1401 Educators providing Courses in London

Ifsa Uk

ifsa uk


The International Feng Shui Association (IFSA) of Singapore is pleased to announce the establishment of its UK Chapter in London on 20th October 2021. The IFSA is a non-profit organisation that was founded in Singapore on May 8th 2004 by a passionate community of Feng Shui masters, practitioner, academics, and other experts in Chinese metaphysics. Its aim is to assist the global cultivation, awareness and appreciation of traditional Chinese Feng Shui and to foster the highest standards of competence and practice within this industry. The IFSA also aims to assist all traditional Feng Shui Practitioners, by engaging in various events and educational activities designed to promote to traditional Chinese. The benefits of being a member include: a. Membership of a reliable organisation headed by no less than 4 Feng Shui Grandmasters (GM Tan Khoon Yong, GM Vincent Koh, GM Raymond Lo, GM Dr Stephen Skinner). b. Access to an online Facebook closed group that allows you to ask questions (at whatever level) and to receive answers from acknowledged Masters. c. Access to friendship and community, with other members with the same interests in Feng Shui, Bazi, Qi men dun jia, Yi Jing, XKDG, etc. d. Regular online catch ups/ F2F meets when Covid is no longer an issue. e. Availability of specialist classes (online and otherwise at additional fees) designed to enhance your existing feng shui skills. f. Reduced rates at the annual International Feng Shui Convention (this year to be held online on 6th-7th November, with specialist classes on 5th and 8th November) g. Discounted purchase of the first luopan that is accompanied by a manual giving full details of method of use for every ring, authored by GM Dr Stephen Skinner and Master Dr Jin Peh. And for those practicing feng shui as a business: h. Certification when certain levels of competence are reached, which can then be displayed in your office. i. Access to very inexpensive Professional Indemnity insurance, The membership base of the IFSA encompasses much of the globe with Chapters in Australia, Singapore, US, Japan, Poland, Mauritius, Romania, and now the UK, with many members in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Estonia, France, Greece, Mexico, Germany, Dubai, India, and Indonesia, making the IFSA a truly International Feng Shui Association. The pro-tem Committee of Management for IFSA UK includes Grand Master Dr Stephen Skinner, Master Tony Holdsworth, Master Richard Ashworth, Victoria Michaelides (aka Victoria Mohajerin),and Navaneeta Das, with Master Dr Jin Peh and Master Janene Laird as Honorary Committee. Members.Membership is divided into: Affiliate (students and enthusiasts) Associate with at least 1 year of practice, (and maybe posting feng shui articles or selling feng shui books/courses, etc.) Full Professional (at least 3 years of practice), and Corporate members (retail companies offering professional feng shui consultations, and maybe feng shui articles/books/courses, etc. Corporate fees will include 1 free ad on the IFSA-UK website and their Facebook page). If you wish to find out more about IFSA UK and its many benefits, then please visit our website at IFSA-UK.ORG. Or to join us today, at Associate or higher level, click on https://ifsa-uk.org/membership-join/?member_level=Associate.

Academy Performing Arts

academy performing arts


WE ARE A CHARITABLE SOCIAL ENTERPRISE GLL is a not for profit charitable social enterprise committed to delivering a better quality of fitness and leisure, libraries and performing arts facilities for everyone. We’re committed to providing access to quality community facilities - and more - at a price everyone can afford. We already manage over 258 facilities, and we’re adding more all the time operating under our 'Better' brand. GLL_Social_Enterprise.JPG WHAT WE DO We aim to get more people, more active, more often. We promote healthy and active lifestyles, giving communities access to facilities that help improve their health and happiness through participation in activities. It could be gyms, libraries, playgrounds or world-class venues such as those on the Olympic Park, we have it all right here. However, we do provide more than access. As a charitable social enterprise, we invest in our communities as we are a not for profit organisation but it’s not just about money: we also invest time and effort in encouraging everyone to take advantage of our services. We will ENGAGE and welcome new participants, introducing them to activities that reflect their needs. We will SUPPORT our communities to make lifestyle changes through targeted programmes. We will ADAPT our approach and offers to ensure everyone can participate in our services. We will SUSTAIN participation by offering varied programmes, facilities and memberships. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? old_dude.png We are a not for profit charitable social enterprise, which means we work for the benefit of everyone: the public, the communities we work in, the environment, our staff and our partners. As a result, we’re proud to be the first leisure operator in the UK to be awarded both the Social Enterprise Mark, and now Social Enterprise UK badge as well as the Prime Minister’s Big Society Award. But, there are more benefits... We don’t have shareholders like some private companies or any bonuses to pay out. Instead, we reinvest any financial surplus we make back into our services and facilities. So far, we’ve reinvested millions of pounds – well over £100m We act as a charity and are here for the benefit of the communities we operate in. We are passionate about making a real difference We believe social values are just as important, if not more important as financial performance We are owned by our staff and society members, who have a non-dividend-paying share. That means our workforce is empowered, motivated and involved in making important decisions that affect the company. In fact, the majority of our board are elected by our workforce Wherever possible, we work with other social enterprises and buy Fairtrade goods and services. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN FOR YOU? Whether you join us on a pre-paid membership, or use our facilities occasionally as a non member or library user, you can get fit, stay healthy, and know that you're helping make a difference in your community. You can also rest assured that any surplus we make now and in the future goes back in to the service as you are buying in to an ethical company. Now, that's better.

School of Arts - City Uni. London

school of arts - city uni. london


The School of Policy & Global Affairs is a centre of world-class scholarship, education and public service, making a transformative impact on society. Located in one of the world's greatest financial and political centres, we engage with the key challenges and debates that are shaping policy formation in a rapidly changing world. The School was formed in summer 2022, bringing together the Department of Economics, Department of International Politics, and the Department of Sociology and Criminology. Our highly-rated courses in these subject areas equip students with the knowledge and skills to respond to the world’s most pressing policy challenges. With strong links to industry and policy organisations our graduates forge exciting careers in multinational businesses, consultancies, government departments and non-governmental organisations. In an increasingly uncertain world facing profound geopolitical, environmental and socio-economic transformation, we provide policymakers, activists, business and commercial sectors with world-class research and insight to make sense of the changing global landscape. Through our research centres and think tanks we are building our research intensity, delivering a significant improvement to the impact of our research. We have international expertise in academic areas including political economy, international relations, global finance, behavioural and health economics, class and gender, crime and justice, and violence and society. City’s membership of the University of London federation helps develop research links between institutions, and foster a sense of community with staff and students from across member universities. School leadership team Dean: Professor Charles Lees (from 1st August 2022) Chief Operating Officer: James Phillips

Human Dynamics Group

human dynamics group


Today, we work closely with clients to embrace a transformational approach aimed at benefiting all stakeholders—empowering organizations to grow, unlock individual potential and make change happen. How We Help Clients? At most organizations, a big gap still yawns between aspiration and practice. We partner with our clients to tackle their most crucial challenges and capture their greatest opportunities in the changing world of work. Developing Key Skills for Leaders At Human Dynamic, we focus first on how to develop coaching and learning practice as an individual managerial capacity, and then on how to make it an organizational one. Human Dynamic’s professional team includes a well-rounded mix of people management consultants, HR professionals, psychologists, counselors, lawyers, accountants, work life coaches and wellness consultants. Our 13 direct offices spread over Hong Kong, Korea, China Mainland, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and India, are staffed and run by locals who are familiar with the cultural needs yet sensitive to the global work environment. Our team is further augmented by an extensive professional affiliate network in more than 30 countries in Australia, Middle East, Africa, Europe, North America, and Latin America, which works closely with us to cater to the unique local community and diverse individual needs in each location. Human Dynamic now covers at least half a million lives globally. With a team of highly-trained and experienced consultants, augmented by our network of affiliate partners around the world, we promise the highest level of service and care for our customers.

Southwark Diocesan Board Of Education Incorporated

southwark diocesan board of education incorporated


We are delighted to introduce you to the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education. The SDBE is proud to support 104 schools and academies, colleges and universities across our diverse and vibrant Diocese. Church schools are for everyone. Our vision for education in our schools and academies, colleges and universities reflects the wider Anglican concern for the well-being of everyone entrusted to our care. The outworking of our Christian faith, identity and ethos is to serve the needs of young people and their families in the community as a whole. This has been the commitment of our Church Schools since their foundation, and will continue to be so, by God’s Grace, into a hopeful future. From their offices nearby Southwark Cathedral the superb SDBE staff team are dedicated to providing excellent training, professional advice, resources, guidance and pastoral support. We aim to ensure that our school leaders, governors and chaplains are equipped to give the 42,000 young people in our care the best possible education and life chances. SIAMS and OFSTED inspection outcomes place us as one of the highest performing Diocesan Boards of Education nationally, with our diocesan schools’ performance consistently above national averages. Please explore our site to learn more about the exciting new initiatives taking place in schools across the Diocese, and the opportunities for you to be a part of our diocesan family of schools. We encourage all of us to pray daily for the well-being and development of children and young people throughout South London and East Surrey, including those in our educational establishments.

Hopscotch Under Fives

hopscotch under fives


Established originally as a Drop in for local children run by local mothers the nursery grew from this into the setting that we have today, incorporating 3 classrooms alongside a dedicated Drop in which runs daily. The nursery is a registered charity and a not for profit organization. The nursery is run by a dedicated team of managers with Trustees and directors that are made up of parents from the nursery. This system allows all parents to get involved in the running of their child’s nursery both on the ground level and in the management side. The nursery is run by Vivien Moxam & Manisha Gorsia who have both been at the nursery well over 15 years, we are local to the Queens Park area and have worked closely with the community. Manisha Gorsia has been the manager for over 13 years and is passionate about the nursery, the children and is always looking at opportunities to build and develop the team and the practices at Hopscotch, Manisha wants all children to leave the nursery with confidence and the skills to go onto school. Manisha runs the team of 20 staff overseeing them on a daily basis with the help of her deputy and room leaders. Vivien Moxam joined the team over 15 years ago while her own children were attending the nursery & has since come on board as a Company Director. Manisha and Vivien work closely together to ensure the smooth running of Hopscotch, with Manisha being child facing & Vivien’s role is to over see the business aspect of the business.

Wca School

wca school


Welcome to West Coventry Academy, a fully inclusive comprehensive school. Our ethos centres around improving the life chances of all our young people. We believe it is our responsibility to work with every individual, challenging them to achieve their best and supporting them to become responsible young adults who leave school prepared for the next stage in their development. Our aim is to develop young people who are Respectful, Responsible, Resilient and Ready to Learn. West Coventry Academy has a team of dedicated staff who ensure that our students thrive in a safe and happy environment. We believe high quality relationships are pivotal to providing fulfilling learning experiences. Our broad curriculum caters for students of all abilities, lessons are engaging and relevant, developing students' confidence and creativity. We are proud of our extra curriculuar provision and the opportunities our students have can access to as a result. We believe it is important to develop the whole individual and for students to be given the chance to learn new skills which challenge and test their resilience. Skills that will equip them for life. Our student leadership programme encourages students to take responsibility and invest in the school and its future. At West Coventry Academy we value working together with parents/carers and the community to ensure that students enjoy their time at school, make excellent progress and leave us with the necessary skills and attitudes to lead successful and fulfilling lives. Please do come and pay us a visit; our staff and students are very proud of our school.

Pushkin House Trust

pushkin house trust


The founder of Pushkin House Maria Kullmann was one of the few women of her generation to have a degree in theology. In her youth she became personally acquainted with the philosophers of the Russian Religious Renaissance who made the journey to the West in the legendary ‘Philosophers’ Ship’: Nikolai Berdyaev (1874 - 1948), Sergei Bulgakov (1871 - 1944) and Nikolai Lossky (1870 - 1965). Their writings, as well as those of Vladimir Solovyov were explored in depth in lectures and talks at Pushkin House. Nikolai Lossky frequently visited from Paris and also gave talks. Across the border in Soviet Russia, the works of Bulgakov, Berdyaev and Lossky were published in self-published ‘Samizdat’ form: the intelligentsia considered religious discourse as providing a theoretical platform that could inform resistance to the regime - alongside a discourse on human rights and continental philosophy. The charismatic head of the Russian Orthodox Church Diocese of Sourozh Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom) (1914 - 2003) regularly contributed to the programme at Pushkin House. He spoke on a wide variety of topics including Russian Christian thinkers and Nikolay Fedorov, the founder of Russian Cosmism. Among his lectures was one entitled ‘On Faith and Deed’ that was published as an essay and became an influential text within the Russian Orthodox Church community, as did ‘On Russian People’s Faith’, recordings of which from the Pushkin House archive can be listened to at this exhibition. In many ways Metropolitan Anthony defined his faith and beliefs through his lectures at Pushkin House, which were to have a great influence within the Russian Orthodox Church and beyond.

Fouz Schools

fouz schools


Welcome to Fouz Schools. Our prayer is that we can support your child with the education they need to succeed in all endeavors of life and the hereafter. Having personally grownup and lived the maktab/madrasah education experience in the 80’s and 90’s and started teaching in the late 90’s to the present day, coupled with fatherhood, I have had the opportunity to build a close understanding and interest in making sure our community can provide a learning experience to young Muslims that is relevant and relatable for the world they live in. This is despite the limitations we have in resourcing and time. In a time when our children are surrounded with competing ideologies and ways of living, and with maktab education being foundational to their lives as Muslims, it is critical that it hits home for them as independently thinking individuals. I would like to thank our wonderful teachers and parents over the years for their trust and belief in the vision that there was always a better way to educate our children. Teachers have worked tirelessly to develop the curriculum whilst simultaneously delivering it diligently. Keeping one eye on current student progress and an eye on the horizon. In this fast changing world we have constantly reflected on the effectiveness of our content and delivery in preparing for the future. We pray that Allah blesses this work and the future of our children so that they may take the reins and lead us to even greater heights. Ameen! Mohammed Abdullah MEd