2043 Educators providing Courses in London

Wine Education Service Limited

wine education service limited


What makes our wine tastings, wine courses and wine tasting events special? Over 10,000 Satisfied Customers Great Tutors An Unparalleled Range of Courses Small Classes Flexible Booking Impartial Advice Satisfied Customers We have been running wine tastings and wine tasting courses in London for over 25 years, in Manchester for over 15 in Aberdeen and Birmingham for over 10 and in Belfast for 4. Over this time, we have created a following of over 10,000 satisfied customers. And today, over 60% of new customers book for our wine tastings and wine tasting courses on the personal recommendation of a friend or colleague. Great Tutors Our tutors are at the top of their profession. All are qualified to WSET Diploma level and are members of the UK Association of Wine Educators, the professional body for those who make their living in whole or in part from teaching about wine. Many are also members of the elite Circle of Wine Writers. All travel widely to keep their wine knowledge up to date. Skilled communicators, they know how to make wine tasting and learning about wine fun. An Unparalleled Range of Courses We were the first in the UK to offer a comprehensive range of wine tastings, wine tasting courses and wine tasting events designed primarily to appeal to wine consumers rather than aspiring members of the wine trade. In addition to weekly wine tastings in London, we organise over 30 introductory wine tasting courses a year in London and other UK cities, over 20 intermediate and advanced wine tasting courses and, for those with hectic weekday schedules, wine tasting workshops on Saturdays, when lunch is an integral part of the day. Although wine consumers still make up the majority of our customers, our London wine tastings and intermediate and advanced wine courses are growing in appeal to people studying for their wine trade qualifications, especially WSET Diploma and the prestigious, but for many, elusive Master of Wine qualification. Small Classes We know of some wine course providers who pack 30 people or more into a class. We think that’s way too many. In a class of that size, learning is more difficult, participation is inhibited and you never get to know the other people in the room. We limit bookings for our introductory, intermediate and advanced wine tasting courses and our Saturday wine tasting workshops to 16 people – much more sociable, much more fun. Flexible Booking Many people who sign up for our wine tasting courses on weekday evenings lead busy lives, working under pressure and travelling on business, often at short notice. We understand the problem. If you have to miss a course session, you may either send a substitute or pick up that session on a subsequent course. Just let us know and we will make the arrangements. We make no charge for this and set no time limit! Impartial Advice Many wine tastings and wine tasting courses are run by wine merchants. Nothing wrong with that. It’s a great way to get potential customers into their stores and promote sales of their wines. We are not wine merchants. We don’t sell wine. We are not paid by any wine merchant to promote their wines. So, at our wine tastings and on our wine courses, you will never come under any pressure to buy wine. The wines we select for you to taste are intended to illustrate the main points of the wine course session or the theme of the wine tasting. We hope you will enjoy most of the wines we give you to taste but don’t necessarily expect you to enjoy them all. Your course tutor will help you to understand what makes a wine enjoyable. But he or she will also tell you if a wine is too young, too old, too acidic, too alcoholic or just plain faulty. Just imagine a wine merchant doing that! Wherever possible, we buy the wines we give you to taste from local retail outlets. We will tell you where we bought them and how much we paid. So, if you like a particular wine, you can shop for more with confidence and without difficulty.

Uk Study Zone

uk study zone



For friendly advice and support in choosing a UK university and course, book your free consultation with UK Study Zone today. We will help you secure your undergraduate or graduate place at the university of your choice in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. application is not the end of the process, as we will help you secure the financing of your university place. We will explain all finance formalities and help you with your application for a student loan and with any other sources of finances. We will also help secure your student VISA. 02 YOUR APPLICATION Working together on your undergraduate or graduate application will maximise your chances of securing a place at your chosen UK university. We will support you in choosing the right course and university, and help you create a winning personal statement. 04 ACCOMODATION Once we have secured your university place, we will help you find your student accommodation. Whether you’re looking for a student dorm or student house share, we will help you find a home away from home with likeminded students. Contact us and decide about your future! WE WILL SUPPORT YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAY Travelling to the UK to study is exciting but can be daunting too. Getting settled in a new country with different customs, languages, food and currency can be challenging. That’s why we are here to make sure you have all the support and assistance you need. WE WORK WITH THE BEST UNIVERSITIES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM Loughb manchester manch-metro manch-arch Anglia_Ruskin_University_logo.svg brookes-logo-charcoal-1 brunel Buckingham City-University-Logo coventry download greenwich leeds lincoln liverpool new_lbu_logo-leeds westminister university-of-cambridge-logo-2 University-of-Brighton-logo surrey portsmouth cardif kent nottingham-university-logo-e1502450633274 oxford2 sussex University_of_Edinburgh_ceremonial_roundel.svg University-of-Sheffield-logo Arden aub aston bath bedfordshire birbeck birmingh birmingh city bishop bolton bore Bradford Brighton Bristol Bucks Canterb chester city cumbria derby durham ESA uel edge essex exeter Falmouth glouches goldsm guilld harper hereford Hudd HUll Imperial Keele Kings Kingston Lancaster leeeds-trinity Leicester liverpoool-hope mores LIBF metro lse london-south Loughb manchester manch-metro manch-arch Anglia_Ruskin_University_logo.svg brookes-logo-charcoal-1 brunel Buckingham STUDENT ZONE There’s a lot to consider when choosing to study in the UK. Our friendly staff at UK Study Zone are here to offer support, advice and guidance every step of the way. Admission Finance Courses people8 people9 people5 OPEN DOORS wherever you go in the world, with a UK education The UK is one of the world’s most popular destinations to study for higher education, with more than 500,000 European and international students enrolling each year. With over 50,000 courses, in more than 25 subject areas, there’s a future to be obtained for everyone at UK universities. WE WORK CLOSELY WITH UK UNIVERSITIES TO GIVE YOU THE BEST RANGE OF CHOICES Find out more UK Study Zone We help european students secure their UK university place, finance and accommodation. Facebook Follow us Facebook Pagelike Widget