108 Educators providing Courses in London

Global Education Group (Gb)

global education group (gb)


ABOUT US In this era of educational competition, the Global Group of Education brings you the finest consultants to help you achieve your desired degree from one of the best institutes in the UK and the world top-ranked universities. Our consultants are co-operative and excel at their work. OUR WELL-GROUNDED TEAM We have trustworthy consultant’s veterans who are highly qualified and are skilled at their work. Our expert team that will guide you according to your preference and potential, and will also provide you with impartial advice. WHY CHOOSE GLOBAL GROUP OF EDUCATION? We have a mission of making international education accessible and providing students with opportunities that will lead them towards a successful career. We are reliable, co-operative and have a fantastic team working to make education even more convenient. YOU’RE OUR PRIORITY We will be with you throughout your journey from course selection to your degree completion. For us, your comfort and preference is our utmost priority. WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK No need to panic if you’re in the situation you can’t comprehend. If you’re facing even a slight of confusion regarding your studies, you can contact us on our given contact details. Our co-operative consultants will guide you thoroughly. OUR CONNECTION WEB To bring for you multiple choices, we have lengthened our threads to various high-ranked institutes. We have a connection web spread throughout many universities so that we can provide you with the best quality education and course of your choice. OUR EXPERIENCE We have turned the dreams of thousands of students into reality with our brilliant services and excellent team, and are looking forward to making your dreams come true as well.

Mercury Minds

mercury minds


E-COMMERCE We’re not just an eCommerce development company. We are a team of experts ready to help you turn your dream of owning a result-driven eCommerce store to reality! Our ecommerce solutions delivery framework covers ecommerce strategy & research, ecommerce creative design & implementation and ecommerce marketing consulting. MOBILE COMMERCE Mobile apps are a great way for retailers to increase sales. We help Retailers & E-commerce businesses grow their revenue and increase their customer reach through the optimal combination of omnichannel presence, user-centric solutions, and know-your-customer tools. VISUAL COMMERCE Brands need a new approach to content! Our spectrum of Visual Commerce solutions are Visual Commerce Platform to create & manage user-generated content, Product 360 Display, 3D Content Creation, Virtual (VR) Shopping Mall, Virtual (VR) Store to drive engagement, VR – ‘Trying it on’ to amplify awareness, and enhance conversions. SUBSCRIPTION COMMERCE Add a Constant Source of Revenue to your business. Consumers do not have an inherent love of subscriptions. Rather, they want a great end-to-end experience, willing to subscribe only where automated purchasing gives them tangible benefits, such as lower costs or increased personalization. Our tools & solutions offer great experiences to avoid high churn rates and to accelerate both growth and profitability. B2B & WHOLESALE Traditional B2B buying experiences don’t come close to what modern B2B buyers expect. We work with clients across all industries to create highly customizable and high performing B2B eCommerce website. ERP, OMS, CRM – no problem. Whatever existing business tools and technologies you use today, Our Solutions can integrate via pre-built, one-click integrations or customize your automation with our APIs. LOYALTY REWARDS PROGRAM If you're looking for an All-In-One Customer Loyalty Software, We offer Loyalty Rewards Program software unique to your business which strengthens the relationship with your customers and allows you to collect the data that's important to you! It offers customers to earn points in 4 ways, QR Code, Merchants can enter code, Customers can enter code, Customer number.

Hinchley Wood School

hinchley wood school


Welcome to the Hinchley Wood School website; I hope you find it useful and informative and that it gives you some sense of the school’s vitality, values and of the many achievements of our students. Underlying all that we do is our vision, what we regard as our purpose which is “Inspiring Learners”. We are committed to securing the very best for all our students and in doing so, teaching them the five values that lie at the heart of everything we do; enthusiasm and a determination to succeed even when the going gets tough; confidence to ask for help when students need it and to work independently when they don’t; consideration and respect for each and every member of our school and local community. We offer a rich, varied and stimulating curriculum as well as high quality purpose built accommodation including a music suite with state-of-the-art recording studio and extensive practice rooms, a sports hall with purpose built gym and dance studio, five ICT suites and astro turf sports pitches. As a school we strive constantly to improve on our previous best and particular importance is placed on recognising and rewarding individual achievement. Students are actively encouraged to participate in a wide range of artistic and sporting activities with many gaining recognition at local and national level for their achievements. Our core business is teaching and learning and we have a relentless focus on teaching lessons of the highest quality - lessons which stimulate and inspire young minds. For our students this is not just a vision but a reality: The last school Ofsted Inspection said “Hinchley Wood is an outstanding school………Students work exceptionally well together in this harmonious and cohesive community and achieve excellent outcomes.” If this is the sort of school you wish your child to be part of I do hope you will apply for them to come and join us.

Apprenticeships And Training Services Consortium Ltd

apprenticeships and training services consortium ltd


About us Apprenticeships and Training Services Consortium Ltd (ATSCL) is a private limited company set up in December 2010 by two existing quality driven independent training providers North London Garages GTA Ltd (NLGGTA) and Tempdent Dental Agency Ltd. ATSCL was awarded a Skills Funding Agency contract in August 2011, with the aim of delivering highly successful apprenticeships and traineeships; developing provision within the flexibilities of the single adult budget in Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair, Dental Nursing, English, math, ICT, Customer Service, Business Administration, Team Leading and Management. ATSCL comprises of two company directors and increased their ESFA contract value significantly in the last four years whilst maintaining achievement rates 22.9% above the national average. ATSCL received an OFSTED inspection in February 2018 achieving Grade 2 overall, with Grade 1 for Effectiveness of Leadership and Management. ATSCL Achievement Rates ATSCL 2014/15 – 79.9% - National Average 68.9% ATSCL 2015/16 – 88.4% - National Average 67% ATSCL 2016/17 – 90.9% - National Average 68% Why Employers Choose ATSCL ATSCL have knowledge and understanding of the business sector, we meet employers to discuss their business model, challenges, strategy and the day-to-day reality in which they operate. We customise core elements of the apprentices training programme to meet the requirements of their employers business and enhance the learner journey with weekly off the job theory and practical training. We visit the apprentices in the workplace to ensure the knowledge gained in the classroom is used effectively in the workplace and we don’t just measure progress over time, we understand true value isn’t in how great the training is, it’s in how great the results are.

Loughborough Farm

loughborough farm


The Loughborough Junction Action Group (LJAG) is a volunteer-led social action charity that works to improve the environment of Loughborough Junction and the lives of the people who live and work here. It is our mission to make Loughborough Junction a great place to live and work. It was formed in 2008 following the murder of a young man, Andrew Pratt, in Southwell Road. Local residents in the road and surrounding streets came together to do something positive for their neighbourhood which they felt had been neglected for too long. LJAG works to achieve its mission through its projects which focus on community events, skill-sharing, greening, children’s activities and place-making. LJAG works to build a strong civic society in Loughborough Junction and has a record of involving volunteers across our diverse neighbourhood. LJAG’s fundraising activities have brought over £600,000 into Loughborough Junction and we have been instrumental in attracting over £3 million of public investment into the area. Over 13 years LJAG has delivered art projects which have improved a pedestrian alleyway under a railway bridge; run two street photography projects; launched an augmented reality app linked to the history of World War One; run community events including four street parties; health events; a community festival; run cycle maintenance classes; craft workshops; a mapping project; installed street planters and run community planting days. We have worked with Lambeth council on the production of the Loughborough Junction Plan and on public realm improvements and we facilitate monthly meetings of the Loughborough Junction Neighbourhood Forum. LJAG runs successful projects: Loughborough Farm, The Platform Cafe, Grove Adventure Playground, Craft Workshops and an informal social prescribing project, Wish You Were Here. Loughborough Farm is a successful community food growing project, where volunteers come together on Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday to grow vegetables and to socialise. The Loughborough Farm also has a successful outreach programme on two council estates and each summer delivers tomato plants and herbs to residents of the Loughborough Estate to grow on their balconies. The Farm is also responsible for the orchard in Wyck Gardens.

The Institute of Art and Ideas

the institute of art and ideas


There is little that we can be certain about, but we can be confident that a time will come when our current beliefs and assumptions are seen as mistaken, our heroes - like the imperial adventurers of the past - are regarded as villains, and our morality is viewed as bigoted prejudice. So the IAI seeks to challenge the notion that our present accepted wisdom is the truth. It aims to uncover the flaws and limitations in our current thinking in search of alternative and better ways to hold the world. The IAI was founded in 2008 with the aim of rescuing philosophy from technical debates about the meaning of words and returning it to big ideas and putting them at the centre of culture. Not in aid of a more refined cultural life, but as an urgent call to rethink where we are. That rethinking is urgent and necessary because the world of ideas is in crisis. The traditional modernist notion that we are gradually uncovering the one true account of reality has been undermined by a growing awareness that ideas are limited by culture, history and language. Yet in a relative world the paradoxes of postmodern culture has left us lost and confused. We do not know what to believe, nor do we know how to find the answers. The IAI was founded to help address this intellectual crisis. Our research and editorial teams have worked around the clock to face up to this challenge and unearth fresh ways of thinking that might guide us in an uncertain world. When, with the founding of the IAI, we declared that philosophy and big ideas should be at the heart of our culture, we did not do so out of reverence for ideas or an attachment to the academy and intellectual life. We did so because it is these core thoughts and ideas that determine the character of our world and our lives. It is our vision that philosophy and big ideas are not a pleasant reflective addition to our everyday lives but an essential determinant of who and where we are and of what is possible. At the IAI we are committed to finding new and better ways to make sense of the world so that we can navigate a brighter future in an increasingly dangerous world.

Forest Schooling Uk

forest schooling uk


BushKraft Forest School CIC (Community Interest Company) is a NON profit organisation working with people of all ages and abilities. We also work with and in partnership with other organisations including schools, social care and charities. A CIC is usually formed from people with a passion to want to try and alleviate problems that have identified in there local area or area of expertise. BushKraft is no different and wants to tackle the social issues, build confidence in everyone and improve peoples opportunities and situations. One of our skills is keeping families together and promoting well being, positive communication, positiveness and bonding as a unit rather than individuals. Most companies are formed to make money for the directors and share holders. A CIC is formed to help the community around its existence. When you pay a Community Interest Company you are helping others by us putting our profits back into the community. A CIC has to do this like a charity and is regulated with rules from the government and HMRC. Traditional forest school is not by far a new concept. Outdoor leaning and its benefits have been around since 19th century. One of many outdoor educators was Baden Powel who in 1907 formed the scouting organisation which has grown massively into what it is today. Traditional forest school is child led. This does not mean we just let them run wild and boss us around, but we do not set a specific curriculum. We facilitate their learning at a speed and style that suits the individual. Our high ratio's of adult to child allows children to learn and explore the woodland and nature around them. Our mission is to get children outside into nature enjoying themselves, playing with other children. Over the years technology is so advanced, (games consoles get "virtual" reality and mobile phones are really mini computers.) Children are spending less time outdoors especially in the winter months. Although we are not against technology we strongly believe in a child's right to play, explore, take risks, and be part of the natural world around them. Forest school is based more on the process of learning than it is on the content. This means instead of planning each session to the nearest minute, children can go off as things take their interest. More often than not as Forest leaders our planned sessions end up completely unplanned as the children explore nature.

Mr Happiness 2000

mr happiness 2000


WELCOME TO MR HAPPINESS 2000 TEACHING THE POWER OF POSITIVE EMOTION TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE. HELPING YOU GET YOUR HAPPY BACK. EVERYBODY WANTS TO BE HAPPY! BUT UNFORTUNATELY, THE WORLD DOESN'T TELL US HOW TO BE. And as many people are finding out: you can't buy happiness; relationships don't necessarily bring happiness; and in the workplace the concept of happiness can often seem elusive. So much of your life can be spent in a state of unhappiness! To become a consistently happy person, you've got to awaken your consciousness. You need to become aware of the power of the thoughts you think and their connection to creating your emotions and your perception of reality. The information presented in my coaching isn't taught in schools; it isn't on TV; a great many medical professionals don't know about it. And you won't read about it in the negatively focused press. So how do you get happy? And stay happy? My coaching is designed to help you achieve that. The world has been duped into believing that 'positive thinking' is the answer. Yet anyone who tries it still finds themselves feeling bad and feel their life is going nowhere. The solution is positive feeling. Only when you begin to manage your mind and your emotions - so you feel relaxed, smooth, energised and happy in the moment - can you truly begin to move calmly through life with the genuine confidence and motivation to achieve effortless and joyous success. Your individual level of happiness is decided by the amount of positive energy you are allowing to flow through you on a moment-by-moment basis. This is decided by the choice of thoughts you think. The more loving and appreciative the thoughts you chronically think, the better you will feel. It's as simple as that!  CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO BE HAPPY? The benefits of knowing how to be happy - and most importantly how to stay happy - are enormous. They include: * Greater enjoyment of life on a moment-by-moment basis * Improved attitude towards the self and the world - guaranteeing greater success in life * Improved relationships and friendships * Increased productivity and motivation - helping you achieve your aims and ambitions * Increased energy levels * Reduced sickness levels * Greater resilience to the stresses and challenges of daily life Find out more about us at http://www.mrhappiness2000.com [http://www.mrhappiness2000.com]