1949 Educators providing Courses in London

ICON College of Technology & Management

icon college of technology & management


ICON College of Technology and Management is a modern, friendly and dynamic independent College of Higher Education in the heart of London. We offer a wide range of academic courses leading to internationally recognised British qualifications in Business, Computing, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Healthcare Practice (Integrated Health and Social Care),International Travel & Tourism Management and Hospitality Management. ICON College offers 3-years BSc/BA Bachelor degree courses validated by Falmouth University. The College also offers BTEC Level 5 HND courses. After successful completion of the HND courses, students can apply for a 1-year Top-Up degree at ICON College, a degree awarded by Falmouth University. Please visit https://www.iconcollege.ac.uk/course-list for full details about the courses. Our teaching staff are highly qualified with wide experience of working in their own professional fields. High quality lecture materials are provided for all courses. Class sizes and facilities are structured to enable students to gain maximum benefit through interactive discussion, workshops, lectures and practical sessions. Off-site visits and guest-speakers are also used to enhance students experience. Our friendly and approachable staff are committed to helping students successfully complete their course and achieve their qualification. The College is committed to widening access to further and higher education courses for under-represented groups in society. We particularly welcome applications from students who are from ethnic minority groups, low income families, those people with a physical disability and care leavers. We provide a supportive learning environment and additional academic, study skills development, pastoral and financial support to enable students to achieve their full potential. We network with employers to help our students seek gainful employment. We have received the following judgements from QAA: The UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) conducted a Higher Education Review -Alternative Providers (HER-AP) between 11 - 14 July 2017 at ICON College of Technology and Management and Partial Re-Review on 17-18 July 2018 in order to make judgements as to whether the College meets UK academic standards and quality expectations.

Tim Broughton - Open to Life

tim broughton - open to life


The 5Rhythms comprise a simple movement practice designed to release the dancer that lives in every body, no matter what its shape, size, age, limitations and experience. To find your dance is to find yourself, at your most fluid and creative level. While the practice itself is the essence of simplicity, it has the power to catalyse deep healing and creative expression. The primary teaching of this work is: if you put the body in motion the psyche will heal itself. The 5Rhythms are flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness. They come together to create the Wave, a movement meditation practice. Rather than having steps to follow, each Rhythm is a different energy field in which you find your own expression and choreography, thereby stretching your imagination as well as your body. Each Rhythm is a teacher and you can expect to meet different and sometimes unknown aspects of yourself as your dance unfolds and your practice of the Rhythms deepens over time. The Rhythms are the foundation of Gabrielle Roth’s body of work, a series of healing maps for the body, heart, mind, soul and spirit that provide a lifetime of self discovery and a path to awakening. What happens on the dance floor? In every class or workshop, there is always a wide range of experience in the 5Rhythms work – from first timers to certified Wave addicts. The teacher will be following the energy in the room. So, while the essential map is 5Rhythms, the teacher might take the class through the entire Wave or focus on just one Rhythm or one facet of a Rhythm. The Rhythms themselves are gateways to literally thousands of different movement landscapes. Like the body, they are alive and designed to catalyse the dancer’s movement expression in the moment. You are different every time you walk into the room, so is the group and so is your teacher. Therefore, each class holds unique possibilities.