1949 Educators providing Courses in London

Top Marks Performance

top marks performance


About It is becoming increasingly popular to lead a healthy lifestyle and be phyisically fit, which is why we at Topmarks Performance offer training routines planned to your specific needs, whether it is to build up strength, tone, increase core strength, improve fitness levels, Topmarks Performance will give you guidance to how these goals can become reality, without having to travel to a gym. TopMarks Performance offers one to one, couples and group sesssions within the comfort of your own home. All portable equipment is provided by Topmarks Performance. As a pescetarian for the last eight years my ambition to increase my fitness, physique and personal strength was often met with apprehension and disbelief by others. However, through my personal experience I endeavour to show my clients that it is possible to have the physique and level of fitness that you wish through sheer determination and an exercise regime tailored to your needs which I can offer you. From first hand experience I understand the necessity and power of goals and ambition. Through my passion and love of fitness and training others I can turn your goals in to reality. No matter what your starting point any goal is always achievable. I studied at YMCA fit in Central London; one of the UK’s leading training establishments. I qualified with an Advanced Diploma (Level 4) in Personal Training and specialise in the following:- Metabolic Training Fitness Testing Exercise Nutrition Suspension Fitness (TRX) Pad Work (Boxing) Group Training HIIT (High intensity interval training) Kettle bell training Calisthenics and more

Digilog UK

digilog uk


At Digilog, we design and deliver our pioneering solutions to meet the differing and unique risk exposures of individual businesses and their varied processes, with our training approach designed to be integrated into your business objectives. Our Solution is designed to handle calls efficiently and effectively, whatever the volume, whilst delivering the highest levels of customer service. It enables the fast and accurate validation of genuine claims / applications / transactions and highly focused identification of key integrity risk issues. Digilog’s innovative solution is also geared to provide a fast, effective and efficient process for validating integrity within conversations using our specialist software. Our Technology brings together the very best of Cognitive Interviewing, Behavioural Analysis, Digital intelligence Voice Analysis (optional), Intelligent Questioning, Applied Psychology and Conversation Management Techniques into one ergonomic interface designed for efficient and user-friendly processing. Our Management Team has years of professional experience in the areas of Claims and Fraud Risk Management, Fraud Investigation, Business Process Enhancement, Training and Customer Service. Client feedback and results show that the Digilog approach is incredibly accurate at identifying genuine customers, leaving them free to concentrate valuable resources on validating information that indicates risk. This has significantly increased the power of our clients to identify and defeat fraudulent activity whilst enhancing their genuine consumer’s experience through fast, fair, accurate and cost-effective validation. We currently count Covea, esure, Only Young Drivers, Direct Group, Chaucer, Brownsword Group, Right Choice Insurance, and numerous Public Sector (Local Authorities) organisations, both in the UK and abroad, among our growing portfolio of clients.

The Food and Environment Research Agency

the food and environment research agency


Fera has the scientific and regulatory expertise to provide consultancy services to help you with every step of the regulatory framework process. Our experience derives from working in government, industry, contract research organisations and in regulatory consultancies. We have well-established working relationships with many competent authorities, which means we can support you to achieve product registrations effectively and efficiently. Chemical Services Terrestrial Ecotoxicology Fera offers a wide range of standardised laboratory studies, aged residue tests as well as more complex higher tier studies under extended laboratory, glasshouse, semi-field and field conditions with standard or bespoke designs. Environmental Fate By understanding how chemical products are transformed, distributed and taken up by organisms in the natural environment, we can provide the data required for environmental risk assessments – ensuring you meet all regulatory requirements in the development of safe plant-protection and veterinary products. Aquatic Ecotoxicology Work with a partner with more than 20 years of experience in a wide range of study types on water quality and aquatic life. Accessing our new state-of-the-art facilities, purpose-built, high spec aquatic facility. Endocrine Disrupting Screening Recent updates to the EU regulations for biocide products (2017/2100) and plant protection products (2018/605) now require products to be labelled as endocrine disruptors, if they have a demonstrated adverse effect in an individual or its offspring which is a consequence of an endocrine mode of action. Plant Metabolism Fera offers a comprehensive range of dietary exposure testing services that includes primary plant metabolism and rotational crop studies, performed in dedicated environmentally controlled facilities.

Fouz Schools

fouz schools


Welcome to Fouz Schools. Our prayer is that we can support your child with the education they need to succeed in all endeavors of life and the hereafter. Having personally grownup and lived the maktab/madrasah education experience in the 80’s and 90’s and started teaching in the late 90’s to the present day, coupled with fatherhood, I have had the opportunity to build a close understanding and interest in making sure our community can provide a learning experience to young Muslims that is relevant and relatable for the world they live in. This is despite the limitations we have in resourcing and time. In a time when our children are surrounded with competing ideologies and ways of living, and with maktab education being foundational to their lives as Muslims, it is critical that it hits home for them as independently thinking individuals. I would like to thank our wonderful teachers and parents over the years for their trust and belief in the vision that there was always a better way to educate our children. Teachers have worked tirelessly to develop the curriculum whilst simultaneously delivering it diligently. Keeping one eye on current student progress and an eye on the horizon. In this fast changing world we have constantly reflected on the effectiveness of our content and delivery in preparing for the future. We pray that Allah blesses this work and the future of our children so that they may take the reins and lead us to even greater heights. Ameen! Mohammed Abdullah MEd

The London Education & Art Foundation

the london education & art foundation


Total 30 years of experience in management, of which half of this overlaps in the world of academia. He is experienced in managing multicultural teams and has delivered some high-level consultancy projects in the UK and overseas for the commercial and public sectors. Paul is on the Advisory Board of UK universities, UK social enterprises and charitable organisations. His interests are in the areas of Arts, he is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) and has held numerous art exhibitions in London. Role: Chairman of Trustees, Head of Partnerships and Memberships. Mr Andrew Trustee FAIA, FCIPD, FRSA - Expert International Accountant and Legal Advisor Total 45 years in UK and International public practice as an accountant and legal services provider serving in the charitable, public and art sectors as a trustee, chairman, director and treasurer. A Liveryman of the City of London and past President of the Association of International Accountants (UK) and the Association de Brecourt (Belgium). A member of the International Bar Association and International Fiscal Association. Role: Trustee, Governance, Compliance and Financial Management. Degard RCA, FRSA Trustee International Artist, MA (Edin), Phd Research Fine Art Degard is a pioneering British 'Painter of Auras', writer, researcher, curator and founder of the genre Contemporary Visionary art. Degard has exhibited extensively in the UK and internationally: The Royal College of Art, Museum Alzubair, Oman, in New York, London and at Saatchi Art. Degard has written four books, is a committee member of The Colour Group, a property developer and a Fellow of The Galileo Commission for the Scientific and Medical Network. She has a Masters in Politics from Edinburgh University and is completing her doctorate in Fine Art in London. Role: Trustee, Head of Media and Events. Ambassadors of LEAF Miss Sophie Ambassador - Arts, Culture, Events. United Kingdom Oxford Graduate in Classics Sophie is a recent Oxford graduate of Classics. Having studied at Oxford for four years, she specialised in Greek and Roman art and archaeology, and has attended seminars, workshops, and focus groups on artwork from antiquity at the Ashmolean Museum, the British Museum and the British Academy. Sophie also has experience working in marketing and advertising and has worked as a gallery invigilator at galleries around London. Mr Ahmed Ambassador - Arts, Culture, Events. Middle East/North Africa (MENA) With more than 10 years of experience in the field of management and business, Ahmed has contributed in building professional teams, and developing strategies in one of the largest companies the Middle East. His interests relate to international and Islamic culture and the arts, and is looking forward to working with professional partners between overseas organisations and the LEAF Foundation. He is also a member of several institutions including: The Royal united services institute (RUSI) The Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) The British academy of management The Institute of Directors (IoD) The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Miss Emilia Ambassador - Culture, Education, Events. London & Eastern Europe With over 13 years of experience in sales, business and NLP, Emilia has provided high-level strategies for team building and management, excellent customer service and sales enhancement for UK enterprises and international multi-level marketing organisations. She is proficient in NLP and working with multicultural communities and has held self-development and mentoring workshops in various parts of London. Emilia is on the Governing and Advisory Board of London secondary schools to encourage and ensure children's learning and development. Her interests are in the areas of Arts and self-development with the aim to support individuals and sole entrepreneurs into their personal and business development journey. Miss Summer Ambassador - Arts, Fashion, Events. Shanghai & China Summer has an MBA in global Luxury management and graduated from Paris. She is in charge of the fashion department of Paris International Young Artists Association, and the key account manager of Chanel. During her stay in the UK, Summer won a number of national design competitions. As a winner of Chatsworth House design competition, she was chosen by the Douches of Devonshire. She has professional bespoke and fashion design background and luxury management experience. Mr Satoshi Ambassador - Arts, Culture, Events. L.A. USA Satoshi is the CEO of Life is Tech! USA. It is a Los Angeles-based EdTech startup best known as the creators of the acclaimed coding education program, Disney Codeillusion. With over 17 years of experience in international business, with a focus on the U.S., UK and Japan, delivering life-changing opportunities to as many people as possible, is what Satoshi lives for. He holds an MBA from Stanford University. He is a Mentor for BLAST School, an incubation program that supports high school students with ideas for solving social issues. Satoshi is also a Chartered Member of the Securities Analysts Association of Japan Miss Mika Ambassador - Education, Culture, Events. Osaka Japan Mika is a Business and




Two decades of development have made it easier to market real estate Esoft is a passionate, action-oriented company that purposefully helps real estate agents to market, sell and rent properties. With over 20 years of experience providing and selling media solutions and effective marketing tools to brokers around the world, we know what we are talking about, and we are working diligently to set tomorrow’s global standards. ABOUT CAREER CONTACT SHINE DENMARK SWEDEN INTERNATIONAL Watch video Home / About Two decades of development have made it easier to market real estate Esoft is a passionate, action-oriented company that purposefully helps real estate agents to market, sell and rent properties. With over 20 years of experience providing and selling media solutions and effective marketing tools to brokers around the world, we know what we are talking about, and we are working diligently to set tomorrow’s global standards. First in the industry and still in the lead Since the beginning, we have experienced continuous growth. Today, we have over 850 employees in our offices in Denmark, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam. As the first in the market, our focus on real estate marketing innovation allows us to continue leading the way. This success is driven by our focus on quality, speed, and excellent customer service, taking our solutions to a higher level. Since 2000, we have created real estate presentations that are so convincing that they inspire the property buyer to choose that exact property, just like we inspire them to select a realtor. We make sure to market every type of property that you sell, providing you with a streamlined and consistent portfolio. Last year we processed more than 11,8 million pictures, + 325 thousand floor plans and marketed + 420 thousand houses and with the experience and modern tools we make every one of these shine.