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38 Courses in Liverpool

3Com switches


By Systems & Network Training

3COM SWITCHES TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on course covering the product specifics of 3Com switches. Installation, configuration, maintenance and troubleshooting are all covered in a practical oriented way. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Install 3Com switches. * Use the command line interface and the web based interface to manage 3Com switches. * Configure and troubleshoot 3Com switches. * Configure and troubleshoot 3Com switches. * Perform software upgrades. 3COM SWITCHES TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with 3Com switches. Particularly aimed at engineers and technicians supporting 3Com switches. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 2 days 3COM SWITCHES TRAINING COURSE CONTENT * Introduction How Ethernet works with hubs, How Ethernet works with switches. Installing 3Com switches. Hands on Building a network with a hub, building a network with a 3Com switch. * Basic troubleshooting The 3Com switch range, LEDs, cabling issues, system resets, default settings. Hands on Building a network with multiple 3Com switches. * Configuration methods Managed vs. unmanaged switches, Console port access, telnet, web based access, SNMP, saving configurations, NVRAM, switch stacks. Hands on Accessing the switch using the console, IP address configuration, telnet. * Console interface Default users, passwords, the menus, menu options, online help, CLI commands. Hands on Setting passwords, displaying the switch configuration. * Web based interface Getting started, basic format. Hands on Configuring the switch using the web interface. * Port configuration Common port configuration tasks, port aggregation, resilient links. Hands on Configuring ports. * STP configuration What is STP? Configuring STP. Hands on Enabling and disabling STP, configuring STP. * VLAN configuration What are VLANS? 802.1Q, tagged/untagged, creating VLANS, applying VLANS. Hands on Setting up VLANS, setting up 802.1Q, Inter VLAN traffic. * Housekeeping TFTP, software upgrades Hands on Software upgrade. * SNMP SNMP configuration, Transcend, other NMS's. Hands on Using SNMP to manage a 3Com switch, putting it all together: troubleshooting.

3Com switches
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Concise Cisco routing


By Systems & Network Training

CONCISE CISCO ROUTERS COURSE DESCRIPTION A fast paced practical hands on introduction to Cisco routers concentrating on basic product knowledge needed for the real world. Starts with the basics of routing through configuring static routes, RIP, OSPF, and EIGRP ending with access lists. Hands on sessions follow all the major chapters with a major practical at the end to reinforce all that was learnt in the course. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Use the Cisco setup script. * Use the Cisco command line. * Perform basic troubleshooting. * Configure - Interfaces - RIP, IGRP - OSPF, EIGRP CONCISE CISCO ROUTERS COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone who will be working with Cisco routers. In particular: Network Administrators, Field engineers, Network support personnel * Prerequisites: None, although a knowledge of the TCP/IP protocols would be advantageous. * Duration 3 days CONCISE CISCO ROUTERS COURSE CONTENT * Basics of routing What are routers? Network protocols, Routing protocols. * The Cisco routers Router models, The IOS, DRAM, SRAM, NVRAM, Flash, ROM and boot flash. * Getting started Accessing the router, installing a Cisco, using the setup script. * The command line interface User and privilege modes, online help show, debug, basic troubleshooting * Configuring Ciscos The configuration editor, Global, major and sub commands, enable, secret and other passwords, telnet. * Miscellaneous exercises Buffered logging, web access, CDP… * Subnetting IP addressing rules. The need for subnetting, subnet masks, Calculating network numbers. * Configuring Interfaces Basics, Ethernet, Serial lines, PPP, DCE, loopback interfaces. * Static routes Why use static routes? Configuring static routes, default routes. * Configuring RIP and IGRP How they work, configuration, troubleshooting. * OSPF Configuration and troubleshooting. * EIGRP Configuration and troubleshooting. * Housekeeping Configuration management, offline editing and TFTP usage. Cisco boot sequence, IOS upgrades. Bypassing Cisco passwords. * Access lists What are access lists? General rules, basic and extended IP access lists. * Putting it all together A series of exercises based around, installs, adds, moves, changes, upgrades and troubleshootin

Concise Cisco routing
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Definitive Kerberos for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

KERBEROS FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This hands on course covers the details of Kerberos, from installation and administration through to how it all works including the protocols. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe what Kerberos is. * Explain how Kerberos works. * Install Kerberos. * Configure Kerberos. * Troubleshoot Kerberos. KERBEROS FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Engineers interested in security. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP foundation for engineers * Duration 2 days KERBEROS FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is Kerberos? Single Sign On, The protocol, the standard, history, v4, v5, RFCs, Linux, Windows. * Kerberos concepts and technology AAA, Authentication, Authorization, Accounting. Kerberos vs LDAP and directories. Privacy, integrity. Kerberos realms, principles, instances. Keys, salts, passwords. Key Distribution Centre, Authentication server, ticket granting server. Tickets. * Installation and administration of Kerberos Installing Kerberos, creating realms, testing. DNS and Kerberos, Kerberos clients. Hands on Windows and Linux Kerberos. * Kerberos protocols The Needham-Schroeder protocol, Kerberos v4. Authentication server, ticket granting server, Kerberos v5, encryption options, ticket options, other protocol features and extensions. Related protocols: GSSAPI, SPNEGO. Hands on Using Wireshark to 'see' Kerberos. * Troubleshooting Kerberos Approach, debugging tools, errors and solutions. Hands on Kerberos troubleshooting. * Kerberos security concerns Kerberos attacks, protocol security issues. Dictionary attacks, brute force attacks, replay attacks, MITM attacks, security solutions, protecting the KDC, firewalls, NAT and Kerberos. Hands on Kerberos logging. * Software which uses Kerberos Kerberos logins, Kerberos and web based applications, Directory services. * Advanced Kerberos issues Cross realm authentication, Windows issues, Windows and UNIX interoperability, Hands on Using a Windows DC for UNIX clients.

Definitive Kerberos for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Total RADIUS for Engineers


By Systems & Network Training

RADIUS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A fast paced hands-on introduction to RADIUS. Moves from installation and configuration through to packet analysis and accounting. Practical exercises are spread throughout the course to maintain student interest. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Configure PPP and PAP/CHAP. * Install and configure RADIUS servers. * Describe how RADIUS works. * Setup RADIUS accounting. * Analyse RADIUS packets. * Troubleshoot RADIUS installations. RADIUS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network Administrators. Support personnel. Anyone who will be working with RADIUS. * Prerequisites: Knowledge of the TCP/IP protocols would be advantageous. * Duration 2 days RADIUS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is RADIUS? AAA services, Authentication, Authorisation, Accounting, local AAA services, remote AAA services, What is RADIUS? RADIUS as a protocol, RADIUS as an architecture, RADIUS as a standard. * Installing RADIUS RADIUS platforms, RADIUS servers, client server communications, services, daemons. Hands on Installing RADIUS and testing with NTRadPing. * Server configuration Configuring clients on the server, shared secrets, usernames and passwords. IP address pools. Hands on Configuring a server and testing with NTRadPing. * Client configuration Example clients, client configuration steps, enabling RADIUS, pointing clients to the server, shared secrets, example Cisco authentication, example Cisco authorization. Hands on Configuring clients for RADIUS. * How RADIUS works RADIUS architecture, RADIUS and authentication, PPP, PAP, CHAP, RADIUS SUCCESS, RADIUS FAILURE, the RADIUS protocol stack, the RADIUS protocol, the RADIUS header, RADIUS codes, RADIUS attributes, ACCESS-REQUEST example, ACCESS-ACCECPT example, CHAP example, proprietary attributes, using unassigned type codes, RADIUS attribute 26, Cisco specific attributes. Hands on Analysing RADIUS packets, configuring PPP CHAP to work with RADIUS. * RADIUS accounting Simplified operation, Accounting codes, Accounting attributes, client and server configuration for accounting. Hands on Configuring RADIUS accounting. * RADIUS architectures Traditional architecture, multiple RADIUS servers for resilience, Proxy RADIUS servers, Realms, RADIUS in VPNs, RADIUS with 802.1x. Hands on Using multiple RADIUS servers, Proxies. * Troubleshooting RADIUS General problem solving, basic tools, RADIUS troubleshooting, Common configuration errors, log files, RADIUS design and performance. Hands on Fixing RADIUS problems.

Total RADIUS for Engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Definitive Asterisk for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

ASTERISK TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This 3 day hands on Asterisk training course covers all the ground for you to get an Asterisk PBX installed and configured. After installation the course progresses from a simple first configuration onto VoIP and PSTN integration along with the provision of PBX features such as ACD and IVR. Practical sessions follow each major section to reinforce the theory. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Install and configure Asterisk. * Connect Asterisk to the Internet and PSTN. * Integrate VoIP and the PSTN. * Configure Asterisk for PBX features such as voicemail, ACD and IVR. ASTERISK TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff working with or evaluating Asterisk. * Prerequisites: None although hands on experience of UNIX systems would be beneficial, as would knowledge of VoIP. * Duration 3 days ASTERISK TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is Asterisk? PBXs, what Asterisk does, Asterisk features, Asterisk VoIP support, Asterisk and the Internet, Asterisk and the PSTN, hosted VoIP systems. * Asterisk installation Linux installation, Asterisk package compilation and installation. Timing sources. Hands on Installing Asterisk * Managing Asterisk Starting/stopping Asterisk, command arguments, Asterisk commands, log files, logger.conf, remote management. Hands on Controlling Asterisk. * First Asterisk configuration The role of SIP, IP phones, DHCP, IP addressing, sip.conf, extensions.conf. Hands on Simple SIP configuration * Asterisk architecture Server hardware, interfaces, channels, Zaptel, Digium, Asterisk filesystem, connections. The configuration files, syntax, asterisk.conf. Hands on Adding hardware for Asterisk, exploring the configuration files. * DAHDI configuration Digium hardware, DAHDI architecture, DAHDI installation, DAHDI configuration, system.conf, FXS, FXO, E1, chan_dahdi.conf, dahdi_cfg, DAHDI tools. Hands on Connecting Asterisk to the PSTN. * Dial plans extensions.conf detail, contexts, priorities. Hands on Configuring dial plans. * SIP configuration sip.conf in detail, defining SIP channels, incoming SIP channels, outgoing SIP channels, SIP variables, Asterisk as a SIP client and SIP server. Hands on SIP configuration. * IAX configuration What is IAX, IAX server, IAX client, IAX channels, iax.conf, IAX syntax in extensions.conf, IAX trunking. Hands on Linking Asterisk systems. * Implementing PBX functions Voicemail, voicemail trees, voicemail passwords, Music on hold, meetme conferencing, call parking. ACD, IVR, fax. Hands on Configuring PBX features.

Definitive Asterisk for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Linux fundamentals LPI 010


By Systems & Network Training

LINUX FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION An introduction to using the Linux operating system with a focus on the command line. Appropriate for all versions of Linux. The starting point for all Linux work, we concentrate on the technical aspects rather than issues such as using browsers. The course is heavily practical in nature. The course can be run on any Linux distribution you wish. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe Linux. * Log in and use Linux commands to perform a variety of tasks from manipulating and printing files to looking at and killing processes. * Create and edit files with vi. * Recognise the role of the administrator. * Write simple shell scripts. * Customise the user environment. LINUX FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anybody who needs to use a Linux system. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 3 days LINUX FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is Linux? Operating systems, Linux flavours, Linux distributions, open source software. * Getting started Logging in, changing passwords, logging out. * Linux basics Command structure. The Linux manuals, basic commands (who, date, tty, uname, echo, banner...) * Filesystem commands Home directories, manipulating files and directories, Filesystem layout, Pathnames, hard and symbolic links. Viewing files. * The Linux editors ed, vi, shell escapes, .exrc * Extracting data from files grep, find, cut, sort and paste... * Permissions Theory, chmod, chown, newgrp.. * Processes ps, kill, background processes, at, exec, priorities. Managing Linux log files. * The Shell Metacharacters, piping and redirection. * Basic shell scripting What are shell scripts? Simple scripts, control structures. Variables. Arguments. * Customising your environment Environmental variables, stty, .profile and other startup files * More shell features Bash and other shells, the history facility, command line editing, aliases, job control, miscellaneous features. * Introduction to administration The root user, su. Managing users and groups * Archiving files Backups, tar, cpio, dd, gzip. * Linux and hardware Main hardware components, Linux device drivers. * Connecting to a network IP configuration, ifconfig, ping, netstat, traceroute, dig.

Linux fundamentals LPI 010
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

UNIX fundamentals


By Systems & Network Training

UNIX FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION An introduction to using the UNIX operating system focussing on the command line. Appropriate for all versions of UNIX. The starting point for all UNIX work, we concentrate on the technical aspects rather than issues such as using browsers. The course is heavily practical in nature. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe UNIX. * Log in and use UNIX commands to perform a variety of tasks from manipulating and printing files to looking at and killing processes. * Create and edit files with vi. * Recognise the role of the administrator. * Write simple shell scripts. * Customise the user environment. UNIX FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anybody who needs to use a UNIX system. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 3 days UNIX FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is UNIX? Operating systems, UNIX flavours, UNIX features. * Getting started Logging in, changing passwords, logging out. * UNIX basics Command structure. The UNIX manuals, basic commands (who, date, tty, uname, echo, banner...) * Filesystem commands Home directories, manipulating files and directories, Filesystem layout, Pathnames, hard and symbolic links. * The UNIX Editors ed, vi, shell escapes, .exrc * Extracting data from files grep, find, cut, sort and paste * Permissions Theory, chmod, chown, newgrp.. * Processes ps, kill, background processes, at, exec, priorities. * The Shell Metacharacters, piping and redirection. * Basic shell scripting What are shell scripts? Simple scripts, control structures. Variables. Arguments. * Customising your environment Environmental variables, stty, .profile and other startup files * More shell features Bash and other shells, the history facility, command line editing, aliases, job control, miscellaneous features. * Introduction to administration The root user, su and tar * Archiving files Backups, tar, cpio, dd, gzip. * Unix and hardware Main hardware components, Unix device drivers. * Connecting to a network IP configuration, ifconfig, ping, netstat, traceroute, dig.

UNIX fundamentals
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Regardless of your computer experience, this class will help you become more aware of technology-related risks and what you can do to protect yourself and your organization from them.

Cyber Safe
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Educators matching "Password"

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Amalfi Corporate Solutions Uk

amalfi corporate solutions uk


Based in Surrey we are Automated Penetration Testing specialists, cyber security advisors, GDPR consultants, virtual DPO’s, cyber security awareness trainers, password management guru's, email security kings and offer the most flexible and cost effective IT support for SME's Automated penetration testing from Pcysys, Cycognito and Neuralegion overcomes the limitations of traditional periodic human based penetration testing thus improving and maintaining your security posture. We offer solutions for automated penetration testing of your infrastructure with Pcysys Pentera, your applications with Neuralegion and your Web Attack Surface/Shadow IT with Cycognito . In response to questions related to automated penetration testing a research VP at Gartner is quoted “I think we can risk saying Pen testing as it is today will cease to exist” We work with customers large and small Image British Film Institute Image Image Image Image Data Protection Officer - DPO Services Innovative program - from one day per month - no long term contract - makes having your own DPO affordable. Support Services With no complex on-boarding process we simply take on what you have and run with it. We don’t do ‘packages’ or introduce complexity, our contract is two pages, our price is fixed and our service is top drawer. Automated Penetration Testing Automated Penetration Testing – the bad guys never sleep. It is no longer enough to test once a year or rely on outdated technologies to detect weaknesses and attacks. AI and ML with real-time detection are now must have technologies. Email Security Health Check - FREE 30 seconds is all it takes for this Email Security Health Check and it is FREE. Works for in-house/cloud hosted/O365/GSuite. Test to see which of 17 email bourne threats get through your defences. Security Services From fully managed security awareness training programs and managed email protection systems which automate removal of malicious content to simple endpoint malware we cover the whole spectrum. DMARC - FREE email protection recommended by City of London Police and Global Cyber Alliance It is FREE and just needs to be configured and enabled. It helps protect against phishing, Business Email Compromise, Whaling and Spoofing as well as reducing SPAM Get a Personal Service IT support contracts get a personal service rather than a helpdesk Our range of services, enterprise in class but delivered at an SME price point, are designed to help you protect your data whilst not breaking the bank. Why Amalfitech For SMB and Enterprise Our solutions are tailored to the size of the company whether small, medium or large. Our small and mid-size business solutions are designed with costs and sustainability in mind, so you won’t get offered a low entry point and then get hit with high cost professional services. Everything is upfront, open and above all we are honest. Run by Techies Our customer facing staff are techies. The company is owned by techies. We don’t do high pressure sales. We just offer great advice and service. No Weekend Rates Is your current support company taking you offline during the working day to fix problems, or charging out of hours/weekend rates for services? Our fixed price unlimited, all-inclusive remote support packages have no extra charge for problem solving out of hours or at weekends. . IT Security Specialists and IT Support We are a GDPR and Data protection consultancy, IT security specialists and IT support company for small businesses. We are run by techies for the benefit of techies. Virtual CISO and DPO GDPR, PECR and Compliance Managed Security Internal Fraud Prevention Automated Penetration Testing Security Awareness Training IT Support and Maintenance Cloud Cost and Performance Optimisation The 'IT Sanity Check' for CEO's Image Image IT Solutions We provide new and creative solutions to difficult problems. Our goal is to help you through the minefield of rhetoric and marketing to make the best choice you can make, within your budget and that above all it works. Automated Penetration Testing Attacker and Insider threat Detection Email Phishing Testing, Prevention and Training Email and File Encryption Email/File/SharePoint Backup and Archiving VOIP Unified Endpoint Management OS and Application Containerisation Anti-Malware