112 Educators providing Courses in London

Loren Snow

loren snow


Hi, I'm Loren Snow: an autism trainer based in Bristol. I’ve spent the past decade studying mental health, psychology, relationships, identity, and just about anything to do with why we humans think and act the way we do. I believe that we're all human, and make mistakes, fumble, fall, laugh, love - and despite our differences, we all share this same connection. I'm a strong believer in having the courage to be open and honest and that our truth and vulnerability can be powerful forces in showing us how connected we really are. In my early-twenties I was diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, and OCD. For me, these were revelations, and all the strange ways I behaved started to make sense. But why in my twenties... surely someone should have noticed or said something?!? As I came to learn more about autism I soon realised that my experience was all too common. The reality is there are many complicated things around autism, such as echolalia, alexithymia, and proprioception; there are many misconceptions in the media, such as autistic people lacking empathy; and there are many mis/un-diagnosed autistic adults out there like I used to be. This made me decide that I should explain these things so others wouldn't have to struggle as I did. I've spoken on podcasts, radio, to large and small crowds. My YouTube videos have been watched by tens of thousands! I've taught thousands of parents of autistic and ADHD children and teach regular courses to parents and autistic people. I see many businesses confused about how to help, parents lost on what to believe, and autistic people struggling to understand themselves. So what better place to learn about autism than directly from an autistic person like myself!

Empower Life Academy

empower life academy


Being Human is more than just what we need to learn for our careers. As social beings it’s about understanding how the relationships we create impact our lives in every moment. We teach the world the art of truly living extraordinary, fulfilling, happy lives by helping to redefine the family relationships that shape us, the relationship we build with ourselves and everyone we journey with. “We’re constantly researching, exploring, and optimising family transformation to ultimately help us connect with ourselves, our children, our communities and the planet, in a way that transforms all our interactions with love.” Nicole Telfer, Founder of EmpoweredKidsTV At EmpowerLife Academy, learning is a lifelong adventure The EmpowerLife Academy curriculum is designed to reduce conflict in our families, help families heal and learn to connect more deeply than ever before. This way we raise a generation of kids that are open and eager for our guidance, kids that are confident, stepped in their own sense of self-worth and value, shares compassion for others and our planet. Kids that are truly Empowered to make the difference they want to see in our world. But beyond the tangible, there’s also something else going on beneath Empower Academy’s surface… Our teachers and families tell us there’s a certain magic in everything we do. A sense of joy, playfulness, love, and authenticity. Some have come to call this the ‘Connection Effect’ – and we’d like to think it’s a big reason why many of the world’s greatest teachers, from Byron Katie, Bruce Lipton, Gabor Mate, Gordon Neufeld, Shefali Tsabary, Dan Siegal (to name a few) choose to share their wisdom on our media and educational platforms. And why many people consider EmpoweredLife Academy not just a company – but an extension of their family.




Our project vision is to create vibrant local, regional and European learning communities, fuelled by Regional Learning Facilitators. We need new organisational concepts and ownership of issues and concerns from the crowd. Our approach lies in analog and digital networking and support structures that take into account the value of informal networks. The key message of the project is: “When we share, we win”. By learning communities, we mean forms of exchange and cooperation organised by ourselves or supported by the community, which ideally are supported by the involvement of education authorities. The Learning Communities deal with solutions to upcoming problems in everyday education, with challenges of the education system at different system levels, with the creation, exchange and further development of teaching materials, etc. The Learning Communities are also involved in the development of new teaching materials and in the development of new teaching methods. As concrete project goals, we see: the training of 24 Regional Learning Community Facilitators at least 12 Regional Learning Communities in 4 European countries the creation of a European cross-border learning community with at least 48 active members The development of a Learning Community Facilitator Curriculum, which will later become a standard KA1 workshop offer. the development of an AI-supported passive networking platform for teachers and school stakeholders to test a further development option for eTwinning that currently relies only on active search functions Our target group is teachers and their reference system. Our aim is to indirectly support the work of the teachers and to facilitate their planning, implementation and follow-up of their lessons by focusing on the principles of cooperation and exchange. Through active networking, but also by pointing out connection possibilities, teachers should no longer have the feeling of being alone in the corridor but embedded in a professional system that also brings them more self-confidence and self-efficacy.

Mr Happiness 2000

mr happiness 2000


WELCOME TO MR HAPPINESS 2000 TEACHING THE POWER OF POSITIVE EMOTION TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE. HELPING YOU GET YOUR HAPPY BACK. EVERYBODY WANTS TO BE HAPPY! BUT UNFORTUNATELY, THE WORLD DOESN'T TELL US HOW TO BE. And as many people are finding out: you can't buy happiness; relationships don't necessarily bring happiness; and in the workplace the concept of happiness can often seem elusive. So much of your life can be spent in a state of unhappiness! To become a consistently happy person, you've got to awaken your consciousness. You need to become aware of the power of the thoughts you think and their connection to creating your emotions and your perception of reality. The information presented in my coaching isn't taught in schools; it isn't on TV; a great many medical professionals don't know about it. And you won't read about it in the negatively focused press. So how do you get happy? And stay happy? My coaching is designed to help you achieve that. The world has been duped into believing that 'positive thinking' is the answer. Yet anyone who tries it still finds themselves feeling bad and feel their life is going nowhere. The solution is positive feeling. Only when you begin to manage your mind and your emotions - so you feel relaxed, smooth, energised and happy in the moment - can you truly begin to move calmly through life with the genuine confidence and motivation to achieve effortless and joyous success. Your individual level of happiness is decided by the amount of positive energy you are allowing to flow through you on a moment-by-moment basis. This is decided by the choice of thoughts you think. The more loving and appreciative the thoughts you chronically think, the better you will feel. It's as simple as that!  CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO BE HAPPY? The benefits of knowing how to be happy - and most importantly how to stay happy - are enormous. They include: * Greater enjoyment of life on a moment-by-moment basis * Improved attitude towards the self and the world - guaranteeing greater success in life * Improved relationships and friendships * Increased productivity and motivation - helping you achieve your aims and ambitions * Increased energy levels * Reduced sickness levels * Greater resilience to the stresses and challenges of daily life Find out more about us at http://www.mrhappiness2000.com [http://www.mrhappiness2000.com]

Vanessa Potter

vanessa potter


Thanks for finding me here. I’m a self-experimenting author, speaker and wellness advocate, but it wasn’t always that way… On October 1st 2012 I sat in a hospital waiting room staring at a white notice board. When I’d arrived, the letters had been visible, but over time they’d started to fade. Punctuation marks dissolved, as if wiped off by a zealous cleaner. Every blink washed away more of my sight. Within 72 hours I was blind and paralysis had snaked up my body, leaving numbness in its wake. Losing two of my senses was terrifying and I didn’t know if I’d see my children again. For a while I lost connection with the outer world and my future was uncertain. Slowly my visual system rebooted, but the world didn’t look like it should. Grey wispy shapes swirled and eerie lines jiggled on the horizon. None of it made any sense. Over time I listened to the more subtle cues my body transmitted and learnt new ways to adapt. Months later when I started to feel, rather than see, the colour red and when blue objects fizzed and spat like a lit sparkler, my curiosity was ignited. I set out on a mission to better understand the incredible resilience and healing power of my mind. It was a journey that led to collaborations with scientists, my first book, Patient H69: The Story of my Second Sight, a TEDx talk and then a second book, Finding My Right Mind: One Woman’s Experiment to put Meditation to the Test. Nature played a huge part in my year-long recovery, so in 2021 I co-founded ParkBathe, a citizen science, green health initiative in collaboration with Derby University. The project encourages people who are wellness sceptics to experience a 1-hour version of forest bathing in urban parks and is funded by the National Lottery. Forest bathing is simply walking mindfully in nature while absorbing the woodland atmosphere via the senses. As the project is part of a research study, walkers are invited to wear heartrate (HRV) monitors which record their stress levels before and after each session. This provides each person with an individualised measure of the wellbeing benefits. Get the whole story and listen to interviews with walkers, scientists and nature guides on the ParkBathe podcast. I am partially sighted and live in London, UK, with husband and two children.

Battle Of Ideas

battle of ideas


The UK's premier festival of ideas, produced by the Academy of Ideas. Join us at this year's festival at Church House, London, on Sat 15 & Sun 16 October.From the cost-of-living crisis to the war in Ukraine, and from culture wars to institutions in meltdown, this has been a year of enormous challenges. The death of Queen Elizabeth II marks both the end of an era and of an important connection with the past. In just a few days in September, we had both a new prime minister and a new king. Yet our political leaders – only recently in some turmoil themselves – don’t seem up to the task, and many people feel like their voices aren’t being heard. We need to get beyond lurching from one emergency to another and start moving society forward. We must understand how we got here, with an eye to shaping a better future. The aim of the Battle of Ideas festival and events is to provide an opportunity to debate the issues in a full and frank manner, bringing together a wide variety of voices and, most importantly, creating a space for everyone to have their say. THE STATE WE’RE IN Rising inflation, falling living standards and eye-watering bills are front and centre of most people’s minds. And after the pandemic, the already-weak institutions of government seem incapable of rising to these challenges. If the failure to prepare for Covid was bad enough, the absence of any meaningful planning on a wide variety of issues – from energy to healthcare, housing to infrastructure – has truly been exposed. We seem to find ourselves in a state of permanent crises – from not being able to get a GP appointment to civil servants revolting against their ministers. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has thrown into question our previously held assumptions about international relations and shaking up the world order. There is a general feeling of instability, with uprisings in Iran – where women are burning their head scarves in protest against the morality police – and shock election results in both Italy and Sweden. When the Cold War ended, we were told we were at the End of History, that there was no more need for big ideas. There was no alternative to the world envisaged by globalist thinkers: a free market, managed by technocratic experts moving the whole world towards some form of liberal democracy. Recent events have challenged such complacency.

Catherine McCrum

catherine mccrum


I work with a wide variety of individual students ranging from professional athletes, musicians and actors to people with chronic pain issues, injuries or those simply wanting to become more in tune with how they move in daily life. I teach regular workshops for the general public and also to Pilates and fitness teachers, physiotherapists, runners, tennis and golf coaches and ski instructors. I’m the creator of the FeldenFit 30 day Programme to refine your ability for powerful, effective and balanced movement which is hosted by Ritter Dressage. I co teach an online course for riders called The Aware Rider with Dr Thomas Ritter and Shana Ritter. I add rider content on the Ritter’s online courses which focus on the biomechanics of dressage. I am also a Gestalt psychotherapist with a particular interest in working with developing awareness of how my clients embody their emotional and psychological patterns. Biography I’m an accredited Feldenkrais practitioner and have been teaching sport, fitness and movement since 1986. I also have an Msc in Clinical Gestalt Psychotherapy. As an internationally qualified ski instructor and ski instructor coach, I taught in Europe, New Zealand and USA. Returning to London I worked as a personal trainer and was one of the first to incorporate Pilates into my training methods. Many of my clients were very fit but I was always looking for something that would take them further. Despite daily strengthening and stretching regimes and regular osteopathic and physiotherapy treatments I found that their progress was often hampered by niggling injuries and chronic stiffness. Only when I came across the Feldenkrais Method did I make the connection that stretching, strengthening or manipulation were not the key. As I incorporated the Feldenkrais Method into my training my clients started to recognise for themselves how the way they moved could cause injury and interfere with their ability to reach their goals. Through the lessons they learned how much excess effort they put into everything they did, not only in sport but also daily activities. They started to notice surprising and unexpected improvements in their coordination. Many reported an increased sense of physical comfort and ease. I decided to embark on the 4 year Feldenkrais Training which I completed in 2002. I completed my Masters in Clinical Gestalt Psychotherapy in 2016.

Sheltons Accountants

sheltons accountants


Ned Shelton has worked with internationally operating clients for some 25 years, whilst based in Australia and in Europe. Ned’s career has been focused on advising internationally operating clients. Historically his specialisation has been international tax, tax treaties and related areas, however in recent years Ned has invested most of his time in connection with the Australian (Sydney) office. Ned and his team in Australia work solely with non-Australian based clients – whether they be exporting to Australia, setting up operations in the form of a fully-fledged operating company or perhaps with just one part-time employee in Australia. Ned’s work these days covers a wide range of business, tax, legal, accounting and administrative advice and assistance to this specific target group. Under the banner of Sheltons-SITTI, Ned has organised and chaired many conferences and conducted numerous courses on international tax in various cities throughout the world. Ned has conducted courses on an in-house and open basis in 25 cities in Europe, as well as in Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mumbai, Delhi, Sydney, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Mauritius and Curacao, often several times in each location. Among current in-house clients are the South Korean tax office (NTS), the Mexican tax office (SAT) and Shell (Royal Dutch Shell). Apart from the Sheltons-SITTI courses and conferences, Ned has spoken at more than 80 international tax conferences organised by other parties including universities, professional bodies, government bodies, accounting networks and private firms, in some 35 countries. Ned is continuously consulted by clients from all over the world on international tax matters, such clients ranging from individuals and funds to publicly-listed multinationals. Ned has written a 650-page book on The Application and Interpretation of Tax Treaties at the request of Butterworths Tolleys / Lexis Nexis UK, one of the world’s most highly regarded legal publishers. Ned qualified as a Chartered Accountant in Australia in 1983 and holds degrees in Commerce and in Law from the University of New South Wales, Sydney. He was a Tax Manager at Arthur Andersens in Sydney before moving to Europe. Before Arthur Andersens he was with Mann Judd (now HLB Mann Judd) in Sydney. The Sheltons office in Australia avails of Ned’s knowledge of the tax, legal and business circumstances of many countries. Sheltons is now in its 25th year of business – Ned having commenced Sheltons in the Netherlands in the 1990’s. Apart from his native English, Ned speaks Danish and reads Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish.

Declutter Dollies

declutter dollies


“Dilly has the ability to glance at any space and within seconds know the changes that need to be made. The speed in which she works, and the passion for her work is unrivalled, she doesn’t just know organisation, she knows the value of space and how to be in control of it and most importantly how to change it.” Dilly Carter is a masterclass in detoxing space. A straight-talking and practical professional organiser who believes that if we all cut the clutter, live better with less and give ourselves more headspace, we will enjoy life more. She is the founder of Declutter Dollies, an organising and home styling service that promises to turn her clients' chaos into calm and help them discover the health benefits of living in an organised home. Dilly is the author of Create Space – a room-by-room guide to organising your home with a fresh and relatable take on the link between mental wellbeing and decluttering - and provides decluttering advice on BBC One’s Sort Your Life Out. As a teenager Dilly worked folding clothes in luxury boutiques and then later as an assistant and personal shopper where she gained an understanding of how to create, organise and sustain stylish yet functional spaces. A lifelong passion for fashion and an uncanny ability to bring order to a chaotic environment has seen her cleanse and curate the wardrobes and homes of high-profile celebrities, busy professionals and stressed-out mums alike. Known as @declutterdollies to her 100k+ Instagram followers around the world, Dilly now extends her helping hand on social media and via virtual cleanses. She helps private clients and followers become more organised in their day to day lives by encouraging them to implement small ‘Dolly Dashes’ to chip away at domestic disarray. Sharing organising hacks and tips, Dilly proves that you can not only make your home beautiful, but truly make it work as a place of sanctuary. Full of practical solutions, advice and techniques, Dilly truly believes in the connection between outer order and inner calm. By clearing out your home, you can also clear your mind, improve your relationships and enhance your wellbeing. Dilly truly learned the value of decluttering when she began helping her mother, who suffers from bipolar disorder, organise her 'living chaos' at home. Her extraordinary personal story, that saw her adopted from Sri Lanka aged three and now caring for her mother who lives with Dilly and her young family, has been an inspiration to many and she has generated a loyal fleet of fans (her dollies!) Dilly doesn’t just make your space tidy. She makes it work.

Ridley Academy

ridley academy


1. A TOTALLY NEW APPROACH TO LEARNING PIANO Your teacher is a multi-award winning international pianist Stephen Ridley, who taught himself piano from the age of 2 before starting formal training at 11. He discovered in his early years, through much trial and error, a completely unique way to learn piano and understand music, which involved breaking down learning piano into 55 key steps, each as simple and time consuming as brushing your teeth, and that when properly guided through these in an exact correct order, mastering each one in turn, that they would inevitably end up achieving success. 2. BUILDING ON WHAT YOU ALREADY CAN DO Because we’re only ever teaching one simple step at a time, in a very easy gradient, it means you only ever do something you CAN do, you’re never doing something you can’t. We simply take what you can already do, such as wiggle your finger, or learn a simple piece of data, and we build on that, one very simple ability at a time. In this way, you end every single lesson with a win and an improvement. This is important, as the only reason people give up is due to failure and lack of wins. We keep you winning, because when you are always winning, you will never give up! And in a very short time, you’ll ‘accidentally’ just end up knowing how to play! 3. FOCUSING ON PRACTICAL ABILITY This is about making pianists who understand music and can play. Gone are most of the technical words, gone is the latin technology (we believe it’s ineffective to teach in Latin given that nobody speaks Latin anymore!), and gone is anything that is not directly necessary for a mastering of the subject of music and the practical skill of playing piano. We want to make artists who can play, not people who sound smart at dinner parties (although we do still teach the full subject of music theory within the course, so you’ll sound very smart telling people all about Syncopated Rhythmic Subdivision, but more importantly, you’ll know what it is used for and how to DO it!). "My goal is to make one million artists, to give people the gift I’ve got, and to give them the enormous freedom, joy and depth that this skill gives me.” The Piano Masterclass is a complete guide to take ANYONE to becoming a pianist fast. The course takes just 3 minutes per day over 3-12 months, depending on study schedule, making it 150X faster than traditional methods. And takes anyone, of any age from ‘I’ve never touched a piano before’, to having a full understanding of the subject of music and being able to play piano, read and write music and learn any song, and develop an emotional connection to music, rather than just an intellectual one.