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119 Courses in London

Business writing skills (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This very practical workshop is designed to enable participants to improve the impact, clarity and accuracy of their business documents - both internal and external.: This workshop will help participants: * Identify the purpose of writing their documents - to themselves and to their readers * Recognise and meet the needs of their readers * Plan documents systematically and improve the layout, flow and structure * Express the content more clearly, concisely and correctly * Adapt the tone and style of writing to the circumstances * Proof-read and edit work effectively, using formal marks and techniques * Improve visual layout, format and appearance 1 COURSE OBJECTIVES * Welcome and Introductions * The problems now - group discussion 2 WRITING BETTER BUSINESS DOCUMENTS * What points to highlight / exclude * Starting off * Introductions * Conclusions * Executive summaries 3 RULES AND STANDARDS * George Orwell's famous maxim * Why write? - clarifying your aims and objectives * A seven-step method for better preparation * The three-stage process for writing well * Grouping information for your reader 4 PROOF-READING AND EDITING * The difference between proof-reading and editing * Proof-reading methods and strategies * Proof-reading marks and techniques * Training your eye for detail * Knowing what to look for 5 EFFECTIVE EDITING * Grammar and English standards * Words - usage and spelling * Sentences - units of thought * Paragraphs - themes * Punctuation - spotting and correcting common errors * Say what you mean - active v passive language 6 HOW'S YOUR ENGLISH? * Grammar quizzes and punctuation test * Spotting spelling errors * Rephrasing jargons and clichés * Common error's and mistakes 7 DOCUMENT LAYOUT * House style * Use of white space * Fonts and effects 8 ONE-TO-ONE WORKSHOPS * These are practical sessions with one-to-one consultation with colleagues and the trainer * They are held at key points to consolidate the learning from different sessions 9 COURSE SUMMARY * Summary of key points * Action plans

Business writing skills (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Train the Trainer Training Course


By Live And Learn Consultancy

Our Train the Trainer Training Course aims to empower your workplace trainers to deliver high quality training courses, programs or internal workshops that inspire your employees to succeed.

Train the Trainer Training Course
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Sheffield
Price on Enquiry

Value Stream Mapping Workshop

By Centre for Competitiveness

The fundamental tool to identify waste, create effective process flow, reduce process cycle times, and implement process improvement.

Value Stream Mapping Workshop
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Belfast & 1 more
Price on Enquiry

EDI Roundtable Event/ The Six Stages Framework Conference

By Dr Shungu M'gadzah

Join us for a day of discussions and insights on EDI and the Six Stages Framework at our in-person event on June 28, 2024! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------     THE EDI ROUNDTABLE & SIX STAGES FRAMEWORK CONFERENCE 2024 Navigating & Challenging Everyday Racism and Discriminations. Embedding EDI into your Workplace & Schools Frameworks for Measuring Impact & Progress   Don't miss out on our Annual trailblazing event! Our pioneering event is back by popular demand. Empower your own self development and improve diversity and inclusion in your organisation or workplace. Check out testimonials from last year. [https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/post/exploring-equality-diversity-and-inclusion-through-different-professional-lenses-the-six-stages-fr-2]   Tickets are now on sale. Only £30 including lunch!   Book now [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl]     https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl]   Join Us In Creating a More Inclusive World.   Are you ready to dive deep into the complexities of equality, diversity, and inclusion? Have you ever wondered how different sectors can collaborate to enhance racial justice and belonging in our ever-evolving society?   Online agenda and details of speakers and panelists https://www.sixstagesframework.com/edi-agenda/ [https://www.sixstagesframework.com/edi-agenda/]   Check out our Speaker/Panelists and Hosts. https://www.sixstagesframework.com/edi-round-table-2024/ [https://www.sixstagesframework.com/edi-round-table-2024/]   https://youtu.be/DDfQtNJsNKE [https://youtu.be/DDfQtNJsNKE] https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl]    Information for Schools https://www.sixstagesframework.com/schools/ [https://www.sixstagesframework.com/schools/]   What's Involved? This one-day event is not to be missed. We understand the challenges many face in embedding EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) into the fabrics of their organisation.    The Six Stages Inclusive Framework helps organisation (and schools) go beyond performative measures: cultural celebrations, conversations about unconscious bias and white privilege to real action and implementation.    It supports evidence-based practice and data gathering, obtaining base line measures through the Six Stages Framework Diversity Assessments which enable you to chart your progress.   Who’s the Conference For? * Corporate Organisations * Schools & Local Authorities * Health Services * Higher Education * Police and Criminal Justice * Anyone passionate about EDI   An amazing venue!   The Conference will take place at St Martin-in-the Fields, Trafalgar Square, WC2N 4JJ on June 28th, 2024, set in the heart of London. Take a 3D tour of our venue here: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=74N3JkZtuq4 [https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=74N3JkZtuq4]   Engage with Visionaries   Check out our Speaker/Panelists and Hosts. https://www.sixstagesframework.com/edi-round-table-2024/ [https://www.sixstagesframework.com/edi-round-table-2024/]   Start your day with groundbreaking insights from leading experts. Our opening address and keynotes will set the stage for a series of powerful discussions, including:   Diverse Cross-Functional Roundtable: Engage with top professionals in a dynamic panel discussion, followed by an audience Q&A. Exclusive stimulating and thought-provoking conversation between the dynamic sister duo, Afua Hirsch [http://www.afuahirsch.com/]: Award-winning writer, journalist, former barrister and filmmaker; and  Dr. Ama Collison [https://www.millennialpsychology.co.uk/]: Millennial Psychology Limited. Networking Lunch: Connect with like-minded individuals and grow your professional network over lunch.  Afternoon Sessions: Dr. Shungu H. M'gadzah [http://www.sixstagesframework.com/]: will present a compelling keynote on "The Six Stages Framework: Understanding and Dealing with Everyday Racism.”  Exploring practical applications in various sectors and drawing from the SSF transformational toolkit.   Workshops: To consolidate and explore the days learning and make recommendations to be published in our annual report.   Who's Speaking? * Dr. Shungu H. M'gadzah [http://www.sixstagesframework.com/]: Six Stages Framework & Inclusion Psychologists Ltd *  Dr. Ama Collison [https://www.millennialpsychology.co.uk/]: Millennial Psychology * Afua Hirsch [http://www.afuahirsch.com/]: Award-winning writer, journalist, former barrister and filmmaker   Visit the wide range of market stalls and bookstore on display.  Explore the books from This is Book Love an award-winning collective and bookstore curating and showcasing and bringing together the best multicultural content the world of arts has to offer Schools, Nurseries, Public and corporate spaces  www.thisisbooklove.com [http://www.thisisbooklove.com/]   Get Your Tickets Tickets are now on sale. Join us for our Annual trailblazing event! Only £30 including lunch!     Book now [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl]       https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-frameworks-for-inclusive-organisations-measuring-impact-tickets-909290140287?aff=oddtdtcreator [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-frameworks-for-inclusive-organisations-measuring-impact-tickets-909290140287?aff=oddtdtcreator]     https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl]   Link for more Information & Testimonials about last year’s event: https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/post/exploring-equality-diversity-and-inclusion-through-different-professional-lenses-the-six-stages-fr-2 [https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/post/exploring-equality-diversity-and-inclusion-through-different-professional-lenses-the-six-stages-fr-2]   For sponsorship opportunities or Market stalls contact Dr. Shungu at: drshungu@inclusionpsychologists.com [drshungu@inclusionpsychologists.com]or Dr Ama  Dr. Ama Collison [file:///Users/shungumgadzah/Desktop/Six%20Stages%20Framework%20Pricing%20Brochures/info@millennialpsychology.co.uk]    Market stalls: We also have space for market stalls at a cost of £100 so if you know organisations who may be interested. Sponsorship: In terms of sponsorship, we are looking for any contribution to costs. We currently have one sponsor- Inclusivitti. https://www.inclusivitii.com/ [https://www.inclusivitii.com/] Support with the event and donations Any help in publicising the event would be appreciated as well as any donations or sponsors. Organisers: https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/ [https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/] Dr Shungu H. M'gadzah, Six Stages Framework https://www.millennialpsychology.co.uk/ [https://www.millennialpsychology.co.uk/] Dr Ama Collison: Millennial Psychology https://www.diversifyworld.com/ [https://www.diversifyworld.com/] Mr Romain Muhammad: Diversify World Sponsors: Inclusivitti https://www.inclusivitii.com/ [https://www.inclusivitii.com/] Venue: St Martin- in- the- Fields Here is the link to our online 3D tour. Take a 3D tour of our venue here: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=74N3JkZtuq4 [https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=74N3JkZtuq4] Best wishes,   Shungu   Dr Shungu Hilda M'gadzah Director & Lead Consultant Psychologist Inclusion Psychologists Ltd Tel: 07956 965 266   AUTHOR: Understanding & Dealing with Everyday Racism- The Six Stages Framework The Six Stages Framework Book [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Understanding-Dealing-Everyday-Racism-Framework/dp/1909675318/ref=sr_1_1?crid=39WHGGR1EATW7&keywords=m+gadzah&qid=1649080039&sprefix=M%27gadzah%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-1]   https://www.sixstagesframework.com [https://www.sixstagesframework.com/]   www.inclusionpsychologists.com [http://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/]  https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/book-online [https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/book-online]   Psychology today directory https://www.psychologytoday.com/profile/774567 [https://www.psychologytoday.com/profile/774567]   Follow me on twitter. https://twitter.com/DrShunguM [https://twitter.com/DrShunguM]   LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/shunguhildamgadzah/ [https://www.linkedin.com/in/shunguhildamgadzah/]

EDI Roundtable Event/ The Six Stages Framework Conference
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Creative Problem Solving

By Centre for Competitiveness

Firefighting or solving the same problems week after week? Create a problem-solving culture in your business with this proven methodology.

Creative Problem Solving
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Belfast & 1 more
Price on Enquiry

ESG Fundamentals for Organisational Leaders (£1450 total for this 2-day course for a group of 4-10 participants)

By Buon Consultancy

Explore the key concepts of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) with our expert-led course designed for professionals. Learn how to seamlessly incorporate sustainable practices into your business strategy and enhance your corporate responsibility. Gain the tools and insights necessary to effectively implement ESG initiatives within your organisation. Join now and lead the change towards a more sustainable future!

ESG Fundamentals for Organisational Leaders

(£1450 total for this 2-day course for a group of 4-10 participants)
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Edinburgh

JENNIFER HOLLOWAY DELIVERS KEYNOTES, WORKSHOPS AND WEBINARS FOR CLIENTS, BOTH ONLINE AND IN PERSON (NO PUBLIC COURSES ARE RUN). Here’s a selection of existing sessions to give you a flavour of what’s available (though new ones are being designed all the time, so if you don’t see what you need, just ask): * Personal Brand – What? How? Why? An introduction to the subject of personal branding, this session explains what a personal brand is, why you already have one and how to define it so you can remain authentic at all times. Delivered as a 45-minute or 60-minute session x * People Buy People – So Who Are You Selling? You want people to buy your personal brand…but what exactly is it? This session challenges people to think in a new way about what they bring to the table and what makes them tick, kicking off the process of defining their personal brand. Delivered as a 90-minute or 120-minute session x * Discover Your Personal Brand When you really dig into the detail of not just what you offer but who you are, that’s when you discover your unique selling point. This session provides a step-by-step process to highlight your individuality and put it clearly into words. Delivered as a half-day or full-day session xx * Deliver Your Personal Brand With Impact Every time you come into contact with people – whether online, on the phone or in person – they’re picking up clues about you. This session shares practical tips and techniques to ensure those clues create a positive impression. Delivered as a 120-minute or half-day session x * Articulate Your Achievements To get the most from your personal brand you have to shine a light on the value you bring, but if you can’t communicate what that value is, you could be missing out. This session provides an easy-to-follow formula to set out your credentials in a subtle, yet very effective way. Delivered as a 60-minute or 90-minute session x * How To Create A LinkedIn Profile To Be Proud Of Many of us have a LinkedIn profile, but how many of us are 100% certain it’s creating a positive impression? This session focuses on how to polish up your photo, headline and summary to get you noticed for the right reasons. Delivered as a 45-minute or 60-minute session x * Networking For People Who Need Help Networking Some people are natural networkers – meeting people and building relationships with ease – but many feel less confident, unsure how to kick-start the process. This session offers easy-to-implement tips for connecting both in-person and online. Delivered as a 45-minute or 60-minute session And for those wanting an in-depth approach to developing their personal brand: * Making The Most Of Your Personal Brand This programme delivers the full-monty: from learning what a personal brand is, to defining what your own brand is, to getting feedback on how others view your brand, to learning how to share your brand both in person and online. x It’s restricted to smaller groups, so every delegate gets individualised support, advice and feedback, plus it fosters an open and collaborative environment for each cohort. Delivered as blend of in-person and online learning, or entirely online

What's on offer
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Self-Leadership & Executive Development Course

By The Power Within Training & Development Ltd

Our self-leadership and executive development programme can be fully ITA SDS funded supporting leaders and business owners and creating a growth plan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SDS INDIVIDUAL TRAINING ACCOUNTS (ITA) RELY ON OUR TEAM FOR YOUR EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT The Power Within Training offers unrivalled executive development training for go-getters and self-starters throughout England and Scotland. Did you know that approximately 55% of people making their living in sales don’t have the right skills to be successful? Good sales skills are some of the rarest and most sought-after skills in the workforce. Whether you’re running a business, looking to progress further in your career or want to sharpen your skills before returning to work, our self-leadership training will help you develop the skills you need to succeed. After completing our executive development training, you’ll have a sales mindset and the skills to secure your ideal role, perform better, and utilise high-payoff action-planning techniques. Don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUR TRAINING SOLUTIONS WHAT IS SELF-LEADERSHIP EXECUTIVE TRAINING? SELF-LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Our self-leadership development course was designed to give you total control of your career, business, and professional life. Most professionals will spend more than 80% of their time at work or in business. We’ve structured our executive training to help those looking to enhance their career prospects or business success by taking advantage of our unique Motivational Intelligence seven steps to success framework. The seven-step success system will take you through a journey of self-discovery, self-awareness, and self-development, which enables you to understand the barriers and self-limiting obstacles that have been holding you back. The Power Within’s self-leadership training will guide you through overcoming these barriers and eliminating them from your life. If you are looking to stand out from the crowd and build a career or business you can be proud of, then this live classroom-based programme is definitely for you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BENEFITS OF SELF-LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT The self-leadership training has been designed from the ground up to inspire, guide, and develop you into not only achieving your goals but being able to measure success in your career, help you find your dream job, and help make an immediate impact in everything you do. Completing our executive leadership development course will allow you to utilise emotional intelligence to get the best of your team while focusing on clear values and principles that increase your overall success and profitability. Working on your self-leadership skills will grant you greater insight into the factors hindering or impacting your success while giving you the tools to make decisions and get into action. Here are some additional benefits of our self-leadership training: * Build Awareness – When you’re a leader, you must inspire and motivate people to achieve and go after the bigger picture for your organisation. You’ll need an effective and flexible leadership style to ensure your team succeeds. We’ll help you discover your leadership style and how you can use it effectively to the advantage of your business. * Increase Team Engagement, Motivation, and Accountability – How can you expect your team to behave if you’re no longer motivated to succeed? The Power Within will give you the tools to keep striving toward success while ensuring your business is focused and motivated. * Cultivating a High-Performance Culture – The right high-performance culture installs peak performance into every team member. Through our executive development, you’ll be able to help each reach their targets while they look for ways to improve constantly. * Develop Strategic Skills – We’ll help you develop leadership skills and self-improvement goals, allowing you to introduce changes to your business based on your guiding visions while encouraging others to share the same vision. If you are looking to stand out from the crowd and build a career or business you can be proud of, then this live classroom-based programme is definitely for you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT ARE THE KEY SKILLS LEARNED FROM EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT TRAINING One of the first sets of vital skills for self-leadership you’ll learn is the ability to stop, step back, and reflect on the things that trigger us to react. When we react, we’re being controlled by the trigger. Another skill we’ll help instill is to consider intention. Intention is important to us, such as our values and what we’re trying to achieve. When you become intentional, you start to live a life of choice. Self-leadership and executive development are a journey. The more self-leadership we attain, the more successful we’ll become. The more successful we become, the more self-leadership we need. Here are some additional critical skills you’ll learn from our self-leadership training: * Self-Awareness – It’s vital to hone your ability to see yourself as clearly as you are. This skill takes dedication, introspection, and mindfulness. Also, a dose of self-awareness helps with self-control, self-confidence, and feelings of validation. Overall, you should be open to critique and accountability. * Goal Setting – A good self-leader must be proactive in not only identifying their goals but how to reach those goals in a manageable manner. Our executive development training will teach you how to break down a larger goal into more attainable steps to avoid burnout while helping you celebrate smaller milestones. * Self-Motivation – A classic way to handle self-motivation is to divide long-term goals into smaller, more attainable ones. This optimization means recognising what about the goal that appeals to you, then forming a strategy that aligns with your strengths and values toward that goal. * Constructive Thought Patterns – Through our leadership skills and self-improvement course, you’ll be able to review your performance and assess your intentions and effectiveness while providing an opportunity to ensure your strategies are geared towards success. This is done by focusing on improving strengths and the mental imagery of yourself that recognizes your capacity to grow, develop, and change. Self-leadership training teaches you to see yourself as having the ability to create, improvise, innovate, and adapt. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUR LIVE WORKSHOPS ARE BACK WHAT’S COVERED IN OUR EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT? SELF-LEADERSHIP "IT'S A MINDSET THING" When you undergo our self-leadership training, you’ll experience several modules designed to allow your conscious and subconscious belief systems to work together for a predetermined goal or set of outcomes. Self-leadership is one skill that will significantly impact your career, team, and even your life’s happiness. Our executive leadership development course promotes bold and powerful decisions to get you back into the driver’s seat of your life and make the best of each day by setting goals, shifting your mindset, and finding your purpose. During each module, we’ll work with you and help you design and deliver your team leadership programmes catered to your team and your business dynamic. Our goal is to allow you to evolve into a bigger and better leader. Here are some of the modules in our self-leadership training: * Unleash Your True Potential * Create Your Personalised 7-Step Success Framework * Peak Performance and Self-Mastery * Growth Mindset and Mindset Performance * The Power of Feedback * Taking Back Control of Your Personal & Professional Journey * Goal Setting & Defining If you are looking to stand out from the crowd and build a career or business you can be proud of, then this live classroom-based programme is definitely for you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCOVER WHO’S LEADING OUR SELF-LEADERSHIP TRAINING James Fleming, the co-creator of The Power Within, will lead your self-leadership training. James founded The Power Within with his wife, Enas Fleming. They wanted to inspire people around the world to think better, be better and achieve more. James believes that everyone can be whatever they set their minds to. Founding The Power Within allowed James to turn that deep knowledge into a business that helps others think bigger, better, and achieve more daily. He strives to give leaders the tools and knowledge to achieve their full potential while increasing their self-confidence and self-belief through Motivational Intelligence Revolution. James wants to support today’s businesses to become tomorrow’s leaders. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE OVERVIEW Our self-leadership development course is a quick-paced training that is between eight and twelve hours in length. After you attend the face-to-face workshops, you’ll be given access to our online self-leadership training portal. This allows you to continue your journey of self-development by ensuring you’ll always have a system and process to fall back on when you need it. One of the best parts of our executive development course is that you receive this information fully funded. Even if you aren’t eligible for funding, you can still invest in this course and begin a new chapter of professional development for yourself. Elevate yourself if any of our eligibility requirements apply and you early less than 22,000 a year.

Self-Leadership & Executive Development Course
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Motherwell
Price on Enquiry

Bespoke Mental Health Training Sessions


By Hannah Campbell

Bespoke Mental Health Training Sessions | Mental Health Keynote | Mental Health Workshops | Mental Health Courses | Bespoke Mental Health Talk for the workplace

Bespoke Mental Health Training Sessions
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Essex
Price on Enquiry

Educators matching "workshops"

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Acting Workshops

acting workshops


The Giles Foreman Centre for Acting is a dynamic professional acting studio based in Soho, in the heart of London; together with GFCA International Centres in Europe and USA. We are the leading Centre for Character Analysis. We provide distinctive, enjoyably rigorous and person-centred training for aspiring individuals and professional actors – taught by some of the leading acting, movement, voice, analysis, improvisation and camera-technique coaches available. If you choose to come to GFCA, we provide many ways to participate; regular part-time acting classes; short intensive workshops; one-to-one coaching; and 2-, 3- and 4-term full-time courses. Since March 2020 we have also embraced a wider, global community through online training, particularly in Character Analysis, Movement Psychology and advanced scene-study with Giles Foreman. People new to acting can discover the skills through our beginners’ classes and workshops, progressing onward part-time; or take our Foundation Acting ATCL Diploma over 3 terms (Saturday, and evening route). Those who think they may be ready – you may have have previous acting or performing experience, have studied at University, or come via other routes – audition for our 4-term 16-month advanced intensive Acting Diploma (Post-Graduate equivalent-level). Ours is amongst the most affordable courses of its kind in the country, and yet it is built around intensive teaching by renowned coaches, with small class sizes designed to develop people as thoroughly as possible. It is vigorous, focussed, demanding; based on a huge tradition, producing actors with skills tailored for the modern film, TV and theatre industries. Pro weekend session Professional actors come to develop their skills through acting classes and workshops with top practitioners from all over the world – and to create projects in both film and theatre. Actors can use studio coaches and facilities to prepare for auditions, and to develop in-depth characters for film roles that they have already secured. Alongside actor-training, GFCA offers casting and coaching-services, and scriptwriting development to the film industry. Due to our location in Soho, centre of the UK media industries, GFCA also offers many opportunities to meet casting directors, directors and producers through regular events; plays, showcases, castings, play-readings and Industry events. The acting philosophy at the studio was developed from that of the original Drama Centre London under Christopher Fettes, Yat Malmgren and Reuven Adiv, who together trained some of the leading UK actors of recent years – from Sean Connery, Anthony Hopkins, Colin Firth, Pierce Brosnan, Simon Callow, Geraldine James, Frances de la Tour – to Helen McCrory, Anne Marie Duff, Paul Bettany, Tara Fitzgerald, Lambert Wilson, Michael Fassbender, Tom Hardy, Santiago Cabrera, Gwendoline Christie, Ryan Gage and John Simm, to name but a few. Christopher Fettes, founder of Drama Centre London, holds the title of tutor-emeritus for our studio. The teaching process utilises a system of methods within Realism. We are one of the very few centres in the world providing detailed training courses in the extraordinary Laban/Jungian technique of Character Analysis / Movement Psychology developed by Yat Malmgren, to develop people’s psychological understanding both of themselves and the characters they are playing. Our holistic acting education is influenced by Stanislavski, as well as the philosophy of Lee Strasberg, Uta Hagen, Stella Adler and Sanford Meisner, creating actors capable of sophisticated, transformative performance. The Centre has relationships with other similar organisations around the world and offers many exchange programmes. In 2015 we opened our sister centre, GFCA Paris, joining GFCA International bases in other cities such as New York & LA; GFCA Luxembourg, and GFCA Zürich We have substantial expertise in delivering Corporate training both in the UK and abroad. We have also established a publishing arm, launching the book A Peopled Labyrinth written by Drama Centre founder Christopher Fettes in September 2015. Character Analysis - THE Book Character Analysis – THE Book Additionally we provide space for room-hire, casting facilities and rehearsal-space for individuals and organisations. Our premises are bright, clean and air-conditioned. We employ HEPA-filtered air-purifiers in our studios.