1227 Educators providing Courses in Liverpool

Wellman Fitness

wellman fitness


This was me 12 years ago, aged 16 and weighing 15 stone and 8 pounds. I battled with my weight for much of my childhood, averaging a weight gain of a stone a year. This had a significant and negative impact on my emotional wellbeing and I became very creative in my attempts to cover the embarrassment I felt about my physical presentation. Not only was my self- esteem on the floor, so was my confidence. I remember Fridays at school very well, it was the day we had swimming which meant having to expose my physical form in front of my peers which I found humiliating and difficult to deal with. This ended with me trying every trick in the book to avoid swimming including skiving and feigning illness. My weight issues impacted on my passion for golf too, during the summer months I continued to wear a jumper in an effort to hide my body. I tried to lose weight through yo-yo dieting, self-education and slimming pills but nothing seemed to work and I was left feeling de-motivated and with my self-confidence at an all-time low. By the time I reached young adulthood, I had become very frustrated with the way I looked and knew that it was preventing me from reaching my full potential in life and I accepted that I had to make changes. I plucked up the courage to join my local gym and have never looked back. It was hard initially, I felt I was being judged by my size and initially the embarrassment did not leave me. All summer I would be training in the gym doing a mixture of cardio, weights and circuit training, this was in addition to playing several rounds of golf each week. My aim was to stay active all summer and this strategy achieved results; pounds were dropping off each week and my confidence grew as a result, I was more confident with the girls and was able to go swimming without being self- conscious.

Liverpool Law Society

liverpool law society


Liverpool Law Society boasts 2500 or so members in practice; it is one of the largest local Law Societies in England and Wales. Membership is broad and varies from practitioners engaged in high-value commercial work to complex charity work. The Society prides itself in being at the forefront of debate and has been able to communicate on behalf of its members their concerns in a number of areas both public and professional, and at regional and national levels. The directors meet twice a year with local MPs where there is exchange of information, news about bills going through parliament and constituent issues are raised and discussed and parliamentary questions are put down on behalf of LLS members. Separately, the directors also meet with the nominated councillors from the Liverpool City Region local authorities. This again is a useful way of ensuring our members’ concerns and issues, including those of their clients, can be raised at one of these meetings. The councillors also come to the Society with matters their constituents are facing and we work together on joint initiatives where there is a common aim. The Society also has good communication channels with The Law Society, the SRA and the LeO, where members’ issues can be raised and matters affecting the legal profession discussed. On a regional level, Liverpool Law Society is a member of the Joint V, a grouping of autonomous local law societies that meet and discuss common issues affecting membership organisations for legal professionals, sharing best practice. The members of the Joint V are Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester Law Societies. United the Joint V have a strong voice nationally, representing over 10,000 legal professionals. In addition to our representation role, Liverpool Law Society runs an extensive legal training programme with approximately 100 seminars and conferences organised every year in various specialist areas of law. To view the training programme, please click here.