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The Association for Perioperative Practice (AfPP)

the association for perioperative practice (afpp)


North Yorkshire,

The Association for Perioperative Practice (AfPP) was established as the National Association of Theatre Nurses, NATN, in 1964. As a membership organisation and registered charity AfPP works to enhance skills and knowledge within operating departments, associated areas and sterile services departments. AfPP aims to enhance the quality of care and patient safety in the NHS and the independent sector throughout the UK. In April 2005 NATN changed its name, structures and systems in recognition of the significant changes that were happening in the healthcare sector and the wider perioperative environment and to accommodate the growing numbers of Operating Department Practitioners and Healthcare Support Workers who were previously not eligible for full membership. AfPP also works to encourage the exchange of professional information between members and co-operation with other professional bodies. These include the Departments of Health in the UK, the Perioperative Care Collaborative, the Medical Royal Colleges, Chief Nursing Officers (CNOs) of all four member countries, Skills for Health and many of the British Safety Institution Committees and other groups set up to discuss specific issues related to perioperative care. Charity Objectives The objectives of the charity are: To advance health by improving patient care in perioperative practice Determine standards and promote best practice Facilitate education and practice development Provide advice to practitioners Foster and promote contacts and exchange information and ideas Act as a consultative body Institute or assist in instituting and provide support for any research Publication and production of journals, books etc and communication in any medium Procure contributions to funds by way of subscriptions, donations, grants etc Ensure financial stability, appropriate insurance etc. Integrated governance Support and management of regional activity

Darleen Klug

darleen klug


Darleen is an Empowerment Coach, with qualifications in Professional Life Coaching and Hypnosis, as well as years of experience as a safe space facilitator. She is also constantly focusing on broadening her knowledge in many different areas. Making her incredibly resourceful when working with clients. She was born in Germany but raised in Portugal for most of her childhood. At 18 years of age, she took a leap and moved to the UK in the hope to find purpose as she had always felt out of place. At the time, she didn't know where she was headed or what for, all she knew was that her intuition was telling her to jump... Seven years have passed since the day she set foot in England. Since then, she has moved 7 times and explored many different career paths. It has been a roller coaster, but one worth going on. Darleen always felt drawn to spirituality but was afraid of being seen as crazy. So one of her first spiritual eye-openers was a book called The Celestine Prophecy, by James Redfield. From then on, small and big encounters have shaped her beliefs and shown her that she was not alone on this journey. When she attended her first Women's Circle in 2019 (held by Ella Grace Denton), all the judgment, competition and fear she had felt towards and from other women in her life was replaced by love, respect and compassion. It made her feel so abundant and helped her realise that we are all one and that we do not have to go on this journey by ourselves. The moment she arrived home that day, she knew it was something she would love to facilitate for others, as she always wanted to help people. After months of avoiding her intuition (as we are conditioned to do) she finally gave in, looked past the fear of judgment and began to hold space for others. She also began to coach people, as well as share all the knowledge that life has given her via Instagram. Now she has fully committed to her calling, aiming to help her soul clients in every way possible.