42 Educators providing Courses in Liverpool

Jigsaw Coaching CIC

jigsaw coaching cic


I’ve set up a community interest company to offer coaching and support to people, including those who wouldn’t normally consider it or be able to access it. This can help them to gain clarity about what they want, increase their resilience and develop an action plan for their future. It’s about 10 years since I first had some coaching sessions, to help me find a new direction after redundancy. I really appreciated being able to confide in someone who was independent of my life, yet committed to my progress. It was very satisfying to have the space to consider what really mattered to me and to explore my hopes and fears. I started to see my situation differently and began to trust myself to follow the direction that seemed to be beckoning me. Years later, a chance opportunity to go to a taster session in coach training led me to enrol on the course, followed by a course in Advanced Coaching Skills. This has helped me to build on the experience I’ve gained in working with people over the course of my career and apply my learning to help others. I’ve worked in a range of interesting projects over the years: Talking to people to find out how work affects their health and helping to reduce the impactChalk heart on bench Evaluating how engaging in live music can help people in healthcare settings Working with voluntary organisations to develop new strategies Implementing research to improve the health of patient groups Interviewing prisoners about their health and social care needs Supporting those with a health condition or disability to find training, volunteering or employment I’ve seen and experienced the benefits that coaching can bring, and look forward to reaching out to people who want to change their life, enabling them to look inside for their own inspiration.

The Friends Of Eritrea In The United Kingdom

the friends of eritrea in the united kingdom


The Friends of Eritrea was established in the Northwest of the UK during the period of famine and war in Eritrea in 1985. Academic and Scientific staff at the University of Liverpool and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and a network of colleagues and friends throughout the UK, came together to provide physical and financial support and expert advice and lobbying on behalf of famine and conflict-ravaged communities and services. Visits to assess needs and advise on reconstruction of medical, veterinary, agricultural, social and educational services were undertaken by expert members of the group. At the start, members were involved in collecting blankets, books and other materials for the war zones of Eritrea. Between 1986 and 1988 the group sent several containers of essential materials. Money was raised - from donations, from plant and car-boot sales and street collections to make grants ranging from a few hundred to £7,000 to fund transport, travel and relief and development materials. Several members of the group, including our much-missed Founder-member and Honorary President, the late Dr. John Black, (pictured), were also members of the Eritrean Medical Association/UK which played an important role in mobilising medical aid for war-torn Eritrea. After the end of the War members of both groups decided to jointly form one group to be called “The Friends of Eritrea in the United Kingdom” and to expand membership. At the end of 1995 the society was registered as a company limited by guarantee and became a registered charity (No 1052161) in January 1996. The main aims of the society are to foster friendship between the Eritrean and British people and to assist in the transfer of appropriate technologies to schools, institutions of higher learning and other centres in Eritrea, which combat poverty, sickness and underdevelopment. .Membership is open to all Friends of Eritrea who support the objects of the society. Friends of Eritrea work with other Charities and Public and Private groups and individuals, wherever appropriate. So far, we have been able to support: £10,000 worth of Food, Medical supplies and transport costs to the Eritrean Relief and Refugee Commission, (ERRECC). £3000 for Computer equipment for the Adi Ugri Secondary School. Collection and Transport of several containers of books, IT equipment, educational and relief materials, including the Keren Library Project. Small Travel and Transport subsidies including £500 each towards the visit of the Parliamentary Human Rights Group and to Mr S. Marcos of AGE, (Action Group for Eritrea), to support AGE's own project to supply books to Eritrean schools, We continue, with our Friends in Manchester and elsewhere, to collect money and materials to support Educational and Community projects in Eritrea. In 2015 we intend to develop stronger links with the Decamere Orphanage with a view to identifying further projects that we can support. Our most grateful thanks go to all of colleagues and Friends in the UK and in Eritrea, for all their hard work and dedication.

Great Sankey High School

great sankey high school


It is with great pride that I welcome you to Great Sankey High School as the Headteacher. As Headteacher, my aim is that Great Sankey High School will offer the opportunities and security your children need to be able to achieve their full academic and personal potential. I want everything that we do to be driven by a commitment to provide our students with the highest standards of teaching and learning. In return, we have very high expectations of student behaviour and their commitment to their learning. Great Sankey staff lead by example so that mutual respect, cooperation and tolerance are the cornerstones of school life. As a school we are very proud of the young people in our care and their academic and personal successes. Our staff are dedicated to helping each child achieve their full potential and work determinedly to promote the effective partnerships that are forged amongst parents, teachers, children and the community we serve. The community is extremely important to me. The people of Great Sankey and Warrington have every right to have a school that aspires to be truly outstanding at the heart of the community. I am keen to develop close links and partnerships with local primary schools, businesses and industry and community groups. The move from Primary to Secondary can be difficult and is a vital time in a child’s life. We work hard, in partnership with local primary schools, to make that transition as smooth and successful as possible. Choosing the best school for your child is an extremely important decision. You need to be sure that, in addition to a sound education, your son or daughter will be cared for in a happy and safe environment. We offer outstanding opportunities essential for personal, intellectual, emotional and social growth and provide a huge range of extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities. On our website we offer you an insight into some of the opportunities available to your child at Great Sankey High School.