter who you are and whatever your experience, good or bad, there is always the potential for personal development, and to grow into a happier new you. As a mentor I will guide on a journey of your own making, to a place of authentic, soulful growth and personal development. Approach I try to ensure that my time with those seeking my help is a fun, enjoyable experience which brings out the best in those to whom I gladly offer my assistance. I find an interactive and participatory style helps those in my charge to embed their new knowledge more quickly and efficiently. I use techniques from Solution-Focused and Cognitive Behavioural Therapies, as well as elements of Life Coaching, to create engaging and practical instruction. We set and review goals on a weekly basis, and with every session we develop new skills that can be immediately implemented into daily life. Having worked with many people over the years, I am very well aware of the need for immediate change and development. The techniques I use create a series of small changes which build confidence in the process and so enable participants to consider the possibility of more challenging development — changes that before, felt impossible, now feel within reach. Motivation I am grateful I have been given the opportunity and skills to turn my passion into my profession and help people grow. and I am committed to developing human potential wherever I am able. Helping people work through issues in their lives and seeing how this change manifests itself, brings meaning to my life and work. As a mentor, I work with clients on every step of their journey and appreciate the privileged position this allows me.

Ayming UK

ayming uk


We are business performance experts who combine highly specialised knowledge – across a range of fields – with hands-on collaboration, to enable our clients and their people to go further. We are a global team of 1,300 colleagues working across 15 countries in Europe, North America and Asia, and have a 30-year track record of providing leadership and sharing insight. By focusing on innovation, finance, operations and people we are proven to deliver a return on investment: R&D and Innovation New thinking, research and development is fundamental to staying competitive and keeping control of your business environment, but funding and tax in this field is complex and often under-exploited, as is the importance of company-wide engagement. We support some 15,000 R&D and innovation projects worldwide each year, generating €1bn in funding for our clients. Tax and Finance Controlling your growth costs is essential to develop your company over the long term and ensure its sustainability. You must guarantee the profitability of your investments, focus on growth-generating projects and allow them to be financed by equity or external financing. One lever to ensure recurring results is to identify and evaluate tax reductions by applying the current applicable law. We’re proud to have a 95% client retention rate. People By finding new ways to engage and motivate employees, we help companies reach their potential. Effort, risk, knowledge, morale, decision-making: every individual is a world of possibility. We’ve trained over 50,000 people, and we provide around €300m in HR savings annually for our clients. We base our work on a deep understanding of need and context: every business is unique, each situation is different, “off-the-shelf” is rarely sustainable. We deliver real results by executing and implementing projects alongside our clients, on the ground, and seeing them through until they make a genuine impact. Our work is carried out based on sharing highly specialised knowledge: we employ leaders in the fields of engineering, data science, tax, physics, chemistry, medicine and more – people who are able to talk to your experts on a peer-to-peer basis. Overall, we bring new energy to our clients by helping improve decision-making at all levels, increasing funding and decreasing costs, while building trust and a supportive environment of continual improvement. Ours is a collaborative, human approach mixed with digital efficiency. Through extraordinary relationships we have achieved extraordinary results, and our confidence in our work means we frequently offer to share risk and reward with our clients. Our relationships are built to last; many stretch back well over a decade.




Imagine you are driving into work, knowingly 5 minutes late and scheduled to meet with an important client. You feel pressed for time, but are optimistic that you can still make the appointment on time. Then you hit road works and you can see the time slipping away, now your are 12 minutes late, 15 minutes late, 18 minutes late. You start to feel hot as the second click by. Just as you get past the roadwork’s you end up stuck behind a car going 20 miles under the speed limit and it’s making you even later than you already are. You are now 25 minutes late and you can’t get past the car that’s holding you up. How do you see yourself reacting to this? Would you be angrily beeping your horn? Yelling or gesticulating? Would you be distraught, shaking the steering wheel and crying “Why me? Why now?” Would you be crying and pleading for the car in front to just get out of the way? I ask this because our day to day life will always have stressful and unpredicted issues pop up and it’s how we respond to them that reflects what kind of stagnant and trapped emotions we are storing. Was your response angry? Frustrated? Hopeless? Disgusted? Disproportionate? If so, then you may be ripe for an emotional detox. So many of us repress our emotions or get stuck in a repetitive cycle. When we are hurt by someone or something it often appears easiest to ignore it and suppress it deep within or to get angry. Anger is a strong emotion that makes us feel in control and powerful so it’s hard to move away from anger to the other more vulnerable emotions like grief. It also takes little to no work at all to draw out your anger but to forgive, to experience and release, that can often be a painful or uncomfortable experience that takes lots of work to achieve. An emotional detox allows you to rid yourself of toxic, stuck, stagnant emotional patterns, barriers and stored traumas. By removing the negative baggage based in fear, anger, sadness, disgust, envy, and indignation you create room to add more joy, love, trust, anticipation, inner calm and kindness. Releasing negative emotions allows you to experience bliss and to become a more open, free and joyful person that exudes and attracts positivity. I encourage you to let go of negativities and to stop your past defining or weighing you down through the power of emotional detox.

Embrace Finance

embrace finance


Rachel provides training, mentoring and workshop facilitation for Embrace Finance. Director of Welbeck, an established accountancy and financial management practice providing services to the third sector. Rachel is a qualified chartered accountant and professional trainer. After qualifying, Rachel spent 12 years in senior roles within charities ranging from the British Tinnitus Association, to the Institute of Cancer Research. Rachel has over 20 years’ experience supporting a variety of social impact organisations from small charities to major research institutions. Key projects Rachel has worked on include developing and leading Charity Finance Group’s small charities training programme and writing NCVO’s Financial Management website resources. Finance trainer for the Association of Independent Examiners Finance mentor for the School of Social Entrepreneurs Finance trainer for Small Charities Coalition Our sector is fantastic at social stories In our sector, we are fantastic at social storytelling. We weave clear and simple stories from real world wicked problems and use those stories to solve those wicked problems. It's nothing short of remarkable. Our stories make people's lives better and communities stronger. They clean oceans and preserve habitats for endangered species. They move hearts and win minds. They make change happen. We are not, in our experience, as good, when it comes to our financial storytelling. All too often, the financial stories which we tell ourselves and those who wish to work with us, constrain our potential. Our lack of financial confidence - in our numbers and in our decision making - holds us back. But less so at financial stories Yet, we know that it is when changemakers really embrace the finances, own the numbers, understand the stories behind the numbers, use these stories to marry money with mission, they can extend their social impact and realise fully their social ambitions. We also know that for many changemakers, the biggest barrier to owning the numbers is not technical but attitudinal. We are told that keeping on top of the numbers can be boring, difficult, anxiety provoking. We help you find your financial story That is why we bring our love of numbers to all of our work. Our love of numbers, all numbers, enables us to bring the same clarity to your financial storytelling as you bring to the social storytelling. Our love of numbers helps you to take the fear out of finance. Our love of numbers means that we work with you to build your financial confidence while you build your social impact. Not all heroes wear capes. Some change the world with stories. And others do it with spreadsheets.

Middlesex School Of Complementary Medicine

middlesex school of complementary medicine



Over 10000 professional therapists have trained at the Middlesex School of Complementary Medicine, attaining ITEC Diplomas and Post-Graduate qualifications accredited by various professional associations, such as, IPTI (Independent Professional Therapists International), CThA (Complementary Therapists Association), FHT (Federation of Holistic Therapists) and APNT (Association of Physical and Natural Therapists). We aim to offer the most comprehensive professional training in complementary medicine available today. MSCM enjoys an excellent reputation for the highest standards of tuition from highly qualified and experienced tutors, supportive and caring learning environment, reasonable fees and good pass rates which, together with a comprehensive curriculum and an emphasis on learning through fun, fulfil all the requirements for a successful, interesting & rewarding career. Where are we? The Middlesex School of Complementary Medicine is based in Northwest London training takes place at 2 locations; Mount Vernon Hospital, Northwood and our own premises in West Harrow. All venues are close to M25 and have easy access to tubes, buses and trains. See details of our venues. What do you get when you train with MSCM? Longevity Founded in 1992, we have decades of experience as a school and our tutors each have a great deal of invidual experience in the industry in their various therapies! We know how to support your success. Experienced and highly qualified tutors We train and hire the best in the business. All of our tutors are busy practising therapists with a passion for their subject, a desire to pass on knowledge and a supportive and caring teaching style. You can rely on their advice about working in the real world of complementary medicine. We love what we do, and our goal is to inspire our students to love learning and to love our profession. Excellent tuition Interactive and varied teaching methods to suit everyone. Most of our staff are graduates of the school and like their tutors before them carry forward the strong MSCM lineage. Most importantly, our instructors are trained not just to provide answers, but to listen and provide individual feedback and clear explanation of concepts and techniques. They provide a safe and inviting classroom environment where you learn in a fun and enjoyable manner. In-depth learning opportunities with a good mix of theory and practical Using both practical and theoretical learning means that every type of learner will benefit, whether you are more hands on or learn better through listening to, and writing and reading what you are meant to. Using practical learning allows you to get hands on experience and learn the tools of the trade. It can allow you to feel confident and competent in the skills and techniques you will need when qualified to do your job effectively. Theory can help you understand why practicals are carried out in a certain way so that you can understand what you are doing yourself and explain to others. Theory on its own will not teach you all the skills you need, neither will practical. To master almost any field, you will need to do both. Guided Learning and Home Study To succeed in learning it is important that you spend time at home reading and digesting the theory as well as practising the techniques learnt in class. Our guided home study suggestions have been designed to steer you in the right direction, to keep your studying focussed and relevant. We never set homework for the sake of it. Each one is carefully designed to facilitate deeper learner and consolidation of relevant content. It enable us to offer continued support away from the classroom. Part-time weekend courses Very few people have the luxury of opting for full time courses. All our courses are part-time and our weekend courses are ideal for people with busy lives. Part-time weekday courses also available Ideal for therapists, shift workers, self-employed, part-timers and those not working Monday to Friday. Flexible Learning Modular structure and careful timetabling of our courses allows you to work at your own pace. We understand how difficult it is for many to commit to lengthy courses and have taken this into account by building as much flexibility into our course programme as possible. Reasonable Fees Interest-free Instalment payment plan available upon request. The cost of our training is among the most reasonable in the country. Plus, we help to make your education affordable by offering an Easy Payment Plan. Call us to discuss - we are always accommodating as we understand the diffilculties many face financially. Professional Qualifications ITEC diplomas are recognised in over 33 countries worldwide. ITEC qualifications are accredited by OFQUAL on behalf of the Department for Education and Skills in the UK, and also comply with the National Occupational Standards. ITEC Diploma qualifications are highly regarded by prospective employers who understand an ITEC qualification means excellence in both theoretical knowledge and practical expertise. Professional Membership Graduates of MSCM are eligible to join the most widely recognised Professional Associations in the UK. Guidance is offered to new therapists of the options available. Validated Courses MSCM courses are widely accepted throughout the industry. There are many professional bodies who recognise our courses, such as CThA (Complementary Therapists Association), IPTI (Independent Professional Therapists International), APNT (Association of Physical and Natural Therapies) amongst others. Extensive choice of Professional Courses MSCM have always offered a wide range of therapies for you to choose from. Massage and Reflexology are hugely popular as are Indian Head Massage and Aromatheraspy. Many therapists end up being multi-disciplinary after time. Wide Spectrum of Post-Graduate Courses and Workshops MSCM offer one of the most comprehensive selections of cpd courses and workshops for which Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points available. We are fully commited to offering opportunities for further learning for therapists. Exceptionally High Results We have outstanding statistics - 99% first time pass rate and many Credits and Distinctions. We are so proud of our students and their amazing achievements. These results have stood the test of time since our foundation in 1992. Proven Track Record Over 10000 therapists trained to the highest standards of excellence. Therapists from all over the UK and further afield have trained with us and continue to return for further learning. We have a huge family of wonderful therapists all making such a difference to the world. Excellent levels of student satisfaction Some of the feedback we receive is really humbling. Everything we do is done from the heart - we pride ourselves on our nurturing and support throughout the learning process.It is wonderful to receive words of appreciation from so many. Outstanding reputation within the industry MSCM graduates are known for professionalism and exceptional standards. We have been training therapists for such a long time and our name is known in the wider world. Our wonderful therapists represent us in the field and do us proud. All ages/all backgrounds catered for: • training opportunities for complete beginners • no prior knowledge needed • exam preparation • supportive assistance prior to examinations Comprehensive notes Each tutor produces handouts accompanying each teaching session. We try to be paperless whenever possible as part of our Environmental Policy. Some handouts are emailed as pdf's. Any handouts needed in class, such a s workbooks, are printed and made available. Supportive both during and after training We are friendly, caring and approachable. Being a small, independent school of complementary therapies gives us many advantages. We have time and energy to dedicate to each individual student. We do everything we can to help you develop each student to their full potential. We understand this can be a personally transforming process, and we provide support and encouragement for the personal changes that many people go through. We are committed to the personal and professional excellence of each of our students. The views of our students matter As an MSCM student you will have easy access to the School Principal and Course Co-ordinator and are encouraged to feedback – we also listen! Great Locations MSCM operates from 3 training centres in Northwest London which are easily reached by car and public transport. All 3 locations are well served by London Underground on either the Metropolitan Line or Picadilly. Paid parking is available at two of our sites and free parking is available in nearby side streets at all of our sites.

The School Of The Science Of Acting

the school of the science of acting



The Science of Acting The Science of Acting was founded by Sam Kogan, influenced by Maria Knebel; his teacher, who herself was a student of Stanislavski. The curriculum of the Science of Acting is founded on 4 principles: Freedom from Gods or Idols - Only once you learn to think for yourself will you be able to be free on stage. Right and Wrong - Statements such as ‘there is no right or wrong in acting’, or ‘you either have it or you don’t’ are common in Drama Education. But if this were true, there would be no point to a drama school, or to dramatic training of any kind. The Science of Acting therefore is based on a technique the knowledge of which has proven to give actors the training to be able to create inspiring acting. Quality of Acting - We believe that the best acting occurs when actors are able to use the right type of imagination (which we all have); that being active as opposed to passive imagination, which few actors are aware of or know how to use. Terminology or The Meaning of Words - For a group of actors to create the context of stories and therefore entertain, a common understanding through language in all its forms is necessary. This enables each individual actor to be free in their uniqueness, whilst creating a totality for the audience. The Science of Acting will enable you to become an independent actor who is able to play any character in any medium, always delivering the highest level of professional work. This is the magic of the Science of Acting.

EMG Associates UK Limited

emg associates uk limited


Legal Training We provide post qualification CPD training for the legal profession. We are authorised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority to provide courses for the purpose of  Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses. We are also authorised by The Dubai Government Legal Affairs Department for Continuing Legal Professional Development (CLPD) programmes.          Our wide range of courses truly attract an international client-base thus ensuring we are a global business solutions corporate training provider. We have a reputation for delivering high quality training. Our acclaimed teaching strategy is based on personalised learning, where we aim to develop the competence and confidence of every delegate by actively engaging them in the seminars.      Legal Consultancy EMG Associates (UK) Limited is an innovative legal consultancy company with an international corporate client base across a number of industry sectors. Our consultancy division concentrates on providing legal solutions for today's business environment. Our goal is to provide simplicity and convenience to our clients always focusing on practical, business-focused solutions.  Services and Locations Today we are actively operating and offering our training programmes in The UAE (Dubai, Abu Dhabi) , Oman (Muscat) as well as other Middle East and GCC countries. Our substantive legal courses and Legal English training programme (TOLES - Test Of Legal English) can also be provided as in-house programmes.    Our divisions work closely together to deliver high quality legal products and services.