548 Educators providing Courses in London




Futuretrend has been providing IT, Design, Financial and Business Skills training since December 2000. With a solid reputation for delivering high quality programmes, Futuretrend has become a successful and well established training centre. Year on year hundreds of learners come to this centre to pursue a course of study that will help them fulfill career aspirations, improve their job prospects or to simply learn more about a particular area of interest. In today's competitive business environment the importance of up-to-date skills cannot be overstated. With Futuretrend, you and/or your team will benefit immensely from our results-oriented training. Our instructors are professionals who work full-time in the industry and bring their working knowledge to the classroom to enhance your learning experience. Our courses are centred on learning by doing, ensuring that learning retention rates are high and that delegates are able to confidently apply their new found skills in the workplace or successfully in an exam situation, demonstrating an immediate return on investment. A prerequisite for any Futuretrend trainer is that they must practise the skills they teach. It is essential that they are able to draw from real world experiences to illustrate subject matter, thereby enabling delegates to envisage how best to use software and concepts effectively. This is based on the following ethos: “Tell me and I’ll forget. Teach me and I’ll remember. Involve me and I’ll learn.” We are often asked how we have made a success from a company which was seemingly produced from nothing but which has now become one of the most dynamic organisations within the industry. The answers are simple; Speed - We have built a good reputation around the fact that we do not keep our clients waiting for answers to their requirements. If we tell you we shall call back the same day then we absolutely mean it. It’s more likely that we will get back to you on the spot. Quality - One attribute is nothing without the other. All Futuretrend's staff and associated freelancers have major industry experience and are amongst the best and highest qualified in their sphere of activity in the UK; and why not? Our reputation depends on them. Personal touch - Whilst maintaining the air and professionalism of a larger company you will always know who you are dealing with when you dial through to our offices. We give our individual time to each of our clients and as such you are guaranteed a friendly and personal reception. These are only three of the numerous reasons as to why so many individuals and organisations in and around the UK are choosing to trust their training to Futuretrend. Our success depends entirely on our client's satisfaction and this is mirrored in our everyday approach to your requests. We don't expect to stay at the forefront of our competitors without maintaining sharp minds and a fresh attitude. Another typical question asked is how can we offer our courses at such low prices ? Here is why; Futuretrend has never taken out costly traditional advertising which would lead to unnecessary expenditure and thus forcing prices up. We have built our success mainly on very good "word of mouth" and relatively inexpensive online marketing. As such we are in the lucky position of being able to do away with the myth that business can only be generated through glossy brochures. Additionally, we are not passing on the premiums charged for West End and City training venues. Most of these will still not be as modern or well-equipped as our newly refurbished classrooms. Our premises are within an Elegant Victorian North London building. You could easily be paying double the amount and more attending a similar course elsewhere and probably not even half the quality. We hope our web site will give you a taste of the quality of study available at Futuretrend and make your decision to study with us a little easier. We all learn best when we are happy and valued so let us help advance your skills and enhance your potential.

Business English Coaching Academy

business english coaching academy


Business Training was formed in 1974 to provide training in Business English for those seeking to improve their job prospects. The vision was to create home study courses that provided vocational training that was practical and would benefit students in their working life. Since that time we have expanded our range of subjects and become a leading provider of home study courses. As part of a group of distance learning colleges, including The Writers Bureau and STT, we have successfully trained hundreds of thousands of students worldwide. We use our substantial knowledge and experience in this field to offer high quality courses and tuition. The skills we teach have delivered life-changing results for many of our students. We are constantly creating new courses under the expert guidance of our Director of Studies – Diana Nadin – and her team of professional writers and tutors. We are also committed to maintaining and improving the quality of our existing courses. This is to ensure that the most up-to-date information is available to you. Our aim is: To help you acquire effective training in the subject of your choice. To provide an overall training and tuition service which offers you excellent value for money. To have a satisfied body of students who will continue to spread our good name and reputation. Our commitment to our students, the use of new technologies and our expertise in distance learning allow us to offer effective, convenient training that is also excellent value for money. Business Training is also a member of The European Association of Distance Learning. The association’s objectives include the promotion of professional and ethical standards in distance education and the protection of students’ interests. Members are required to follow a strict code of conduct to maintain the standard required by the association. EADL Nuwendoorn 16 NL-1613 LD Grootebroek The Netherlands. www.eadl.org/ Business Training is a member of Institute of Training and Occupational Learning Members of the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning sign up to a code of conduct which indicates the standards expected of them. The adoption of this code is an integral part of membership and provides the basis through which the Institute promotes its members’ commitment to quality and good practice. The Institute of Training and Occupational Learning seeks to impart advice on best practice, techniques and technologies in learning and the use of quality models for continuous improvement amongst its members. For more information about the British Institute for Learning and Development visit: www.thebild.org. UKRLP Business Training (The Writers Bureau) is on the UK Register of Learning Providers Registration Number 10007651. The UK Register of Learning Providers is a 'one-stop' portal to be used by government departments, agencies, learners, and employers to share key information about learning providers. The UKRLP allows providers to update their information in one place and share this across agencies such as the Skills Funding Agency, the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and UCAS. Since provider registration opened on 1st August 2005, the UKRLP has grown to over 30,000 providers. Each of these has been verified against a recognised external source and has been allocated a UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN). This is the unique identifier used to share information with the UKRLP partner agencies.