1328 Educators providing Courses in London

London Elite Sports & Football Academy

london elite sports & football academy


We are a youth and sports organisations who seek to improve the welfare and wellbeing of all children and young people through organised football/sport training and competitive games, education and social activities of all kinds.Clasford Stirling MBE was invited to establish a youth football team on the Broadwater Farm estate in Tottenham in 1979, which he duly did and called it Broadwater Farm United. Due to his personal commitment and consistency, two key ingredients for success, that first ‘team’ eventually turned into Broadwater Sports & Football Academy, which is still going but with a rebranding to it’s new name, London Elite Sports & Football Academy, which was founded and established by his son, Jude Stirling. As a youth and community advocacy organisation, it has been incredibly successful, supporting several generations of young people against all the odds, to reach their full potential. Clasfords example of care, discipline and clear mentorship as a strong role model, has attracted other skilled volunteer coaches and workers around him, who are also simply motivated to help young people and their parents to understand the transforming principles of great teamwork and cooperation. London Elite are now key providers within Haringey of youth provision projects that target those young people who are struggling against the adverse effects of poverty and low societal expectation, that can often lead young people into anti-social behaviours that are not good for either their own health and wellbeing, or those around them, especially parents who do not know how to overcome the powerful influences of peer pressure exerted upon their children. London Elite have established a model programme to address this vulnerability of young people, called ‘Off The Street, Less Heat’ aimed at providing a safe and secure ‘Drop-In’ place with a range of social and sport activities during late evening hours, in order to offer them alternative activities that are good for them and enhance their skills through training, education and mentoring. Equality has always been at the very heart of all that guides the way forward for Clasford and his team, with a vision of equal access to not only sport, but also education and all other facilities that are available to young people. London Elite, with the funding support of Nike, are now leaders in developing young women’s football, from the age of 10 and up, with our first team entry into a league, happening this season, which is very exciting for all concerned. London Elite exists and operates within a very diverse community and have the privilege of hosting and training children from many ethnic backgrounds, without discrimination, so all of their work is underpinned by the example and policies of the Football Association, especially in terms of promoting the anti-racist principles of their Respect agenda, which apply to not only the coaches, but to players, parents and spectators alike. London Elite’s vision for going forward, is to continue it’s good work and set a strong legacy plan for it’s continuation on into the future, laying the foundation of good strong ‘best practices’, so that anyone who joins the staff will know exactly what their role and aims are and how to achieve them in the best interests of the young people that they are supporting. There is also an idea to extend the vision to develop a one-stop shop for promoting job opportunities, interview training and entrepreneurial development. Partnerships are key to this future success and their collaborations with local schools, Nike, the London borough of Haringey, Spurs and many others, show just what can be achieved once the will and resources are put to good responsible use. London Elite is governed as a non-profit company limited by guarantee, meaning that there are no profits to be taken out of any funding or income that the management team receive, with any excess of income over costs, having to be ploughed straight back into the work of the team in helping young people. Continued long-term and stable funding is hard to come by now, especially with the financial hardships caused by the effects of the pandemic and so any help is much appreciated. London Elite are always seeking to put any funding opportunities to good use for our young people, so if you feel in alignment with our basic aims and objectives, please feel free to contact us at any time with ideas or concrete offers that you may be aware of. We look forward to hearing from you soon!




In these terms and conditions (“Conditions”) the following expressions shall have the following meanings: “Business Day” means any day other than Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday. “Business Hours” means the hours detailed in Condition 32 below. “Contact Hours” means Monday to Friday (inclusive) from 07:00 hours to 17:00 hours but excluding bank holidays. “Contract” means any contract between MT and the Customer for the supply of Hardware and/or Software (with the associated Licence) and/or services which is subject to these Conditions. “Customer” means any person, firm or company who enters into a Contract with MT to which these Conditions apply. “Force Majeure” means any event outside the reasonable control of either Party affecting its ability to perform any of its obligations (other than as to payment) under these Conditions. “Goods” means all or any tangible or intangible goods or intellectual property including but not limited to Hardware and Software which are provided to a Customer in accordance with these Conditions. “Hardware” means any hardware provided by MT to the Customer. “MT” means MODERNTRONICS Ltd. or its servants and agents as the case may be. “Insolvency Event” means any one of the following in relation to the Customer: (i) a notice being issued to propose a resolution for winding up or dissolution, or such a resolution being passed; (ii) a petition for a winding up or an administration or bankruptcy order being presented, or such an order made; (iii)any steps being taken with a view to a voluntary arrangement or other assignment, composition or arrangement with all or any creditors or any moratorium, readjustment, rescheduling, forgiveness or deferral of all or any indebtedness; (iv) suspension of payments to all or any creditors and/or ceasing business; (v)an encumbrancer taking possession of all or any assets; (vi) an administrator or receiver being appointed over the Customer or all or any of its assets; (vii)any action anywhere similar or analogous to any of the foregoing; or MT reasonably believing that any of the foregoing is imminent. “Licence” has the meaning attributed to it in Condition 23 below. “Minimum Term” means the term set out in Condition 17 below. “Party” means MT or the Customer and “Parties” means both of them. “Response Time” means two Working Hours from an initial call to the hotline under Condition 26 or 28 below. “Seminar” means any seminar provided by MT. “Service Operator” has the meaning given to that term in Condition 28 below. “Site” means https://www.moderntronics.com and all subdomains including (but without limitation) “Software” means software or software updates or upgrades provided by MT and licensed to the Customer under Condition 23 below. “Training Sessions” means any training session provided by MT. “Working Hours” means the hours between 9:00 to 17:00 on any Business Day 2. Interpretation In these Conditions, the following rules apply: A person includes a natural person, corporate or unincorporated body (whether or not having separate legal personality). A reference to a Party includes its personal representatives, successors or permitted assigns. A reference to a statute or statutory provision is a reference to such statute or provision as amended or re-enacted. A reference to a statute or statutory provision includes any subordinate legislation made under that statute or statutory provision, as amended or re-enacted. Any phrase introduced by the terms including, include, in particular or any similar expression shall be construed as illustrative and shall not limit the sense of the words preceding those terms. A reference to writing or written includes faxes and e-mails. 3. General Information These Conditions apply when MT: sells and delivers Hardware; sells and delivers Licences; sells and delivers Software; or provides repairs or any other services to the Customer. They will also apply to other business transactions unless MT agrees that alternative special conditions apply. These Conditions apply to the exclusion of any other conditions that may be proposed by a Customer or implied by law (insofar as such exclusion is lawful). Part II Specific Provisions for the Use of the Online Shop Customers purchasing Goods from the Site, must read all Parts of these Conditions, which apply to them in full. 4. Consumers The Goods and services provided by MT are designed only for sale to and use by businesses in the course of their business activities. MT does not knowingly sell to any person dealing as a consumer or supply anything for personal use. 5. Customer’s Status By placing an order on the Site, the Customer warrants that he or she is: legally capable of entering into binding contracts and, where the Customer is an individual, that he or she is at least 18 years old; and is dealing in a business capacity and purchasing Goods and/or services for the purpose of his business and not for personal use. Part III General Conditions for the Provision of Goods and Services 6. Formation of Contract Quotations provided by MT to the Customer are not binding on MT. The Customer’s order constitutes an offer to MT to buy the Goods or services. All orders are subject to acceptance by MT. The offer will be deemed accepted, and a Contract formed, when MT sends the Customer confirmation that the Goods have been dispatched (“Dispatch Confirmation”) or, in the absence of a Dispatch Confirmation, when the Goods are delivered. The Contract will only relate to those Goods whose dispatch is confirmed to the Customer by a Dispatch Confirmation or if no Dispatch Confirmation is sent, those Goods which are actually dispatched. MT is not obliged to supply any Goods which may have been part of the Customer’s order until the dispatch of such Goods has been confirmed in a separate Dispatch Confirmation. Subject to Condition 17 below, an order for services will be deemed to have been accepted, and a Contract formed, when MT sends the Customer confirmation that the services ordered will be provided (“Service Confirmation”) or, in the absence of a Service Confirmation, when the services begin to be provided. Oral representations will only be binding upon MT if they are expressly confirmed in writing by MT to the Customer. 7. Price Unless MT expressly specifies prices to the Customer, MT’s current list of prices applicable at the time of the acknowledgement of order will apply. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all prices are exclusive of value added tax, postage, freight, insurance, forwarding fees, installation and commissioning, travelling expenses and subsistence, which will be added as appropriate. MT will charge overtime for work outside of their normal Business Hours at up to 150% of the hourly rate from time to time applicable during Business Hours. Subject to Condition 16 below, prices are liable to change at any time, but changes will not affect orders in respect of which MT has already sent the Customer a Dispatch Confirmation or a Service Confirmation as the case may be. The Site contains a large number of products and it is always possible that, despite MT’s efforts, some of the products listed may be incorrectly priced. MT will normally verify prices as part of dispatch procedures so that, where a product’s correct price is less than our stated price, MT will charge the lower amount when dispatching the product to you. If a product’s correct price is higher than the price stated on our site, MT will normally, at our discretion, either contact you for instructions before dispatching the product, or reject your order and notify you of such rejection. MT is under no obligation to provide any Goods or services to the Customer at an incorrect (lower) price, even after MT has sent a Dispatch Confirmation or a Service Confirmation in relation to those Goods or services if such incorrect price could reasonably have been expected to be recognised by the Customer as an error. 8. Delivery and Availability The Customer’s order for Goods will be fulfilled by the delivery date in the Dispatch Confirmation or, if no delivery date is specified, then within 30 days of the date the Customer made his order (where such an order leads to a Contract). The period for delivery or performance of the Contract will normally commence on MT’s acknowledgement of the order. However, if the Customer is required to do anything before MT can effect delivery, MT will, as soon as practicable, notify the Customer accordingly. The time within which MT must deliver any Goods will run from the date on which MT receives notice from the Customer that it has duly complied with such notification from MT. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, any periods mentioned in the acknowledgement of order for services and Software development are based on a preliminary estimate of the required workload and therefore are approximate only. Time of delivery and performance is not of the essence. If MT fails to meet any delivery or performance dates set out in the acknowledgement of order and is solely responsible for such failure, the Customer may terminate the Contract but only after MT has been given an opportunity to rectify the situation and subsequently fails to meet the revised set of delivery or performance dates provided by MT to the Customer in writing. Unless MT has been deliberately or grossly negligent, all further claims of the Customer on the basis of the delay in performance are excluded. If MT cannot deliver or perform its obligations under the Contract due to Force Majeure or a failure of the Customer to cooperate or any other act, default or omission of the Customer, then MT will be entitled to perform its obligations under the Contract once the issue has been resolved, provided the issue occurred while MT was still allowed to deliver or perform and MT shall have no liability whatsoever for any delay or its failure to perform its obligations. 9. Agreed Performance Unless specified otherwise in writing, the agreed performance in respect of any repairs provided by MT, at the Customer’s request will be to adjust the relevant unit(s) to MT’s applicable standard specifications for that unit. Where the relevant unit(s) cannot be repaired to MT’s applicable standard specification due to the Customer limiting the repairs required or the time and money to be invested MT may exceed the Customer’s request if MT considers, at its sole discretion, that such additional repairs are reasonable and will ensure the proper functionality of the unit in question. The agreed performance levels for MT’s maintenance and care services are as set out in Conditions 26 and 28 below; for all other services the agreed performance levels will be as set out in the acknowledgement of order. 10. Refunds Where the Customer returns Goods (at the Customer’s cost) because he or she claims that the Goods are defective, MT will examine the returned Goods and will notify the Customer of its findings within a reasonable period of time. If MT (in its sole discretion) deems that the Goods are defective, MT may at its option repair, replace or provide a refund in respect of such defective Goods. MT will process any repair, replacement or refund as soon as practicable and, in the case of any refund, within 30 days of the day MT confirmed to the Customer that the Customer was entitled to the same. Such refunds will be made in full, including a refund of any delivery charges for sending the item to the Customer. 11. Import Duty If the Customer orders Goods for delivery outside the UK, they may be subject to import duties and taxes which are levied when the delivery reaches the specified destination. The Customer will be responsible for payment of any such import duties and taxes. Please note that MT has no control over these charges and cannot predict their amount. Customers should contact their local customs office for further information before placing an order. Customers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the country for which the Goods are destined. The Customer will indemnify and keep indemnified MT in respect of all costs, proceedings, losses and liabilities resulting from any breach by the Customer of any such laws. 12. Retention of Title to Property The Goods will be at the Customer’s risk from the time of delivery. Property in and title to all Goods will remain with MT until MT has received payment for the full price of all the Goods (and/or all other goods and/or services supplied by MT to the Customer under any other contract whatsoever).. The Customer may sell or use Goods in which title is retained during the course of their normal business, but may not give such Goods by way of pledge or pledge these Goods as security. Until the property in and title to the Goods passes to the Customer: the Customer shall keep the Goods properly stored, protected and insured and separate from all or any other goods whether belonging to MT, the Customer or any third party; MT shall be entitled at any time forthwith to revoke the Customer’s power to deal with the Goods; and such power shall automatically cease if an Insolvency Event shall occur in respect of the Customer; and the Customer shall not make any modification to the Goods, the Software or their packaging or alter, remove or tamper with any marks, numbers or other means of identification used on or in relation to the Goods. Upon termination of the Customer’s power to deal with the Goods, the Customer shall place the Goods at the disposal of MT and MT are hereby irrevocably authorised without the need for consent of any third party but using only such force as may be necessary, to enter upon any premises of the Customer or any third party for the purpose of removing the Goods. If third parties claim title to Goods with retained title, the Customer will inform MT without delay, will notify the person making the claim of MT’s title and will support MT in enforcing its rights, including taking all the necessary steps required to preserve MT’s rights, including commencing litigation at the Customer’s own expense. If the Customer breaches the Contract, e. g. by delaying payment, the Customer will be obliged to return the Goods with retained title if requested by MT, in return for which MT will not terminate the Contract. 13. Payment Where services, maintenance or care are provided on an ongoing basis, MT will invoice the Customer for these at the beginning of the billing period or as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter. The Customer will pay MT’s invoices in full within 30 days from the date of the relevant invoice. Depending on the scope of an order, payments for such services, maintenance or care are due either upon placement of the order by the Customer or upon partial delivery of the same of between 40 to 50% of their respective order value. BACS or cheque are the only methods of payment accepted. Invoices for Seminars and Training Sessions will be issued at the beginning of the respective session and payment is due immediately and without deduction. 14. Delay of Payment Where a Customer fails to pay an invoice by the due date, MT will be entitled to charge the Customer interest on all monies outstanding from the due date until the actual date of payment (both before and after judgment) at a rate of 8% above the base rate of the Bank of England calculated on a daily basis. 15. Setting-Off and Refusal of Payment The Customer cannot exercise any right of set-off in respect of amounts owed to or by MT. 16. Change of Pricing by MT for Ongoing Maintenance or Care MT may increase its prices for maintenance and services by giving the Customer written notice 2 months prior to the end of the Minimum Term. The Customer has 4 weeks from the date of receipt of the written notice from MT to object to the change. Where the Customer so objects, the Customer will be entitled to give notice to MT to terminate the Contract as of the date of the proposed price increase. 17. Automatic Extension of Contract Where services, maintenance or care are performed on an ongoing basis the Contract will come into effect upon acceptance by MT of the first order from the Customer for Software maintenance. The Contract will initially run until the date specified at “Minimum Service Duration” as set out in the “MT Service Product List” or until the expiry date where an expiry date is stipulated in the Contract (“Minimum Term”). Subject to one of the Parties serving written notice of termination on the other at least three months prior to the expiry of the Minimum Term, the Contract will be extended automatically. In the case of Software Licences supplied without a time limit, the Contract will extend until December 31st of the current year. The subsequent extension periods will begin on January 1st and end on December 31st of the respective year. In the case of Software Licences supplied with limited validity (e.g. a licence for 1-year) the extension is based on the terms and conditions set out in the description of the respective licence (e.g. extension by one further year). Unless otherwise agreed in writing, any extension to a Contract will be on the basis of MT’s current price list as at the date of such extension. 18. Delivery Obligations and Shipping The conditions for EXW (ex works) (MT’s premises or such other place referred to in the relevant order) as set out in the Incoterms 2010 apply to delivery of any Goods. Claims for any transport damages and any replacement of damaged Goods, remain with the Customer who is responsible for adhering to the mode and period for the filing of any claims with carriers, shippers and insurers. 19. Scope of Warranty (Material Deficiencies and Deficiencies in Title) MT warrants that the Hardware is free from defects in workmanship and material as at the time of transfer of risk; and warrants that the Software does not contain any flaws which void or substantially reduce its value or suitability for the usual or contracted purpose. Where MT is not the author of the Software, MT does not warrant that such Software will run without interruptions or errors, nor that MT will be capable of resolving all Software errors, nor that the Customer will be capable of achieving all of the functions included in the Software in all of the combinations chosen by the Customer, nor that these will meet the Customer’s requirements. MT will only warrant the quality and/or durability of Goods if it has expressly agreed in writing with the Customer that it will do so. The warranty period is 1 year. Where MT is the author of the Software such Software is subject to MT’s standard warranty. 20. Obligation to Inspect and Serve Notice of Defects The Customer must inspect the Goods upon delivery or repair and must notify MT in writing of any failure by MT to meet the specification within 7 days of delivery or repair or (where the failure was not apparent on reasonable inspection) within a reasonable time being no more than 1 month after discovery of the failure. Where the Customer fails to provide such notice MT will have no liability under its warranty. 21. Liability Subject only to Condition 21 d), MT shall not be liable to the Customer in contract, tort (including without limitation negligence) and/or breach of statutory duty for any loss or damage which the Customer may suffer by reason of any act, omission, neglect or default (including negligence) in the performance of the Contract by MT, its servants or agents, in a sum which is greater than GBP 200,000 per incident or series of connected incidents. Subject only to Condition 21 d), MT shall not be liable to the Customer whether in contract or tort (including without limitation negligence and/or breach of statutory duty) for indirect loss of any kind resulting from these Conditions, its performance or any breach of its terms. Subject only to Condition 21 d), MT shall not be liable to the Customer whether in contract or tort (including without limitation negligence and/or breach of statutory duty) for indirect economic loss of any kind including (but without limitation) loss of business opportunity, reputation, goodwill resulting from these Conditions, its performance or any breach of its conditions. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, nothing in these Conditions shall operate so as to limit or exclude MT’s non-excludable liability in respect of death or personal injury caused by the negligence of MT to exclude the application of Section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 and to exclude liability for fraudulent misrepresentation. MT’s liability for loss of data is limited to the effort required to restore the data from proper backups provided by the Customer. 22. Third Party Rights If any third party claims or takes action against the Customer, because Goods delivered by MT, or their use in accordance with the instructions provided by MT, purportedly violate their commercial rights or proprietary rights, then the Customer will inform MT of the same. MT agrees that they will assist the Customer in defending such claims. Where the claim is made to the Customer within 12 months of the date of delivery, MT will indemnify the Customer against claims provided that the Customer: appoints MT to defend the claims or to settle the dispute, and promptly notifies MT of any such claim, keeps the Customer informed of all information received and provides such reasonable assistance to MT as it shall reasonably require, does not defend the action itself without coordinating such defence with MT, and does not at any time admit liability or otherwise settle or compromise or attempt to settle or compromise the said claim or action except upon the express instruction of MT, the alleged breach of rights is not based on alteration of the delivered item used by the Customer, and does not use the item delivered by MT in conjunction with other items and/or in a fashion that breaches any such rights, in a situation where the use of the item as delivered by MT would not have breached the rights of the person who has filed the claim. MT may at any time and at its own expense acquire on behalf of the Customer the right to continue to use the Goods, to replace the Goods or alter them in such a fashion that the rights of others are no longer breached. If this is not possible, the Customer shall return or destroy the Goods if required to do so by MT who will reimburse the purchasing price for the Goods less depreciation. If the Customer refuses to do so, MT will no longer defend the claim or provide the Customer with any further support. The Customer has no further rights in case of disputes over proprietary rights with third parties and MT shall have no liability therefore unless MT could be blamed for acting deliberately or with gross negligence. Part IV Special Conditions for Delivery of Software 23. Conditions of Use for Delivered Software In the case of delivery of Software to the Customer, MT hereby grants the Customer a simple, non exclusive and non-transferable, licence to use the Software (“Licence”) . The validity of the Licence is not time limited, unless otherwise specified to the contrary in the terms and conditions of the Licence. MT, grants the Customer the use of such Software in the form of the object code and the user documentation with the use being restricted to one electronic data processing system at any one time and only for the tasks for which it is intended. Unless permitted by law, the Customer will not decompile the Software or perform reverse engineering. The Customer may duplicate the Software but only to the extent that this is required for the permitted use, and in order to allow it to perform data backup. Upon delivery of any Software, including updates and upgrades, the Customer will immediately produce a backup copy. MT may terminate the Licence granted to the Customer pursuant to this Condition 23 with immediate effect if the Customer is in breach of the conditions for the use of the Software for a period of 30 days from the date of a written notice of such a breach from MT or any third party. On termination of this Contract howsoever arising, the Customer will return to MT within 30 days all Software together with any related materials owned and licensed by MT and shall delete all copies and partial copies of the Software however stored within 7 days of service of the notice. Proof of such deletion must be provided to MT without delay. On receipt of prior written consent from MT, the Customer may retain a copy of the Software for the purposes of archiving. 24. Delivery of Software MT will only install the Software if this has been expressly agreed in writing between the Customer and MT. MT is able to provide telephone consultancy and support concerning questions relating to the application of the respective Software products as well as the solution of problems that may occur as provided for in Condition 26 below. 25. Prerequisites for Running the Delivered Software The proper running of Software systems supplied will only be guaranteed if the Hardware and operating system components used correspond to the reference systems of the respective manufacturer(s), as well as having been approved and certified. Unless otherwise agreed in the Contract, the Customer shall ensure that the provisions in this Condition 25 are complied with. Part VMaintenance and Care Application Software 26. Scope of Performance of MT Services for Application Software For the Software products, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, MT will provide the following services, denoted by Service Level “SW-Service STANDARD” and Service Level “SW-Service E-STANDARD”: Right to use Software and documentation updates: MT grants the Customer a non-transferable, non-exclusive Licence to use the Software and any documentation or updates. The right of use is not limited in validity, unless otherwise specified in the terms and conditions of the Licence. Software and documentation updates: MT will supply the Customer with the current version of the Software as specified in the Contract. This will be done as specified by the manufacturer of the Software. The documentation will be supplied in the form determined by the manufacturer of the Software. The installation of Software updates will be performed by suitably qualified personnel of the Customer. Alternatively for an additional charge, MT may install the Software updates on behalf of the Customer. Where the Customer has adapted the Software, the Customer will be liable for the additional cost of performing the same adaptation to the new version of the Software or alternatively the Customer may perform the necessary adaptation himself. Hotline (Service Level “SW-Service STANDARD” only) MT is able to provide consultancy and support by telephone or by e-mail in relation to queries relating to the application of the respective Software products as well as the resolution of any problems (in so far as it is reasonably practicable to do so) which may occur. This service will be provided by MT during the Contact Hours: Wherever possible, qualified consultancy will be provided by MT within the Response Time. E-mail Hotline (Service Level “SW-Service E-STANDARD” only) MT is able to provide e-mail consultancy and support in relation to queries relating to the application of the respective Software products as well as the resolution of any problems (in so far as it is reasonably practicable to do so) which may occur. This service will be provided by MT during the Contact Hours Wherever possible, qualified consultancy will be provided by MT within the Response Time. MT Hotline: E-mail: hotline@MT.com Internet: http://www.MT.com/customersupport Software error messages Where Software problems occur which MT is unable, for whatever reason, to resolve, the Customer may send a written error message to MT. The purpose of such an error message is to identify the error in the Software and enable the manufacturer to resolve the error. MT shall liaise with the manufacturer(s) of the Software products to resolve any Software errors as promptly as possible. Restoration of any data, regardless of the cause of the data loss, is not the responsibility of MT. 27. Obligation of the Customer to Co-operate Pre-conditions for the provision of the services by MT to the Customer are that the Customer has legally acquired the Software and holds a corresponding Licence to use it. In addition, the Software must be in the same condition that it was in when it was delivered. The services exclusively relate to the current release and delivered version of the Software. If earlier Software versions are used, a one-time update service which will be independently invoiced and paid for by the Customer will be provided to update the Software to the latest version. Services will not be performed for Software adaptations made by the Customer (for example including but not limited to macros, programs, variants, user interfaces and database applications). If the operating system for the Hardware is not included in the Contract, the Customer must update the operating system to the most recent version (e. g. by purchasing updates) if this is required in order to use the new versions of the application Software. Hardware and Operating Systems 28. Scope of Performance of MT Maintenance and Care Services for Hardware and Operating System For Hardware products and the operating system, unless otherwise agreed in writing, MT will provide the following services, denoted by Service Level “HW-Service SPECIAL”: The scope of performance is briefly set out in the “Special Description” for each product listed in the attached “MT Service Product List”. The exact scope of performance will be determined in accordance with the attached description of performance issued by the respective MT service operator (“Service Operator” including but not limited to Hewlett-Packard, Fujitsu Siemens and Silicon Graphics). The following shall also apply: Hotline MT is able to provide consultancy and support by telephone or by e-mail in relation to queries relating to the application of the respective Hardware products and operating system, as well as the resolution, (in so far as it is reasonably practicable to do so) of any problems which may occur. This service will be performed by MT during the Contact Hours: Wherever possible, qualified consultancy will be provided by MT within the Response Time. Where queries arise outside of the Contact Hours, the Customer should address such queries directly to MT’s Service Operator Response time for Hardware failures MT will use reasonable endeavours to solve a query within the Response Time. The Response Time shall be deemed to have been initiated either as soon as the customer service personnel arrives on the relevant site, or as soon as remote diagnosis is started, where either is required to resolve the problem. The appropriate Response Time will be determined in accordance with the attached description of performance issued by the respective MT Service Operator. 29. Services Not Included Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the following services will not be provided by MT to the Customer: a) Repair/re-acquisition of devices that have been damaged as a result of: incidents of war of any type civil wars, nuclear energy, deliberate action of the Customer (not of his subcontractors) b) Repair/re-acquisition that is required because of repair work or alterations of devices carried out by the Customer or any third party without the prior written consent of MT. c) Work required due to interface problems between MT’s devices and those of other manufacturers and suppliers. d) Customer service which is required because a product that is not covered under this Contract has caused an error. e) Customer service that has become necessary because devices have been used under adverse conditions (e.g. including contaminations and deviations from recommended room temperature and relative humidity) or in conjunction with accessories or (device-specific) consumables (e.g. including foreign disks, disk stacks, cassettes, printer paper and print heads of any type) (“Device Specific Consumables”) which do not meet the manufacturer’s specifications. f) Replacement of Device-Specific Consumables. g) Data backup. h) Calibration work that is not related to repair. 30. Restoration of Data/Programs The restoration of data and programs upon repair or replacement of a defective hard disk is limited to starting the copying program (Restore) used to restore the last full data backup. 31. Obligation of the Customer to Cooperate a) Hardware service Pre-conditions for the provision of Hardware services by MT are that the Hardware has been acquired legally and has been installed properly at the Customer’s site. In addition the Hardware affected must correspond to the current revision and be in proper condition when including in the Contract. These pre-conditions shall be met immediately after the expiry of the warranty period specified in the Contract. If the Hardware is included in the Contract at a later date, these pre-conditions must first be confirmed by a takeover inspection of the Hardware by MT, which will be independently invoiced and paid for by the Customer, and if required the pre-conditions will be achieved by MT undertaking the required repair work. b) Operating System Service Pre-conditions for the provision of operating system services are that the Customer has legally acquired the Software and has been granted the necessary corresponding Licence to use it. In addition the Software must be in the same condition as when it was delivered to the Customer. The services exclusively relate to the current release and version of the Software. If earlier Software versions are used, a one-time “Update Service” which will be independently invoiced and paid for by the Customer will be provided to update the Software to the latest version. Operating System services will not be provided for Software adaptations made by the Customer (for example including but not limited to macros, programs, variants, user interfaces and database applications). Part VI Generally Applicable Conditions 32. Prices and Fees for Special Services The following items are not included in the payment for services under Conditions 26 and 28 above and will be invoiced separately in accordance with MT’s current price list: Services performed outside Working Hours on the express request of the Customer. Services to correct errors caused negligently by the Customer or by any unauthorised third party as a result of improper treatment, unsuitable operating media, unauthorised manipulations, Software manipulations, non-adherence to operating conditions or otherwise. ices required due to faulty handling, excessive vibration, chemical influence, excessive dust burden or non-adherence to the properties set forth in the unit specifications. Unreasonable wait times and delays in the performance of services which are caused by the Customer. Services to remedy failures caused by Force Majeure. 33. Backup of Customer Data Prior to the commencement of any service work undertaken by MT, the Customer will backup all data in such a way that it may easily be restored by MT in the event that it is lost in the service process. 34. Change of Installation/Application Site Where maintenance and care services are provided on an ongoing basis by MT, the Customer will immediately inform MT in writing of any change to the installation or application address. If such a change results in an increase in MT’s expenses. MT reserves the right to either increase the prices charged to recover the additional expense incurred or alternatively MT may serve notice on the Customer to terminate the Contract where the new address is outside United Kingdom. 35. Miscellaneous Service Conditions and Obligations of the Customer to Co-operate MT may appoint authorised third parties to provide services. The Customer may only transfer title to services to third parties with the prior written consent of MT. Where defective components or devices are replaced by MT, these will become the property of MT. Extension of the products included in the maintenance agreement may be included in this Contract with the consent of the Customer. On request, MT will offer to the Customer a corresponding extension of the Contract, provided maintenance for the respective product is available. Where MT has to perform any services, the Customer shall accurately and without delay provide MT with any/all information that is required to perform such services. The Customer will provide MT with the name of a competent and appropriately qualified contact person and will provide the name of an appropriate substitute in order for the Hardware and Software to be maintained. Any contact(s) will have participated in the respective Seminars and/or Training Sessions held from time to time by MT or alternatively will have acquired comparable knowledge. These contacts will be available to MT’s technicians on site or will have access to the MT’s hotline as applicable. Consumables and Auxiliaries (which shall include documentation, application programs, data, telephone lines for transmission of voice and data) are not included in the scope of performance and shall be provided by the Customer in the vicinity of the system, such consumables and auxiliaries will be provided during Working Hours or, with prior consultation, outside of these hours. Additionally, the Customer will provide to MT computing time and consumables as required. 36. Specifically Ordered Service Days If service days are ordered for call-off within a specified period, such orders are binding. The services will become due for payment once they have been performed or by the end of the defined time period at the latest. Specifically ordered service days to be called off within a defined time period, can still be called off during a time of three months beyond the expiry of such defined time period. Thereafter they are lost. The claim to payment is thereby unaffected. For users that register on our website (if any), we also store the personal information they provide in their user profile. All users can see, edit, or delete their personal information at any time (except they cannot change their username). Website administrators can also see and edit that information.

Skylark Global

skylark global


Skylark has established its operations in year 2002 having its primary focus on providing software services and providing IT enabled services. However, we gradually developed our expertise in providing various outsourcing services like Data Conversion Services, data entry, Image indexing services, customer care, transaction processing and other value added services. Over a decade the company has developed and expanded its operations. This is evident as now we are 200 employees company. We have been instrumental in providing Employment opportunities not only for the candidates located in heart of the Kolhapur city but from nearby villages. Our Human Resources team has mainly focused on providing employment opportunities not only to the candidates belonging to lower strata of the society but also for physically challenged people. We call ourselves as an “Employee Centric company” and have motivated our employees to display the core values of always being Available, Attentive and Reliable to our customers. It has helped us to be a preferred outsourcing partner to our client. We have developed a culture to go one step ahead to provide something called as “Customer delight”. We have a strong and experienced Leadership & Human resources team which is consistently helping us to achieve our desired growth and objectives. Day by day we have continued our development, expanded our operation and have invested in technology. We have developed new method of training so that we can deliver the quality output to our client. We are following the Best practices and highly committed to deliver high quality data, customer service, electronic stapling and Mortgage document indexing services etc. We provide service to huge magnitude of clients from simple one time keying requirements or complex multi entry and multi levels of quality checking entries. Our customers are from all market sectors, including both Small/Medium sized Companies. We are strongly committed to deliver superior quality, at the low cost & timely solutions to our clients. Today’s business environment is volatile and we are adapting new technologies to achieve maximum profitability by using the method of maximum utilization of resources. We see the world through our client’s eyes and identify key issues in customer’s business so that we can provide end to end services solutions to those areas. We believe in maintaining long term relationship with our client. We are committed to provide best-in-class services to our clients and believe in continuously developing a business, which will allow us to provide long term and continuing benefits to our clients. Vision Our vision is to be a fastest growing BPO serving Domestic as well as International clients. We want to be a “Trustworthy & Self-driven Partner” for our clients. We want to be a socially responsible organization by building and developing a competent workforce from various labor pools and want to create maximum employment opportunities for all the sections of the society. Mission We at Skylark want to create a better customer experience by continually improving our processes and methods to achieve highest level of “Customer delight”. Quality Policy Skylark Global BPO is committed to Provide Business process management solutions, Document processing services and Bulk Data Entry Services for Domestic and Internationals clients with quality service to exceed customer requirements with global bench marking for quality and cost effectiveness with high degree of customer orientation and market responsiveness. We will achieve this through the best practices followed in each process, team effort, technology, maintaining effective management system and continual improvement of our processes. Rural BPO Our organisation collaborates social responsibility along with business objectives to make these initiatives a vital part of the organisation’s cost effective approach. Over the years, we have adopted a thoughtful approach and have taken steps to address key areas which have an impact on society. The organisation drives these initiatives which are led by our Senior Management and is promoted across the organisation. We are thoroughly committed to bring about a change in the key areas which has a significant impact on the society. Our objective is to groom and provide employment opportunities for people in rural areas especially rural women through value added training and Learning & Development initiatives for building future Managers & leaders. This initiative opens up opportunities for individuals, who otherwise would not have a chance to gain employment opportunities. The key objective is to help the society and inspire the lives of the underprivileged and extend our support in the upliftment of the society. This initiative provides employment opportunity and benefits to: Individuals in remote rural areas who do not have good employment opportunities in their home towns and villages and are therefore forced by circumstances to migrate in large numbers to the cities. Women who are unable to attend regular jobs due to family priorities but still need to support the family income. Create employment opportunities for spouses/children of factory workers who would otherwise have no employment opportunities.

peopleknd (HORA HR and Recruitment)

peopleknd (hora hr and recruitment)


I’m Sarah Jo. Welcome to peopleknd. peopleknd. helps organisations like yours to grow through their people. peopleknd. was born out of my passion for improving lives and organisations by working with people in their workplace. I am an HR and People & Culture expert who supports SMEs on people matters. I am an HR and People & Culture lecturer who supports the next generation of people professionals. Being a practitioner and an academic helps me to support you by keeping my practices up to date with the latest HR and People & Culture research, continuously learning from HR and People & Culture practice and theory. I strongly believe that Knowledge for Action is the best way forward rather than knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Practice without the latest knowledge misses crucial developments in the field. I also enjoy speaking and writing on key HR matters and, currently, I am writing the HR column of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry‘s Business Magazine. Here are my latest two articles – Five ways to overcome the current skills shortage & Is the four-day week the future of work? During the years I’ve often been asked ‘What kind of people do you want in your organisation? The Ambitious, the Hard-working, the Self-motivated, the Reliable, the Communicator, the Self-starter, the Passionate, or the Committed?‘ My answer? The People kind. All of the above and a lot more. Organisations succeed when they understand that their people have good days – days when they are the Self-motivated, the Ambitious and the Self-starter – but there are also days when they are the Tired, the Stressed, or the Challenging. We, at peopleknd., acknowledge people’s good days and bad days, understand that none of us can perform at our best every day, celebrate successes and give support when needed. peopleknd. was born to celebrate people and organisations. To help you nurture a happy workplace. To support your organisation during good times and bad times. To help your organisation transform and grow. We offer expert HR advice on key people matters. We train. We mediate. We conduct research on key HR and People & Culture matters. We care about your people and organisation. We strive to build relationships and trust with you and your people, to support your efforts to increase staff engagement, to create a working environment that nurtures learning and development and improves performance, to help you attract and retain talent, and to make sure your business and staff are guided by up-to-date policies and procedures tailored for you. The world is changing at a fast pace. Mankind is changing its way of working. ‘Mankind’ is changing. The future is People. ‘Mankind’ becomes ‘peoplekind’. Change is inevitable, but you choose how to react to change and get your organisation where you want it to be to accomplish the vision you have for it. I believe in simple things. Through my work I’ve understood one simple thing that stays at the core of organisational transformation. Treat people like people and they will be happier. Happy people, better organisations. I am looking forward to meeting you and your people.

Tel Tutors

tel tutors


Welcome to FAHAD Tutors Academy! Here we provide qualified home tutors and online tutors specializing in various subjects inside and outside Pakistan. We cater to the unique needs of students and prepare them for important entry-level exams for their bright futures. Highly Qualified and Verified Teachers We make no compromises when choosing the best teachers for our academy. On the contrary, we carefully do an educational background check on every teacher that applies and only select those who are academically flourishing as individuals and capable of making others so. You can rest assured that every tutor in FAHAD Academy is 100% verified as well as appropriately certified. Every tutor holds the power and capability to provide you with the highest quality of education. Teachers From a Range of Experience and Subjects We have a diverse group of teachers available here at FAHAD Academy. Through them, we offer a wide range of home and online tutoring services within and outside Pakistan. All our teachers have varying levels of experience, so we can find you a tutor that matches your level. Moreover, no matter what subject you want to get tutored in, we will have a teacher for you here. Are you afraid of math? You only need to count on our online maths tuition. We are confident in the skills and experience of our teachers, and you will know why when you take their class! ● Maths: Maths is a subject many students fear and also despise. With our online maths tuition, you will hopefully get rid of that fear. Just hire an online math tutor from FAHAD Academy, and you'll see: that there's nothing to fear because math is fun and easy! ● English: Do you want to develop your English? Hire an English tutor online from Farhad Academy and see how far your grammar and vocabulary go. Online English teaching is not easy, but our teachers can apply their skills to make it possible. ● Science: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Statistics: You name it, and we will provide you with the tutor you need. You no longer have to find physics frustrating because your online physics tutor will make you realize how interesting it is. Chemistry also doesn't have to be a headache because your online chemistry tutor will show you the easiest way to understand and memorize everything. ● Languages: We already provide the best online tuition for English. But we also have tutors for various languages, like Arabic, German, Spanish, Korean, and others. These languages are considered necessary internationally, so learning them will help you go a long way. Not only can we teach you spoken languages, but we can also teach you different computer programming languages like Python, C++, and Java. We Will Match You With the Tutor That Is Best for You Hence, every student has unique and specific needs; hence, the same education method will not benefit every student equally. We also know that some students are better at spotting a problematic topic, while some find it harder to do. Considering all your specific needs and preferred methods, we will gladly match you with the tutor who can help you most. All you need to do is let us know your various requirements. For example, whether you will be more comfortable with a male or female teacher, what level and pace you want the teacher to teach you, and what schedule works best for you. We will try our best to ensure every one of your preferences is met so that you can study comfortably. Therefore, you will have a wide range of options with FAHAD Academy. And if we match you with a tutor but you don't click with them, we will immediately match you with another one. Complete Preparation for Important Exams Our tutors will, of course, help you out with short-term goals like the quarterly exams at your institution. But more importantly, our primary purpose is to simultaneously prepare you for the long-term and more important goals. And by that, we mean various entry tests according to your future career plans. This includes exams starting from NED, IBA, SSUET, CBM, Szabist, LUMS, NUST, and FAST to GRE, NTS, GAT, GMAT, SAT I, II, BCAT, ECAT, and MCAT. Whichever test you are aiming for, our tutors will align the teaching method accordingly. It's also okay if you haven't decided which exam you want to prepare for yet. In that case, the approach will be more general until you finally choose. No Geographical Boundary Our tutoring services aren't limited to Pakistan. Instead, you can study online from any part of the world! Aside from Pakistan, our tutors already have students from various countries, including Dubai, the U.S., UK, Canada, and Australia—to name a few. And no matter where they are in the world, everyone gets equal treatment. Even if you are in Pakistan, you can still study online if that's what suits you better. Home Tutoring for Face-to-Face Classes Online tutoring isn't suited for a lot of students since many lose their focus when they have a device in hand. Moreover, it is difficult for teachers to fully understand their students through a virtual space. That's why private tutoring can be very beneficial for students who need some extra care. FAHAD Academy also provides home tutors with the same kind of range and qualifications as online tutors. Our home tutoring services stretch to the whole of Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, and all over Pakistan. We plan to extend it further and hopefully reach even more students in the future! Valuable Assistance With Homework FAHAD Academy tutors are also willing to provide homework help to all students. Many kids are worried about homework, and you might be one of them, especially for subjects like math, which can be exhausting to solve. But with some online math help, it is not difficult anymore. Our tutors make sure to motivate you to complete all your homework on time and develop a plan for it. Of course, we are not doing your homework for you. Rather, we give you just the guidance you need to do it yourself after finding the drive to get up and finish it. This is also something our teachers are properly trained in. Contact Fahad Tutors Academy Today for Home Tuition and Online Tuition Call us at +92300-2391994, and let's discuss what you are looking for, what you need, and what we can provide. Visit our online tuition website to learn more. We also offer demo trial classes on Zoom and Skype for those who want to take online courses but are still unsure. Whether you require a home tutor or an online tutor, you will have one within only 24 hours!

Barking Abbey School, A Specialist Sports And Humanities College

barking abbey school, a specialist sports and humanities college


BARKING ABBEY SCHOOL IS A VERY LARGE SCHOOL ON TWO CAMPUSES IN EAST LONDON THAT SERVES THE BOROUGHS OF BARKING & DAGENHAM AND REDBRIDGE. We are a non-selective, comprehensive twelve form entry school with a proud tradition of academic and sporting success. The school is very popular in the local community for both Year 7 and sixth form admissions and is heavily oversubscribed. Barking Abbey School was founded in 1922 as one of the first co-educational grammar schools in England at the site in Longbridge Road. At the time, it was situated in a largely rural area, with fields and farmland close by. Gradually, as Barking began to expand as a residential centre, the school became the focal point for the community with an educational provision of national standing. In 1970, Barking Abbey Grammar School was merged with Park Modern School to form the Barking Abbey School we know today. Many traditions of the old schools remain, but with important developments to enable the school and its pupils to be fully prepared to meet the challenges and opportunities of life in the twenty-first century. One thing remains central, however: we are an outstanding success. Barking Abbey school has a very large Sixth Form with approximately 450 students. As a result of this we are able to offer a large range of courses to our 16-19 year olds. We are proud of the fact that we are a multi-cultural community and we seek to celebrate our diversity in as many ways as possible. Tolerance of, respect for, and understanding of others are vital aspects of preparing young people for adult life. We want all of our pupils to Belong, Aspire, Succeed.

Standout Programmes

standout programmes


Penny started her career as a corporate lawyer at City firm Freshfields. On a career break she became involved as a volunteer in her local prison which led her to train as a tutor with Prison Fellowship and lead the restorative justice based Sycamore Tree programme in HMP Wandsworth for 12 years. She was involved in rolling out Sycamore Tree in HMP Bronzefield and HMP Pentonville and also has experience of tutoring the course with people in prison long term. Penny was a Trustee of Prison Fellowship for several years and acted as Interim CEO in 2015. Penny has also volunteered with the Prison Reform Trust, supporting work around mental health and criminal justice issues. She has a Masters degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice from King’s College London and believes in second chances and releasing potential. Andy Bater, Head of Operations Andy joined the StandOut team in October 2022 from a community organisation based in Holborn. With a background in project and operations management working with various large corporate organisations, he brings his breadth of experience and knowledge to StandOut. Despite his career achievements, Andy would much rather talk about his time being a mature student in Canada, starting a wellbeing and employment social enterprise and especially about rugby, boxing and the Andrew Kaufman book 'All My Friends are Superheroes’. Rich McStraw, Fundraising Manager Rich joined us in April 2022 from Clinks, the infrastructure organisation for the voluntary sector working in criminal justice. He spent the last three years as Clinks’ Fundraising Officer, and prior to this worked as a freelance fundraiser and sales manager for renewable heating systems. He has previous experience of fundraising regulation and compliance, sales and marketing, and developing training programmes. Louise Harbert, Communications Officer Louise is passionate about supporting people with lived experience to share their stories. Before joining the StandOut team, she worked for a health charity to amplify the voices of volunteers and shine a light on health inequalities. A strong believer in social justice, Louise is determined to change the narrative around prison leavers, and is excited to contribute to StandOut’s development and growth as our first full-time comms officer. Alex Rose, Coaching Manager Alex joined the team in April 2018 from Prospects where he was a National Careers Service advisor. Previously he worked as a behaviour change manager and an achievement coach working on gang prevention and exit programmes. Alex is passionate about helping people who have been in prison back into work and recently completed his OCR Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance & Development. Amrit Hunjan, Lead Coach HMP Wandsworth Amrit joined the StandOut team in September 2019 having previously worked as part of a council multi-disciplinary team working collectively to improve the well-being, participation and attainment of young people in mainstream education. Amrit connected with StandOut whilst volunteering with the youth mentoring service Trailblazers at HMP Wandsworth and she is passionate about using a relational approach to build confidence and unlock potential. Amy Young, StandOut Coach HMP Wandsworth Amy joined StandOut in November 2022 after completing an English Literature degree at KCL. During and following her degree she voluntarily set up Shakespeare and poetry workshops in HMP Brixton, believing in the power of arts in Criminal Justice. She found she facilitated enlightening and illuminating conversations, using literary themes to generate powerful reflections and increased emotional awareness. She looks forward to coaching at Wandsworth and supporting trainees with a holistic approach, offering guidance and practical help post-release. Hannah Jolley, Lead Coach HMP Pentonville Hannah joined StandOut in February 2022. Prior to this, she was Lead Coach on the Spear Programme, supporting young people who face barriers to employment and also coached corporate delegates on various topics. Hannah graduated from Durham University with BA Criminology, and spent time volunteering with vulnerable people in prison at HMP Durham. She is passionate about reducing reoffending rates, through showing that there is hope and are opportunities out there for those leaving prison. Erin Crombie, Lead StandOut Coach Erin discovered StandOut in 2018 whilst completing her Masters in Criminological Research at the University of Cambridge, when she carried out an evaluation of the charity for her dissertation. On graduating, Erin joined the education department in HMP Pentonville as a Student Support Worker, whilst maintaining contact with StandOut in a voluntary capacity. She joined StandOut at the beginning of 2020 and is now in a new role leading our expansion to a third prison. Erin’s favourite thing about working for StandOut is seeing the trainees’ confidence grow over the duration of the Phase 1 course and getting to celebrate their achievements. Louisa Laven, Lead Community Coach Louisa joined the StandOut team in November 2020. Prior to this she was on the Unlocked Graduates Programme, working as a frontline prison officer for two years while completing a Masters in MSc Leadership and Custodial Environments. Louisa loved the relational and support aspect of the officer role, but wanted to move into the charity sector and focus on the critical resettlement period after prison. She is enthusiastic about helping people leaving prison to get back on their feet and build towards a positive future. Iona Warren, Community Coach Iona joined the StandOut team in September 2022 after spending two years as a prison officer on the Unlocked Graduates programme. Whilst working in a women's prison, she completed a Masters in Applied Custodial Leadership, writing a dissertation on the women's experience of trauma informed practice in their establishment. She loved building relationships with the women on her landing, and relished the opportunity to support them whilst in custody. She is particularly excited to now be working with those transitioning into the community, and is passionate and motivated to see them thrive. StandOut Trustees Joe Froud, Chair Joe is the co-founder of Paloma Capital LLP, a London based real estate private equity business that was established in 2015. Paloma raises equity from foundations and endowments, pensions funds and family offices and invests in UK commercial real estate projects. Prior to this he was the founder and Managing Partner of Columbus Capital Management LLP, a real estate private equity joint venture that he established with Schroders plc in 2008. Joe is married with four children and lives in West London. Liz Delacave, Trustee Liz Delacave is a leadership consultant, experienced in training leaders, developing teams and coaching individuals to excel. She studied Engineering Science at the University of Oxford, worked in Citibank’s global commercial and investment banks, becoming chief of staff for Citibank’s European Private Bank. While Divisional Finance Director of a multinational engineering company, she was responsible for managing a global change programme. As a Non-Executive Director, she has helped turn around an underperforming NHS Foundation Trust hospital in East Anglia. Liz has advised a number of charities, including the International Federation of the Red Cross in Geneva and Prison Fellowship. Marion Peters, Trustee Marion Peters studied English Literature at Reading University before joining the Post Office fast track graduate management scheme. After 4 years in marketing and development roles Marion entered the charitable sector, working for international and small local charities in a generalist capacity. Marion has led client service teams, HR departments and spearheaded major fundraising projects and most recently worked as CEO of a heritage almshouse. Since stepping down from this role, Marion has continued to offer her operational and organisational skills to not for profit organisations on a voluntary basis. Passionately committed to the Justice System, Marion has been a volunteer within Her Majesty’s Court Services for over 20 years and is a great believer that where we have come from does not determine who we are. Joseph Ewing, Trustee Joseph studied Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Oxford University, has worked in a range of research, campaigning and public affairs roles - including three and a half years in public affairs at Cancer Research UK - and now works in policy at the Academy of Medical Sciences. His work includes policy development, advocacy and strategy. He became a trustee in April 2019 and is still inspired by StandOut’s belief in people. StandOut Consultants Jo Fellows, Programme and Coaching Consultant, Co Founder Jo's background is in group facilitation and project management and she has extensive experience leading employability services for those with additional barriers to employment. Her experience includes 4 years working with the award winning Spear course, partnering with IBM through her work with City Gateway and designing a 1-1 service for those leaving custody or care. Jo is passionate about equipping people coming up for release with the tools, skills and confidence to step into sustainable and fulfilling work. Jo has a Postgraduate Diploma in Voluntary Sector Management from CASS Business School. Jo co-founded StandOut with Penny and now supports StandOut as a consultant bringing her expertise in programme design and coaching skills.

Courses matching " Care"

Show all 516

BCG/Mantoux and TB - In person


By AB Health Group

BCG, TB, BCG Scar Training, Mantoux Training, Learn about BCG and practical training

BCG/Mantoux and TB - In person
Delivered In-Person in LondonMon, Oct 709:00 + more

Mandatory Refresher Training


By EF Training & Consultancy Ltd

Health & Safety, PPE Covid COSHH & RIDDOR Equality & Diversity, Human Rights Infection Control Food Safety Information Governance Data Protection (GDPR) Records Management Fraud & Bribery Conflict Resolution Lone Worker Moving & Handling level 2(practical covered) Fire Safety Freedom of Information Safeguarding Adult & Children level 3 Radicalisation Slips Trips & Falls Your Healthcare Career Person Centred Care Duty of Care Consent Communication Privacy & Dignity Complaints Handling BLS –CPR & Choking for Adults and Children (practical covered) Mental Capacity Act—DoLS Mental Health Act

Mandatory Refresher Training
Delivered In-Person in LondonMon, Oct 708:30 + more

STI training for Practice Nurses and Nursing Associates


By Sexual Health in Practice (SHIP)

Did you know that: Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham have some of the highest HIV and STI prevalence rates in the UK 66% of people would prefer to use their GP for sexual health services1 but GPs and practice nurses report numerous barriers to offering HIV and STI tests Missed opportunities to diagnose HIV and other STIs have major health implications, including significantly increased mortality rates for HIV2 Why is SHIP training relevant to YOU? Do you want to learn quick simple strategies to assess your patients’ sexual health risk? Find out why the use of speculae is plummeting! Are you all too aware of the reasons NOT to offer an HIV test? Do you worry about how to bring up the topic out of the blue? We will help you become confident in sexual health risk assessment and make meaningful changes to your clinical practice! Session 1a: STI update for Practice Nurses & Nursing Associates Describe the clinical significance of STIs in general practice Outline strategies for STI testing in primary care, including which swabs to use and when Outline management of STIs in the GP setting, including partner notification guidance Describe patterns of STI risk, and prevention methods Session 1b: Talking with patients about sex Formulate and use strategies to bring up sexual health in GP consultations, including when people are not expecting it Demonstrate how to take a rapid sexual health risk assessment tailored for the primary care consultation Formulate clinical management plans drawing on rapid sexual health risk assessment Session 2: Blood borne virus update List the advantages of diagnosing HOV and viral hepatitis in general practice, and the dangers of late diagnoses Recognise the parallels between HIV and viral hepatitis Recognise HIV indicator conditions Overcome barriers to, and normalise, HIV and viral hepatitis testing in your clinical practice Each session provides you with up-to-date resources to take back to your practice to support your consultations.

STI training for Practice Nurses and Nursing Associates
Delivered In-Person in LondonMon, Oct 708:00 + more

NLP Business Diploma (Fundamentals of Collaborative Working)

By Proactive NLP Ltd

NLP Business Diploma - The Fundamentals of Collaborative Relationships training & certification with Proactive NLP Ltd is your first step towards developing collaborative leadership and collaborative cultures. Start transforming your projects now!

NLP Business Diploma (Fundamentals of Collaborative Working)
Delivered In-Person in London + 1 moreTue, Oct 808:00 + more
£675 to £750

Adult and me Ballet 10-10:40am (2-3 yrs)

By Dakodas Dance Academy

At Dakoda’s Dance Academy, we offer a nurturing environment where preschool children can learn to express themselves through movement. We understand that children develop at different rates, which is why our classes are tailored to each child’s abilities. Our experienced and highly trained instructors have a passion for teaching and helping children reach their full potential. Our Adult & Baby Ballet classes focus on developing children’s coordination, balance, and strength, while also introducing them to the basics of ballet technique. We use props such as ribbons and scarves to help engage the children and make the classes fun, imaginative and interactive. Age-appropriate preschool music is also used

Adult and me Ballet 10-10:40am  (2-3 yrs)
Delivered In-Person in LondonTue, Oct 809:00 + more

Reflexology Level 3 VTCT


By MD Massage Therapies and Training

VTCT Level 3 Reflexology course Learn Reflexology Reflexology course

Reflexology Level 3 VTCT
Delivered In-Person in LondonWed, Oct 909:30 + more
£250 to £1095



By London Waterloo Academy

Delivered In-Person in London Wed, Oct 909:00 + more
£300 to £1729

Basic ECG Interpretation


By EF Training & Consultancy Ltd

Basic ECG interpretation ECG basics for beginners ECG course for healthcare professionals ECG training for nurses Beginner ECG reading skills Introduction to ECG interpretation Understanding ECG rhythms Identifying common ECG abnormalities ECG strip reading practice ECG lead placement ECG graph paper essentials Interpreting normal sinus rhythms Recognizing cardiac arrhythmias Practical ECG exercises Hands-on ECG interpretation Expert instructors in ECG training CPD accredited ECG course 7 hours toward nursing revalidation Healthcare professional ECG certification Real-world ECG scenarios

Basic ECG Interpretation
Delivered In-Person in LondonThu, Oct 1008:30

STI training for GPs and Physician Associates - LSL


By Sexual Health in Practice (SHIP)

Did you know that: Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham have some of the highest HIV and STI prevalence rates in the UK 66% of people would prefer to use their GP for sexual health services1 but GPs and practice nurses report numerous barriers to offering HIV and STI tests Missed opportunities to diagnose HIV and other STIs have major health implications, including significantly increased mortality rates for HIV2 Why is SHIP training relevant to YOU? Do you want to learn quick simple strategies to assess your patients’ sexual health risk? Find out why the use of speculae is plummeting! Are you all too aware of the reasons NOT to offer an HIV test? Do you worry about how to bring up the topic out of the blue? We will help you become confident in sexual health risk assessment and make meaningful changes to your clinical practice! Session 1a: STI update for Practice Nurses & Nursing Associates Describe the clinical significance of STIs in general practice Outline strategies for STI testing in primary care, including which swabs to use and when Outline management of STIs in the GP setting, including partner notification guidance Describe patterns of STI risk, and prevention methods Session 1b: Talking with patients about sex Formulate and use strategies to bring up sexual health in GP consultations, including when people are not expecting it Demonstrate how to take a rapid sexual health risk assessment tailored for the primary care consultation Formulate clinical management plans drawing on rapid sexual health risk assessment Session 2: Blood borne virus update List the advantages of diagnosing HOV and viral hepatitis in general practice, and the dangers of late diagnoses Recognise the parallels between HIV and viral hepatitis Recognise HIV indicator conditions Overcome barriers to, and normalise, HIV and viral hepatitis testing in your clinical practice Each session provides you with up-to-date resources to take back to your practice to support your consultations.

STI training for GPs and Physician Associates - LSL
Delivered In-Person in LondonThu, Oct 1008:00 + more

Basic Nursing Skills 4 HCAs (2)


By EF Training & Consultancy Ltd

HCAs, Care certificate, patient hygiene. fluids, nutrition, mental, health, learning disabilities, dementia, manual handling, safe

Basic Nursing Skills 4 HCAs (2)
Delivered In-Person in LondonFri, Oct 1108:30 + more